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#1Yula Ha, normal highschooler Empty Yula Ha, normal highschooler Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:46 pm




Name: Yula Ha

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Personality: Though described by her friends as a selfless hero, she oftentimes feels she could do so much more, and that in the end, her goals are selfish. this could just be her own version of insecurity, however it never fails to show itself. Personally she would rather lay in her room letting what may happen happen, however her ideals instilled by those who raised her outweigh any selfishness she may have. This causes a complex that is not easily overruled.

Outwardly she is charismatic and goal driven. Bouncing from one success to another with a cheerful smirk of confidence. Only wanting the best for her friends, and herself.


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 115lbs

Physical Traits:

Yula is a shorter girl, with the lean, tanned body of an athlete. Sitting at 5'5" she sits with a aura of composure and dominance. Her face quite often filled with a smug grin waiting for her day to continue. Her cadence Is filled with ups and downs, long playful slyrring mixed with concise thought. Driving to the point of conversation in a roundabout way. Her walk is on the same wavelength, her feet bouncing as she moves from place to place, spunk in her step.

Normally she wears her schools uniform, with long socks. On her off days she can be seen sporting everything from a sundress, to a jersey and sweats. Her hair continuously grows, and she has to cut it frequently, preferring is short. Barely covering her amber eyes. Her left arm, underneath the white bandage wrapped, hiding its form, has been replaced right above the elbow, with that of a monsters, dark fur, with ape-like fingers.


General Fighting Style: [Everyone has a general fighting style. What is your characters?]


Yula is a Hard-Hitter. Her raw power being a contender for one of her hreater strengths. Next to that is her Endurance, able to contend with even stronger opponents for long periods of time. Third, is her ability to calculate what chaos she causes will morph the battle-scene and opponents. While not quite strategy, she is calculated in what she does.

Being smaller in size, she doesnt have quite the Durability some with sturdier bodids can boast. Most of her firepower comes from the monkeys paw attached to her arm. As such, if that arm were ever to become severed, she would likely have little defense in terms of firepowet.


Item: Holy Shroud

Description: A ancient cloth thfeaded with the power of sealing. This is the item given to Yula by Doku, to hold back the corruption of the Hollow's arm.

Item Name: Monkey's Paw - Sarugami

Description: The arm of The Hollow killed by Yula who ripped off her left arm. Attached so she could continue fighting and wrapped in the Holy Shroud, it filled with the intentions of its original owner. Soul suicide only being held back by Doku's item.

Ability Name: Burning Finger

Description: Her hand begins to glow with an excess of energy, she is able to send forward a burst from her palm that causes immense damage to those in close proximity. Scaling damage Grand Rey Cero within 5ft, Cero within 7ft, Bala within 10ft. 3 post CD.

Ability Name:

Her left arm is able to shoot out at Shunpo speeds allowing her to hit opponents with extremely fast and hard hitting punches, or grab with great strength.

Ability Name:

Description: Focusing energy from her arm into her left hand, a beam of energy in the form of a short sword forms with similar strength and durability of a Zanpakuto.

Boosts: 2x Strength , 2x Speed


Once in Ignition the shroud around her left arm begins to unwrap and her features become more feral. Her eyes yellow with animal-like iris, white fur begins to sprout from her body, and her muscular figure is increased drastically. She is only able to stay in Ignition for 10 posts before reverting or risk Soul-Suicide.

Ability Name:

A beam of yellow and purple energy forms at a centerpoint and fires at an opponent with sinular capability to a Cero Oscuro.

Ability Name:

Description: The Shroud unrwraps from the top of her arm down, spiralling around itself as tendrils seem to emit from it that are able to slice prey with the strength of a Zanpakuto or shield Yula from damage by creating a sphere around her. There are up to six tendrils that can attack at once. Each is able to fire off its own Cero attack.

Ability Name: Fake-Regeneration

Description: While in Ignition Yula is able to heal much quicker than most others. Akin to a Arrancars ability of High-Speed Regeneration, limbs and non-fatal wounds heal near instantly. However any fatal blow will just be healed over just enough so she may continue the fight. Once her transformation is reversed all fatal damage will be halved and be dealt to her once more.

Ability Name: Pure Eyes of Petrification

Description: An ability passed down from the Hollow Sarugami who lives in in her Left arm. Once Ignited her pupils change to large emoty boxes and begin to shine like precious stone. Those caught within her gaze (1-Person) are unable to move. She js able to use this ability for 3 posts at a time before having a 1 post cooldown. This ability is based on tier, those of similar Tier are affected completely, for every tier above her, the effects lessen until there is no effect.

Boosts: 3x Strength, Speed


Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Ability Name: [Name of power]

Description: [Describe what your ability does]

Boosts: [In this release, you get a 4x boost; you can apply this to as many 'stats' as you want (strength, speed, durability, etc) but they're diminishing returns; the more you have, the less effective they actually are.]


History: [History goes here.]

Side Notes:
She is Seoyeungs Daughter! (Scandalous)

Roleplay Sample: No.

#2Yula Ha, normal highschooler Empty Re: Yula Ha, normal highschooler Thu Apr 30, 2020 6:57 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 3-1

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