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#1Izan Cavallero [DONE] Empty Izan Cavallero [DONE] Fri Jun 28, 2019 12:42 pm



Name: Izan Cavallero
Alias: None yet
Real Age: 639 yrs
Phys. Age: 24
Gender: Male
Hollow Stage: Adjuchas
Personality: The hollow Izan can be summed up in in two words as a moody recluse. He enjoys the silence that comes with solitude and is swift to snap at any who disturb his peace. Its quite normal for him to go into a bout of rage or sullenness from being bothered and having to deal with others. As one who strongly prefers to be isolated, he uses his time to ponder about a number of things and simply think on matters of interest. It wouldn't be an understatment to say majority of his time wandering the dunes of Hueco Mundo were spent in thought, while the rest were used for napping, and of course sating the hunger that plagued all hollow. Although Izan is a loner, he doesn't necessarily hate people in general rather he hates having to be concerned with their affairs. Their business and issues that by association can become his own and further inhibit the time he has to himself. So friends and associates are fine to him but only in the most bare form of the relationship. As he can think about a comrade's well being and not have interacted with said person in years.

Interests. There are many for Izan. Mainly they all fall within subjects that he doesn't quite understand, the unknown. Such as his own existence, the desert world Hueco Mundo, and many others. To that end, he is fond of acquiring knowledge in all manners of subjects, whether they are forbidden or downright taboo. The rest of his interest seems to be geared toward violent tendencies displayed by his brethren and their pole opposites, ergo battle. The sensation of hunting his prey and fighting almost overwrites his solitary and quiet nature to bring out what little part of him is extroverted. That is, as long as the experience as a whole excites him enough. If this is not the case, Izan can become a bit dejected at the letdown and want nothing more to do with the boring occurrence. He actually appalls being bored and is quick to escape the feeling by either resigning himself to sleep or getting away from the source of it.

Height: 7'6"
Weight: 532 lbs
Physical Traits:
Izan Cavallero [DONE] OIXx0bV

General Fighting Style:  Izan is a close combat fighter, relying on his speed and strength to snatch victory from his foes. These fangs and claws were made and sharpened for the flesh of his prey, he wouldn't keep them from their true purpose as weapons. However, despite being his main choices they are not the only weapons he has at his disposal. Everything from his head to the tip of his hardened tail are instruments he is capable of putting to use to better his adversary. That being said, Izan employs his toolset favorably within the guides of hit and run tactics. Prefering to wittle down his opponents bit by bit before going for the final blow.

Although, he can also fall into an all-out slugfest at times when the aforementioned style doesn't do the job for him. At that point is where he shines as a pseudo-physical fighter. In such an event, he truly lets loose and begins to employ his actual abilities in the fight and he does this with hopeless abandon. Here, he fires off cero at his convenience and makes use of his heat aspects to overwhelm and conquer those in his way, while mixing in close combat to catch foes off guard by way of his high level of speed.

Strengths: Hierro, Speed, Hand to Hand, Reiryoku Control

Weaknesses: Ranged specialists, Reiryoku, Sensing

Abrasarse (Swelter): Izan's reiatsu, and therefore abilities, carry the aspect of an intensly high heat, which with constant exposure can melt objects(never Zanpakuto), cause spontaneous combustion, and almost instant evaporation of liquids. This holds true for all natural cases while in a contest of objects imbued or backed by reiryoku, then it becomes a situation where the outcome is dependent on energy potency and quantity.

Cebar (Stoke): This passive ability ties into Izan's battle style. As an adjuchas, he is covered in scales despite being lupine-like in appearance. In battle, when he takes damage from attacks his adrenaline raises in response, from there an amount of reiryoku is released from between his scales in a way that resembles flames. These flames transition from a deep scarlet, becoming lighter and lighter until becoming stark white while growing hotter in the process. The lighter the flames, the hotter and stronger his physical attacks and abilities become.

Average Hollow Abilities:
A highly-powerful and relatively-swift energy blast that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers.  Izan's Cero is a deep scarlet.

High-Speed Regeneration:
The ability that allows a Hollow to heal most injuries very quickly, with the exception of the destruction of the head or vital organs.

Adjuchas Appearance:
Adjuchas Abilities:

Manipulating the intense heat brought about by his reiatsu and combining it with his high speed, Izan can create multiple mirages of himself up to three. These mirages can mirror his movements but have no physical depth. When coming in contact with them the opponent will simply go through them ending that mirage however, the heat that manifested them will envelop the immediate area, scorching them and leaving burns. 2 post CD.

Izan manifests a shell of heat around his form composed of reiatsu to block incoming attacks. Mainly used for ranged attacks however those who come in physical contact with it will feel the brunt of the high levels of heat that emanate off it, leaving most retreating back with high levels of burns. Durability - A single Cero

Ola de calor(Heat Wave):
Izan makes a physical motion like a slash, tail whip, etc, where afterward a burst of superheated air is launched as a projectile towards his target in the shape of a crescent. Moves at Bala speed.

Vasto Lorde Appearance: TBD
Vasto Lorde Abilities: TBD

History: -
Side Notes:
- Izan is a hollow who is somewhere in the middle of experiencing life as an Adjuchas. He isn't new to it, yet he hasn't completely gained a true understanding of what he is now.

- He has little care for positions of power, though prefers to know of them.

- Believes Hueco Mundo is perfect for him. Being the best place to sleep and think due to how quiet it normally is.

Roleplay Sample: -

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#2Izan Cavallero [DONE] Empty Re: Izan Cavallero [DONE] Thu Jul 11, 2019 8:16 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi

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