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#1Charlie Emerson  Empty Charlie Emerson Fri Apr 24, 2020 7:02 am



Name: Charlotte “Charlie” Emerson
Alias: Charlie
Real Age: 18
Phys. Age: Young Adult
Gender: Male

Charlie is a young man full of vigor and excitement towards discovery. He wants to make everyone around him proud, make tons of friends, and perhaps even have his own taste of fame. He dreams, and dreams pretty damn big, as dreams are all he really feels like he has with how down he’s perceived his “luck” to be.

Despite his rather rough upbringing, Charlie still manages to portray himself as a kind young man who wants nothing but the best for everyone around him. He’s polite and considerate, sometimes even overdoing it when it comes to others. He has this prevalent, constant need to please any and all around him, almost seeming as if he’s making up for something.

Needing of Validation:
Tied into his big dreamer persona and need for others to like him, Charlie often times is very desperate for attention and the validation of others. He was practically starved of it as a child, his ability leading to him being ostracized by other children, not to mention his father’s resentment for him. If deprived of attention or positive interactions for too long, Charlie is susceptible to falling into a terrible funk, leaving him depressed and stuck in a deep low for several weeks until he feels up to try again.

Despite his strong desires to interact with others and be in their good graces, Charlie is absolutely shaken by the concept of impressing others. If he’s not used to you, or if you’re an authority figure, this young man definitely will be quivering nervously when trying to speak to you, praying he didn’t say something wrong or bad. Not to mention his brain is constantly wracked with fears and chills, worries about all manner of things that wouldn’t bother a person going their day to day.

Unsure of Own Identity:
Probably the thing that makes Charlie such a big dreamer, is that he doesn’t even know who he is supposed to be.  The confusion of his persona are compounded by many things; His decay abilities, his father treating him as if he was a girl in order to distance himself from the son who lead to his wife’s death, children treating him as if he were the plague, other adult figures treating him in a variety of ways, good and bad, etc. His aspirations are high that if he were to find success, maybe he could figure out who he was supposed to be.

Fearful of Touch or Closeness:
The idea that he was the cause of his mother’s death has left a permanent scar in the young man’s mind. His abilities are, for the most part, uncontrollable and are transmitted through touch, thus he tries to avoid touching others, and anyone touching him unexpectedly strikes him with a great fear. Otherwise, he politely asks nobody else touches him, even if he isn’t willing to say why he doesnt want them to.

Height: 5’8
Weight: 176 lbs
Physical Traits:

Charlie Emerson  YdDYiiZ

General Fighting Style: Due to having to make up for his lack of experience outside of Quincy training, Charlie has adapted a way of fighting to use his wits and reactions in order to get him through a fight. His inexperience shines greatly, however while he is physically clumsy and impulsive when it comes to physical altercations, he has moves to get himself out of hairy situations. Typically, when his decay abilities work as intended, he uses them to his advantage to get an up on his opponent, typically being a runner and setting "traps", using decay in order to use the battlefield to his advantage.

His combat truly shines when he is able to use his Quincy weapon, a rifle which he has learned to use with sharp-shooting precision. He's at his best when he isn't noticed by his opponent at first, and then it turns into a game of tiring out the prey and then going in for the kill due to his energy draining ability within this gun.

Precise Aim w/ Range Weapons

Can’t take a hit too well
Not very physically strong

Quincy Bow:

Charlie Emerson  16b358418392beafa6e0e22ded7b6d5b

Quincy Powers:

Ability Name: Touch Of Decay
Ability Description: An ability Charlie has possessed since even before birth; Having skin contact with objects, people, etc. causes their form, from the point of contact out, to wither and decay. The longer Charlie is able to maintain contact with something, the farther the decay is able to spread. However, this decay doesn't spread very rapidly at first, being a gradual entropy of form rather than rapid destruction. It needs time to build steam so to speak, so while it wouldn't spread very quickly at first, prolonged contact and usage would make this a dangerous ability.

Ability Name: Soul-Rot Bullets
Ability Description: A rather distinguished manifestation of his ability; Whenever Charlie shoots someone with these bullets, not only does it give the typical damage one would sustain from being shot by a Quincy weapon, it also saps their energy. The use in this ability is that it has the possibility of turning a typical fight, into wearing his opponent down til they're able to be defeated.

A shot that successfully hits an opponent creates decay at a rate of 2%, creating an effect of gradually sapping the enemy's strength over a period of time. If no shots have landed within 2 posts of the initial shot, the counter remains at simply that 2% of one's active energy that was decayed. The shot's total decay of energy is equivalent to 40% of the opponent's energy reserves, provided they don't die beforehand.

Quincy Items: Quincy Cross

New Quincy Powers: [What new quincy powers do you gain? You can add more than just one here, but be careful, as quincy have possibly the most number of abilities normally than any other race.]

New Quincy Powers: [What new quincy powers do you gain? You can add more than just one here.]

History: (Will add later on)
Roleplay Sample:

[Excerpt from a thread I did on another site]

...Celeste took a rested position as she thought about his prior question, she never really thought about this shit too deeply. Since.. A certain period, she's been roughing it alone, and for part of that time roughing it she found purpose in revenge, but... Even that died quickly when faced with what she could become if she followed that path. Really, she's been more on the aimless side, comfortable with the sensation of lostness her life pathed off into. She didn't feel it as a soldier, nor as a loner. Though she wasn't by any means consumed by it, the void was a thing that gnawed at her mind at times.

"Eh.. Thriving? Not really sure how shit could get any better than what I have right now," Celeste spoke honestly, though her tone nosedived from previously jovial, to a quiet, somewhat sad one, stark in contrast. Though she didn't suddenly shift in mood, reflecting on such things weren't Celeste's favorite past time, she normally kept feelings and emotiony shit to sit alone drinking sessions to vent.

"Fate, eh? I don't really believe in that shit. Kind of implies shit was planned out, and some things... I really hope weren't fucking planned," She seemed to grow distant for a moment before continuing, "Because god, that is a shitty plan if it was intentional."

#2Charlie Emerson  Empty Re: Charlie Emerson Fri Apr 24, 2020 8:35 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-5

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