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#1Kin Baird [le Done] Empty Kin Baird [le Done] Fri Jun 21, 2019 11:55 pm

Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran

The Vizard Application

Name: Kin Baird
Alias: Zen
Real Age: 280
Phys. Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Kin takes very special care to analyze every situation, not for potential combat advantages, but because of his careful nature. He would rather take problem solving from a step back, and ensure every piece is in place before making the leap to action. He takes his responsibilities very seriously, and his relationships even moreso. He genuinely cares for people of all kinds, until they prove to be rotten to the core. So long as there is visible good in someone however, he'll tend to them as a though they were a close friend. He could be considered naive, but his choices stem from always wanting to do what is best for someone else. That being said, his sensitivity of both body and mind make for a shaky web of trust, and if something scares him, he will likely retreat into a shell. All things considered, he believe that a good heart and an open mind are powerful tools when it comes to caring for someone, and for making the world a better place.

Character Appearance

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 140 lbs

Physical Traits:
Kin Baird [le Done] Ecfb7b318d20b49a63cded742ad09a1d

Clothing: Kin wears clothes that are comfortable to the touch. He tries to make sure they're a little loose, rather than tight, but only to the extent that he has room to grow into them if the need arises. Generally, softer materials are more appealing to him since his body is extra sensitive to pretty much everything. He is rarely seen without a scarf regardless of temperature.

Soul Information

General Fighting Style:  Earnestly, Zen would rather not fight. He's still a bit of a fledgling shinigami and on top of that, has no control over his hollow half. While he may prefer the life of a healer, if he must fight, he'll fight to protect the people he cares about, as well as those he is charged to take care of.

Strengths: Sensing, Spiritual Control, Reiryoku
Weaknesses: Durability, Endurance, Speed

Ability Name: Aversity
Ability Description: From his birth, Kin has been extremely sensitive to sensations and energies of all kinds. Be it the physical senses of taste, touch, sight, sound, and smell, the spiritual senses that detect reiatsu and reishi, or his ability to detect emotions and the auras of others... He takes on constant informational stimulus, and for this reason it's difficult for him to fight. (+1x to Sensing for each release)

Ability Name: Oceanic Aura
Ability Description: Kin's reiryoku may not be inherently potent, but he has enough control over it to use it as though he were manipulating an ocean of water. (Usage range of abilities: 30m)

(Major Disclaimer: Due to the ruling that vizards cannot manifest until 1-5, Kin will function as a shinigami until that point. For now, ignore the Vizard typing on the app. That is an eventuality.)


Sealed Appearance:
Generic Katana. Not missing much.:

Zanpakutou Name: Laluna Gaela
Call Out Command: "Empty within, yet vast without, Laluna Gaela come forth!"

Zanpakuto Spirit:
Kin Baird [le Done] Shaiya---light-and-darkness-wallpapers_20099_1024x768

Inner World: The inner world belonging to that of Laluna Gaela is a vast expanse of varying biomes not unlike that of Earth. However, there are many more places therein of near-infinite number, places that defy conventional logic and pulsate with a life not usually thought of when worlds are concerned. When in the inner world, Laluna may move herself and others freely between any point of the expanses, and with Mastery, so could Kin.





His mask has not surfaced yet.:

Abilities: [What abilities does your vizard mask give you? Increased Strength, stamina, etc.]
Hollow Powers: [What hollow abilities can your character use with the mask?]


Full Hollow Form

Appearance: [What does your Full Hollow Form look like?]
Abilities: [What new abilities does your character gain?]


Back Drop

History: In the year 1759, A child with blue hair and eyes was born in the Soul Society that was very much unlike the others there. The child was born with such a sensitivity to spiritual energy, that it was unable to live in the Rukongai, much less the Seireitei, and instead fell very ill. The child suffered skin damage as well as internal damage, and out of concern for the child, before the child was named, the family attempted to remedy the child's condition by moving to Karakura Town. Even then, it would seem the residual energies there from many events passing left too deep a scar for the child to live. So in an act of desperation, they picked a land of gentle magic, one which whispered quietly, but still carried some form of spiritual presence. Dunhill, Scotland would soon be the home of this baby boy. His family would change their names so as not to stand out, and the boy would be given the name "Kin Baird" which means "Bard of the cliff." While they meant nothing but to hide the identity of the boy and themselves, it seemed he would take up the mantle with dignity, learning to play many instruments, of which his favorites were the piano and violin. Time for him seemed to move a bit slower for him, but he didn't pay it much mind. Instead, he still seemed to take it in stride. He spent many days exploring the countryside, especially after he got older and more independent. This would prove to bother him none, until a fateful night.

On a moonlit night in the year 1784, he would encounter a strange, boney creature. The presence alone reminded him of something terrible, something that happened when he was very young, and yet even then he would remember none of it. Instead, he would stare it down, terrified and in pain, for its very essence bore down on him and felt like a great weight. With no ability to fight back, nor to run, he felt as though he might yet die so soon. In that moment, he felt tears squeeze themselves out, and were it not for something sudden and jarring, he might have wept unto his death. A sword buried itself in the ground between Kin and the hollow, and shortly thereafter, a man in black and white robes descended, scooping the blade up and taking a fighting stance. "You're safe here with me. No harm will come to you." The man said, as he took a few swings at the hollowed beast. Even Kin could tell his form was terrible, perhaps that he hadn't practiced much, or mayhap that behind his brave voice, he was so very scared. This was confirmed shortly thereafter as the white creature gored the man clean through the chest, eyeing the boy next. "More.... Soul...." said the primal creature. To Kin, it felt as though the beast was already clamping its jaw on him, but nevertheless he found the courage to fight. The blade that fell from the fallen man still flickered, somehow seeming alive still. For some reason, Kin could swear it was calling directly to him. The boy took it in hand and with a quick stroke, pierced the creature, slashing upward and watching as it began to dissolve. He looked at the sword with wonder, and took the cold steel to his hand. It did indeed feel... alive to some extent, though not as he originally thought. Instead, it seemed to resonate with something inside him. Not that he knew how. As it were, he took the blade home with him. His parents did question him, and as he recounted the events of that night, they understood immediately what had happened. They knew there was no point in stopping him from carrying the blade with him, as it was an Asauchi. It would do no good in the hands of a dead man, and in time, would be beneficial to their son. It may even assist him with the issue of being overly sensitive to spiritual energy. That was their thought, and in fairness, the boy carried that Asauchi with him everywhere he went, aside from going into town. He would often go back to that very same spot where the encounter happened, and contemplate the blade's use. To this day, his parents have not fully explained to him the meaning of the blade he carries, nor what he could become. He also seems oblivious to the fact that he has not aged much in nearly 250 years.

Side Notes: The idea is that Kin is a very explorative character and will test the limits of Bleach lore. It may be a pain in the ass for some people involved, but I'm really curious as to the types of bonds this boy will form, on top of the narratives I can build therein.

Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

Inner Hollow


#2Kin Baird [le Done] Empty Re: Kin Baird [le Done] Sun Jun 23, 2019 9:36 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 4-1

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