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#1Satellites (Ichigo) Empty Satellites (Ichigo) Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:44 pm


Pregnant with light, heat and warmth, the sun threatened to break over the horizon and shed daylight upon the town home to perhaps some of the strongest people in the world. Karakura Town began it's morning soaked in dew and with a heavy heart. It was a monday. Nobody liked mondays. It meant they had to go back to work, back to school, or generally just re-join their peers in active duty. Either way, monday meant work. Nobody liked work.

Not even Grimm, whom actually founded his own organization to deal with the rising number of spiritually-aware outcasts in the world. The 19 year old entrepreneur's eyes, as yellow as the sun, watched it's steady haul over it's ledge and eventual ascent into the sky. A smile spread across his face. The sun immediately began to heat up the air around him, bathing his skin in a radiant glow. As his goosebumps from the chilly breeze began to go down, he relaxed and released a slow breath.

Finally. Day time. Black-clad legs dangled over the ledge of a skyscraper. Supporting himself with one arm, the other was tossing his Mekkayu up and down, catching it with deft hands that appeared under it like magic. He wasn't watching the ring, but he would NEVER drop it. This ring was his last link to his deceased parents, as well as his first and foremost link to his own powers that allowed him to save innocents. One last toss. The silver band flipped in the air, silent yet deadly, before falling and landing in his warmed palm.

Lifting himself off of his arm, Grimm Verbrennung clutched his ring tightly, leaned forward, and kicked off the building hard. The drop was an excess of a thousand feet. Nevertheless, he dived face first towards the ground, not a shred of fear evident on his face. In fact, he was actually smiling. Clothing, hair, and even loose skin was pulled by the gravitational forces, but still Grimm laughed. This 'danger' he was in would never hurt him. That factor disappeared for him a long time ago. Still clutching the ring tightly in his hand, Grimm reached out his fist and punched the air.

A mass of spirit particles gathered under his hand, forming a platform. Springing off of it with his fist, he flipped so his feet were centered for the ground. And then he stopped moving. A second spiritual platform appeared beneath his feet, supporting him in the air. Slipping the ring on his left hand (third finger), Grimm released a breath he did not know he had been holding. Sighing, he shook his head in disbelief. That was a bad habit he had. Every time he went to don his ring, he held his breath, as if expecting something to happen.

But nothing ever did -- unless he wanted it to. Grimm was the master of his own power. He had to be. He may be a merciful, kind man... but his fire wasn't. Fire had no prejudice. It burned all, and nothing was safe from it. So he had to control it. Because if he couldn't control himself, what could he control? How could he ever hope to save others if he couldn't even save himself?

Staring down at the city, at the hundreds of thousands of people scurrying below, he grinned. Yes. He would save them. Grimm would save them all, if he had to. One person at a time. Beneath his feet, his platform flickered with fire, the orange spiritual particles heated through natural reaction that he himself caused subconsciously. Suddenly, the fire flared, as if agreeing with him that it wasn't as merciful as the tasks he used it for demonstrated. Smirking, he nodded. He knew it wasn't.

Closing his eyes and giving a moment of thanks (to what or who he had no idea), Grimm took in three deep breaths. When he was finished, he snapped open his eyes and dismissed the platform. Dropping once more, he activated his ring and called upon the six foot long bow that he so expertly used. Twirling it in his hands, the reishi particles that emulated wood slid smoothly beneath his fingers. Raising it above his head, the dragon carvings that tipped both ends glared at the world around him.

Pulling back on the string that appeared only when he needed to form an arrow, the flaming ammunition formed. The moment his bow was fully drawn, he lowered the bow and pointed it at the ground rising up fast. Releasing it, the arrow curved through the air, Grimm's aim impeccable. Piercing the mask of an unnoticing Hollow, it shattered the creature and removed it from existence. Forming his platform once more, Grimm's descent slowed enough to allow him survival.

Stepping off of it and onto the ground, rocks and pebbles were crushed by his moccosin's. Dropping his bow, it disappeared a moment after it left his hand. Stepping forward, he reached his hand out to a small child. "Hey there... it's alright, it won't be able to hurt you anymore." Blood surrounded them, the alleyway caked in red. A cowering child, most probably a female judging from her long hair, looked at him in both fear and awe.

Slowly, she reached out her hand. Grasping it in his own, Grimm stepped forward once more and lifted her into the air. "My name is Grimm. Were those your parents?" A nod was returned to him. Hugging the child, Grimm turned out of the alley. Walking down the street with the girl in his arms, he wasn't paid the least attention. Just a big brother bringing his sister for a walk. No big deal. "I've got a safe place to bring you, don't worry." With his own home in mind, Grimm would look after her. When she was ready to speak, he would bring her to a relatives or somewhere and explain what had happened. They would believe him. They had to believe him.

#2Satellites (Ichigo) Empty Re: Satellites (Ichigo) Sun Jan 15, 2012 11:04 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Satellites (Ichigo) Byakuraaaan-1Satellites (Ichigo) Byakuraaaan-1Satellites (Ichigo) Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Udarsha Kiel Reaper Jones, known as the former captain commander of the soul society was an isolated man. He never had friends, family, relations, only the ones from the soul society. But they were long gone now. Even so now that he was isolated from the soul society, he had nobody to talk with. But he did not care. Udarsha had a good thought what kept him going forward so far. And it was as he always says "Only the weak would seek the aid of other people/friends..."

After serving the soul society for 1500 years, Udarsha was now simply living his life in the town of Karakura. He had a small apartment, just for him. And it fit him well. His small apartment was located in the 18th street of Karakura town, though it was not far from the main street. No soul came to visit him; he was simply living a life of bachelorhood. Udarsha always says "All I need is bottle of coca cola and a good book to read at night..."

Reaper took his time walk about the town taking in the different smells and colours of the world around him, so much has changed since the 20's and 30's the changing of the world seemingly perplexed the ever crafty leader. But this day seemed to lead to some other providence lurking deep within its fabric a hue of foreboding colours invaded the spectrum that reaper looked forward too. The smell of a fight rammed its self in the nose of Reaper as stopped in the thick of the massive crowd he felt the presents of a coming being something of the human sorts, but until that source of power comes forth he would stand in the thick of it holding his hat as he looked forward, towards the streets of Karakura town. It all ends here...

Udarsha was walking now. Holding his hat forward he was walking in the streets. Thinking of nothing he walked. His mind was completely blank. He thought of nothing. Actually, nothing. There was an old saying that, when your mind is totally blank you have a chance of seeing god himself. But, not in that kind of way. When your mind could achieve a climatic instant only it would only happen. But Udarsha couldn't see any god, or any heaven, at least. He only saw people and children walking up and down in the crowded streets of Karakura town. Some were running towards their officers and some children were trying to catch up with the buses. It was a busy day in karakura town. Just the usual everyday...

Taking a turn from a small corner of the street, Udarsha entered a new street. He did not actually get the name of the street but it was not actually crowded like the last street. This street was quite isolated. But it had a high spiritual pressure appearance. Udarsha looked around, trying to find the person. But he couldn't. The person was nowhere in sight. But he felt that a human with a high spiritual pressure was coming forward towards him. Udarsha forced himself a small smile and leaned back towards the nearby wall. Let’s just wait, shall we?

WORD COUNT; 550+ (Sorry, its a little short...)

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