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#1Viktor Iscariot - High Inquisitor Empty Viktor Iscariot - High Inquisitor Mon Apr 27, 2020 6:22 am



Name: Viktor Iscariot (Last name not publicly known)
Alias: - - -
Real Age: 25
Gender: Male

Viktor is a cold young man, driven only by his desire to see the enemies of the church brought low. Ruthless in the application of violence as a means to an end, but ultimately quite a pious man despite his lineage.

Despite this cold exterior he isn’t rude, some would say he is quite polite. However, he is a shrewd man, often analyzing those he speaks to so he can better understand their own goals

As a leader, Viktor does not accept failure and those who do fail will find themselves facing his wrath. Be it demotion, punishment or death depending on the severity of this failure. The only thing he hates more than failure is disloyalty, seeing betrayal of one’s comrades as the greatest of sins and will tend to deal with such traitors personally.

Height: 183cm
Weight: 70kg
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style:  Despite his status as a quincy, Viktor forgoes the usual application of his bow in favour of close combat to dispatch his enemies. With liberal use of the Seele Schneider as a primary weapon, Viktor rushes into the fray with disregard for his own personal safety with holy fury until either he or his target is obliterated.

Strengths: Agility, Strength, Durability
Weaknesses: Sensing, Hakuda

Ability Name: Reishi Dominance
Ability Description: With an unusually strong aptitude for controlling and absorbing reishi. Using this ability causes a reduction in damage from all energy-based sources.  
- All energy based attacks are reduced by 25% of normal damage.

Ability Name: Holy Fervor
Ability Description: Viktor’s devotion to the faith drives him to a rage in battle, ignoring what would be fatal wounds to weaker men to ensure that the Lord’s judgement is brought down upon those who forsake him.
- Effects –
- Viktor passively gains durability depending on release state. (x2 in Base, x3 in Final Form, x4 in Volstandig)
- Normal melee attacks deal cero level damage
- Being hit with a cero damage ability doubles this bonus damage on the next successful hit
- If hit again while charged, this damage is increased further to gran rey.
- Utilizing the bonus damage will reset it back to cero.  

Quincy Bow: Viktor has a rather simple bow, though his cross is in fact crafted from a portion of the true cross inlaid with some sort of ancient metal, reforged from the spear that is said to have pierced the lord’s side as he hung on the cross.

Quincy Powers: Hirenkyaku
Quincy Items: Seele Schneider

Ability Name: Reishi Weapon
Ability Description: Despite rarely using his bow, Viktor does use energy to form thrown weapons to attack opponents as he closes in.
- Effects –
- Grants Viktor the ability to generate weapons to be thrown:
- Throwing Knife: Bala damage/ Bala speed (Max 5 per turn)
- Short Spear:  Cero damage/ Bala speed (3 post cooldown)
- Bolas: Bala Speed, can entangle foes limbs to make them unusable for the following turn (2 post cooldown). While entangled, they begin cutting into the flesh to deal bala damage each turn.

New Quincy Powers: Hirenkyaku Augmentation, Blut Vene

Ability Name: The Lance of Longinus
Ability Description: Replacing his bow, Viktor’s spirit weapon resembles the spear that was used to kill the son of god as he hung from the cross. A powerful weapon that is just as deadly up close as it is at range.
- Effects –
- Deals cero damage in melee and when thrown
- May be recalled immediately regardless of where it is.

Ability Name: Judgement
Ability Description: By sacrificing one of the seele sneider that he carries on his person, Viktor is able to unleash a destructive wave of unstable reishi that obliterates most matter it comes into contact with. Utilizing the
- Viktor carries 5 seele shneiders at the start of any thread
- This ability destroys one of the ten with each use
- Oscuras level damage in a 50m long, 10m wide wave of energy that travels at cero speeds
- 4 post cooldown

New Quincy Powers:

Ability Name: Stigmata
Ability Description: Upon activation of his Vollstandig, Viktor immediately begins to bleed from both hands and feet, as well as from his side and around his head. These wounds seem to appear from nowhere but seem to imitate the wounds Jesus suffered before his execution on the cross.  
- Effects –
- This ability enhances the effect of Reishi Dominance, increasing the damage reduction to 50%
- Melee attacks while in this form cause regenerative abilities to slow down, taking one more turn than normal to heal a wound.

Ability Name: The Lance of Longinus – Requiem
Ability Description: Viktor’s lance takes on a more regal and gilded appearance as it takes on it’s final form. Increasing the damage it can output when thrown as well as giving the option to release an explosive amount of power on contact.  
- Effects –
- Damage increased to Gran Rey when thrown. Armoured opponents take cero damage instead of their normal damage reduction.
- By detonating the spear on impact, the damage may be spread out into a 25m area, losing the armour piercing effect.
- 3 post cooldown on the thrown abilities, can be used as a melee weapon during the cooldown.

Ability Name: Final Ability: Undying Faith
Ability Description: Upon what would be a fatal blow, Viktor instead regenerates all wounds and is brought back to full capacity for the next three posts. After which he will be rendered unconscious.
- Effects –
- Activates automatically on death
- Gains full stacks of holy fervor for the duration
- Destruction of the head prevents this ability from working


History: - - - - - -

Roleplay Sample: Yiggity yeetus, commit self deletus

#2Viktor Iscariot - High Inquisitor Empty Re: Viktor Iscariot - High Inquisitor Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:38 am



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