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#1Wayland Spoto - Ready For First Review Empty Wayland Spoto - Ready For First Review Tue May 05, 2020 11:11 pm



Name: Wayland Spoto
Apparent Age: 30s
True Age: 400
Sex: Male
Personality: Wayland is a manipulator. He finds pleasure in twisting others' actions with words and mind games and could be described as a borderline psychopath. This obsession with manipulation stems from a deeper desire to control chaos. In Wayland's eyes the universe is naturally chaotic and constantly tending towards destruction. He believes only those who can harness and control the chaos can survive with a purpose.

With his knack for manipulation Wayland especially loves to snare women. He typically keeps them until a more interesting one comes along. During that time Wayland will turn a woman into a loyal servant convincing them of a love that doesn't exist. Things are a bit different with men. Instead of trapping them in an inescapable delusion of infatuation, Wayland will convince them he is the best chance they have at achieving their goals resulting a disposable zealot for Wayland.

Of course when Wayland encounters someone or something immune to his charm and manipulation there is another course of action: eradication. This is tautological. If Wayland can't control a piece of chaos his only other option is to erase it. By doing so, Wayland removes undefined variables from the equation placing him one step closer to total control. This has naturally led Wayland to develop a taste for death and battle when required.

Wayland's psychopathic tendencies are accompanied by extreme confidence and a superiority complex. Though, through decades of practice Wayland has learned to hide or harness these traits to achieve his means. This allows Wayland to wear the masks of many allowing him to fit into any situation appropriately until he decides to take direct action.

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Physical Traits: Wayland is tall and athletic with pale and smooth skin. His eyes are a dead gray and are accented by circular black markings. The rest of Wayland's face is covered in scars and stitches which are partially obscured by stubble. Additionally, Wayland's body is covered in tattoos each with their own origin story. Wayland's attire consists only of dark colors. (See image at top for visual reference)

General Fighting Style: Wayland's combat style can be simply described as a war of attrition. The nature of Wayland's abilities allow him to fight for essentially indefinite amounts of time. Though he can often crush opponents with raw power he finds more pleasure in watching them essentially defeat themselves. Wayland chooses this course of action as he finds it the most psychologically impactful allowing him to more easily manipulate someone into his service as a battle draws to a close.
Strengths: Pesquisa and High-Speed Regeneration
Weaknesses: Hierro

Ability Name: Smelting
Ability Description: Wayland converts part of an inanimate object, or an object under Wayland's control into energy. This rapid release of energy makes the remainder of the object malleable allowing Wayland to extract any raw Reiryoku by converting it from Reshi. This essentially allows Wayland to use the environment around him as an auxiliary power source. Smelting requires Wayland or something under his control to touch the target. An object already under Wayland's control can be Smelted with no additional requirements. An object can eventually be entirely consumed by Smelting. That is, objects can't be used indefinitely unless additional material is added to them from the environment.

Sealed Appearance: Crucible is a one-handed battle hammer in its sealed form. It is entirely matte black with a small chain hanging from its handle. There is a single vertical line engraved in the center of the hammer's head on both sides.
Zanpakuto Name: Crucible
Zanpakuto Call Out: Forge, Crucible
Cero: Bala, Cero, Gran Rey Cero, and Cero Oscuras

Appearance: Crucible changes from a one-handed battle hammer to a two-handed war hammer which is roughly the height of Wayland. Additionally, 3 red glowing orbs appear in both of Wayland's forearms and his mask spreads down his body almost like an apron.

Ability Name: Smithing
Ability Description: Wayland uses Smelting on an inanimate object or an object under his control. This converts a small amount of the target into energy but rather than absorbing any raw Reiryoku he instead reconfigures the object as he sees fit. This has the clear advantage of using the energy within the object rather than expending Wayland's own. Wayland can use this ability freely.

Ability Name: Cast Die
Ability Description: Using his Smithing Wayland creates a die using environmental materials in the shape of person. Wayland fills the die with additional material to cast a generic humanoid being under his control. This being can channel Wayland's own abilities or be used in combination with his other abilities. This can only be used once per post.

Ability Name: Temper
Ability Description: Wayland converts half of valid target(s) into energy to make the remainder of the target harder. Such an object is able to take a Cero's worth of damage directly. Wayland can stack this ability multiple times up to level of Gran Rey Cero. This has a cool down equivalent to the amount of tempering performed on the object.

Ability Name: Slag
Ability Description: Wayland uses Smelting to rapidly convert a valid target(s) entirely into energy. This rapid conversion creates an explosion with the power of a Cero per object with 1/4 of the effective area. This can be used on any number of targets during a post but has a 2 post cooldown. Targeted objects must be stationary during the duration of the ability.


Appearance: The red orbs in Wayland's forearms shift to white and Crucible cracks open along the depth of its head. From the crack flow streams of gray flames that engulf Wayland and spill into the area surrounding him. Wayland's mask that extended into an apron like structure crumbles and vanishes revealing 3 vertically stacked holes from above Wayland's sternum to below his navel.

Ability Name: Foundry
Ability Description: Foundry augments Wayland's Smelting ability allowing him to target objects visually rather than requiring contact. This applies to objects Wayland controls too.

Ability Name: Anvil
Ability Description: Wayland's own being becomes his striking surface. This allows Wayland to use Smithing on himself to reconstructure his body at will. This can be used to augment Wayland's high-speed regeneration.

Ability Name: Amalgamate
Ability Description: This is Wayland's last resort. Upon activation the orbs in Wayland's arms shatter releasing extraordinary amounts of Reiryoku within a target radius of 5 Ceros. Anything within this range is immediately melded together into an amalgam which rapidly contracts into a dense, black orb. This immediately releases Wayland's Segunda Etapa. Wayland is able to consume the Reiryoku stored within the orb over the course of 5 posts to recover fully.

History: Will be revealed.
Roleplay Sample:

#2Wayland Spoto - Ready For First Review Empty Re: Wayland Spoto - Ready For First Review Sun May 10, 2020 12:44 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved, 1-3

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