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#1Millis Veneno [Arrancar] Empty Millis Veneno [Arrancar] Sun Jun 07, 2020 4:46 am



Name: Milis Veneno
Apparent Age: 23
True Age: 850
Sex: Male
Personality: Millis is simply put, an irredeemable monster. He lives for the sole purpose of his own entertainment and nothing is as entertaining to him as the suffering of others. Whether it be physical or psychological, just seeing someone else squirm is the greatest thrill. That said he isn't overly aggressive, in fact he only really fights in order to inflict further suffering on those he has chosen as a target.

Normally he appears to quite friendly but even the social inept will get the feeling of unease from his actions, his actions always give the feeling that he's up to something. Frankly put he enjoys instilling that feeling of unease, it's a minor source of entertainment to him, keeping those around him on a knife edge is just one of his small pleasures.

Above all he is fully aware of how much of a 'monster' he is and he revels in it, to be hated and despised fulls him with an immense satisfaction. he considers breaking someone down to nothing more than a snivelling wreck life's greatest thrill.

Height: 6ft 2
Weight: 170 lbs
Physical Traits:
General Fighting Style: Millis fights by using his superior durability and stamina to out last his opponents, gradually wearing them down until they have little to no ability to fight back. He tends to use poisonesque abilities to speed up or enhance this process.
Strengths: durability, Stamina, Hierro
Weaknesses: Agility, Pessqua
Ability Name: Coils of the sepent
Ability Description: When he touches an object it doubles the feeling of weight in a object, while not increasing the actual weight the wielder must expend more energy to move/use the object. (4 post duration with a 3 post cooldown. Does not stack but can be applied to a separate object.)

Sealed Appearance: When sealed Millis' Zanpakuto looks like a regular katana and the guard is patterned with a Snake skin design.
Zanpakuto Name: Serpiente impía
Zanpakuto Call Out: Drag them under, Serpiente impía
Cero: Cero, Gran ray, Bala

Ability name: serpiente de agua
Description: snakes composed of a water like substance flow out from Millis' body (5 per post with a maximum of 15 ) he can control these snakelike apparitions mentally and use them in different ways. Each snake can ram into an opponent for a Bala's worth of damage, they can coil around the enemy and any object within the coil suffers the effects of "Coils of the Serpent." if they bite into an enemy the liquid that makes up the snakes body enters the opponent and add resistance to every movement the pierced body part performs (this causes the Snake to dissipate) Each snake can take a cero's worth of damage before dissipating.

Ability name: Grandes colmillos
Description: By merging 3 snakes into 1, a Much larger serpent is formed, roughly 10 meters long. This snake can ram for a cero's worth of damage, and if it coiled around an opponent it paralyses their movement. When this snake bites it is not fully dispelled and fully paralyses the opponent for 1 turn and does a Gran Rays worth of damage. This snake an absorb a Gran rays worth of damage before dispersing. (Only 1 can be active at a time

Ability name: Torbellino de veneno
Description: By expending a Grandes colmillos along with 2 normal snakes,this technique is performed. The Snakes form a circle around a target then burst into an explosion same water like venom anything caught within and doing a Forbidden Kidos worth of damage and paralysing both arms for 1 post. (Once per thread)

Ability name: Venomous claws
Description: Though the Zanpakuto disappears Millis gains claws of at the end of each finger. Each claw is 1 inch long and is as sharp and durable as a zanpakuto, and excrete a venom that has the effect of a muscle relaxant making it significantly harder to move the affected area/limb.

Ability name: Scaled fortress
Description: Upon transforming Millis gains scales covering his snake like lower half and arms. these scales are immensely dense Hierro, while still possible to cut it will take significant strength. (25% damage reduction)

Ability name: Massive size
Description: When in this form Millis takes the form of a 100 meter long sea snake with 4 20 meter long tentacles protruding from where his arms once were, each one is tipped with a meter long variant of his Venomous claws.

Ability name: Prismatic scales
Description: The scales despite not hardening in any noticeable way from his previous form now cover his whole body with a slight change, they now deflect reishi based attacks and Reiastu. Reduces Damage from the listed attacks by 50%

Ability name: The Serpent at the end of the world
Description: When activated all the air in the area becomes as dense as water, making movement significantly more difficult for opponents and allows Millis free movement unhindered. has an Area of 500m square and lasts 5 posts. Once per thread.

The ability to fire Cero Oscuras is gained in this form.

History: He's a bad man
Side Notes: I think he may be a villain
Roleplay Sample: ha ha Snake man go BRRRR

#2Millis Veneno [Arrancar] Empty Re: Millis Veneno [Arrancar] Mon Jun 08, 2020 2:17 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
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