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#1Samantha Jackson  Empty Samantha Jackson Tue Jun 09, 2020 11:16 am



Name: Samantha Jackson
Apparent Age: 21
True Age: 18
Sex: Female
Personality: Samantha has been a wild card most of her life. Never really caring how people view them through their eyes. Saying this hasn’t gotten her in trouble more than once would be an understatement. From the glances that she gives to the smart mouth she talks with, this girl has put herself into so many difficult positions. But she isn’t always like this. Everyone is entitled to have their moments, especially around people she can feel that she trusts. To say that she trusts a lot of people would be a lie though. Samantha has always had a hard time believing the things that people say. She believes that actions speak a bigger volume and isn’t afraid to speak her thoughts if she doesn’t like you. Other times she is a great person to be around. Your typical party girl can be a flirt when she wants to, and she is not afraid to show it.

Samantha does not get a thrill from the acts of violence but she will not take shit from any. She can only run her mouth for so long before she lets her actions show someone what she really means. In the same hand she will show mercy to most but be warned; never take her kindness for weakness. Samantha likes to feel that she is independent with a free will to do what she pleases and be who she wants to be.

Height: 5’7’’
Weight: 148 Ilbs
Physical Traits: Samantha Jackson  Img_6813

General Fighting Style: Samantha being allowed to use water likes to use her surroundings to her advantage. Never really training in close hand to hand combat; Samantha likes to use her water ability as an extension of herself in a battle. Forming weapons, extra arms, or even a high concentration blast of water is all Samantha needs in a fight. She likes to think about her tactics during a fight but is still quick on her feet.
Strengths: Reiryoku, Reiatsu Manip
Weaknesses: Hand to Hand, Sensing

Ability Name: Water Manipulation
Description: (Passive) The user is granted the ability to control and manipulate forms of water to their desire. The water being from any water source, being a lake, the sky, plants, and etc.
Ability Name: Phase Change
Description: (Passive) The user is granted the ability to manipulate water into their other phases and control them as well; those being ice and gas, but there must be an original source of water for this ability to take place.
Ability Name: Water Wall
Description: The user is granted the ability to control water and form a sturdy wall of protection. This wall roughly is the size of Samantha, however she can expand the wall but it weakens the defense of the wall the more the wall is expanded. This wall is able to withstand a cero level attack and requires a one post cool down.
Ability Name: Water Slicer
Description: The user is granted the ability to control and manipulate water into highly condensed blades that they are able to send flying. This is caused by any forceful motion that the user does with their body; and water. The user can send up to three blades equivalent to Bala level per post.  

Ability Name: Water Forming Objects
Description: The user is granted the ability to form and use objects that they make with water. For example the user can form a sword, shield, whip, etc as weapons made of water to use during combat.
Ability Name: Water Arms
Description: The user is granted the ability to form water like tentacles around their arms. This gives the user a water source of offensive as well as defense in a fight.
Ability Name: Gauntlet
Description: The user is granted the ability to form water gauntlets around her hands for a close combat fight.
Ability Name: Water Jet
Description: The user is granted the ability to send a high pressure stream of water at their opponent. This stream can be used to push back their opponent as well as cause pain.

Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]
Ability Name: [Name of power]
Description: [Describe what your ability does]

History: A mother, father and older brother was what Samantha had when she was brought into this world. She was your typical baby when she was born minus the crying. Her parents felt that something may be wrong but the doctors had said everything was fine but those words were never true.

Growing up as a kid Samantha was a wild card. She loved to go on adventures and play around. Always having fun Samantha had a smile on her face most of her life but it was like she always was on look out. Like she was waiting for something but that something never showed up. Thinking it a phase she was going through, her family nor herself never questioned it much. It was like that bad feeling you got in your stomach. But soon she learned those bad feelings were alot more than just feelings.

It was about the age of ten when she finally made her first friend. Now this friend was different because only she could see this friend. To say that this thing was a friend of hers was a bit of a stretch, as she never really knew what it looked like. It was always like she could feel it’s presence around her. Sometimes it would form a shape but soon vanish back into nothingness. Samantha never told anyone about her new friend because she thought people would think she was weird and trusting when her life was already weird enough.

As Samantha got older and made her way through middle school her friend would come and visit here and there but it was not until high school when she really learned about herself and this friend of hers. Samantha didn’t have a hard time adjusting to school or making friends. Hell she even had a few flings. The weird part for her was the way water acted around her. At first she didn’t pay any attention to it but when she turned fifteen, real drastic changes started happening.

For her, it was a normal night, she was taking a shower and playing her music. Okay, she got dumped and was blasting break up songs. It was her first real heartbreak. She sat in her tub curled into a ball as the water from the shower head rained on her; until it didn’t rain anymore. The water was still running but the water never connected to her skin. As Samantha had looked up she could see the water flowing out of the shower head and forming a bubble around her. Now for most people they probably scream for help but Samantha just looked in amazement. She stretched her hand out to try to touch the bubble that had formed around her but it was like the water had moved with her hand.

The next day Samantha had filled her tub up with water and sat on the outside of the tub. She stared at the water, trying to make what happen yesterday reoccur. She stared for a few minutes before getting angry and slapping the water. As she pulled her hand from the water; the water itself started following her hand, making a little tentacle like little arm. She dipped her other hand into the water and the same had happened with it. She stood up and started moving her hands around making the two small tubes of water move. This was the birth of Samantha’s destiny but this wasn’t the only surprise she would get.

As the days, months, and years went by Samantha hid her secret but learned new things she could do with water; from changing the water to it’s other forms to just manipulating it to her own desire. But soon she would learn that this secret came with a consequence. Her eighteen birthday. The birthday that every teen looks forward to. Samantha definitely felt the same. She jumped out of her bed to start her day but stopped when she saw something hit her window. She walked over and looked out to her backyard. Then she felt. The presence of her friend from her childhood. As the presence grew stronger so did the black shape that came to form in her backyard. Soon the black figure took shape into a creature like she had never seen before but before she could do anything it vanished. Since that day Samantha hasn’t felt or seen the creature but she never lets her guard down.

Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2Samantha Jackson  Empty Re: Samantha Jackson Tue Jun 09, 2020 12:15 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-3

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