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Vawoosh, that was the sound that the brown haired young man awoke too, the last thing he remembered was attending the Coalition meeting with his teacher Haru, then going to bed that night. But where he was now he did not know, it was not the familiar and welcoming surroundings of his room, it was a stone cell with a straw mat for a bed. On one side of the room was a glowing circle with an arrow pointing downwards on it. He had seen similar indicators in video games of course, normally something to indicate that he was supposed to go there and await further instructions.

But the Blue bomber was Skeptical about just jumping right in without knowing what the hell was going on, though another quick scan of the room lead him to notice that there was literally nothing else he could do here so he would just toggle on his battle mode ability, the familiar skin tight blue armor wrapping his body, his right arm automatically converting to buster mode he would step into the circle.

There was a bright light and a slight disorientating sensation like he was moving rapidly while not moving at the same time, when the sensation passed and light faded he found himself in a massive arena, the ground was dirt beneath his feet and a good hundred yards or so away he could see a cylinder of light similar to the one that was just engulfing him. "What the hell is going on here"

Those words barely left his mouth when a voice similar to Boomstick from that rooster teeth series, what was it called again, Ah yes Death Battle called out. "In the Blue Corner, weighing in at 145lbs, the rocking advent human from the coalition, Hikari Raito."

"And his opponent is..." the second voice sounded like Boomsticks partner, that whiz fella or whatever his name was, as he went on to introduce Atou, the light in the second cylinder fading to reveal his opponent.


"....The new Cuarta Espada, the Monkey King of Hollows, Atou Erinaya! He stands in at five feet nine inches and a hundred and seventy pounds." The Hollow that stared him down was equally disoriented, even as he was hyped about the announcers calling out his name like he was on a TV broadcast. Still, it took him a few seconds to get acclimated to his surroundings. He had previously been roaming around the Hueco Mundo sands for strong Hollows, but that was obviously cut short.

All he knew was that he was now in an arena with only one way out, and it was probably through defeating this new opponent. Without saying a word, he began to do stretches and exercises to get his body loose. Atou couldn't really sense what his opponent was, other than the fact that they were human, but not Quincy. That was a good thing, his anger wouldn't get in the way of his fighting routine. If Hikari observed the Espada, they would see nothing about him out of the ordinary, just that he was on the shorter side for a Hollow, as well as the fact that his sword was shorter than a standard katana. For now, his power was suppressed, not wanting to give away what he was hiding.


Glaring across the arena at the opponent Hikari would raise his right arm the cannon around it aiming towards his foe, firing off a bala blast towards Atou to gauge his foes reaction to the fast moving energy blast before positioning himself again, firing off another one at his foe. He had no clue what he was getting into, aside from the weird bone-like headband there wasn't anything too remarkable about the guy. He had a sword, big whoop, that narrowed down the race by... well um... none at all, heck aside from him being humanoid which was enough to negate most hollow types there was nothing that Hikari in his limited knowledge to help him further, unless that tiara looking thing was actually attached.

Blinking towards Atou's left Hikari would fire another blast, following it up with a second blast as soon as Atou reacted to the first.

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Even as Atou was getting his bearings, he would acknowledge the projectiles coming at him. However, he would simply pivot to the side and let the projectiles pass by him. "How rude. No introductions? No bow? If this is to be a duel, I will observe all the customs." He sported a wide grin on his face, his canines long and sharp as he drew his sword. "Since you don't care about them, however. I will just tear you apart!" Suddenly, the Arrancar leapt at the Human with a surprising amount of speed, cackling madly before planting both of his feet in front of the human, getting about two or three inches from his face.

"What'll it be, food? Should we have a proper fight, or should I just treat you like a pig? Either way, I'm fine with it."


"Food eh, so that must make you hollowkin, and with the sword, Espada well that is good to know, and sorry bout the lack of introduction it was heavily implied that this was a fight to the death, and frankly they covered who we are." Hikaru would say, the small bit of skin showing above the mask of his battle suit turning a shade of red from embarrassment, though his opening volley showed that the man before him was not one to be trifled with. And with the gap between them closed so quickly, well it means long range was not going to be much of an option, though it was not going to stop him from trying. Leaping backwards with blink he would fire off three rapid blasts hoping that the close range would make them harder to avoid.

Once Hikari had distanced himself he would keep his eyes peeled for his opponent.


The blasts kicked up a good amount of dust, obscuring Atou from Hikaru for the moment, with the exception of a low voice that rang out along with a shockwave of Reiatsu. As the dust cleared, a drop of blood hit the arena floor as Atou had scratched his palm and extended his arm with a clawed hand. A few good scratches and tears in his clothing also dribbled blood slowly onto the ground as well. But the Espada just laughed. "Not bad for fresh meat, but if it's long ranged combat you like." Unstable, crackling orange Reiatsu gathered in Atou's clawed hand. "Here's something a bit more substantial....Gran Rey Cero Miríada."

As the name indicated, this Gran Rey Cero was much different than a normal one, as when the Cero fired, it split into dozens of beams that had a sizeable spread. Atou was done messing around, especially since Hikaru wasn't going to abide by any sort of manners, so he would put him down quickly and without hesitation.


"Oh shiiii....." HIkari would say as the orange beam spread out towards him, he didn't expect such a powerful widespread attack, avoiding this completely was going to be hard if nigh impossible. Though try he would, blinking around avoiding each individual beam in the cone. His cannon shifting it's form slightly as a blade of pure energy emitted from it, raising the blade catching one of the scattered energy beams on the flat. The sheer force of the blast sending the tiny blue fighter flying backwards into the wall. Leaping out of the smoke and rubble Hikari would rush in full speed, blinking at the last second reappearing at Atou's right kicking off of the ground attempting to slash through his opponent in one simple movement.


Atou would be impressed that this human was able to dodge the brunt of his attack, and even more impressed that they were able to counterattack so quickly. He could see Hikari coming at him, but he was still forced to draw his sword in order to block the blow. Clicking his tongue, he spun out of the sword lock and kicked out at the human's side to try and cause him a good amount of pain. Following up that attack, a high blow was levelled at their neck to try and do actual damage. Atou was fast enough that he would hope at least one blow would hit, but he wasn't so sure.

Either way, he really didn't want to let his food push him to use his sword release. For him, that would be overly embarrassing.


Hikari's blade was stopped dead by his opponents blade, the vibrating energy of the blade being disrupted by the solid metal of Atou's sword causing and obnoxious humming noise as they are connected. Raising his arm to catch the kick sliding backwards from the sheer force grateful to the armor like functionality of his battle mode. That was basically the only thing that kept him from probably getting something broken by the strike. It was time for Hikari to kick things up a notch, his armor would shift a little bit, a slot opening up on the side of his blade as his reiatsu spiked slightly.

Reaching down to a small pouch on his belt he would pull out a small sd-card looking thing slipping it into the slot on his cannon his blade would start glowing red, emanating mass amounts of heat as he went back to charge his opponent again, blinking in front of him, the blade vanishing from his cannon as he leveled it at Atou, a torrent of flames bursting forth in a five yard cone scorching and destroying the ground as well as inflicting a massive amount of fiery damage to anything unfortunate enough to get caught.

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