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#1[Open] The Tour Begins Empty [Open] The Tour Begins Sun Oct 25, 2020 11:13 pm


As he strode through forest dried foliage crunched beneath his feet. The Forrest of Menos was somewhere Millis took pains to avoid in his time as a hollow, it was the one place you could almost call alive in Hueco Mundo, he hated it more than anywhere in all of existence. The smells of the twisted and cursed plant life that grew in the perpetual darkness of the forest was almost maddening enough to drive Millis into a blind rage.

Had it not been for curiosity He wouldn't have bothered coming here, to his own personal hell, but he needed to see how things had progressed here in his absence. Since his evolution he had come to see his true goals with absolute clarity, but to achieve them he would first need numbers.

He came to a stop standing with his hands in his pockets he let lose his reiatsu, making sure that everything within a good distance could feel his presence.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are! I think it's time we had a little face to mask." He called into the darkness surrounding him, his crescent moon smile ever present as he made his proclamation.

#2[Open] The Tour Begins Empty Re: [Open] The Tour Begins Tue Oct 27, 2020 11:43 am

Zingar Shirosaki

Zingar Shirosaki
The draconic hollow often came to the Forest of Menos. Each visit held something special for the hollow. Often this meant he left with some scars from fighting gillian. Sometimes, however, something special would happen. Today was going to be one of those special days. Zingar had just finished off one of those towering Gillian when he heard a voice call out. He thought it might be another adujchas looking to fight some gillian. The dragon always loved picking on those weaker than him. A sinister grin appeared on his face as he flew toward the source of the voice.

After a few moments he arrived from the tops of the trees sound that had called earlier. What Zingar saw was not what he expected. "A human? But how could he survive in this forest? ... Wait what's that?" He thought until he took notice of his sword and partial hollow mask. What once was a smile quickly turned a confused look. "Who, or what are you?"

#3[Open] The Tour Begins Empty Re: [Open] The Tour Begins Thu Oct 29, 2020 12:42 am


'What are you?' Now that was an entertaining question, in truth he didn't know anymore. Until recently he was the Hollow known as the great serpent but now he was something different.
"Who am I? Well I suppose I should pick out a new name, I used to be the Great serpent of the white desert, but now hhmmmm," He paused for a second before liking his lips and laughing. "I am Millis. Yes Millis Veneno, I think that sounds like name I could work with." He closed is eyes and took a deep breath and leaned forward in the direction of Zingar, "as for what I am, well that's a lot more fun." He Straightened his back and started laughing to himself like a hyena, only to come to an abrupt stop and stare the other Hollow dead in the eye.

"I am... the new King of Hueco Mundo and I think it's about time to make some changes around here."

#4[Open] The Tour Begins Empty Re: [Open] The Tour Begins Sun Nov 01, 2020 2:42 am

Seiji Shirogane

Seiji Shirogane
The beastial thing shuddered as it felt a sudden burst of power wash over him as he stalked the Forest of Menos for prey to consume and destroy. He shivered, his scorched plumage ruffling as his long, serpentine neck twisted to the source of the call, the challenge that had been brought forth by one who was certainly a powerful foe. The beast was all instinct, all hunger. Not in the cringey Graven way, but the raw, animalistic doesn't-involve-wolves kinda way. The Hollow moved swiftly for it's size, clearing the foliage and coming upon two others of it's kind. Or was it two? One was clearly a Hollow, one of his kindred. The other was... off, somehow. It looked like Prey, one of the kine to feast upon in the Above World. However, it clearly smelled like a Hollow. This contradiction caused the beast to forget it's original intent, raising it's charred-black wings and loosing a horrendous roar from a throat that sounded as if it had been destroyed from smoke inhalation.

The Hollow looked strange, to say the least. Like someone tried to roast the Thankskilling turkey's massive older brother who worked out but they left the oven on waaaay too long and burned the thing to a crisp with the feathers on. Waste of a good roast, really. The creature erupted in flames, charging the two as it loosed another pained, primal cry whilst trying to ram it's burning body into them. Likely with no success.

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