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#1awakening memories Empty awakening memories Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:41 pm


i am back at the time and place of my mum and dad death i dont know why but it not me as a kid hiding because my mum said so it me as i am now being hold in place by some force watching the same thing that i see in so many other nightmares but something different this time it like i am seeing this truely for the first time for some reason i know that in a fight that my rents wouldnt go down easyly then i see that they are being held in place by some sort of binding and then there someone there with reiatsu that i feel is something that i should know but before i could place my finger on it the dream stops. i shot bolt up right cover in sweat i rub my face then my hair that like a red fire with it highlights and low lights all in different shades of red as i get up out of my bed and think what a strange dream it felt like i was on the edge of remembering something about my past i shrug and look at the time and see that it about the time that i get up any way so i jump in the shower and then dry and put on some cloths black gi pants and a black cotton t-shirt with white lines in a patten that reminds me of a heat haze then i put on white runners then i move to the kitchin and have something light to eat then i am out of my hand which is locked and doing a light warm up run to a place that perfect for some free running that i want to do to day now since because i was thinking about the dream i had i was not saying as much attention as i would normally do to the world around me a strong hollow could of appeared not two blocks away and i would not feel it.

#2awakening memories Empty Re: awakening memories Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:39 pm


    (ooc: ok if it all right i will post in this about every 24-48 hours since this is about ash getting some memories back from the block that his mind put in place till some one else posts in this then it will become like a normal rp.)
i get to the place i was headed to with out anything abnormal happening i stop and start to limber up no good me doing something to my self that i can prevent with all this stuff going on not to say about me seeing more and more of those demons that for some reason i feel that i need to watch and fight them if needed i wonder why that so. I put that aside for now this place i come to is just begging me to do some free running in it and since it out of the way of normal people i can work some fullbring moves into it to increase my nimbleness when fighting opponents that are stronger then me it is like i was always been said to me it all ways the best if you dodge attacks then the next best is to deflect and only block when that the only choice that you have. I think it was my dad that said that while we trained together wait i dont remember me and dad training together so why did that popped into my head then a mild pain that a voice followed after saidit because you are starting to remember your past truely after all the years after your mum and dad's death ash it will all come back to you in time hopefully.wait is that you wraithbut i only get quietness of the place as a answer.

#3awakening memories Empty Re: awakening memories Sat Jan 14, 2012 7:48 pm


I wait a few more moments but nothing more was said and it was so quiet that the sound of a pin drop could be heard if one did. With what the shadowy sounding voice said in the back of my mind i start to run then using a bench as a spring board with the pulling on it soul to boost the jump i shoot towards a wall that i wallrun across for about 5 steps then i push off towards a tree that i bounce off to pinball between some more trees i then grab a branch and swing around it to land in a crouch on top of it i look around to see were i can go next when a fragment of a old memory that i do not recall comes to the fore of my set in a place filled with trees and i am there with my mum and she telling me something but i do not recall what it is at the moment when the stillness of the moment is broken after she does a few hand signs and a ball of water appears above her open hand then she starts to make shapes out of it i watch for a bit then she holds it out for me to try so i reach out to try and make shapes with out touching it like she did but it does not work then she places my hands on ether side of it with a small gap between my hands and the ball then she removes her hand from under it but the ball just falls after a second. and that were the memory stops i shake my head to clear it then i think it does really seen like my memories are slowly coming back i wonder if any will expland the urges that i get some times when i see a demon. Then i go back to planning the next part of my run.

#4awakening memories Empty Re: awakening memories Fri Jan 20, 2012 3:58 am


While i was planning the next part of my run i sense a type of reiatsu that i have never felt before i look around to see from whom it coming from when i see which i later found out was a shinigami so i run over and called out to get a reaction but he justed ignored me so i walk up and tap him on the shoulder he gives me a look that said that he did not want to be bothered by any one but i wanted to find out who he was so i grab him then i hear him say something that i did not catch then he taped me on the arm and both my arms went behind my back bound together by something but i couldnt feel any thing i was taken by suprise by that so i did not feel when a hollow appeared but i did and i know that the guy could see it for he was watching it. Then the hollow started to move towards a bunch of kids that were going to school i expected the guy to go and warn them or fight the hollow but all he did was stand and watched i said to him. "so are you Going to do something or not? He not i will do some thing" all he did was looked at me as if to say i would like to see you try. So i started to strain to try to pull my arms apart but nothing happen all the while the hollow was getting closer to the kids to try and get the hollow away from them i rised my reiatsu and i felt what ever that was holding my arms in place give a little so i rise my reiatsu even more and tried to pull my arms apart this time they slowly pull apart like as if i was pulling on rubber then it snaps i was about to release my fullbring when two things happened one was the look on the guys face like across between seeing a ghost and suprise and the other another reiatsu like the guy nexted to me appeared.

#5awakening memories Empty Re: awakening memories Thu Jan 26, 2012 4:56 am


(ooc: ok i am kind of running out of ideas that i came rp ash though so if some one came post that would be good i know where i want to go but i am stuck on the how. Like i said this is about ash getting memories back and if you have not guessed this is the first time ash runs into shinigami. I am Going to bring my one in but it feels a little too early for him yet.)

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