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#1Selica Aciles (Pt.2) Empty Selica Aciles (Pt.2) Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:41 am




Name: Selica Aciles
Apparent Age: 22
True Age: 489
Sex: Female
Personality: One of the most prominent aspects about Selica is the fact that she doesn't necessarily seem to care for any other being. Her attitude toward others is very bold and she doesn't seem to fear anyone. Consequently, she doesn't seem to be too nervous to speak her piece. Her filter is hardly used, since she doesn't feel a need to watch her words. However, the more fearsome part of Selica is how her manipulative grasp is difficult to break, once caught in her web. She knows just how to speak, how to act, how to tread, and how to search for those weaknesses. Control is what she strives for over others in every situation.

When meeting new people, Selica doesn't care what race a being is as she herself is immediately considered the evil kind. However, gender seems to be a large influence over the attitude of the woman. With men, she seems to fall towards a more seductive state in an attempt to lure them close and end their miserable lives. To her, men are heartless, simple, vulgar, and brutish. It's difficult for her to trust a man, much less allow them into her heart and mind. So, it's safe to say, when the seduction fails she becomes more aggressive and irritated. With women, Selica seems to just be her usual, calm, blunt, and neutral self. With children, she seems more off put as if she isn't aware of how to handle them, but ultimately tends to be more kind.

If one is lucky enough to gain favor with Selica, it becomes obvious that she has her own insecurities, her own goals, her own plans, and her own emotional rollercoaster. She's quite a complex intellectual, although she normally seems to be simple and dense. She shows more feelings and speaks more truth about herself. Selica also becomes more attached to her relationships. Whether it be friend, family, lover, etc, Selica would fight to protect, to save, to serve, to love, and to die for the people close to her.

If one is unlucky enough to anger, irritate, or annoy the green eyed woman, it's safe to assume her temper is just as hot as her flaming red hair. Arguments, fights, battles, and anything else that could cause harm tend to come out catastrophically. Harsh words that were not meant, yet spoken anyway. Wounds that may never heal. Death. It's easy to assume the worst to come from this competitive, devine goddess. However, it's simple to avoid as long as one leaves her be.


Height: 5’4”
Weight: 130 lbs
Physical Traits:

Standing at about a height of 5 feet 4 inches is a beautiful goddess almost perfect in every way. From the tips of her toes to top of her head, everything seems completely flawless but also quite luminescent. Every feature seems to compliment another and every curve seems to do so in just the right places at just the right angles. Her being is truly astounding.

Selica is quite a beauty to behold. Her frame is thin, yet rather alluring and plump. From her cute, wide hips to her well endowed breasts, everything about her seems quite seductive, except maybe the hole that sits directly between said breasts. Her arms are proportioned rather nicely to the rest of her, although they don't seem to be muscular in any sense. Her hands are small but all ten of her fingers are covered in bone fragments, which bend at the joints allowing her to use them properly. Her legs hold a wonderfully soft and smooth feature to them with her thighs being thick looking and her calves filling out quite nicely. Her small, yet semi pointed chin creates a young, sweet, and snarky look to her features.

Covering her astonishing frame is skin that is so fair, yet so smooth. However, nothing compliments her complexion like her long, natural, red hair. It hangs at a length that is just above her elbows. The beautiful locks are normally left in their natural downed wavy state. She doesn't hold bangs as her hair comes out from her center part and frames her face nicely. And what wonderful eyes they are, complimenting her lovely locks and bows with their green shine. They hold a sense of care, fierceness, and confidence that could attract the masses in a matter of just moments. Just under those green orbs is a small, cute nose and a pair of small, soft, red lips (due to lipstick).

Being the outgoing woman she is, Selica seems to wear more revealing clothing that covers everything it needs to whilst also showing off her stunning beauty. Her clothing normally consists of plant material. Her dresses, her shirts, or apparel that simply just covers without looking like anything real. She refrains from wearing any sort of shoes and she normally sports vines around her limbs for visual effects.


-She appeared
-She amnesia
-She thrive

Exposition: If you’re not strong, you’re dead and worthless. Ezpz

Side Notes: N/A


General Fighting Style: Selica's favorite type of fighting is hit and run quite literally. Selica is very advanced in hand to hand combat, considering her Zanpakuto is a small rose. That's never seemed to bother her considering she likes to get all up close and personal when she does get to fight. The girl loves to feel the heat of the moment and the blood pouring from someone's nose after a nice punch to the face. She also loves to show off her speed.

However when things become more difficult than expected, Selica loves to show off her pant manipulating powers and give her opponent a show. It starts off with plants/plant energy coming from her body, then when she releases plants from surrounding areas, and then finally, the living plants. However with the increasing powers, Selica can become more unstable in her mental state leaving her lust for victory and blood to blind her, if she's not careful.

Strengths: Sonido (Agility), Hand to Hand, and Pesquisa (Sensing).

Weaknesses: Swords and Hierro.

Ability Name: Human Plant
Ability Description: This is a passive ability in which basic plant creation can be formed from Selica's own bodily structure. (For example, vines from her hands, rose thorn whips, etc.)

Ability Name: Photoautotroph
Ability Description:This allows for Selica to take in Solar Energy just as a plant to recover from any damage she sustains by causing her to heal at a drastically increased rate, closing the wounds on her body and growing back any lost limbs within extremely short periods of time. Despite the extent to which it can heal the body, internal organs, such as the brain cannot be regenerated. (Solar energy can still be taken from the moon's light considering it's simply the sun's reflected light. It works similarly to high speed regeneration. It does not work if the sun is blocked.)


Sealed Appearance: Selica's Zanpakuto is none other than a forest green rose. Considering it is so small and is indeed a real, natural flower, one would not suspect the small plant life that sits upon the girl's ear to be such an important object. The stem holds a few thorns that retreat when in contact with Selica as not to harm her. However, this small object shouldn't be taken lightly, since it is the girl's Zanpakuto it has the strength to withstand any other Zanpakuto it could come into contact with.

Zanpakuto Name: Shi no Bara or in English translation "Rose of Death"
Zanpakuto Call Out: "Grow..."
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey, and Cero Oscuras.




Upon releasing her Zanpakuto for the first time, Selica's changes don't seem to be too drastic. Her hair grows to a length that reaches her elbows, her eyes change from a forest green to a bright yellow, and it seems that leaves begin to grow upon her body. Most noticeably, the ones that stick out from the sides of her head, as well as the many leaves that make her arms look green. The backside of her hands become covered in a skeletal structure. Her attire changes with her appearance as well. In this state, Selica’s bottom half is covered in leaves that resemble leggings as an effective way to move. Her top half almost seems like a leaf bikini top.


Ability Name: Eco-Kinesis
Description: The user is able to manipulate all forms of plant life, including the elemental nature of wood. She is able to generate said plant life using her own spiritual energy or by manipulating that around her directly. She is able to do this within five hundred feet of herself and can create things up to the size of one hundred feet tall and thirty feet wide at any one time. The plant-life does not have to be "living" for her to manipulate it, as she can give it pseudo-life using her own unique spiritual energy while controlling it. This means she can control plant-based objects and things that have plants as the bulk of their make up. Like paper. Nothing created can ever exceed a gran rey cero in terms of how strong or durable it is and nothing she makes will ever be able to exceed the speed of bala regardless of how it is "moving".

Ability Name: Plant Mutation
Ability Description: She is able to change the makeup of any plant she is controlling in order to make it do different things. Such as emitting spores to try and make someone dizzy if they breathe in the spores or spitting a bunch of goop in an attempt to temporarily blind someone. Regardless of what the effect is, it will only last one post with a grace of one post.

Ability Name: Bamboo Shield
Ability Description: This ability allows for Selica to create a Bamboo shield from her body the size of her torso. The shield has the strength to block damage equal to that of two ceros before breaking into pieces. This technique does have a 2 post cooldown.

Ability Name: Flora Energy Blast
Ability Description: With this ability, Selica can generate and expel two energy blasts per post with the damage equal to half of a cero's. Each blast holds a size equal to the circumference of a basketball.

Ability Name: Toxic Spores
Ability Description: Per one post, with a one post grace period in between, Selica can compact and expel up to twelve bullet sized balls. These balls hold toxins which can disorient a target's senses making them dizzy while also being unable to see or hear properly. Upon impact the balls can explode spewing the toxin, within a one foot diameter.

Unlocked at 0-5:

Optional Roleplay Sample:

#2Selica Aciles (Pt.2) Empty Re: Selica Aciles (Pt.2) Sun Feb 11, 2024 3:49 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-2

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