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#1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Tue Jan 24, 2012 9:56 pm


It was cold, it was snowing, and it was wet. Probably thee most retched day to guy groceries of all things. But, when food was running close to nothing, then one usually didn't have a choice. A lot had been happening recently, but it was mostly a blur now. Considering that her mind was much more occupied with other things, Jurei didn't exactly have time to go back and think about what had happened then...

Her breath frosted over whenever she exhaled, which amused her for awhile. It may be childish but whenever this happened she often thought being half dragon. The majority of the time she spent walking to the grocer, she spent trying to get her breath to go into different shapes. At some point she did manage a circle, which was of great gratification to say the least.

Milk, Eggs, Juice... and something else... Of course, it wasn't of coincidence that she happened to forget her grocery list. She hated bringing those stupid things along with her, but the majority of the time it was necessary or she would forget what she needed, like now. Jurei grumbled to herself quietly, resting her head against the wall of a building. What the hell was the last item on her list? It was so far gone that it was practically impossible to remember what it was at the moment.

Because of her extreme dislike for shopping carts of any kind, she often picked up just a carry box when entering a grocer. The keys on her belt jingled quietly as she moved down the isle, picking up a large jug of orange juice. A line crossed over the word juice in her head. Luckily, she usually kept a back up grocery list in the form of a mentally visual 'photograph' it came in handy, most of the time.

After checking the majority of the milk section, it came as no surprise that most of the gallon jugs were either dirty from poor handling, or they were spoiled. Probably the worse selection she had seen in awhile. Jurei let out a sigh and picked up one of two clean, unspoiled milk jug and placed it into her carry box. Hopefully the eggs weren't cracked, but they probably worry, considering the way her day was going.

#2Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Wed Jan 25, 2012 7:21 pm


[OOC: I'm extremely sorry for the short post TxT; ]

#3Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:09 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1

"There Is a Hell, Believe Me, and I’ve Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let’s Keep It as a Secret."

Udarsha Kiel Reaper Jones, known as the former captain commander of the soul society was an isolated man. He never had friends, family, relations, only the ones from the soul society. But they were long gone now. Even so now that he was isolated from the soul society, he had nobody to talk with. But he did not care. Udarsha had a good thought what kept him going forward so far. And it was as he always says "Only the weak would seek the aid of other people/friends..."

After serving the soul society for 1500 years, Udarsha was now simply living his life in the town of Karakura. He had a small apartment, just for him. And it fit him well. His small apartment was located in the 18th street of Karakura town, though it was not far from the main street. No soul came to visit him; he was simply living a life of bachelorhood. Udarsha always says "All I need is bottle of coca cola and a good book to read at night..."

Kiel Reaper took his time walk about the town taking in the different smells and colours of the world around him, so much has changed since the 20's and 30's the changing of the world seemingly perplexed the ever crafty leader. But this day seemed to lead to some other providence lurking deep within its fabric a hue of foreboding colours invaded the spectrum that reaper looked forward too. The smell of a fight rammed its self in the nose of Reaper as stopped in the thick of the massive crowd he felt the presents of a coming being something of the human sorts, but until that source of power comes forth he would stand in the thick of it holding his hat as he looked forward, towards the streets of Kagamino City. It all ends here...

It was a boring day to today. Udarsha was walking on the streets of Kagamino city. The streets were quite and isolated. Not many people were on the streets except for some children playing around and drifters walking on the streets drinking alcohol. Udarsha Kiel didn't mind them, he just walked along passing them. As he was walking, he sensed a being with a little high pressure of spiritual. Udarsha looked around but he couldn't find him/her. As he kept walking forward trying to meet the fellow. I shall meet him/her...


#4Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:48 pm


It seemed like her skin crawled for a moment, then twitched in various different places, especially her neck. It wasn't fear that made her react this way, but more like something innate... Maybe it was just her that would feel this way, but it was an urge to turn on her heel, and pay respects to the one she hadn't. It was indeed quite odd to feel something like this, considering it had never happened before. A mental image inside her head blinked on, a bit like a radar. The blimp wasn't normal. Huge, even.

The cashier looked at her a little funny, probably because of either the way she was dressed, or her flickering eyes. Because of her particular job, she often didn't feel fear or anxiety. But... this time it was much much different. With shaking hand she took the grocery bag from the cashier and made her way through the throng of people to the front door. It probably was a bad idea, considering the spiritual pressure was higher outdoors than in. Looking around at the various people there seemed to be only one or two others who showed any sign that they knew. Other than them, everyone went about their day as if there wasn't any impending doom at all.

Jurei took in a little sigh and sat down a bench near the road, waiting for her shivering to stop. It was going away, slowly. But, it would probably be back at some point or another. She had only felt this pressure maybe once or twice before in her life, and it was from a demon like person. Had some feudal get up that she hadn't seen before, carried a sword around. If this person or thing, was anything like the man she had seen before... this wouldn't be a very good day for her.

Jurei leaned against a building, her heart beat pounding out of control. In this kind of situation, it was difficult to use her abilities. She growled to herself, and squatted in the alley way, holding her head. Calm down... Calm down! No one around her was dying or anything of the sort, but the pressure was getting to her by now. It was rather annoying really. Usually the only spiritual pressure she felt was of the orange haired boy and the various small time hollows she saw from time to time.

Jurei took a few shaky breaths and slowed her heart down considerably. She squatted down next to the building, running a finger along the concrete, searching out the pressure. Even though it was big, it did take a while to actually find it, because of all the people. Her eyes closed, and her finger traced along the ground, trying to find it. When she did, it startled her a bit because of energy, but it finally worked. Jurei's eyes blinked open, and she made a mental map inside her head, with the blip approximately 2 or 3 blocks from where she was.

"Found ya! She had expected some type of interference with the signal but it wasn't so. Perhaps she was allowed to track him down... His heart beat was normal, without any sudden skips. Either he really wants going to do anything, or he was a trained killer without care for taking human life. She couldn't judge though, considering that was what she did for a living. Still, she was rather bewildered as to why this person was here...

#5Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:24 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1

"There comes a time, when even gods must die."

Udarsha kept walking forward and forward. Yet, he didn't have any luck finding the right person. From the looks of it the person had sealed his spiritual pressure. Even though, it maybe only for few minutes or second. In a little while he may leak some of his spiritual pressure out and he will find the person. Udarsha made up his mind and stared walking. His hat was gonna fall of for the strong wing current that was following over him. He didn't care but, he wanted his hat to be tidy not lost or dirty. So holding his hat he walked forward. Towards infinity...

The wind current was blowing stronger and stronger by the minute. It was not a surprise. Udarsha was walking near the beach of Kagamino city. So it was nothing surprising. He could see people running for shelter; mother calling their children to come inside their houses. Seeing this Udarsha signed. He had never known a mother love for a child. Even though his mother had loved him, he did not feel it because of his father’s idiotic drunkard state. Udarsha signed again and looked at the sea quite frustrated about his unwilling bad history. Theirs is a big storm coming....

Getting his himself into safety. Udarsha leaned towards the nearby bus stop. There was a hood what stopped the rain falling on peoples head. Udarsha signed again, because of this he would not find the person with the spiritual pressure. He may have a chance to escape from his trap now. "No, that will not happen..." Udarsha said to him as he got out from the bus stop shelter and began walking again. The people who were in the bus stop, jaws fell down. It was a bizarre thing to do walking in such a strong storm. "Come back!" someone shouted from the back. Udarsha ignored it and kept walking. The wind current was pushing him back. But using all his strength he pushed himself forward. Here I come...

The storm was slowly going down. And people started walking again in the afternoon air. Udarsha looked up. The dark clouds were all gone. Only light blue colour clouds were there. The birds started to fly through the sky as the sun appeared it again. There was a small wind current flowing now. It was a refreshing air. Udarsha took a deep breath and exhaled. He could feel the air going through his body and coming back out as he exhaled. It was very refreshing to him. Udarsha could see people’s blank stares at him, like he’s a ghost or something. Udarsha grinned and walked into the darkest streets he’ve ever seen. Such darkness...

Slowly the weather started to drop. It was quite dark again. He could feel sensation of coldness coming towards him once again. Udarsha hugged himself. It was too dark and cold. Closing his eyes he walked forward. He couldn't see, where he was going or who would be in-front of him. He did not care. He walked. Taking a small turn he sensed that someone had bumped into him. In great lucidity Udarsha opened his eyes. It was a women. And it was the women with the high spiritual pressure. Grinning towards himself, udarsha said, "Hello, my Dear. Whats brings you here?" the women never knew that she was meeting with the devil himself. Their is a devil everywhere...


#6Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:29 pm


[Sorry Ichi-sama. I've been a little busy! Posting now. ^ ^"]

Or not... Right after being able to track the guy down for a single second, the signal became shadowed and it disappeared completely from her radar. It was almost unheard of, someone being able to stay below her line of recognition. It made her feel incredibly uncomfortable, and even more so, scared. This can't be normal, even if this person is immensely talented. Usually her tracking skills were absolutely. A sight frown crossed her face, as she tried to track down and hone in, but it was even more impossible.

Whenever she tried to track someone, every other thing with high spiritual pressure seemed to butt in. The minor hollows above her head were the only main obstacle, but... maybe this person actually hid his pressure sub-consciously? The idea was a bit absurd, but it was possible. But... it was pretty impossible to detect a pressure like hers, because she personally thought it was so low. After trying to use her radar for the fourth time, she caught two separate blinks on her mental tracker. One was a person who wasn't particularly significant, and the other was the guy she was looking for. But... he was much closer than before.

Perhaps a little too close than she preferred. Honestly, she didn't particularly feel like dying today. "Hello, my Dear. Whats brings you here?"Ah, sh*t... It was a little too late now. Just moments after she managed to track him, he popped up out of nowhere and scared the crap out of her. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest at the sudden greeting and question. He must have known she was trying to track him, some how... Or he had found her first. Either or, she really didn't feel like asking a whole bunch of questions, because it could very well get her killed. Her heel shifted slightly, as she turned around from her squatting position.

Perhaps it was because she was near the ground, or she was just extremely short... but this guy was freakishly tall. Jurei blinked for a moment, then pushed up from the ground, taking several steps back, thinking of running. But, if this guy was anything like pumpkin head... she wouldn't get very far. "Damn near gave me a heart attack, you stupid Shinigami... Probably not the best thing to say, but she was annoyed at both herself, and this guy who managed to slip past her radar for a moment and pop up behind her. So much for not getting killed.

Judging by what she just said, her reaction to being spooked, and the guys immense spiritual pressure, she may as well just shoot herself and save him the trouble. "Ahm, I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I have a life. She coughed once. It was doubtful that a last minute apology would do anything, but she was hoping to Silaluk that this guy was relatively good-natured. But something about him wasn't right. Not weird or anything, just... A Beelzebub in a mortal world was bound to mess up the atmosphere.

#7Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:29 am


[Oky doky. Take your time. :3]

#8Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:52 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Byakuraaaan-1

"I'm the best in what I do, But what I do isn't very nice"

"Ahm, I'm sorry. Please don't kill me. I have a life." She coughed once. Udarsha smiled at himself. He had finally found the perfect being, which he could show the world too. Again smiling towards himself; Udarsha put his arm around the woman shoulder and started to walk with her. The woman looked at him quite startled. Who wouldn't? No woman would expect a unknown stranger man come and put his arm around a woman's shoulder. Yet, this woman had that experience. Judging by the looks of her face, she was quite uneasy. It was quite a repugnant experience for sure! But frankly, people should anticipate these kinds of moments. Even if they were quite bewildering and surprising. We all should be alike?

The streets were quite lonely and damp. It was mostly because it was long in the night and it had rained some hours ago. There were only 3 or 5 people on the street today. Frankly speaking, they were beggars and drifters. Roaming around the streets at night because they had nothing to do or nothing to say. It was horrible! No people to speak with and no people to have a friendship with. They had to face the same fate as Udarsha Kiel. But every being should resolve his destiny and fate to be a better human being on this planet called, "Earth." This was covered with extraterrestrial. Well, the fact is, that I like aliens. But do you?...

Panspermia (Greek: "all" and σπέρμα (sperma) "seed") is the hypothesis that life exists throughout the Universe, distributed by meteoroids, asteroids and planetoids. In talking language, Panspermia was the theory that said, "Life did not exist on earth still extraterrestrial life gave us that life." Mostly, this was the theory built by Astronomical-scientist's. In that way, we all could be extraterrestrials. Panspermia does not necessarily suggest that life originated only once and subsequently spread through the entire Universe, but instead that once started, it may be able to spread to other environments suitable for replication. Taking all of these facts in together; Udarsha knew that, if all the humans in the world were extraterrestrials. "Who would be the pinnacle of our evolution"?

They were going inside a small restaurant named, “The blue lotus” Which was a famous Japanese restaurant in Kagamino City. It was a big and rich restaurant, mostly for the rich and wealthy people. Udarsha who had money knew it was the perfect restaurant to attend with the unknown woman. Taking a seat on the wooden chair, they waited still the waiter came knew their table. It was an oval shaped table, with a nice cloak over it. Taking a deep breath, Udarsha looked at the woman and said slowly, "Hello there! I’m sorry for dragging you here in such an unpleasant way. Forgive me! I meant no disrespect! Yet, you were such a wonderful being with a high spiritual pressure. So I had to drag you here fiercely. So, how are you?" his voice was all polite and filled with kindness. There were no darkish meanings in it. And Udarsha waited for her answer.


#9Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:07 pm


[OOC: Im sorry... I won't be able to reply to this.]

#10Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Empty Re: Milk, Juice, and Eggs~ Wed Feb 08, 2012 2:51 pm

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
[why? is something wrong? if so, I shall edit my post, right away!]

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