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#1Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Hado 99 The Final Act Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:51 am


Name: Hado 99, The Final Act
Incantation:Θεοί του θανάτου, ξυπνήσουμε από σας αιώνια Λάζαρο και καταβροχθίσει εχθρό σου με τις φλόγες της οργής σας. Μπορεί να ενεργοποιήσει τους ζωή κόλαση και το Σώμα τους διαγράφονται από αυτό τον κόσμο. Στο αφιέρωμα, προσφέρω όλες της αντοχής στο Σώμα μου, καθώς και μου σάρκα και αίμα για τη διατροφή σας δύναμη. Να περατωθεί αυτό μια για πάντα υπό την blade την εξουσία που κρατάτε. Τώρα, εγώ ξεφυτρώνουν σας για την εξάλειψη αυτής της απειλής για τον τρόπο ζωής μας. Hado ενενήντα εννέα, στην τελική πράξη.<-- How it is spoken
(Gods of death, awaken from your eternal slumber and devour thy enemy in the flames of your wrath. May their life be turned to hell and their body erased from this world. In tribute, I offer all of the strength in my body as well as my flesh and blood to feed your strength. To end this once and for all under the blade of the power you hold. Now, I conjure you to eliminate this threat to our way of life. Hado ninty-nine, the final act.) <-- What it actually means.

Description and History: Hado Ninty-Nine, as one would expect, is the strongest hado under the power a Shinigami is able to access. It iwas never actually finished, being incomplete in it's creation. Originally, back when the Soul Society was being made and the first kido were forged, the first group of kido specialist began to all work on some of the strongest techniques under the shinigami's arsenal. Such as hado 90, Black Coffin, and Hado 96. In their time working on these spells, they worked on two that were stronger than any others. One being known as Bakudo 99, which was so powerful that it needed to be split into multiple parts. Thus created the strongest bind under kido's power. Another kido of equal power was made, this being hado ninty-nine. Though, unlike it's counterpart, bakudo 99, this is focused on being the ultimate way to fully kill and decimate a target. This kido was nearly finished, but during the first war between Shinigami, Hollows, and Quincy, the work on the hado was ceased for more important issues.

Hado 99 has been mainly left alone in the confines of the kido corps, but no one had actually bothered finishing the technique. It was only when Zoran Zazaravitch paid a visit to the facility that he found the scroll, looking over it curiously. With the upcoming war with the Espada and other such events that were happening recently, such a skill could prove useful. Over a few days period of persuasion with the kido corps commander, he managed to convince them to help him work out the bugs in the kido and perfect it's power. ( A.K.A, only the kido corps commander will have it for now, and I will once I get stronger later. I know the technique, just lack the power to use it EXCEPT in my bankai + Mask, since it raises my ability in kido, as stated in my APP.)

Upon the first half of the incantation-Θεοί του θανάτου, ξυπνήσουμε από σας αιώνια Λάζαρο και καταβροχθίσει εχθρό σου με τις φλόγες της οργής σας. Μπορεί να ενεργοποιήσει τους ζωή κόλαση και το Σώμα τους διαγράφονται από αυτό τον κόσμο. Στο αφιέρωμα, (Gods of death, awaken from your eternal slumber and devour thy enemy in the flames of your wrath. May their life be turned to hell and their body erased from this world) Part one of hado 99 will be activated.

Around both the caster and the target, all the reishi from the world around them will be gathered and condensed rapidly into a sphere of blue glowing energy. This is pure spiritual power, all of it being used for the technique at one part or another. For the time, it will keep anything inside contained in a small twenty-foot area. ( Twenty feet in length and height.As assumed, it would mean the user would need to be in that range to use it on the target.) This barrier of reishi is extremely hard to break, even for an individual stronger than the caster due to the massive levels of power in the hado. To break the barrier, something with enough power to break 1.5 layers of Danku from the caster would be needed, meaning the target will need to have an attack of expodential power. Any attacks not able to fully destroy the barrier will instead have the attack absorbed into it's power supply, making it even stronger from the attack's reishi.

This sphere will glow with a bright teal energy that continues to expand with each passing second. Toward the end of the first part, several spears will be fired from the sphere. These spears are similar to those in hado 90, Black Coffin, but with some key changes. They are not made for damage nearly to the point as hado 90. Instead, these spears of pure blue reishi will aim to strike the target in every joint of their body, holding them in place and making it so their body is unable to move. These spears also track the target's reishi, following them at extremely fast speeds to hit their mark. There are an equivilant number of spears to the number of joints in the body. These spears do not do any damage aside the initial wound of having a spear jabbed through the joint, but they are also quite stable. Though not as durable as a zanpakto, it isn't as easy as just swatting them all away with a burst of power or a rapid-paced sword slash. To stop all of them, an attack of wide-range and substantial power is needed, Though, that isn't the only issue. These spears are, as stated before, extremely fast. In most cases, they would hit a target before anything of that power could be unleashed. Once the spears have hit their mark, part two can begin, or if ceased, the kido will end before part 2.

Part 2 of Hado 99 occurs after the incantation-Στο αφιέρωμα, προσφέρω όλες της αντοχής στο Σώμα μου, καθώς και μου σάρκα και αίμα για τη διατροφή σας δύναμη. Να περατωθεί αυτό μια για πάντα υπό την blade την εξουσία που κρατάτε.
(In tribute, I offer all of the strength in my body as well as my flesh and blood to feed your strength. To end this once and for all under the blade of the power you hold. )

After this incantation, all of the power in the caster's body will be drained from them into the sphere of reishi around them. Depending on the caster, this sphere will gain characteristics based on the user's power. Say a pyro-oriented fighter were to use it, the reishi would burst into flames and share the burning attributes of a fire-based technique. If no element or special effect is in the caster's power, the sphere will simply change to the color of their reishi and if used by a vizard, gain hollow-esque powers. This will force the caster out of bankai, a masked form, or anything other than shikai, however, after that point, it is only a matter of trigger. No more reishi is needed from the caster after this point. The power in the sphere by this point is truely massive, so much that to overpower the barrier would be nearly impossible ( nearly) by this point. Only one powerful enough to fully dwarf the caster's power with ease usually would be able to break out at this point, and with the binds of the spears, escape is made even less likely for the target.

Part 3 of Hado 99 will begin after the incantation Τώρα, εγώ ξεφυτρώνουν σας για την εξάλειψη αυτής της απειλής για τον τρόπο ζωής μας. Hado ενενήντα εννέα, η τελική πράξη (Now, I conjure you to eliminate this threat to our way of life. Hado ninty-nine, the final act) Upon the final part of the incantation, the user will initiate the final offering to fully activate hado 99; A entire limb will be disintegrated as an offering to trigger the final explosive act. Using the remaining limb, the person will move their hand as if crushing an object. The sphere of reishi around them will collapse inward, aiming to crush the target under the power of the massive amount of spiritual power. The result will usually end up with the target crushed to dust, if not, they would atleast have very very severe injuries that it would be rare to survive. Talking every bone in the body broken, organs half-crushed, limbs torn off from the force. The target would just be a mess after the kido ends.

This kido will not harm the caster due to the fusion of their reishi with the barrier, allowing the collapsing sphere not to harm them in any way. However, after this kido is done, the user's power is rendered sealed for a set amount of time. For the rest of the topic, the user will only be around 2-1 or 2-2 in power and will likelys tay weak for a long amount of time. All their power will return to them though. It will just take awhile.

#2Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Re: Hado 99 The Final Act Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:49 am


Name: Hado 99, The Final Act

First Part-Θεοί του θανάτου, ξυπνήσουμε από σας αιώνια Λάζαρο και καταβροχθίσει εχθρό σου με τις φλόγες της οργής σας. Μπορεί να ενεργοποιήσει τους ζωή κόλαση και το Σώμα τους διαγράφονται από αυτό τον κόσμο. Στο αφιέρωμα, (Gods of death, awaken from your eternal slumber and devour thy enemy in the flames of your wrath. May their life be turned to hell and their body erased from this world)
Second Part--Στο αφιέρωμα, προσφέρω όλες της αντοχής στο Σώμα μου, καθώς και μου σάρκα και αίμα για τη διατροφή σας δύναμη. Να περατωθεί αυτό μια για πάντα υπό την blade την εξουσία που κρατάτε.
(In tribute, I offer all of the strength in my body as well as my flesh and blood to feed your strength. To end this once and for all under the blade of the power you hold. )
Part 3-Τώρα, εγώ ξεφυτρώνουν σας για την εξάλειψη αυτής της απειλής για τον τρόπο ζωής μας. Hado ενενήντα εννέα, η τελική πράξη (Now, I conjure you to eliminate this threat to our way of life. Hado ninty-nine, the final act)

History-Hado Ninty-Nine, as one would expect, is the strongest hado under the power a Shinigami is able to access. It iwas never actually finished, being incomplete in it's creation. Originally, back when the Soul Society was being made and the first kido were forged, the first group of kido specialist began to all work on some of the strongest techniques under the shinigami's arsenal. Such as hado 90, Black Coffin, and Hado 96. In their time working on these spells, they worked on two that were stronger than any others. One being known as Bakudo 99, which was so powerful that it needed to be split into multiple parts. Thus created the strongest bind under kido's power. Another kido of equal power was made, this being hado ninty-nine. Though, unlike it's counterpart, bakudo 99, this is focused on being the ultimate way to fully kill and decimate a target. This kido was nearly finished, but during the first war between Shinigami, Hollows, and Quincy, the work on the hado was ceased for more important issues.

Hado 99 has been mainly left alone in the confines of the kido corps, but no one had actually bothered finishing the technique. It was only when Zoran Zazaravitch paid a visit to the facility that he found the scroll, looking over it curiously. With the upcoming war with the Espada and other such events that were happening recently, such a skill could prove useful. Over a few days period of persuasion with the kido corps commander, he managed to convince them to help him work out the bugs in the kido and perfect it's power. ( A.K.A, only the kido corps commander will have it for now, and I will once I get stronger later. I know the technique, just lack the power to use it EXCEPT in my bankai + Mask, since it raises my ability in kido, as stated in my APP.)

Part One- All the spiritual energy and reishi around the area will be gathered into a twenty by twenty feet sphere around the caster and target. This energy sphere has the power to block attacks that could also be blocked by danku, and if the attack fails to break it, it will be absorbed into the sphere to augment it's power in defense and crushing force later at part 3. Spears then come forth from the sphere, homing in on a target's joints from all directions to pin them still. These spears are very hard to break, but not as much as breaking an entire zanpakto.

Part 2- All of the caster's power is drained into the sphere, giving it characteristics of their own strength. FOr example, a pyro would cause the sphere to erupt in flames and gain heated damage, while a vizard would give it hollow-esque power and augment the crushing power of part three. A limb is then sacrificed to tie in the actual attack of hado 99.

Part 3- The spyhere will collapse in on itself, crushing anything inside of it aside the user to a pile of concentrated remains. It has the crushing force of being inside a black hole, so surviveing the attack may prove difficult, if not impossible. ( Needs permission from the target to be used like hado 96) The spears in the target's body will also bend under this pressure, lacerateing the target as they are ripped apart and stab into them from every direction. After the kido is done, the user's power will be drained to that of a 2-1 or 2-2 tier fighter for the rest of the topic, and likely remain weak for an extended period of time until their powers slowly come back. ( ABout a month IRl, gaining a tier up every few days)

#3Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Re: Hado 99 The Final Act Tue Feb 28, 2012 6:25 am


Its so awesome I wanna ban it for being so op and awesome

Side not where did you find the info on the hado

#4Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Re: Hado 99 The Final Act Wed Feb 29, 2012 2:56 am


What part of the info? Most of it I just made myself. And it's restricted to only being used if the target allows it due to it's pwoer. That is what they did with hado 96,

#5Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Re: Hado 99 The Final Act Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:19 pm


No its good but isn't hado 99 a forbidden kido

#6Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Re: Hado 99 The Final Act Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:32 am


Its forbidden in the sense you can't use it unless in a case of dier need or SS will have you banished and the such.Nothing against knowing it for the chance you would need it. Hado 96 is also baforbidden, but Yamamoto saw it fitting to use against Aizen,.

#7Hado 99 The Final Act Empty Re: Hado 99 The Final Act Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:41 am


Oh its approved but casting it leads to heavy punishment unless the need arises.

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