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#1Royal Guards...where!? Empty Royal Guards...where!? Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:22 am


An eerie noise fluttered throughout the apartment as Fuji incessantly scratched his head. Currently he had a cup of coffee in hand, a bed head, no glasses on, oh he's also pant less. Suddenly a shinigami appears at Fuji's window and he's left there staring angrily. He immediately recognizes the guy and points down at the window sill. As though naturally the shinigami lifts the window up and enters into Fuji's secret apartment. Before he can ask a question, the shinigami whom was breathing deeply and fairly worn out rushes forwards and puts his hand on Fuji's shoulder.

"The royal guards are moving, my sources tell me someones seen strange folks popping up out of no where. You should probably check into it, you did just help soul society right? That mess with the captain turning into a Vizard? Well I just thought you should know, there's a hollow chasing me so I better get going." Fuji's informant tells him in one breath and leaves in the next. Fuji takes a step forward so that he can close his window. "Too early in the morning for this." Fuji musters with a grin on his face. Then he hears the roar of a massive hollow fly past his apartment and smirks.

Fuji proceeds to take a sip of his coffee before staring at the television. He sits down in a lazy boy chair so that he can focus on the television. Well this is auspicious maybe soul society will pardon me this one time for looking around. Then again the royal guards I wonder why type of individuals linger amongst them. Fuji thinks over while taking a few sips of his coffee. He leans back and stares at the ceiling for a moment. He then start to wonder who it would be good to call up.

Quickly he sat forwards and headed for the dresser. Reaching for his phone he quickly dials a number. Scratching his head a little bit more he waits for someone to pick up. Fuji then starts to tap the dresser. Masa he was in my siloh he may want to be included. Though I wonder if he'll pick up I never did show him where my safe house was. Fuji thinks over as he waits for Masa to pick up the phone. The moment he does Fuji would take a deep breath and stare at the mirror. "Hellow Masa, this is Fuji from the siloh. I was wondering if you were free to help me with an errand?" Fuji would ask in his normal tone.

#2Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:41 am


It was early morning in Kagamino City when Masaru had finished his usual rounds, getting rid of any hollow straying into the city. Now Masaru could be found laying on a bench in the middle of an empty park, quite frankly Masaru was feeling a bit lazy today and didn't want to find an actual place to pass out so instead he opted for a park bench.

As Masaru had begun to drift to sleep his mind was on old friends and new, wondering how they each were doing and where they may be. With those thoughts on his mind he had drifted into a sleep that was light yet deep enough that he would be slightly late in sensing anyone who would approach. Suddenly Masaru felt a slight vibration before hearing the tune of 2nd Sucks by A Day To Remember, his ring tone, with a grunt Masaru reached into his outfit and withdrew the phone and answered.

Hello? Masaru's tired voice would speak into the phone before he would hear Fuji on the other line. "Hello Masa, this is Fuji from the siloh. I was wondering if you were free to help me with an errand?". Masaru pondered his answer.. he was just getting to sleep after-all but now Fuji had interrupted that. Yeah... I'm free.. tired but free, what do you need Fuji?? Masaru's voice was tired and he loosed a yawn as he spoke.

#3Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Sun Mar 18, 2012 9:38 pm


Fuji pondered the meaning of the word tired that Masa had just spoke. Could he selfishly ask him to help him out even though he was tired? Fuji raised his hand to cover his mouth as he continued to stare at himself in the mirror. He wasn't sure what to do so he figured it would be best to let Masa chose, quickly he bit down on his right ring finger and looked away from the mirror. Taking his finger out of his mouth he began to speak, "Have you ever seen anyone from the royal guards? Over the years I've ascertained a number of informants, they say the royal guards are on the move. Based on our past ventures I'm not entirely sure what they may be after but I wanted your help in researching it." Fuji explained as clearly as possible. He then looked down at his ringer finger and stared at the bite marks.

Quickly he walked over to the sink turned it on and began to run cold water on his finger. It didn't hurt, he just liked the feel of cold water on his hands. Something felt off though Masa felt close, like he was in kagamino city. Fuji turned from the sink and rushed to the window. Slowly he lifted his shoulder so her could hold the phone up to his ear with it while he lifted the window. Upon lifting the window he stuck his head to get a better feel. Leaning back Fuji twisted a concealed ring on his finger which forced him out of his own body. "I'm heading to the park can you meet me there?" Fuji asked though he was already walking out the front door.

Once he was outside of his condo he walked down the hall towards a set of stairs. In a bit of a fast pace he got to the roof so he could shunpo his way there. Before doing so he looked down at his clothing. He was wearing his favorite black jacket with a stitched white lining. Underneath that he was wearing a green v-neck t-shirt, his pants looked the same as his cottony black jacket with white stitches. His black chuck taylors with green stitchings were looking pretty worn down. As usual he had a yarn string over his abdomen that he allowed his zanpakuto to sway on.

After getting a good look at himself Fuji ran along the air towards the park. He could feel the hollow that his informant was being chased by earlier. Fuji wondered if he his informant might need some help but there wasn't much time for that....

Fuji smiled a little a bit, today was coming along well. The prospect of even seeing someone in the royal guard was pretty interesting. What made the day even better was how gloomy it looked. The sky had a grayish feel to it, the morning dew gave the air a chilly filling and everyone was driving slow. On days like this Fuji would sit atop a building and watch people laze about. Thinking about people made him realize that he hadn't ate anything, all he had this morning was a cup of coffee. Then he remembered the apples that Shou was eating the other day.

Thinking about other Vizards it all brought him back to Tazuma. He wondered how his progress with the mask had come. Thinking about vizards just made Fuji want to improve his own skills. Staring out at the sky before him he remembered a vizard telling him about sonido. There was a special technique they used with it, germelos sonido. Fuji had been thinking about that move lately. He wanted to invent something similar to it with shunpo and even come up with his own techniques.

"Random question but being in the second squad, did you pick up Shunko?" Fuji asked through the phone. That was one thing he never really focused on when he was back in soul society. If Masa knew it then maybe he could teach him at a later date. With that question asked Fuji would continue towards the park.

#4Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:39 am


Now sitting up on the bench he had claimed Masaru ran his hair through his silver hair as he listened to Fuji speaking. "Have you ever seen anyone from the royal guards? Over the years I've ascertained a number of informants, they say the royal guards are on the move. Based on our past ventures I'm not entirely sure what they may be after but I wanted your help in researching it." The Royal Guards....interesting Masaru thought too himself as he pushed himself off the bench and began walking to the shade of a nearby tree.

Masaru was about to speak up when he heard Fuji continue on to ask, "I'm heading to the park can you meet me there?" At this Masaru chuckled lightly as he reached the tree and sat leaning against its trunk before pulling out a small vial of sake and drinking it. "Funny thing about meeting in the park Fuji, I happen to already be there, and you've gotten me quite interested in what you want to do now that you've mentioned the royal guard." Masaru would stop speaking as Fuji interrupted him to ask whether or not he knew shunko. "Of course I know it, I wouldn't have felt right being a Captain of Squad Two without knowing it.. Masaru chuckled lightly once again as he waited for Fuji's arrival.

#5Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:59 am


Fuji closed his eyes to focus then he felt it Masaru's spiritual energy. Slowly he reopened his eyes, as he did so Fuji began to move faster and faster. As he moved faster the colors on his body seemed to fade as he was literally pulled into a shunpo. At the end of the shunpo Fuji closed a ton of distance completing a far shunpo. He liked to practice shunpoing further from time to time. Seeing he was spending a lot of time outside of his gigai as of late. With a couple of these quick Shunpo's Fuji was standing over the park staring down at Masa. "You'll have to teach me Shunko when we get back, my versions kind of messed up ha." Fuji laughed before ending the phone call. Now lets see if my backdoor is still open.Fuji thought to himself for a second.

Slowly a purple reiastu started to seep from Fuji's body as he unsheathed his sword. As though by instinct Fuji flipped on his mask and stuck his sword out infront of him. A vertical red line about six feet tall formed right in the sky. From there it started to tear like a garganta vertically. As the red line parted the sky a familiar senkaimon door was closed right behind it. Fuji's mask vanished instantly without him making a single motion. Along with his mask his reiatsu dropped to something you could barely sense. A bright line shined through as the senkaimon started to open up. Following the initial door several other doors opened up as well. The light vanished and all Fuji could see was darkness and dirt.

Fuji sheathed his zanpakuto and looked down at Masa one more time. If he wasn't already on his way up Fuji would put his hand next to his mouth and shout. "Lets go to soul society...." Fuji would say in a bit of serious tone. Immediately after saying that he would step into the Senkaimon and a flash of purple light would follow. Though he wouldn't get far he would touch a fleshy wall leading to the dangai. "Hmm it seems like Amaya closed off my secret door. At least we've still got a way in though, it should still lead to my secret dirt field." Fuji would muster while he waited for Masa to join him.

OOC: Once Masa enters the senkaimon they are no longer technically in Kagamino city. They aren't in soul society either, but the dangai so we'll post here for a little while longer.


Inside the Dangai

"Alright this is a section of the Dangai not even soul society is monitoring. The royal guard appeared in soul society and talked to a few residents. They say they knew it was the royal guard because it was like time was halted or something. I wanna go the forest and see if we can find anything." Fuji explained to Masa within the confines of the Dangai. Then he would notice that the two of them were both back in shinigami garb for some reason. Their other clothes were underneath but it feels like his senkaimon was altered. Fuji turns to examine their front and back and listens for the kokoryu.

"I wonder if they are using this passage way anymore?" Fuji ponders outloud. He reaches over his shoulder to grab the handle of his zanpakuto and closes his eyes. Just then his reaistu begins to fluctuate as he attempts an erect jinzen. Before he can complete it Fuji stops and looks out at the walls of the dangai. He then starts walking but the fact that he couldn't feel the kokoryu was a bit interesting. He's heard of ways to halt the flow of energy in the dangai to use it for training but he's never had the chance. If this passage was truly unused he could come here a different time to try it out.

#6Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Mon Mar 26, 2012 11:50 am


After telling Fuji he did know Shunko, Masaru had closed his eyes and reached out his senses. It wasn't very long until the wind was blowing with a soft breeze that Masaru had begun to feel Fuji's reiatsu approaching. After a few more moments Masaru suddenly heard Fuji's voice both through his phone and above him, "You'll have to teach me Shunko when we get back, my versions kind of messed up ha." the Fuji's end went dead as he hung up.

Masaru chuckled a bit and hung up his own phone and looked up to see Fuji opening a red gargantua like opening in the sky with a senkaimon behind it. The senkaimon opened to reveal several others behind it opening as well as Masaru heaved himself off the ground and leapt into the air beside Fuji. The moment Masaru approached Fuji spoke in a serious tone, "Lets go to soul society...." before stepping into the senkaimon. Yeah..lets go.. Masaru's voice conveyed no emotion as he followed Fuji into the senkaimon.

Inside the Dangai

Fuji had quickly explained that they were now within a section of the Dangai Soul Society no longer kept watch over, and that they would be going to the forest. Masaru then noticed that his normal attire was now covered by a standard shinigami uniform, though his black cloak/cape was still visible giving him a similar look to the normal captains uniform. As they walked on Masaru had noticed that the kokoryu was absent, upon this he spoke up. Fuji... where's the kokoryu? shouldn't it be here? Masaru would question before continuing further and nearing the exit.

#7Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:12 pm


Fuji bit down on his right index finger once again leaving an indent. Then he proceeded to shrug while he walked further along the dangai. Looking back once more he noticed Masaru's outfit. Fuji sighed a bit thinking he'd never get to wear a hoari. Though this wasn't the time to be thinking negatively, Fuji perked back up and continued walking faster. "I don't know I guess we can call it a blessing. If not we'd be in a rush, and I'd probably mess something up." Fuji explained in a serious manner while staring dead ahead. He could see the wall of dirt at the end of this Dangai leading to a secret underground passage.

Upon reaching the end Fuji put his hand on the dirt and started to feel around. The more he felt around the more he could feel a breeze coming through. He continued to search then he felt reiatsu seep through it as well. People were walking over the forest for some reason, though at least he knew where they were. Turning around he put his back against the dirt and pointed at Masaru. "Alright lets think of a cover story. You'll be my captain if anyone ask and we are studying an abandoned dangai tunnel. Lately there's been peaks in spiritual power and we think someone may be training inside of it." Fuji explained as easily as he could to Masaru. He figured he would get it right away and there wouldn't be any need to come up with an elaborate story. This way they could walk around as though they were just apart of soul society normally.

Closing his eyes for a moment Fuji lowered his reiatsu to that of a lieutenant. Swiftly he took his zanpakuto from off his back and fashioned it as a lieutenant would at his side. With a quick brush of his hair Fuji made it seem messy, then he took on a pretty evil expression. After all was said and done he poked a hole in the dirt and started opening up the passage. "Do you remember where your barracks are if anyone asks? We might have to lead a few naysayers if the need arises." Fuji would ask yet another question to make sure that their plan was fullproof.

#8Royal Guards...where!? Empty Re: Royal Guards...where!? Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:17 pm


As Masaru continued to walk Fuji answered his question with "I don't know I guess we can call it a blessing. If not we'd be in a rush, and I'd probably mess something up." To which Masaru easily agreed, he used to hate the thing himself anyways. Now it seemed the two were approaching a dead end in the form of a dirt wall which Fuji spent a few moments poking around before turning his back to it and facing Masaru again.

Quickly Fuji laid out the plan for Masaru, Masaru was to be Fuji's captain while Fuji was his Lt. and they had been investigating the specific hidden passage they were now in. With nothing against the plan Masaru lowered his own reiatsu as Fuji did so, to the shinigami it would appear that Masaru had reiatsu equal to that of a newer captain. As Fuji began opening the passage he asked Masaru if he remembered his old barracks just incase. That I do, though that in itself could hold a problem, as I'm sure Amaya would be here.. Although it would be a small issue if things did get messed up Masaru was willing to deal with whatever would happen, when it happens.

Masaru would follow Fuji out of the passage, a few shinigami looked in their direction but paid no attention to the two specificly. It seemed the shinigami were in a hurry over something, which could prove useful to Masaru's and Fuji's movements. Masaru looked about, taking in the forest around him, it had been a long time for him since he had been in Soul Society. So Lt. what now? Masaru would ask his 'Lt' as he began to walk off towards where he remembered Seireitei being at a leisurely pace.

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