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#1Bleeding Temptation Empty Bleeding Temptation Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:29 am


Finally the time had come for my first solo mission in the human world. In truth it wasn't the first time i had been in the human world alone, though it had never started that way. Whenever I had been here before had been with the Academy and though i started with the rest of the class. I was usually forgotten about when groups were made or left behind by accident. So i quickly learned how to take care of myself when in the human realm. There had even been an incident when i got left behind for a week and the only reason was because they didn't realize that i had been missing until then. Seriously, being someone who is forgotten about all the time can be a real pain in the ass.

But now i was on my first actual solo mission. Originally it had been intended for a two man team but everyone in Squad Eleven was either busy or away on another mission. Even Kenpachi Taicho was busy with his own duties though i am wondering how he found the time to convince the others that i was capable of this on my own.

As i exited the senkaimon, I instantly regretted my attire. Had i known that it was pouring harder than Niagara Falls i wouldn't of worn my sleeveless shuhakshu. Within a couple of minutes i was completely soaked. Grudgingly i began making my way of to the designated area of my mission. Apparently some strange Hollow sightings had been taking place in one of the parks of the city of Kagamino. The squad Twelve technicians that maintained the surveillance of the human world were unsure of what to make of it and wanted an investigation made. So of course, Squad Eleven was asked to do it under one stipulation. There had to be samples of reitsu taken of the abnormal hollows.

After a few quick Shunpos, I arrived at the park with the highest number of sightings of the unusual hollows. Instantly i could sense the residue of a recent hollow attack but the heavy rains had washed all the evidence away. Gritting my teeth i reach up and remove the eye patch over my left eye. It was a long shot but hopefully the hollow was still within visual range.

#2Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:31 pm


(is this open?)

#3Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:23 pm


(Sorry Taz. Only Divus and Me. Should of been in the Title Scrip.)

#4Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Tue May 01, 2012 8:53 am



Had the shinigami turned her head in either direction, she would have seen them - horrid shapes, crawling in the shadows on the other sides of glass and doors, locked inside buildings and unable to remember how to exit the structures they had once lived in. Blood stained the sidewalk, fresh blood, as it had not been washed away by the pounding rains yet. Just as the shinigami took her next step, she would hear a loud crunch. A flattened hand, with no body attached to it, lay broken beneath her foot. Groans and horrid shrieks could be heard, as three humans stumbled out onto the street, walking in a manner that seemed... unnatural. Snaps and crack were heard in their bones, and as they came closer, all of them bore fatal wounds. These were not living humans anymore. These were the undead; somehow, a horde of zombies had replaced the area's population.

Pit pit pat pat THUD

Where the Shinigami walked, the devastation increased. The streets were now broken, and one had even been pulled from the ground, the massive broken fragment of asphalt and cement now diagnolly crossing the street in a loose and ruinous manner, while chaos filled the surrounding world. Cars were flipped over on their sides, street lights were flickering, and telephone poles had been torn out of the ground. Through the park, three shinigami could be seen, all dead. One was separate, a dark skinned, red haired female literally torn in half, hanging out of a tree by her entrails. The leafs and branches hid most of the gore... but it was no less horrifying. Large bites had been taken out of her upon closer inspection... and her spiritual decay had been rapidly slowed by some kind of saliva that coated the dead body, as if whatever creature that did this was saving her for later.

The other two were no longer recognizable. One was half buried into the ground, head first, leaving only a pair of chewed up legs sticking out of the ground and a shattered zanpakuto. The other barely resembled anything, a torn up, half used pile of raw meat to the side of the shinigami buried into the ground, and a damaged zanpakuto was the only evidence that it had once been a shinigami. That, and the familiar saliva coating both corpses, stopping them from dissolving and passing on so they could be fed upon once again..

Crunch crunch thwwaaaaa-ack....

Behind the shinigami, a massive blur had appeared, as if too horrid to be seen; only a distortion in the air was seen initially, but then it slowly came into vision. Had this thing somehow made itself invisible previously? The noise of it's motion had followed her closely, and now, it had torn an entire tree from the ground with a freakishly deformed arm - bones jutted out from it, growing in spiral, sea-shell like forms, whilst massive tons of exposed muscles convulsed and flexed, pulling the heavy full grown plant from the ground as if it were merely yanking a toothpick out of a sandbox. The rest of it's body, too, came into view.

A fat, gluttonous humanoid shape, with a gut so huge it sunk down to it's ankles. A strange scent seemed to tell those who smelled it that this thing was male, but the scent was mixed heavily with rotting flesh and new blood. Faces could be seen in his sickly veneer of white, fatty skin. Tiny arms rose from beneath it's thick, muscly chest, just under the bulge. They clawed and twitched frantically, as if unable to control themselves properly, whilst the right arm was much smaller than the gigantic right tree-holding limb. With a thunderous crack, it swung the tree down at Elenia, sure to snap the tree in half if it hit anything at all. All the while, those thick, compressed legs swelled beneath layers and layers of fat, no doubt acquired from eating a countless many souls.

The only things that identified it as a hollow was that wretched, mutant mask. It was twisted and malformed as if to be a grotesque accident of nature, with pincers, thorns, and evil shapes extending from it and curling around it's balding head. A long, grey, tattered stream of hair flowed behind it's back, half stained and matted together in dried blood. And as that mask opened, an awful tongue came forth - splattering blood forth in a nasty spittle of fluids and the same saliva coating the already slain shinigami. As it's chest flexed, one could see the Hollow hole in the murderous giant, half-hidden by huge sums of fat and muscle hanging over it like goop and mud. It had obviously mistaken her for it's next meal, but the horror was no push over.

Even it's reiatsu had been hidden, and moments after swinging, it released the tree and disappeared from sight once more. It dashed around at sonido-level speeds despite it's obese weight and quickly charged the shinigami, aiming for her side. It seemed to be faster and it lunged forward with it's huge, toothy, warped mouth, attempting to bite off her left arm in it's vicious maw.

All the while, a mysterious tall figure clad in a black robe watched from beyond, as the zombies came out from the buildings to form a ring around the ensuing battle. And yet, a brightly shining object could be seen in the hooded man's hand as he approached, reflecting light off the obvious glint of polished metal.

#5Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Wed May 02, 2012 11:09 am


The bodies didn't me, in fact i could almost se the art in their disembowlment. However the slobber that covered the bodies did interest me. It was unusual for hollows to leave the bodies of their victims about like this. As i approached the bodies, a shuffling noise brought my attention round. For a second i stared before bursting out in laughter. Long had i thought such silliness a fantasy of human movies but lo and behold, before me was a group of zombies. Shambling aimlessly, the mindless creatures looked everything as they had in the movies.

"Oh my, I guess things have gotten even worse than i thought," I stated calmly as i recovered from laughing. I was about to reach into my shuhakshu when I suddenly twisted and placed my hand flat above me. "Hado One, SHO!"

The Kido tore into the tree trunk snapping it in two before it crashed down on me. One half crashed behind me as the grotesque beast stared at me with the other half in hand. With a sickeing lurch, i saw the fat rolls of the hollow jiggle in a wave as the beast disappeared from sight after it dropped the other half of the tree trunk.

Closing my right eye, I let my ears take priority control of my senses and reflexes. Somehow the creature was able to hide the presence of its spiritual pressure. I was going to have to be on my guard with this hollow. It was fast and its Sonido was faster than my Shunpo, but from its actions it was a beast. Primal were its actions and thought pattern. And its reitsu density put it on a stronger plane than myself. I was seriously gonna have to pull out all the stops and somehow manage to get a sample of its reitsu.

"Do you honestly think that lumbering body of yours wasn't going to be heard by me," I stated calmly as my body shifted slightly as the noiselessness of the ninja surrounded me. "This is how you erase your breath."

In a split second, the creatures maw closed down around the left arm, only to find that it bite nothing but air. Slowly static began to run across the image of myself as it smiled knowingly at the hollow.

In silence I used Bakudo 26, Kyokko, to hide myself visually and spiritually before peeking back out from behind the tree. The creature was still there, probably wondering what happened to me. It was then that i felt a presence that made my blood turn to ice. There was someone here who might be stronger than Kenpachi Yaicho and its reitsu felt caked with ...

Blood... The voice of my zanpakuto threatened to break my kyokko. With a mental curse I shunpoed to behind the cloaked man. "So, you are the one who my Zanpakuto is in awe and jealousy of."

Deftly I wiped the drool off my arm into a collection beaker and placed it into my shuhakshu. "Though i know you won't be bothered by it but as my duty and honor dictates i must warn you to leave this place. It won't be long before it finds me here."

I had cut it to close with my shadow image technique. Its teeth had connected and tore open a small but gruesome wound. Blood was starting to trickle down my arm and i had a sinking feeling that that hollow could hunt by blood.

Turning to face the man, I leveled both my human and dead eye upon him. The density of the reitsu inside him was almost blinding to my charred and blackened left eye. "Sir, there is no time to hesitate. You need to leave this area otherwise you may get in the way."

Techniques/Abilities/Kido Used

Ability Name: Ninja Speed
Ability Use/Effect: Elenia's abnormal affinity with Shunpo allows her to use Shunpo more efficiently and effectively than most shinigami. Reduces the Reitsu cost and Reitsu Control drain of Shunpo by 50%. Also adds plus 5 bonus to speed stat.

Ability: Dead Silence
Ability Use/Effect: A way of moving so that the user barely makes a sound, if any at all, making it very difficult to hear her. As her abilities grow and become master she is able to move silently longer. *Teir Ability - Teir 1* Can maintain silence for 2 posts per tier. (Using the Vizard mask duration tiers as a template)

Ability: Dead Eye
Ability Use/Effect: Elenia cannot truly see out of her Left eye. It is quite literally a dead eye. However when she removes the eyepatch, her left eye can visibly see reistu density. ex. A captain would have a very dense aura of reitsu when compared to that of a seated officer. A normal nonseated shinigami would have a denser reitsu aura when compared to a human. Also if in a world where everything is made up of reitsu, the air, ground, buildings, etc... would have a density of reitsu that she could see with her dead eye. I guess if you wanted a visually comparison... it would essentially be a mix of Allen Walker's cursed eye (from D-Gray Man) and how the creatures in the movie Pitch Black see.

Technique Name:Shadow Image-Shunpo Variation
Description: A shunpo that leaves an image of Elenia behind to distract opponents.

Bakudo 26 Kyokko-Hides the target from sight, by bending light. The spell has the ability to totally hide the presence and reiatsu of the user or specified object

Hado 1 Sho-Pushes the target away from the caster.

#6Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Sun May 06, 2012 3:17 am



Divus stood still, seemingly ignoring the girl. His blackened old robes and hood hid much of him, but shows of movement were evident. His broad shoulders were defined even in the tattered garment, which he threw aside with the swing of a long, powerful arm. The figure that was revealed actually showed to be a very handsome young man despite the wickedness he'd appeared to have silently spawned out of. He seemed like some great sculpture, his white skin dimly reflecting the slitted moon's light, the only light that remained to defy him... and even so, it seemed to diminish as it touched his gorgeous body, which was scarcely dressed in armor and a loincloth.

A sturdy metallic belt crossed his waist composed of many bullet-like cylinders forming armor, with two similar bands of chains and slender cylinders banded around his chest. They were stained red, with black trim and highlights, and golden chains connected them to one another. Two great shoulder plates sat atop his broad form, of different shapes. The one on his left jutted outward in spikes and was securely strapped to his arm as well as attached to the chain-cylinder armor wrapped around his chest, and seemed well suited for ramming into foes, as the protrusions were wickedly sharp and eerily malefic in some odd design. It extended roughly three feet off his shoulder. The other side was covered by a large, almost roman style plate of the same type and metal, except it rose to protect the neck and the head. A large red gem sat at it's center, glowing a faint red, whilst a cage-like organic mass of metal bars bent around to provide additional thickness on the lower guard rested beneath the shimmering gemstone. Both pieces of armor were the same bloody red color as the cylinders.

Black leather straps were all across his right arm, organized vertically near the joints, with the straps wrapping around the spaces in between the fingers and thumb of his brutal fist. The straps stopped beneath the shoulder, attached to the gemstone-set shoulder plate, which was also attached to the cylinders. Beneath that, Divus had an armored tasset belt beneath the cylinders around his waist. Near the crotch, it extended into a large skull shape carved into the belt, with wicked teeth and a third ruby eye. The eye sockets seemed sunken and dark, and from the mouth of the skull extended a fat, torn red cloth, long enough to reach Divus's ankles; it served to keep him decent.

The belt was attached to two separate pieces of metal that hung down the sides of Divus's powerful, exposed thighs in the vague shape of skeletal hands attacked to a larger, bent K shaped form, which curved around the back of his thigh and mid way across the hamstring. Above, it was connected by an eyeball-shaped joint metal ball and some chains beneath it. Evidently, the ball could rotate, and the metal fit Divus's legs perfectly. And beneath those, there was a pair of large, heavy boots. Spikes rose from the foot area all the way up to the mid calf around the edges, whilst a reptilian face sat at the base of each ankle with metallic red horns, and above where the spikes ended the armor boots jutted out in bladed forms along the sides and smooth bands up to the knee, from whence skull-shaped forms covered their caps and their curling horns swirled around Divus's joints to protect the entire knee on each leg. While outrageously decorative, the armor itself held no special powers; it was merely something he'd acquired in hell as a gift since becoming Dark Lord.

His crotch and upper legs and hips were also wrapped in black cloth bandages to prevent selective nudity in the event that the red cloth failed to conceal his testicles and shaft, and Divus reached down to withdraw a strange mask from the lower cylinder belt. It was shaped in a way eerily similar to a crocodile head but was made of solid gold. There were, however, vaguely humanoid shaping to the cheeks and forehead, and the terrifying thing was obviously made to fit a face. Slipping it onto his head, the mask made a sickening convulsion as it attached to Divus's face, somehow merging into the skin. Divus slipped a powerful black leather strap around the back of his head, connecting the mask to his face in the event it could fall just in case, although the way it had seemingly fused with his face averted that possibility; it seemed like a paranoid precaution, but his long, wild black hair covered it up anyway.

None of the armor, nor the mask, had any sort of special powers... Divus had simply liked it all, but the mask did have a purpose. Any demon exiting hell without a proper vessel required a mask lest they be dragged back. You never knew when you'd be snatched away - and even Divus, who'd evaded capture for countless years, had to beware of this danger. And so demons carried masks, and now, so did Divus. This was simply his mask; as long as it stuck to his face, which it did so vigilantly, he could not be sent back.

He rose a powerful hand, and his cloak flew into his left arm. opposite to the one bound in leather straps. This one had a fat golden gauntlet around the forearm, nearly four inches thick, a mass of intricately carved and root-shaped streams of yellow trim connected by masses of tiny chains meshed together beneath the gold fragments. Divus attached the cloak to a small mechanism on the inner side of the spiked shoulder plate, bunching it together and pressing it down underneath. When complete, it hung behind him in a black stream of fabric, torn and ripped. It was no longer a cloak but almost like a great malevolent flag draped over the back of Divus's mighty shoulder.

He moved his hand to push the girl aside as he watched the gigantic super-hollow come charging forth, swinging down one of it's massive arms with a strike that would have split her skull for certain; if she didn't evade the push, it would not knock her to the ground persay, but would knock her out of the attacks range as rocks and dust flew up into Divus's face. The gleaming sword in his hand, Arrenok, began to vibrate wildly in the presence of danger... then, extending his free hand in the direction of the Hollow, a deafening noise burst out like an explosion as the beast was ripped from the ground.

It literally soared across the park a good forty feet, an impossible feat considering it's massive weight, as the thing looked more than capable of devouring entire elephants. It had to have weighed tons. And yet, this one man had blown it away simply by pointing at it. It then seemed to look at Divus in a peculiar fashion as if it did not believe what had happened... behind that mask, however, an indecipherable language was spoken; the power of Dark Whisper, which only Divus and the Hollow would hear. It then grinned savagely and rose with satisfaction at it's master's answer. Elenia would not know that this thing was actually a servant of his, that this was a scheme and she had played into it.

In an instant, the monster was gone! It ran at impossible speeds. With the swipe of a massive claw it swung at her hand, aiming to knock the zanpakuto out of her grasp, the orders of it's beloved lord which it served gladly.

#7Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Sun May 06, 2012 4:14 am


At first i did not fear what the man could be despite his powerful reitsu density but as soon as he flung that cloak away from him, i knew that he was someone that should not be in the human world. I didn't know what he was but from his armor and that strange mask...i knew if he turned to attack me... I would die. In my stupor about the man before me, I failed to notice the hollow rushing at us. Just as i noticed the shadow of the hollow's massive arm above me, the now uncloaked man moved in a speed that was naked to even my eyes. Not even my dead eye could keep up with the movement of his reitsu.

Tumbling, i rolled to feet in time to see the man blast the hollow with a wave of reitsu from his palm. Shock and a bit of awe rolled through me as i witnessed the massive hollow soar through the air and land some ways away. I was unsure of what was going on but i knew something was up. The hollow was looking afraid and confused but now it was smiling and...

"Shit," I muttered mid thought as i shifted my weight and body. Whatever that man's game was, it seemed somehow connected with me so it would of been bothersome of me to die before i found out what it was. The hollow's speed was tremendous as it brought its arm around to slash at my sword arm. Apparently its goal was to disarm me and then finish me off. And i didn't have time to dodge with severe injury so i did the next best thing.

Pain exploded through my body as the hollow's claws dug into my body, more accurately piercing through my body. However i did not fly backwards or fall from the blow as my left arm held onto the hollow's hand in a death grip. For a moment i just stood there as blood dripped down onto the ground before i began laughing manically as my little amount of reitsu began to overflow from me. In a swift motion i stabbed my Zanpakuto into the underside of the hollow's wrist before ripping it sideways to completely sever the tendons and veins in hopes of rendering the hand useless.

With a crazed look in my eye i brought my reverse blade dagger that was my zanpakuto and licked the blood that was on it. I could feel the elation of my zanpakuto as it was given the one thing i knew it desired....blood. Letting go with my left hand, I grabbed my zanpakuto with both hands and tried to drive it through the backside of the hollows wrist and finish severing the hand off. However the ground had become slick with blood from both myself and the hollow and i lost my footing and fell, my zanpakuto clattering into the middle of the pool of blood. Reflexively i flung my left hand out and fired a Byakurai at the hollow's stomach as i scrambled to my sword.

#8Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Sun May 06, 2012 4:28 am



Fling it aside.

The command had been instantaneous through the Dark Whisper, and while Elenia cut at the Hollow's brutish hand, an entire volley of fleshy red tentacles launched from it's back. Two swung around as she dropped the zanpakuto, bashing it out of her reach and the grasping it as she shot a byakurai spell through it's massive, jiggly stomach, before hurling the sword into the air. When it was done, it looked down to see it's hand had been severed. It made a very unsatisfied groan, before the tentacles picked up the pieces left behind and sucked up the blood... they also sucked up much of Elenia's blood, which began to flow over the wound, sticking the cut up flesh back together like glue as it healed together in mere seconds. There were scars, but the sickly motions of it's fingers indicated that the tendons had been healed. It seemed this beast's regenerative properties were incredibly fast - it would take a weapon that ceased or slowed regeneration to kill this Hollow. A weapon that only Divus held here. With it's newly recovered fist, It drew it's arm back in a milisecond and swung it's huge knuckly fist towards the side of Elenia, aimed for the right side of her rib cage.

But as the tentacle had flung the zanpakuto into the air previously, Divus had seized it with telekinesis, driving it into a building and smashing it into a window, after which it plunged through several walls and into a filing cabinet filled with papers now partially shredded from the high speed impact. However, Divus's involvement in this was not noticable, as it appeared simply that the tentacle had thrown it in such a way to achieve that result. Beneath the cover of his mask, Divus smiled darkly. He rose that hand carrying the sword, looking at Elenia with those powerful, radiant, unnatural eyes, and then he... helped her?

Arrenok, the blade, stabbed into the Hollow's stomach just outside the hole in it now, which was healing rapidly. It then fell through, moving as if it had a will of it's own, and by this same self-motion slashed it's gut open. While Elenia reached for her zanpakuto, which had only recently been flung aside, Arrenok flew into her hand instead, it's blade glowing with a powerful grey aura in her touch. "Hi there." It spoke, without a mouth, communicating with her somehow. If she were to observe the wound it made on the Hollow's stomach, she would see that it was not regenerating, and blood was dumping out from it onto her legs... blood which the Hollow could no longer absorb.

Divus waved amicably. "I'll let you use him." He said, apparently giving the Shinigami permission... or perhaps it was for the sword. Either way, the weapon's awesome power could be felt surging into her hand, granting her the ability to wield it...

#9Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Sun May 06, 2012 5:32 am


Horror struck me as time seemed to slow down and the beast's tentacles grabbed my Zanpakuto and flung it away. It was a first for me, not to say that i had never been disarmed, but the fact of having my sword thrown away from me in such a manner and way. It took a moment to return to reality as the beast reattached its hand and tested it. Subconsciously I gripped the hilt of my sword in my left hand and blocked the kidney punch the hollow threw at me.

To my surprise i was only pushed back a few feet from the blow and noticed new gashes in the hollow's stomach that weren't healing. I knew that i hadn't done that, not with Byakurai anyways. It was then that i realized that i did not hold my Zanpakuto in my hand but a long sword that glowed with a smokey, grey aura.

Hi there. The sword spoke to me mentally. It was something i wasn't unused too but the tone of this sword was actually a lot more cheerful than my own. Power flowed from the sword into my veins and things began to fall into place, or that's how it felt anyways. The sword had power and at the moment, its power was what i needed.

Hello, Arrenok, I replied mentally. I don't know where the name had come from, it had just popped into my mind. Perhaps the sword had told me perhaps the blood loss was starting to get to me but in truth it didn't matter at the moment. Arrenok's lust for blood was just as strong as my own sword's and he felt as if he belonged in my left hand, a counter to my own that belonged in my right hand. Arrenok I can feel your blood lust pouring through but there is something we must do first. Do you have any qualms about waiting a moment before we can dine in the blood of our enemies?

Not waiting for a reply i dashed forward and slashed at the hollow's legs before shunpoing to were i had seen my Zanpakuto crash through the building. Sweat began trickling down my face as i felt my reitsu draining more and more. My Kyokko was eating away at my reitsu faster than i would of liked but i knew that finding my sword was more important.

Savor that taste for the moment. This will only take a moment i hope. She would kill me if i didn't let her feast some more before killing that hollow. I explained i jumped down into the hole where my sword had punched through the building. I knew i didn't have much time left before the hollow caught up with me. Even if those slashes had hit, i knew that it wouldn't slow him down for long. With a disregard for my own wounds and the noise i was now making, i charged down the hole in search of my sword.

#10Bleeding Temptation Empty Re: Bleeding Temptation Sun May 06, 2012 5:58 am



At the moment that slash struck, the beast was helpless. Blood gushed from it's legs in insanely massive quantities as a wound that would never heal scarred it's body - it seemed the weapon literally sucked the blood out of it's enemies, and the Hollow was almost dry! Meanwhile, that vicious glamorous sword was gleaming in fresh red blood. It did not answer her directly, but, it was heard. Hum hm hum hmmm... ha hum hm hm.... It hummed, playing a soft tune. Was this thing really just humming in the middle of battle? Arrenok grunted as she left, however, but did not leave her hand just yet. It would have a little more patience. Do hurry now, I'm on a rather tight schedule here! And so is that man who lent me to you, the boss shares my deprivation of downtime. It uttered in it's flamboyant, telepathic voice. However, everybody could hear it? Was it really telepathy...? No, the blade vibrated whenever it spoke. Somehow it made realistic words and voices by sheer vibration alone! Quite the sword.

But the Hollow was not so energetic or joyous. It's legs would not move; they slammed, blue and purple, into the concrete. The wound's on it's body continued to grow, becoming massive yet another side effect of the powerful blade. It's vision became hazy, it's blood forming a massive pool as it slumped over on the ground. Slowly, it crashed down onto it's side, barely alive... Elenia would merely have to finish it off when she returned. Blood loss was what was killing it, not the damage itself.

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