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#1Into The Fray Empty Into The Fray Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:11 am


Fuji started to scratch his head when he noticed two shinigami's quickly approaching the two of them. Lowering his hand Fuji immediately stop the incessant scratching, then he moved to stand at Masaru's side. As they got closer to him he inspected the two of them to as quickly as he could. They were in normal attire, quite possibly from the eleventh squad. There was dirt all over their legs, there was dried up sweat on their face. Fuji immediately discerned that they were just out searching the perimeter. Though almost instantly he forgot that neither of them had insignias. Taking a step back Fuji wanted to run but that wasn't the wisest decision.

As though he was a superb actor Fujioka pointed randomly in a direction. "Ahem Captain weren't you wondering why there were soo many hollows flying away from soul society?" Fuji asked out loud to Masaru pretty loudly. Turning back to the approachign shinigami that had now stopped Fuji swiftly pointed at them. "You two are on patrol right? Hurry up we can't do our research with hollows flying over head!" Fuji yelled at this pointing into a random direction.

The two of them stopped and tried to feel for the reiatsu of any nearby hollows. They didn't really feel anything but they were to scared to ask any questions either. Immediately they stood firm before bowing and rushing off in the direction Fuji pointed in. The two ran off quickly with their hands on their zanpakutos prepped for battle. Fuji nudged his glasses and smirked before turning away. Then he suddenly looked in the direction of soul society. He felt a heavy reiatsu coming from that direction, then it almost vanished. Instinctively Fuji put his hand on his Zanpakuto and began to shunpo ahead of Masaru in that direction.

After shunpoing a few times Fuji found himself amongst a few abandoned houses that looked like they had been torn down. Looking around at the area he wondered why he could still feel the faint traces of reiatsu. Fuji turned around slowly to see if he Masaru had followed him. Right when he turned around the sky seemed to ripple and it felt like hollows were trying to tear their way into soul society. Then it stopped altogether. The wind would immediately pick up and start to blow an eerie whistling sound. Fujioka turned quickly as the reiatsu seemed to move around the small amount of coupled homes. Just like the last time the reiatsu came then it vanished.

"That's pretty weird have you ever felt anything like that before?" Fuji asked out aloud assuming Masaru was right behind him feeling the same thing. It felt hollow but at the same time it didn't really feel like a hollow.

#2Into The Fray Empty Re: Into The Fray Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:39 am


Masaru was looking around the area when he felt the reiatsu of two shinigami approaching, as they neared Masaru made note that their legs were coated in dried mud and dirt, their faces also coated in dried and drying sweat. The two appeared to be unseated shinigami sent out on patrol, as they came even closer Fuji spoke up from beside Masaru, "Ahem Captain weren't you wondering why there were soo many hollows flying away from soul society?". Understanding the act Fuji was playing Masaru replied in a serious tone, Indeed I was Lieutenant, it is rather bothersome for out research. Masaru would imply as Fuji spoke again while pointing in some random direction, "You two are on patrol right? Hurry up we can't do our research with hollows flying over head!".

As the two shinigami took off and vanished from sight Masaru felt a heavy reiatsu coming from somewhere in the direction Masaru noticed Fuji had suddenly looked towards. When the reiatsu almost vanished Masaru watched for a moment as Fuji took off ahead of him, hand on Zanpakuto. Silently Masaru vanished from where he was as he begun a quick low step series of shunpo to catch up with Fuji. Masaru quickly caught up to Fuji among a few abandoned houses, as he began to look around himself Masaru noticed that the heavy reiatsu still lingered faintly. Noticing Fuji had turned to see if he caught up Masaru was about to question why they came to this spot when he noticed Fuji's gaze turn to the sky. Turning himself Masaru witnessed the sky ripple as he began to feel the presence of hollow reiatsu, before the rippling would suddenly stop altogether.

The wind suddenly began to pick up, blowing with an eerie whistling sound. Turning back to face Fuji, Masaru felt the reiatsu quickly move around the small area of homes. Fuji turned as well, possibly noticing the same thing before he spoke up. "That's pretty weird have you ever felt anything like that before?" Fuji questioned, Masaru stood a few feet behind Fuji trying to think of something before answering. When he couldn't come up with an answer Masaru spoke up, When I think about it no I haven't Fuji. But for it to linger the way it does, and to feel so close to the likes of a hollows... I can only hope its not some kind of hollow we haven't encountered... Masaru honestly had no answer for Fuji, and the possibility of it being a new step in a hollows evolution bothered Masaru. After answering Fuji, Masaru would vanish using shunpo to follow after the trace amounts of reiatsu left behind by whatever the source they felt was.

#3Into The Fray Empty Re: Into The Fray Tue Apr 03, 2012 11:42 am



"Tsukihana, come on now. Do you really think he was looking at you? That Shinigami? Please, you are just being crazy! What Shinigami would want someone like us?" Asked a mature, yet well bodied citizen of Rukongai. She had short black hair, freckles, but a pretty ordinary face. Despite her ordinary face, she had large breasts and strong theighs. It wasn't a wonder why she was married 7 times already.

"Come on, Aya. Don't be like that. I think that he smiled to me, don't you think that's wonderful?" Unfettered, a younger looking citizen replied. She was hard to get down with her lofty dreams and kind hearted personality. Tsukihana was similar to her friend, plain face though strong curves. The two of them wore folded skirts as they gathered water into buckets. Why? They didn't need to eat or drink, having no spiritual power, but they did like to shower and stay clean in their own homes.

Carrying a bucket in both hands, Aya frowned.
"Tsukihana. Shinigami don't go looking at Rukongai. They look at Sereitei. Don't you-" Aya stopped as her skirt was lifted up...By a pair of hands. She felt it being lifted up. It wasn't any conveniently strong low breeze! Aya dropped the bucket and screeched, turning around with her open palm at the ready only to see...Nothing?

"What? What's wrong, Aya?" Asked Tsukihana, taking a step forward before she felt...Hands. Looking down, her large endowments were being groped greedily by hands that had slid her kimono opened. It looked like her kimono had opened all on it's own, an automatic door, ushering the wandering eyes of a few nearby that were lazily relaxing by the water. "Agggghhhhh!" Screamed Tsukihana as she swung her arms over her chest and jumped back, falling on the ground.

"Hehe...Haha...Hoho!" The ominous, slow laugh of something that could not be seen, touched, and gave nothing away to it's pressence. Aya and Tsukihana looked forward in horror, having heard the ghostly chuckle.

"The Amanojaku!"
"The Amanojaku!"
The two girls cried and everyone around them stood up, starting to whisper, and a few started to leave. They all looked worried. Something was wrong and whatever it was it was upsetting the easy going atmosphere that was around only a few moments before.

In between the two girls a rush of energy started to collect that looked like a vortex of gray winds. A strange outline could be seen of what almost looked like a man. The outline was transparent, making it something that was not easy to catch, and around it was a strong surge of strange energy. What was there? It wasn't easy to say. To the ordinary members of Rukongai it looked like a small vortex of power had collected and, in only a moment, it vanished.

An echo of a laugh was left behind as, yet again, that distortion caused havoc.

The Amanojaku, as the citizens called it, was a strange anomaly that had been popping up here and there causing all sorts of trouble. From stealing, to lecherous groping, stealing/dropping clothes, and harmless pranks to homes being blown up, grounds being torn apart, temples being desecrated, children being abducted to even deaths were all in the rise in Rukongai. The devious demon was running about, nearly undetectable, and was doing all sorts of cruel deeds to anger, harass, hurt, and break the sanity of all that were around it. Recently, the Shinigami were called in to deal with these "strange happenings" and it immeadeatly became a big problem.

This "Amanojaku" has appeared and disappeared at will and without a trace in various environments and situations no matter how strict or heavy they were. A locked down house to a building barred by kido didn't matter to the Amanojaku, as it always found a way in and out and always respawned in a different place. This creature, who's features are completely unknown, has been known to appear in one place in Rukongai, vanish, then in only a matter of seconds appear hundreds of kilometers away as if it traveled faster than Shunpo in a moment. The most important detail that was found when the Shinigami involved themselves was that this Amanojaku has inconsistent energy. Ranging from being a high level hollow to radiating a low level shinigami's power, it's nature can't be determined by the power it exudes. It's almost like it is everything, nothing, and something all at once, yet never at the sametime. It has terrorized the people endlessly, seeming to enjoy tormenting others, but it's true purpose in being in Soul Society is not clear nor is how it arrived here.

Whatever it is it can be a Hollow one moment then a Demon the other and a Shinigami the next and some of the most talented Shinigami sensors have verified the energy transitions. It is something that appears to have the attributes of multiple races, yet at times can give off no energy at all. Capturing it or getting rid of it are the most important jobs at the moment, but the only problem is how to accomplish this?


It laughed. It stood on an old building that stood higher than many others in the area. This was an, for the most part, abandoned portion of Rukongai. It was invisible, as usual, but a slight transparent flicker could be seen vaguely in the moonlight. It was giving off a high level hollow's energy, which would likely put any nearby Shinigami on edge. A Hollow had invaded Soul Society? An unmoving Hollow that couldn't be seen at that. It remained where it was. It wasn't like it to appear in an abandoned area and it wasn't like it to not do anything...But there it was. Waiting. It was waiting for...Something. It's energy was obvious, but who would investigate?


#4Into The Fray Empty Re: Into The Fray Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:08 pm


Despite this area being mostly abandoned there were still some people around to Fuji's surprise. Fuji bit down on his finger a tad before following behind Masaru. Though they were using Shupo Fuji was still keeping a watchful eye for anything mysterious. Though notably he wondered if those shinigami from earlier had felt anything? This could become a bit hassle if they started running in this direction. As they got closer and closer to a denser part of the rukongai Fuji started to feel a breeze. They were close to a lake front of some sort, most likely a crowded area. Peeking around Masaru Fuji stared at the bickering shinigami. The energy was strongest near her for some reason, then it sort of vanished. "It's pretty weird though I'm starting to think my informant was right. This seems like the lengths royal guards would go to so they could keep themselves concealed. Whatever is behind this energy is likely to be tied to them." Fuji spoke calmly and quietly from behind Masaru.

Fuji decided it would be best to get from behind Masaru's back and investigate the area. Shunpoing all over the place when it was so crowded wouldn't be a great idea either. Fuji simply made swift glances in the direction he felt the ominous reiatsu. Then he heard them yell something pretty interesting. Amanojaku...immediately Fuji wanted to think it meant something like stomach. Though he didn't want to discredit their shouts so he listened intently. Seeing as he was an exiled shinigami he felt it best not to get involved with them.

Slipping into an alley way Fuji made what was likely some of his quickest shunpo's. In a zig zag pattern closed in on the source of the reiatsu as swiftly as possibly. At the same time he began to remember how easy it was to move in a shikakusho rather than jeans. Closing his eyes for a moment he thought about that technique again. Germelos sonido, then his train of though was gone when he found himself on the same roof as the energy. Quickly he started to look around wondering where it was coming from or what was creating it.

"Come out whatever you are." Fuji mustered in a deep cold threatening tone. He wanted to know if this was indeed how the royal gurads moved around disguising their reiatsu. He earnestly wanted to see someone from the royal guard and based on his hunches this thing might be. Despite speaking in a threatening tone Fuji was still looking around unsure where the energy was really coming from. At a time like this he wanted to bite his finger but he had to remain serious. Instead he contemplated using his mask to get a finer read on the reiatsu. Though putting his mask on would surely blow their covers almost instantly.

"I'll say it again, come out you'll inevitably be caught." Fuji decided to reiterate to the foreign energy. He was now staring angrily out into space while gripping his zanpakuto tightly. Taking a step forwards he accidentally kicked a rock causing him to look down. Then he considered that the energy could be inside the building. Instincts told him to just smash into it in hopes of finding someone standing on one of the lower floors. Instead he remained calm to see if something was gonna show itself.

#5Into The Fray Empty Re: Into The Fray Sat Apr 14, 2012 2:05 am


As Masaru moved about the area searching for the faded reiatsu trail, he noticed that the area he had thought to be abandoned was home to few souls. After noticing the area was slightly populated Masaru began to stick to the shadows more often, and reached his senses even further out than he had already. By now the two were nearing a lake front of sorts, an area that could very well be crowded. Masaru then noticed a pair of bickering shinigami, the reiatsu feeling strongest near them. Fuji then spoke up mentioning that this could very likely be the doing of the Royal Guards, in order to keep themselves concealed.

Masaru promptly agreed after thinking it over for a moment, Masaru was then cut off when he heard two voices scream "The Amanojaku!". Their cry would likely draw attention, and due to Fuji's exiled status and the believe that Masaru was dead the two couldn't allow themselves to help. Following Fuji into an ally way as he began a quick paced zig-zag pattern to close in on the source of reiatsu. Masaru burst into his own shunpo, his form fading from where it was. As he took to catch up to Fuji, Masaru's steps were silent the only sound coming from him was the sound of his body cutting the air. Masaru caught up as Fuji came to a stop ontop of a roof and called out "come out wherever you are".

Considering where Fuji was and where Masaru could feel the other source of reiatsu, he realized that the source was below Fuji. Masaru looked up too Fuji and noticed a more threatening feel to his reiatsu. Masaru stepped forward, walking to the front of the building Masaru noticed the door was not in place but lain on the floor. Cautiously Masaru stepped forward into the door way, his hand drifting to the handle of his zanpakuto as he moved in closer to the source. Suddenly Masaru's voice rang out, Whoever you are, you had best come out, there's no point in remaining hidden. Masaru's voice had a cold biting tone to it, he was not going to play around any longer whether the source was a Royal Guard or not.

[I wanted to hit 600+ for this but all I managed to think up was 300ish]

#6Into The Fray Empty Re: Into The Fray Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:39 am


Vanished. The energy that had attracted Fuji to this abandoned, large building was gone. There was nothing lingering in the air, no clear sign or indication that the invisible flicker remained, and that ethereal gravity that lightly touched his shoulders vanished. The Hollow energy that was erupting before was nothing more than a lost dream now. There was nothing that gave signs that it had ever been there in the first place other than Fuji's over anxious wishes.

Going inside, Masaru would find that everything was dusty, dirty, and covered up by old linen. This was not a place inhabited by residents of Rukongai. It looked like it had been abandoned for years, maybe even decades, but there was something that did look out of place. Where the fallen door was, dust was thrown away, as if it fell down sometime after the dust settled after years upon years of neglect. There were footprints inside, short and slim, but they broke the blanket of dust that lightly touched everything and headed here and there...Meaning someone came here recently. But were they there now?

Masaru's words echoed off the dead, empty walls and received nothing in return.

Up above, Fuji's own words received nothing in return. The air was calm, almost perfectly so, and an eerie silence answered his threat with unfettered care. Ignored, or, perhaps, Fuji was only talking to the empty, devoid, quiet air in the first place? Whatever had been there was no longer there. At least, that is what it appeared as.

If Fuji had the patience to stand there for an tense 45 seconds, he would finally be answered. There was a heavy, massive spiritual wave. It was one that matched any Captain and it was one that was characteristic of every Shinigami. Where a powerful, mighty, aged Hollow stood was now a Shinigami with a very high level of power. Fuji would feel it. He would feel the spiritual pressure as if the air grew warmer and a slight shock ran across his skin. The spiritual power was so dense that the building below them, which it and Fuji stood atop, cracked and, likely as Masaru was investigating, the entire building would collapse. The large building, two stories and plenty of heavy roof with it, was falling down to embrace the vizard below.

"Caught, it says...? Caught. Caught. Caught. It says caught, but what it caught? Isn't caught when...You run right to the sizzling light bulb, attracted to the fire and the brilliance, and burn up into cinders?" The words were strange, like a low squawk from a deranged vulture. It was to Fuji and there was a peculiar malice to it, as if the words themselves wanted to harm Fuji. As if it's language all by itself was going to attack. They were simple questions, but they were seething with ill intent and potential violence as if said by some sort of horrible embodiment of evil emotions and desires.

"Caught. Who is caught? Which will burn in the buzzing sting of the everlight?" Gone. The energy was gone yet again, but it wasn't. Invisible, with no indication of it's position or location, it moved. It was almost like the air was hiding it, quieting it's motion, and just about none of the 5 senses could even tell that it was actually there...That it was actually moving. Fuji was likely not an exception as a powerful fist was sent to his chest and, just like that, attempted to launch him backwards at 30 miles per hour and into yet another building. It would hurt if he was really caught by surprise like that, but it would be extremely hard to have known to get away or even how to get away. A nice punch like that would hurt a bit, as there was plenty of power behind it, but there was no possible way that someone as tough as Fuji would break anything from the actual punch and, if he didn't catch himself, the crash into the ground. That was...If he was actually hit at all.

The spiritual energy raged yet again. This time though, it wasn't Hollow or Shinigami. What was on the roof, where Fuji had once been only a moment before, was a Quincy. It's spiritual power was significantly less from the Hollow and the Shinigami, but it was still above your average no-seat Shinigami. There was an outline yet again. One could see a distortion in the air where a transparent, though discernible, form was. It was ghostly and could honestly be mistaken for a mirage or trick of the moonlight, but it was definitely there. What was probably the most unusual was the bow like projection that was around the form's right arm. It definitely matched the Quincy energy that was radiating from the spot atop the building. Was there really an invisible Quincy there?

#7Into The Fray Empty Re: Into The Fray Tue Apr 17, 2012 1:16 am


Fujioka stepped closer to the edge and peered down to see if he saw anything. Fujioka scanned the area below with his eyes quickly. All he could see was people staring at the duo from before that were raging about the Amanojaku. He immediately started to wonder if those girls could've been a ploy. They were awfully loud and they even yelled out a pretty inconspicuous name. That could've literally meant anything...Fuji shook his own head to clear his thoughts. He was clearly thinking too much about their frivolous antics. Fuji lifted his finger and stared at the bite marks for a moment. He stared intently with a pretty cold look on his face, it seemed like he was a different person for a moment.

Fuji shook it off and took a step back to try and feel out the energy again. He started to pace along the top of the roof looking for any clues. He couldn't find anything and he couldn't sense or feel anything aside form Masaru. Quickly his eyes shot open and stared down at the roof. Raising his fist Fuji was about to punch down into the building. He wanted to see if the source of this energy was indeed below. Then he felt that Masaru was beneath him clearly inside of the building. Fuji lowered his fist and started to bite down on his lip.

Returning to the edge of the roof Fuji looked for the girls again. As he was doing a quick survey of the area he finally felt it come back. This thing had the spiritual pressure of a captain just like that. Fuji's eyes widened in suspense to the spiritual pressure he was feeling. His left arm began to tremble as the spiritually pressure hit him with wave after wave. He took a step back to avoid his instincts form kicking in. He would've raised his own spiritual pressure to completely inundate this one. Though he had to remain concealed this thing was clearly attempting to blow their cover. Even if Fuji didn't release his own this things spiritual pressure may in turn draw something towards them.

Fuji shunpo'd back to get out of the immediate zone of spiritual pressure. When his shunpo ended he noticed the building that he was just standing on crumble. "Hmph so you finally decided to show yourself." Fuji asked a bit intrigued by the levels of spiritual pressure. He stared at the epicenter of the spiritual energy hoping to see something. He didn't so he waited to see what this thing intended on doing. Fuji's eyes show open when something came in contact with his left pectoral muscle. He could feel each ridge in this things form as it impacted his fist. Fuji's face of sheer surprise turned into one of sheer delight. He had used this tactic many times during his various jobs. He knew more than anyone what kind of face he just made.

Instead of being overwhelmed Fuji released a tiny inkling of spiritual pressure to clamor himself to the sky. This thing was going to push at the least fifteen feet and at the most thirty. He wasn't gonna let it go any further than that, though the moment it came in contact with him Fuji reached out. He was gonna grab this thing like he would any person that was punching him in the chest. Fuji would grab onto whatever spiritual arm he could and hold this thing. If he got ahold of it Fuji would hold it as tightly as he could. His hands would glow a short blueishi hue. His unnamed spell would immediately dispel any illusionary cover. This was known as Noren Mekuri. Fuji assumed it was using an illusion to conceal itself so this was his first course of action.

If Fuji didn't get anything he would simply maintain his stance at about eighteen feet from the initial impact. He would watch as its spiritual pressure changed form presumably shinigami to quincy. Fuji nudged his glasses and stared at the forming figure. "So you got anything coherent to say?" Fuji asked in a simple and plain state of tone.

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