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#1A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:05 am


In a long forgotten hotel in the upper scale part of town. A singe meeting room is lite. In the center is a single table with two chairs. Nice,comfortable and expensive. I sit at one end of the table in my cloak and with a flash of my blue divine eyes I send a Divine message to the one I intend to speak with. In his head he will hear my voice speak to himPrimera and leader of the espada. I the Lord Marshal of the Divine wish to speak with,you about pressing matters of the survival of our races. If you agree to this meeting simply say the word yes and you will be brought to me by the Divine Light. I look forward to meeting you face to face.

I pull my hood up and await the arrival of my guest.

#2A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:13 am


Cross sat on his throne on the top of his spire as he listened to music through his headphones. he was bobbing his head as he started to shuffle through the music. He crossed his legs as he heard a faint voice enter his head. Closing his eyes, he let out a loud sigh, slimply saying "yes." under his breath. He was transported to a room, with a hooded man across the table. Falling on his butt, Cross stood up, folding his arms as he sat in the chair."well then..What do you want?"

#3A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:16 am


"please sit Primera. We have much to discuss you and I. No need for the weapon also I am not here to kill anyone." I sit and await for the pfimera to sit and get comforrable

#4A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:21 am


Cross Grunted, Sitting down on the seat infront of Taz, Crossing his legs as he laid back slightly. "what do you want to talk about? I came here alone, so if you have back up, you better tell them off." he said, moving his red eyes across the room through the darkness. He then focused his eyes on Taz, looking over his coat. "would you mind lowering your hood? It makes me feel uncomfortable not being able to sense you at all." He said with a minor growl.

#5A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:29 am


With a snap of my fingers the cloak disappers. I sit wearing traditional samurai garb." Now you can sense me. Let us talk then. I am the Lord Marshal of the Divine Family. I am blessed by the Divine Himself to lead a crusade to cleanse the wickedness from the worlds but we have a rather large issue blocking our,you know what the issue is?" I lean over the table a bit as I speak

#6A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:35 am


Cross let his tense body calm down slightly as he felt The man's reiatsu. Turning his head, he grunted;"From recent activity in the Soul Society? Yes, I am fully aware of the man." Cross rolled his eyes over to Tazuma, looking him in the eye. He squinted his red eyes slightly, crossing his other legs. "what are you going to do about it? This Divine family seem like they should be able to take him out with ease." he said, mocking him slightly. Cross wasn't one to trust shinigamis, but this was different.

#7A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 1:50 am


" I know in the past the arrencar and shinigami have been enemies but in the divine family we all began as something else. Im sure you can feel that my,reiatsu is uniquely different then any others you have felt." I relax into my chair"now what I want is simple as can be. An alliance between the espada and the divine family." Leaning back now I want to see the primera's reaction

#8A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 2:09 am


Cross eyes widened. A shinigami wanting a alliance with the Espada. Nothing like that was heard about. Leanign forward, he placed his elbows on the table, rubbing his cheeks with the palms of his hands. "Why us? We are in no shape for war. What if you betray us?" he had more questions than that, but asked the major ones first, and upfront. He was still antsy about the whole shinigami deal. He leaned back in his seat, wiggling around. "This better not be something to Draw the espada out for what happened in the war."

#9A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 2:28 am


"why betray you? I find keeping alliances whole and happy keeps the two sides alive longer. If you need more proof." I lean forward and don my mask as it forms my eyes go all silver with bright purpke sclaria."no you see I am the enemy of the Captain Commander as well. He'd kill me before you as I am tainted in his eyes." My voice is a mix of draconic and metallic in nature. Sitting back I withdraw my mask"so what says you won't betray us if the time is right?"

#10A divine meeting of epic proportions Empty Re: A divine meeting of epic proportions Fri May 25, 2012 2:37 am


Cross watched as the man formed the mask around his face. 'So you're one of those." He placed his hands on his knees, looking the man over as he thought about his offer. "before i accept, what do we get out of this?" he questioned with a light tone. He looked about the area again, still sketchy about the whole meeting idea. His blade was still against his waist just in case. he moved his right hand near it, just incase he needs a quick draw.

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