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#1Masked Men Ecounter Empty Masked Men Ecounter Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:42 am


[OOC: This is happening in Kagamino City. Enma has came to track down Hollis and convince him to return to Soul Society. No more, no less. Edwards is applying for tier up with this training.]

IC: Enma was not feeling comfortable. He ever liked leaving Soul Society, but in dire times like this, this course of action was needed, and need outweighted all risks. In Kagamino City, he finally tracked down man he was hunting for quite a long time. Hollis Edwards, former Captain of Fifth Division. But this time, it was not a hunt after a traitor. No, it was something more noble and more needed. Enma was there to convince Edwards to return to Soul Society and Gotei 13. Their enemies grew stronger every day, and had already infiltrated Soul Society, but Enma simply lacked time to root out and exterminate moles. Soul Society has already entered it's decline, but there were still people like Enma, willing to stop that decline and reduce enemies of Soul Society to ash. But desire alone is not enough. It needed to be backed by strength, and power. Enma was strong. Rumors were circulating that he was strongest Captain, save for Captain Commander. He never did anything to confirm or deny rumors. It was better that way.

But, back to Edwards. Enma already examined all information on him that was still remaining in Soul Society. He was suitable. He was not strong as Enma at the moment, but still, he was suitable. He could do necessary things, and could deal with things Enma couln't because of his lack of time. He really needed somebody among the Captains on whom he could count to do what was needed. Who was there? Nobody capable. Who could do things needed to protect Seiretei? Takami Kawamaru, potential mole himself, former traitor? Senna Nikono, weakest Captain to take leadership of Sixth Division in last 4 generations? No, Enma needed to do something and gather a new generation of Captains on his own, because people were not willing to do anything. It has fallen upon him.

But now, he needed to find Edwards. He knew enough about him and his Reiatsu signature was familiar enough from samples kept at Soul Society, so he could track him down. Now, in kagamino City, he needed to summon him. He had a mean, though. "Bakuo #77: Tenteikura!" With Tenteikura and his familiarity with Edwards' Reiatsu signature, Enma picked him out and projected his voice into his mind: "Hollis Edwards. You may not know me, but I know you. Come to the top of highest skyscraper in town, and be quick about it. we need to talk, and this is not safe way for that." Now, it was waiting only for Enma. He already had a plan, a brilliant one. He knew that he could convince Edwards into coming back to Soul Society, or beat him into it. Either way, he would succeed.

#2Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Tue Jul 10, 2012 7:02 am


Preacher Man

Kagamino City, 7:59 pm: A man of around six feet stands in a priests uniform with his hands behind his back. he wears a red mask with great black circles around the eyes. To his side rests a small metal table on wheels with several medical and home improvement instruments on top of it. Next to that is a stereo sitting on the ground playing 'preacherman' by Dusty Springfield. As this man steps to the side, we see another man at his front bound in an old wooden chair so rotted and raggedy that you would probably get splinters just by looking at it. The man sitting in this ancient furniture is covered in bruises and scrapes. one of his eyes is missing. The man in the priests outfit picks up a scalpel dripping in fresh rubbing alcohol and kneels down on one knee to bring the instrument up to his victims nose. He takes the gag ball with a yellow smiley face outof the mans mouth. The eyeless citizen's lip quivers in fear as sweat drips down to his nose until a single bead drips of of its tip. the preacher man catches the droplet with the edge of his scalpel and speaks.

"brucey,brucey,brucey. haven't you ever heard the expression, 'dont sweat the small stuff'? how about, 'never let em see you sweat'? No? Well, you wouldn't even be sweating right now if you would just answer my one very simple question. So, i'll ask you once more. what is the code needed to launch the missile sihlos. mm? What is it brucey, ya gotta let me know. Help me, help you, help me, while..also..helping know what im tryna say, if you dont answer me im gonna have to get real friendly with the midsection of your nostril here mmkay? now....what've ya got for me?"

bruce: i ...i..i..told

"ma,ma,ma, spit it out brucey!!"

bruce: my names not bruce its jose..i work at an insurance company, you have the wrong guy! please!!

"oooohoho, your good brucey, you're reeeal good sticking to the same story like that but unfortunately for , whatever, nose time!"

The masked man proceeds to take his scalpel and slice the outer layer of the top of joses nose all the way down to the tip. he then goes onto the next layer, unfolding the tissue with surgical precision. jose yelps in agony but before his tormentor can go any further a message enters his head.

Hollis Edwards. You may not know me, but I know you. Come to the top of highest skyscraper in town, and be quick about it. we need to talk, and this is not safe way for that.

"wh-what? No, gaaw, no i just got started. god .God the hell..oh well, guess id better go see what this is about.."

It would seem as though someone has finally tracked the masked man, Hollis Edwards down,someone from soul society no doubt. That being said, he can't ignore a call like this, not because of some moral obligation but because he must know who it is thats found him and why.

"be back in a minute brucey, dont.go. anywhere!!"

Hollis then rips off his priets outfit, revealing the rest of his 'deadpool' suit. He then disappears outside of the dank basement. As he travels for his destination he overhears a news report on some televisions at a electronics store.

~in other news. insurance agent jose martinez went missiong just eight hours ago as he was shopping for an anniversary gift for his wife of five years.~

Deadpool looks at the picture of this man displayed on the television and face palms.

"gaaaaw, dammit not again. my bad brucey, i mean jose..oh wellz, ya live n learn i guess"

Deadpool then continues on for a minute or two until he finally reaches the top of the skyscraper.

"So. you the one who called me? "

deadpool stands with his arms crossed. a katana hangs at his waits not all the way sheathed.


word count: 762

#3Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:51 am


Yes. Finally, Enma had him in his reach. Former Captain, Hollis Edwards. Man on whom Enma has set his eyes. Possibly a worthy asset to Soul Society, perhaps not as worthy as Enma, but still. But there was a catch. What if Edwards didn't want to return to soul Society? Enma has always approached things carefully and with lots of consideration, and this was no diferent for that matter. Enma figured that only two options are viable. He would either talk him into it, which was very unlikely scenario. Enma was not much of a talkative guy, and his persuasive abilities lied elsewhere. But the second scenario possible, beating Edwards into returning to Soul Society, it was a lot more likely to happen. Actually, it would happen for sure. There was no way that Enma could be overpowered or defeated. If it came down to fighting, Enma could simply beat Edwards to pulp, but that was inconvenient. But still, that was the difference in power. Enma, after all, was regarded as Strongest Captain aside from Captain Commander.

And there was another element in this little play that was going to unfold. Edwards, standing in front of him now, would have to figure out who Enma was, because of the simple fact that not only he had makeshift mask on him, but also, also, he had a black cloak on top of his Haori, concealing it. Edwards wold remain in dark, not ever figuring who Enma is. But that was not important. Now, Enma was up for doing this. "Hollis Edwards. You have been summoned. Come with me, and return to Soul Society and take your spot as a Captain once more. Or... I will break you. I will break your body, I will break your will, I will break your spirit. And then I will force you to what I want nonetheless." That was it. The only two possible options. Either way, it would be done Enma's way. Enma was strong enough for that. There was no other way for things to happen.

#4Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:39 am


Deadpool looks onward at the man standing in front of him. He tries to determine whether or not he even knows this person. He gives his outfit a once over and doesn't recognize anything about it. He has a mask on so trying to know his face is a no go. Hollis then tries to get a feel for the mans' rieatsu but and spiritual pressure but it is also very unfamiliar. With all this in mind, edwards comes to the only possible conclusion. that this person became prominent in the soul society at some point after the ancient captain commander took control and he deserted, meaning he definitely does not know the shinigami.One thing is for sure, he must have gone through a lot of trouble to find edwards since his rieatsu does not give off any distinct color, or feeling. although he hasn't exactly been trying to hide his presence so it might not be that hard. Deadpool briefly looks around at the sky , looking in the direction that the wind is blowing. He looks back at the guy and tilts his head a bit in curiosity as he speaks.

Hollis Edwards. You have been summoned. Come with me, and return to Soul Society and take your spot as a Captain once more. Or... I will break you. I will break your body, I will break your will, I will break your spirit. And then I will force you to what I want nonetheless

Deadpool remains silent for a bit, waiting to hear the rest of what the guy has to say, but he stops speaking. he starts scratching his head and kicking his feet causing a bit of concrete dust from the roof to kick up into the air as he waits out of boredom. He then stops and looks up.

".........oh, im sorry, was that all? you're gonna, 'break my mind, body and spirit'? come one guy! i know you van do better than that, ive heard waaay scarier speeches than what you just pooped out. be creative, threaten my family, friends, use colorful words like, grind or de-bowl, something more than the whole ominous stranger threat. sigh, kids these days. anyway, i don't really feel like going back to soul society at this particular time soooooooo, im gonna go get something from taco bell, you want something?"

Deadpool takes out a notepad and a pen just in case this guy is a fatty and orders too many things for him to remember

word count: 430

#5Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Fri Jul 13, 2012 5:36 pm


"So, you refuse..." That was the only thing Enma said. He was not a man to speak much, at any rate. There was no more things that required saying now, anyway. Edwards refused. But the true thing was... Did he have enough strength and power to back up his refusal and just walk away from Enma. Most likely answer, no. Edwards also mentioned going to Taco Bell. The problem was, there was no going anywhere. Not with Enma around. Edwards pulling out his notebook resulted only in one word from Enma's mouth. Though it would have been better for Edwards if Enma never said it, and remained silent. "Rikujoro." The trapping spell, Bakudo. Enma was not going to let Edwards fool him, not in this life. Nor would he return to Soul Society empty-handed. When Enma ventured out to Human World, he always succeeded in his intentions. Never he failed, and he certainly didn't plan on failing now, when so many things were at stake. But the truth is, Edwards certainly needed some clarification. Enma despised talking too much, but sometimes, it was required. Like now.

"Listen to me, fool. Or yet better, listen to yourself. Are you stupid because of some particular reason, or you were born this way? I wonder... Do you realize anything that's going on? You want me to get more creative? If i want to, i could turn you to stone, petrify you, and then slowly have you erode to the dust that winds will blow to all corners of the world. And despite being petrified, the pain remains as if your body is normal. Fool! Soul Society is in peril! While I am wasting my time with you, our adversaries grow more and more stronger, their numbers increasing, their organization level improving. And yet, we are in decline! We have neither forces nor resources to effectively wage war against all of our foes. Hollows, Arrancars, Demons, Vizards, Outcasts... I can't even keep my track of all who want to destroy us. I don't know when we will be attacked, or by whom, but I know it. We will be attacked. We could barely repel a full scale attak from one of the enemy groups. And in the case of thm forming alliance... Well, at least we won't go down without a fight. Do you understand a situation? Do you realize why am I wasting my time to get dirtbag like you back into our ranks? For all I care, you can go and die. But Soul Society needs it's ranks filled up. Now, let me ask you one more time. Will you return to Soul Society of your free will? If you refuse... I will not break you. I will turn you to dust, fool."

#6Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Sat Jul 14, 2012 10:02 am



A sort of 'popping' sound can be heard, kind of like a piece of bubble wrap being stepped on. Deadpool doesn't seem to bother moving as the the kido makes direct contact with him. it impales his noodle-esq body leaving it limp, and he just smiles behind his mask as enma begins to speak. The man speaks for quite a long time, considering he doesn't look the type to do so, but that's fine with Hollis. he enjoys a good conversation, especially in tense battle situations. The unknown shinigami speaks of the decline of soul society and possible full scale attacks by it's enemies. This man seems to either forget or not know the fact that soul society was taken over by a totalitarian leader, not that edwards even cares, especially since he's helped bring him back to power. The merc with a mouth continues to listen however, all the while deciding how to proceed next. a very faint digging sound chirps. After the shinigami finishes speaking, Hollis voices his opinion.

"oh lordy lord! vizards are attacking you say?! aren't those the things with the masks and the blood of shinigami? and what else, ooh the scary hollows are attacking are gonna get us too? oh noes, who on earth's gonna save us? The great Deadpool that's who! or at least that's what you want me to say isn't it? Of all of Gods great creations you wanna come and ask me for help? you want me to just flutter on over with my magical fairy wings and then poof! summon a great big army of bears to take down the enemies of soul society and live happily ever after right, is that what you want? well, i've got one thing to say to that man...tits no. Every time soul society gets in trouble, they go to their 'strongest' for help, but then whenever a guy invites people to his b-day party, no one shows up. No one gives a flying fuck about me back there, nobody! to them im just another shit stain on their squeeky clean wall that they try to just wash away, but then when they're feelin' blue they try and scrape me off to throw me at the other monkeys!!screw that! i'd rather sit at home eating a flame-broiled whopper and have my name inscribed on a plaque for banging the most twins in my new 2013 lotus 2-eleven! hell, i'd rather be stuck in an abyss of dog turds while i wait for a conflagaration to start and set the poop on fire and make it COMPLETELY unbearable. That's right, i said CONFLAGARATION, im using big words bitch, that's how serious i am! So to answer your question, no, i'm not gonna go of my own free will, and im not gonna be bullied into it. you'll just have to wait until hell freezes over because that's the ONLY way you'll see me helping those assholes for heavens sake."

Hollis childishly sticks out his tongue at the shinigami as a low 'zzt ' sounds lets off.

#7Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Sat Jul 14, 2012 11:23 pm


Enma was not in a mood for being lectured by an idiot. And he was getting more and more convinced that Edwards was way more than just a small time fool. He was idiot of gigantic proportions. Enma was not happy. Edwards was close to his own death. and he was not even aware of it. Not that there was a way for him to be aware actually. Enma was angry, but his eyes revealed nothing except for the fact that he had black X'es instead of pupils. His face was hidden under his makeshift mask, though even if it were revealed, there would be no sign of anger. But Enma was angry. But he never allowed anger to get blur his reasoning, and it was no different now. Enma was still not willing to tkae this argument to the fight, because he wanted to bring Edwards to Soul Society undamaged, in one piece. And if this dissolved into a fighting, well, Edwards would be, to best put it, "unusable". So Enma was still refraining himself from fighting. But the last voice of reason was to be lit in Edwards' head, or this would become bloody. But not yet, at any rate.

"I wonder... How did your point of view become like this? You misunderstood me. I never called you strongest. You are not. You are far from that. And the truth is, nobody in Soul Society wants you or needs you. But, unfortunately for all of Soul Society, I am but one man. I cannot keep all our enemies at bay on my own, and we are overwhelmed by incompetent fools inside Gotei 13. You would be a fool too, but at least I will teach you competence. And don't whine about this either. Soul Society does not want you. It just happens, that interests of me and Soul Society overlap, and I have interest in bringing your sorry ass in there and using you as an additional pair of eyes and ears amongst Captains. And never complain to me about how you are disliked in Soul Society. Only about half of Gotei 13 is aware of my existence, and only about one tenth of them ever saw me. And nobody knows my true identity. So don't complain about being lonely. Now, I offer you a choice for one last time. But let me show you waht awaits you if you refuse."

Saying that, Enma drew his Zanpakuto. He had no trouble revealing portion of it's powers to Edwards. It's not that he could do anything with the knowledge. "Illuminate, Tomoshibi!" Enma has released his Zanpakuto. He now had a staff in his hand, covered with many mystical symbols. And near it's top, moderate mass of golden flame hovered. "Look to your right." To the right, there was enormous skyscraper, though many stories lower than the one they were on. Enma pointed his stuff towards it, and shot out a powerfull beam towards it. It hit skyscraper. The area of hit immediately petrified and eroded, and those effects slowly expanded, first petrification, then erosion. And beam slowly pierced and eroded it's way to the metal construction of the skyscraper. Every layer of the skyscraper was affected. That is when Enma stopped his beam. But effects were still spreading. It took them about a minute to extend to their fullest, but after that time, there was no longer skyscraper there. There was nothing. Enma reduced it to ash. Good thing it was empty. Enma addressed edwards one more time: "So, what say you?"

#8Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Sun Jul 15, 2012 2:54 am


As enma begins to speak once more, hollis seems to just silently listen as he is bound by the shinigammi's kido. As this happens, people inside of the largest skyscraper in the city hustle and bustle, trying to get work done to make something of their mundane lives. They walk around filing papers and typing reports until they all start to stop and stare at the walls and ceilings. After enma finishes speaking, hollis begins to flail his head like a little girl since the rest of his body appears to be unable to move.


He then suddenly grows quiet as the shinigami in front of him draws his zanpakto. he listens as he says,"illuminate, tomoshibi". A long staff appears in the masked mans hand and deadpool looks to the right as he is told. a beam is fired from the weapon, causing an entire sky scrapper no more than a few blocks away from them to disintegrate into nothing but ash and dust. As this happens, more people in the building they are standing on top of begin to stop what they are doing and look around. Enma then looks over at hollis and speaks on what his final decision is.

"what say i? well johnny boy, ya mind if i call ya johnny. anyway johnny boy, i say.......i ain't never ran from a soul reaper and i damn sure ain't about ta pick today to start runnin. in other words, you can go fuck yourself . "

Hollis continues to be difficult with enma as a buzzing sound can be faintly heard.

-----word count--


#9Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:08 pm


Enma still held his Shikai in his right hand. He didn't seal Tomoshibi. It was not convenient. Why do that when later, he might as well be turning Edwards to dust. But Edwards was stupid ignorant fool, and refused all opportunities. There was no longer mercy for him. But it has not yet come down to killing. No, Enma was not yet into killing Edwards. But giving him pain... That should work good for the purpose Enma had in mind. Enam was still deciding should he just grab Edwards and drag him to Soul Society, or he should do it with more style. He decided to do it with style. Edwards was still blaberring some shit, but it was crystal clear that he was refusing. Enma quickly approached him, and used his staff. He didn't attacked him though. He shit a beam on the surface behind him, clearing a path. Surface quickyl petrified and then eroded. Path was clear. Edwards was still bound with Rikujoro. He could only move his head. Perfect. Enma simply kicked him. Right off the skyscraper. It was one hell of a long fall.

Enma sighed, sealed his Zanpakuto and sheathed it, and took his communicator out. "Central, Devil coming in. Open Senkaimon on current coordinates, -2 degrees correction, ground level + 1.2, rotation at 90 down. Exit at sector A42-13, same deal. Over." Putting away his communicator, Enma jumped off the building, but not in a dumb manner. He leapt of it in such a maner that he was falling faster than Edwards. He soon caught up to him, and they were both falling down. Ground was getting closer and closer. But they never hit it. Senkaimon appeared below them and they flew straight in. Neither had Hell Butterfly, but it didn't matter. They didn't have to run through Dangai. Inverting axis of Senkaimon, it was all set up so they would just fall down through Dangai, and straight through the exit. That was it. They were in Soul Society.

Enma graciously landed on his feet, which was feat impossible for Edwards bound by Rikujoro. But he would get nothing, No injuries, perhaps only a bruise or two. Enma's plan worked. "Now, now Edwards. You are stuck here now." True. They were on a meadow that was even outside Rukongai, only in far distance could the outskirts be seen. There was truly no way for Edwards to get out of here. Even if he was free, which he was not, he couldn't get out of Soul Society. And Enma now had the upper hand. These were no longer negotiations. "Now, you will do what I ask of you, or I will leave you bound like that here to rot. I can assure you, my Bakudo won't wear off. So, are you coming to take up your spot as a Captain? Though, mind you, you will anwer to me. Captaincy will just be your cover. I just need you to flush out the traitors who infiltrated our ranks, and since you are basically an outsider, you will do. So, are you coming?" Enma stood thgere, waiting for an answer. He was ready to either dispell Bakudo and take Edwards with him, or leave him there to rot. Either would do.

#10Masked Men Ecounter Empty Re: Masked Men Ecounter Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:05 am


ooc: well this took an unexpected turn XD. ok so, before i post, i have to tell you that ive kinda sorta been setting you up for my shikai this whole time. so you've been under an illusion pretty much right before i kicked dust into the air a few posts back.the person you took to soul society was only my gigai, i used the illusion to mask my self and make you think you were talking to , and trapped me when it was really the dummy. i was then going to wait for you to attack again and then shoot you with a kido which i casted the words for when i was blabbing about being lonely and what not. hid it in the speech. you're probably wondering why im saying all of this ooc, well here's the rub.. since you actually left back to soul society, deadpool would just leave it at that and be on his way by the time you realize what's happened, which normally would be ok..
buuuuuut, since this is a training thread, that'd be kind of counter productive sooo, im asking you this. do you want to just continue this in soul society and i just kind of go with you trapping me in the kido and what not and forget about the other stuff? or should i just do what i was going to originally. also! whatever you choose i'd also like to use this thread to change my ability so it may get a little weird. i only need to change it because the current powers i possess are now technically illegal due to the rules that have emerged since i left, if you're cool with it of course. (can no longer effect two senses with meh shikai,blah,blah,blah) anywho,don't mean to talk your head off, just giving you a heads up.

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