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#1Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Frozen Crystals (Salem) Tue Nov 20, 2012 11:02 am


((I'd have discussed the thread more with you through pms, but I can't send any yet since I am a newer member. Long story short, my character is a fight maniac so if you don't want a battle this thread is probably going to end up very short lol))

It was an odd time for Ginsen Daizo. He had just requested permission to transfer out of the 2nd division and into the 11th in hopes of living a life more suited to his combat oriented nature. Thinking it would change his mind, Ginsen's commanding officer gave him some time off in order to relax and think the decision over. This only made the 400 year old samurai even more restless however. He was not one to drink his worries away in Rukongai or sleep in like his peers. Only one thing calmed Ginsen's spirit and made him feel at ease. The dangerous dance of life and death that was performed between the edge of ones own blade and the cold steely brunt of an enemies blood lust. Ever since he was born in the world of the living, Ginsen has lived every breath towards that moment when the entire world washes away and nothing is left except a warrior and his blade against their foe.

At times like this, Ginsen would be off training. Studying new styles or reading books on war tactics. But sadly Ginsen's commander thought that was part of the problem and ordered him to not do any training. Instead he was to "relax" and while that was far from what the blonde haired shinigami desired, he was nothing if not an obedient soldier. Taking a sigh Ginsen found himself laying on the roof of a building in the middle of Seireitei looking up at the endless blue sky. Ginsen's azure blue eyes peered up into that vast expanse as if he were expected to see something. Painted on that blue canvas was a day dream of a war. A war between shinigami, hollows, arrancar, quincy, it didn't matter who. Everyone was an enemy. An endless battle field on which he could fight forever, killing famous enemies and attaining the glory which he had been raised to seek. The mean reached up a hand into the sky, longing to grasp that future.

#2Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Re: Frozen Crystals (Salem) Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:40 pm


(OOC, sorry i been busy with work.)

Salem walked the streets of the Seiritei, and came across Squad 11. He looked up and seen a man laying on top of the roof. The sun was shining bright, making Salem blind a little. " Hello there." said Salem with a loud voice. He waved his hand and hoping the soul reaper would see him.

#3Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Re: Frozen Crystals (Salem) Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:55 pm


((I understand and am willing to wait, but please don't respond with such short posts unless we're going back and forth with dialogue. If you're busy I'd rather you wait till you have time to sit down and make a proper post. Just walking up to someone and saying "hi" doesn't give much to react to.))

Ginsen closed his hand into a fist as a loud voice interrupted his visions of an unlikely future. Sighing, Ginsen closed his eyes and sat up. He spoke as he reached for his zapakuto, a no-dachi, and fastened it to his back, "What do you want?..." The blonde haired man asked bluntly before opening his eyes. Upon seeing that the person he just rudely replied to was a captain by the look of his haori Ginsen decided it would be best to apologize lest he find himself in trouble. Now that he was trying to get a transfer approved, it wouldn't do him much good if he had a captain out to make his life miserable. Besides, the person held a rank deserving of honor and respect so Ginsen felt he should show some. "Ah, my apologies Taichou-dono." Noticing that the man's eyes were strained from looking up into the sun, Ginsen would jump down from the roof and land with surprisingly soft grace despite his size and weight. The flutter of his clothing through the air, followed by a gentle tap would sound from Ginsen as he landed about 8 feet away from Salem with his back turned to the captain. Ginsen then turned to face the captain while holding a stoic expression, "Is there something I can help you with?"

#4Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Re: Frozen Crystals (Salem) Mon Nov 26, 2012 1:15 am


Salem looked at the man and smiled, " No, I was just passing through." said Salem. The sun was shinning even more brighter, and a soft cool breeze was blowing. Giving the man was stare, Salem was not trying to make a fight. " So, you are a member of Squad 11." said Salem with a smile. " Hmm, Squad 11, has always been the type that like to fight, but I'm not here to fight you." said Salem.

#5Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Re: Frozen Crystals (Salem) Mon Nov 26, 2012 8:08 am


This captain was odd to say the least. He was just saying hi? Didn't this man have more important things to do than greet people on rooftops? It was a very strange thing to Ginsen, to think a leader with all the responsibilities of a captain would take the time to say hello to a troop that wasn't even his own. Especially when that troop is laying down on a roof. Suspicious of this all, Ginsen proceeded with caution as he made to clear up the misunderstanding between them. "Ah no, I am not in the 11th division. It is a coincidence that I happened to be near their barracks. While I do hope to be transferring into their ranks soon, for now I am still with the 2nd division Patrol Corps." Why was this man even mentioning fighting? Ginsen hadn't made any threatening movements or looks had he? Confused and very weary of the strange captain's behavior Ginsen decided it was worth the risk to find out just what it was he DID want.

"Then what are you here for?"

#6Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Re: Frozen Crystals (Salem) Mon Nov 26, 2012 9:41 am


Salem smiled at him, " Oh nothing, I was just walking by and I saw you laying on the roof." said Salem. He didn't care about him laying on the roof tops and slacking off. He remembered his days as the Vice-Captian of Squad 2, before he was promoted to Captian. " Well, since I didn't get your name, let me introduce myself." said Salem. He took a deep breath, " Im Salem Kyotetsu, the Captian of Squad 13 and Head of the Kyotetsu Family." said Salem.

#7Frozen Crystals (Salem) Empty Re: Frozen Crystals (Salem) Fri Nov 30, 2012 5:44 am


After introducing himself to the Soul Reaper, Salem had some paperwork he had to do. " Excuse me, I must be going, I have some paperwork I have to do." said Salem with a smile. He bowed, and headed back to his barricks.

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