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#1Prologue of the Night (Close) Empty Prologue of the Night (Close) Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:54 am


The halls glistened in their golds and coppers as brightly as the sun shined on the planet of earth, foot soldiers stomped as they marched and made the grounds on which they marched shake in their wake Leaders shouted commands and many hunting parties brought back wild animals not of anything of a normal stature the palace or castle was much like a city that was all connected together, small cities which all led up to the kingdom itself spanning out to a good couple of thousand feet in width, the planet that these soldiers inhabited was not earth but a planet where darknes always shined brightly and sun never came it was here these soldiers made their stay

In the palace chambers sat a king though he was covered in shadow he looked of an old age but held a sinister ear to ear smile about him, next to him stood a figure much in his younger years and seemed to be the accompanying person of the two, the kings right hand and a wicked sounding, young voice sprang out to speak "How long until ve reach earth?" As he asked this a soldier quickly spoke out, "From the looks of it 2 days 3 hours 29 minutes and 46 seconds my lord"

The old king was pleased to hear of this before holding up his hand and waving them off to leave he had to speak to his right hand man alone without interruptions, it was time to make plans.

#2Prologue of the Night (Close) Empty Re: Prologue of the Night (Close) Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:14 am


The man to the kings right's eyes glowed in the shadows like a hunter. They moved between the men all who were leaving quickly to not anger their king or his do that is death and all knew it. As the last of the soldiers and men leave the man looks to his king and speaks as his king spoke to him first Mein König, ist die Zeit gekommen. Bald wird die Erde Zeuge der Nächte kalte Umarmung.
My king, the time has come. Soon the Earth will witness the Nights cold embrace.
the man awaits his kings response and further wisdom.

#3Prologue of the Night (Close) Empty Re: Prologue of the Night (Close) Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:32 am


The king smiled some and glanced over to his subordinate the old king spoke out, "Wir müssen gewinnen alle, die wie wir, die aufgefordert worden waren verpönt und die Nacht wird wieder steigen."

Translation, "We must recruit all of those like us who've been frowned upon and the night will rise once more."

The old king smiled as he watched that small orb on the display screen that small orb called earth.

#4Prologue of the Night (Close) Empty Re: Prologue of the Night (Close) Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:57 pm


Wie Sie wünschen mein König. Soll ich gehen oder wünschen Sie ein anderes zu gehen. Die Wildheit Ausleger mit den maskierten diejenigen so sind wir bereit für Konvertiten.
As you wish my king. Do you wish for me to go or should another go? The wilds boom with the masked ones. So we are ready to recieve converts.
the man says to his king

#5Prologue of the Night (Close) Empty Re: Prologue of the Night (Close) Sun Sep 30, 2012 10:16 pm


The old king smiled more as his raised both of his hands to cross over one another, the thought of the plan simply made him gitty with all types of anxiousness, "Nein ve, must grab our people first und zen! ze masked ones vill come next."

The old kind said thinking of where his other subordinate was it was kind of odd that he hadn't gotten one yet I suppose he had to wait.

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