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#1A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Empty A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Mon Nov 05, 2012 12:31 am

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
Miyu already ran up her room after training and supper. She still had the gift she had from Alexander. The question was if the signal could go through other dimensions and if he could come in to divine because he was no member here. Closing her eyes she called up for him. The Nacht symbol started to glow as then she head a loud thump.

Miyu was differently dressed then in the Human world. She was more of the person who would dress in traditional japanese clothes. She had her lolita yukata on which slightly went over her behind. It was vor hereasier to move and to fight. Her hair was up in a Bun though her bangs perfectly fell over her face giving her a more innocent complection.

Going where the loud thump came from she looked over whisperin. "Alex are you that?" She looked around but she could not see anyone. Though later she seen someone from the nacht but it was not Alex it made her alittle bit uneasy but it could be one of his companions.

#2A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Empty Re: A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:10 am


Walking around my chambers a beeping sound could be heard. Running to the balcony overlooking the frozen wastes I am lifted and encased in smaller rings personal to me personally. Launched skyward I am sent through a strange plane. I was then dropped onto a castle. I then hear a familiar voice "alex is that you?" I hear. Looking up I see Miyu. Rubbing my neck I answerYes,its me. I should have told you how it works. standing I realise the trip had torn my clothes to shreds....going through two planes of being would do that.

Standing anyway giving Miyu a good look at my upper body. Looking at Miyu It isn't Elsye everyday a princess call upon me. Did you miss me Miyu. I ask standing shirtless with a mangled pair of loose pants.

#3A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Empty Re: A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:31 am

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
She started to go red. It has shown that this young lady hadn't seen a guy half naked. She nodded and called him in. Luckly her father left acidently a old yukata here in the room. She handed the top to him and looked away. "Here you so you can put something one." Still looking away she nodded and smiled. "Yes I did miss you .. you were the person that took my first kiss and it was really nice.." she said looking to the floor. She was so bashful which made her adorable then she was.

#4A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Empty Re: A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:38 am


Putting on the yakata. I realize that whomever left this Yakata was as tall as I am but much more muscled then myself which is a lot to say. Walking towards her I didn't take your first kiss princess.I hope it was freely given. placing my hands around her waist What is the matter? I ask making sure to maintain control of my reiatsu.

#5A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Empty Re: A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:44 am

Miyu Kento

Miyu Kento
She looked at him and smiled. "Yes it was but still I am just a quite ... bashful person and slightly shy." She felt his hand on her hips only to give him a smile. "I am happy to see you again." she laid her head against his chest hearing his heartbeat. Looking up to him she smiled. "I would like you to meet my parents that is why I also called you .. for my Father would gladly like to meet you and my mother too I hope that is fine." though not knowing the yukata was from her father wouldnt be that big of a deal or probably yes because everybody knew how proctective a father can be over his own daughter.

#6A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Empty Re: A Unwanted Guest? (Open) Mon Nov 12, 2012 10:44 am


Hearing the reason for the summons I gulp hard [color=violet]Parents, you say. Don't you think that is a bit soon[ /color] I sat moving closer to Miyu putting my hands around her waist moving her close to me

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