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#1Karasu - by Daemon Tetsuyo Empty Karasu - by Daemon Tetsuyo Tue Nov 12, 2013 4:16 am



Who are you?

Name: Karasu
Alias: None
Age: 2013
Age of Appearance: 30
Gender: Male
Character Alignment:True Neutral

Hair: Karasu’s hair is kept short, never going past his neck.  It is a dark brown, like fertile earth after a heavy rain.  He likes it is spiked backward, in a wave like pattern.  He isn’t obsessive about it like some people are, and could honestly care less if he lost it all.
Eyes: While his mask does a good job of covering most of his eyes, they still peek through the slits in a stark red.  They almost seem to glow through the mask.  If you were to glimpse at what was on the other side on a good day, you would see contemplation and a sharp mind.  But when fighting, you see pure joy and killing intent.
Build: He has a humanoid body shape.  his body is lithe and lean.  Rippling lean muscles cover his whole body, his skin tight over it.  his skin is a deep purple, a sign of his regal stature and poise.  He has a protrusion on each arm that flexes to allow his weapons, a pair of blood red long blades, to adjust to his many different fighting styles and  attacks.

Uniform: this is his only set of clothes.  It is a simple black vest with gold lining that he leaves open.  And for pants it is simple black slacks.  He doesn’t need clothes, and some of the other hollows think he looks ridiculous in them, but he says that if there is anything that the humans have done right, it is making men look good.  That said, he doesn’t value them as much as you think he would.  If they were to get destroyed, he would simply get some more.

Rune Tattoo’s: his body is covered in various black runes of various cultures.  They are all religious or magical in nature, and they all denote power, speed, endurance, intelligence, and wisdom.

When with Allies: although he prefers to work alone, when he does fight with others he learns their strengths and weaknesses before they do anything.  He gets to know them inside and out, so that they can’t make a mistake that could get him killed.
When Meeting New People: this happens?  Although he doesn’t like people, if he has to meet them it better be worth his time.  They had better have something that could benefit him if they are going to take his time away.
When Facing an Enemy: this is his only true joy.  He revels in battle, testing two lives against each other, putting everything on the line just to prove that one is stronger than the other.  He doesn’t even need some kind of stakes to be interested, he just wants a real challenge.  Now, this doesn’t mean he is willing to throw his life away.  He will retreat to fight again another day.
When Faced with Despair: when the going gets rough, he gets even.  He will attempt to win at almost any cost.  Fighting harder and harder, trying to force his opponent to give him an opening.  If he can’t get an edge, he makes a tactical retreat to train and gain more experience.

(For Likes, Dislikes, Ambitions, etc, go for 1-3 sentences per point, more if you wish.)


  • Proving himself against stronger and stronger opponents.
  • Learning new techniques and battle styles
  • Learning how to outwit his opponents
  • The thrill of battle
  • Hunting, and the chase


  • Having his time wasted
  • Being talked down to
  • A boring fight
  • Cheap tricks in an honest fight
  • Other Hollows in his territory


  • Become king of Hueco Muendo
  • Fight for all of eternity
  • Become Immortal


  • Intelligent
  • Logical
  • Tactful
  • Honest
  • Disciplined

Fears & Weaknesses:

  • Arrogant
  • Aggressive
  • Stand-offish
  • Blunt
  • Chaotic

Hollow Type: Vasto Lorde
Hollow Hole Location & Appearance: his Hollow hole is located just below his sternum, but above his abs.  
Mask Appearance: His mask is very simple.  It is streamlined and forms a perfect oval around his face.  The only extraneous features are the two reversed spikes that run back from his cheeks, covering his ears, and extending just beyond the head.  There are two slits for his eyes, and hidden in a perfect seam is a slit for his mouth to open.  When his mouth is closed, you can’t even tell the mask opens.  The mask betrays no emotion.

Battle Specs

List of 'Auto-Known' Skills:

Fighting Style:
Martial Skills: Karasu has developed his own unique style of martial arts that utilizes three uses of his weapon.  The first being based on using his weapon like a Bat’leth, cleaving huge gashes in opponents.  The second being a bladed tonfa.  The third being an elbow blade used in conjunction with what appears to be Mantis style Kung Fu.
Training: there is literally no such thing as holding back for Karasu.  Therefore only the foolhardy choose to train with him.  He has “accidentally” killed hundreds of opponents in so called training sessions.
Even Ground: this is when he has the most fun.  Trading blows with an opponent only makes him more bloodthirsty, and nothing makes him happier than an even matchup.
Dominance: this is somewhat boring for Karasu.  While he always enjoys fighting, he would prefer to have an actual challenge.  He tries to finish these fights as quickly as possible.
Underdog: this is somewhat of an oxymoron.  He has immense fun while getting his ass kicked, but he is always looking for his opponent to get cocky and screw up so he can go in for the kill.

Personal Abilities: Empty Body, Muscular Supremacy

    (Personal abilities are special powers unique to your character, such as being able to put your enemies into an illusion trance by touching them, or being able to turn your energy into solid dirt permanently. These are traits your character was either born with or attained through special circumstances. They cannot be taught to or learned by others. Examples would be fire elemental reiatsu, unnaturally sharp reiatsu sensing, and genetic mutations.) Non-Arrancar Limit: 2 Arrancar Limit: 3

    Name:Empty Body
    Effect:Karasu has no Reiryoku whatsoever.  All of it has been turned into pure strength and speed.  Because of this he is many times stronger and faster than others of his power level, and is undetectable by Reiatsu sensing means.  However, he cannot use any Reiatsu based techniques such as Cero.

    Name:Muscular Supremacy
    Effect:Karasu's muscular control is so enhanced, that he can tighten the muscles in  the area he is about to be struck to reduce or eliminate damage.  he can also flex them to grab an opponents weapon to trap them into receiving an attack.

Elemental Affinity: Strength, Speed (Can only choose up to two elements here.)

General Techniques:

(These are moves your character was taught or trained and developed on their own. They are things anyone would be able to learn and perform unless they are dependent on your unique race or abilities. Examples are custom shunpo variations, hakuda/zanjutsu techniques, and using your reiatsu on an object to simulate telekinesis.) Limit 5 (Arrancar have 2 for unarmed/cero based, 3 for sealed weapon based.)

    Technique Name:Chiratsuki (Flicker)
    Technique Description: this is basically a non-reiatsu based Shunpo or Sonido.  This technique uses only his physical abilities to propel him.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:n/a
    Opponent is One Tier Lower:n/a
    Opponent is Equal Tier:n/a
    Opponent is One Tier Higher:n/a
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:n/a

    Technique Name:Ichi Sutoraiku, Ni Katto (One Strike, Two Cuts)
    Technique Description:in a blinding flash, he makes one strike that causes two adjacent cuts.  This is entirely dependent on the first strike hitting his opponent.  Cooldown of 1 post.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Equal in damage to the first cut
    Opponent is One Tier Lower: Equal in damage to the first cut
    Opponent is Equal Tier: Equal in damage to the first cut
    Opponent is One Tier Higher: Equal in damage to the first cut
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:Equal in damage to the first cut

    Technique Name: Battojutsu
    Technique Description: in the blink of an eye, he has already cut you.  He uses the ground like a sheath, and snaps the blade forward with increased speed and power.  Only someone with excellent senses can see the blade move.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: can cleave right through a limb, and is seen like a blur
    Opponent is One Tier Lower: can cleave down to the bone, and seen much faster than normal
    Opponent is Equal Tier: can cleave through muscles, and is seen somewhat faster than normal
    Opponent is One Tier Higher: can cleave halfway through a muscle, and is seen slightly faster than normal
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: can cleave through the skin, and is seen like normal

    Technique Name:Warrior’s Gaze
    Technique Description: with a look, all the courage and resolve drains out of an enemy, leaving them severely weakened.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:the opponent feels like the end is near, and they have their Reiatsu severely weakened
    Opponent is One Tier Lower:the opponent feels like they need to run, and they have their Reiatsu weakened
    Opponent is Equal Tier:the opponent is shaken, but otherwise unaffected
    Opponent is One Tier Higher:no effect
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:no effect

    Technique Name:Hedateru
    Technique Description:using immense power and strength, he uses both blades to break an opponent’s weapon.  Like a hammer and chisel, both blades strike at the same time which doubles the power.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:the blade shatters
    Opponent is One Tier Lower:the blade breaks, but does not shatter
    Opponent is Equal Tier:the blade splinters, but does not break
    Opponent is One Tier Higher:the blade cracks, but does not splinter
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:the blade is weakened, but does not crack

*The following applies only to Non-Arrancar Hollows, otherwise delete*

A Hollow's Weapon

(These aren't actually "weapons" like a shinigami or an arrancar would have. They are the natural weapons of a hollow and are thus usually more biological in nature. It is essentially your natural means of offense as well as your power. A simple example of a "weapon" would be your claws. But a more complex example is Shrieker, the hollow from the first season of bleach. His "weapon" was the mini hollows that turned into slugs. Then his main "weapon technique" was using his tuning fork tongue to ignite them.)
Weapon Name:Kohitsuji no Chi (Blood of the Lamb)
Weapon Appearance: two, 3 foot, red blades extend from a vestige that grows out of Karasu’s Arms.  They are bent slightly inward from the middle.  The blades can switch between three positions: 1st is the middle of the blade in front of the hands to be used like a bat’lith.  The 2nd is moved at a 90 degree angle from the first to form two tonfa-like blades.  The 3rd is switched back, to lie along the elbows.  The blades can be in a different position on each arm.

Weapon Techniques: (Limit 5)

    Technique Name: Karasu no Satsujin (Murder of Crows)
    Technique Description: using his immense speed, he creates 3 “copies” of himself that run alongside him.  These are not real, and are actually just afterimages of him changing position so rapidly.  Each image makes an attack on the opponent at the same time, and they can all deal damage.  However, he is moving so rapidly that if any one of his images is struck, he takes all the damage, and the technique ends.  If he is in the middle of the attacking phase when an image is struck, then the other three proceed as normal while the one ends.  Charge of 1 turn, cooldown of 3 turns.

    Technique Effect Chart:

    *The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:Treat like a basic attack
    Opponent is One Tier Lower:Treat like a basic attack
    Opponent is Equal Tier:Treat like a basic attack
    Opponent is One Tier Higher:Treat like a basic attack
    Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:
Treat like a basic attack

Technique Name: Mihari-dai (Crow’s Nest)
Technique Description:by spinning the blades in incredibly fast motions around his body, he creates a near impenetrable force field that destroys whatever it comes in contact with.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:can block a release technique, and shreds anything it touches
Opponent is One Tier Lower:can block a release technique, and critically lacerates anything it touches
Opponent is Equal Tier:can block a release technique, and heavily lacerates anything it touches
Opponent is One Tier Higher:can block a technique, and moderately lacerates anything it touches
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:can block a Reiatsu empowered attack, and lightly lacerates anything it touches

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