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#1Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Empty Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Sun Nov 27, 2011 3:37 pm


For my upcoming captain, please be nice.

Zanpaktou Information
Looks sealed: A lovely short blade known as a wakizashi. The blade is a bit shorter than other katana but it is also a lot sharper. The short blade has a dark green handle with a crisscrossing royal blue pattern on it. The pattern makes it look like the handle as diamonds on the sides of it. At the end of the handle is attached a small key ring with a pink string attached to it. On the string is a small bow that someone gave to him when he was a child.

Getting to the guard of the sword its shaped like a bullseye. The guard itself consists of three rings; the outermost ring is red, second middle ring is dark blow, and the last ring is red once more. The guard is a few inches thick to provide stable protection. The actual blade on this shortblade is about eighty centimeters in length. Though it is eighty centimeters in length with excellent reiryoku control it can be much shorter.

The sheathe of this all so mysterious wakizashi is black. Unlike other sheathes it is made from a thick wood found in soul society. The wood is as resilient as any zanpakuto and fairly difficult to break. Within the deepest part of the sheathe is a poisonous puddy like substance. It coats the shortblade in a fairly fast acting poison.

Zanpaktou Name: Kazutano Rekinjutsushi
Shikai Appearence: When the shortblade is released its handle shrinks to a couple of centimeters. The blade itself shrinks to that of a single nanometer. In this way it looks like the sword has no blade until it is extended. To enemies and allies it looks as though the entire zanpakuto has vanished altogether.

When a battle gets serious or it is required the blade will take on its true size. The swords true size is like that of any ordinary but a bit longer. The blade still retains it super sharp form and seems to have a gun like handle to it. The blade itself has a smooth appearance but a jagged like style to it.


Zanpaktou Release Phrase:

Otra Release:Dotachin calls out "Shini ni Naru Kazuchan". At the same time he lets his wakizashi float in the air. Taking both of his hands he squishes the blade and the handle until the sword disappears completely and a flash of green light occurs. The flash of light turns Dotachins Haori green and his shinigami sleeves get longer. His hands are now hidden within his sleeve and his sword seemingly nonexistent now.

Kami Ju(Gods Gun) Release: Dotachin calls out" Kamijuu O Shini ni soto Kazutano" At the same time he lets the swords true form explode. If he used Otra Release before his sword will instantly be visible in its true form. If he hasn't used Otra Release he'll line his index finger up along the side of the blade and fake like he's shooting as he releases the blades shikai.

Shikai Ability: 6 max

    Rei Dangan: The swords most casual and basic ability. With either of its forms he builds a small bala size amount of reiryoku and shoots them. He typically shoots Dangan from his sleeves to disguise his swords true ability. Each bullet is slightly stronger than a bala but weaker than byakurai He can shoot a maximum of fifteen bullets in one post.
    During Kamijuu each bullet is as strong as a weak cero and he can only shoot five per post.

    Basuto Dangan: The swords second most casual and basic ability. With either of its forms he builds five bala size amounts of reiryoku secretly. He then shoots the five balls of reiryoku at once, collaboratively they are as strong as a cero. Their range is ten feet after ten feet they explode into fifty tinier balls.Can only be used three times per post. Cooldown 2 post

    Seido Dangan: The swords most advanced playful technique. WIth either of its forms he builds a single compressed ball of reiryoku. From within the confines of his sleeves he releases a single penny sized beam of energy. The energy is faster than a cero and half as strong as a grand rey cero. Max of four per post can be split over two post. Cooldown 4 post

    Midori Bekuta : When Dotachin is serious he creates a green ten by ten intangible box around all of those he's touched with his sword. The boxes can do no harm all they do is relay information and allow him to use his shikai's true abilities. The green box follows whatever they have come in contact with. As a downside someone can discard their zanpakuto and the box will follow their zanpakuto.

    • Homupeji Dangan: A red three dimensional target is placed over the opponents heart. To do so they must be affected by his Midori Bekuta. Whatever techniques Dotachin uses they will home in on the targets. Once they enter the green box they stop homing. As a downside to this ability whatever Dotachin is looking is where the target moves to. So if he's looking at their arms they'll know he's aiming for their arms

    • Hyper Intuition: Whenever an enemy caught within Midori Bekuta moves or is about to make an outline of them is made just before they do the action. To all it looks like a green silhouette is moving infront of the enemy doing everything they are about to do just before they do it. Can only be used on one enemy affected by Midori Bekuta at a time.

    • Ultimate Dangan: Should Dotachin and an enemies green box connect they will lock together. The enemy and Dotachin are locked within the twenty by twenty foot area. The boxes become tangible and behave like a negacion making it impossible for anyone to get in or out including Dotachin.

Bankai Appearance:

Bankai Name: Kami Shini Ju Kazutan Rekinjutsushi
Bankai Ability: 6 max
    Kami's Dangan: Dotachin Gathers Reiryoku at the tip of his blade and fires a single bullet. Each bullet sphereical in appearance and the size of a baseball. They have ten foot range and release a powerful blast if they don't hit something within ten feet. The bullet or its blast is as strong as a gran rey cero. Limit six per post can be split over two post. Cooldown 5 posts.

    Kami's Basuto Dangan: Fires six Kami's dangans at once. All six of them have a ten foot range and explode into a massive blast. The blast or all six dangan are as powerful as a cero oscuras. Limit two per post. Cooldown 4 posts

    Midori Dangan: Gathers a special green dangan inside his blade. When he's complete his blade length increases extraordinarily and is very sharp. Each slice leaves green reiryoku on whatever it cuts and explodes dealing cero level damage to whatever it cuts. Cutting proficiency the highest of all captainsLast 10 post. Cooldown five post

    Shini O Midori Bekuta: When Dotachin is serious he creates a green ten by ten intangible box around all of those he's touched with his sword. The boxes can do no harm all they do is relay information and allow him to use his bankai's true abilities. The green box follows whatever they have come in contact with. As a downside someone can discard their Zanpakuto and the box will follow their Zanpakuto.

    • Dangan Massacre: Dotachin shoots a seemingly infinite number of Dangan from his sword. The Dangan home in onto the enemy closest to them. Each Dangan only has a twelfth the power of a cero.

    • Midori Shift: Dotachin switches the boxes around moving his opponents at higher than shunpo speed right in front of him. Can also be used to move himself away from his enemies. If used to move himself away has a three post cool down.

    • Midori Dangan Massacre: Dotachin pulls one enemy into his green square and slices at them. The slice is likely his most powerful attack and will separate the enemy in half if they are caught off guard.Cannot be used if I don't have permission to kill in some circumstances

#2Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Empty Re: Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Sun Nov 27, 2011 10:02 pm


Way to many abilities for a Shikai... The box ones are denied outright so without them it is fine... Fires six Kami's dangans at once. All six of them have a ten foot range and explode into a massive blast. The blast or all six dangan are as powerful as a cero oscuras. Limit two per post. Cooldown 4 posts There are 6 of them no Cero or Cero in a half if there is six of them.

Gathers a special green dangan inside his blade. When he's complete his blade length increases extraordinarily and is very sharp. Each slice leaves green reiryoku on whatever it cuts and explodes dealing cero level damage to whatever it cuts. Cutting proficiency the highest of all captainsLast 10 post. Cooldown five post

No Raiden still pwns your ass.

Shini O Midori Bekuta: Creates a nearly infinite amount of 10 by 10 feet squares within a three mile radius. Information on all enemies is gathered immediately in a way that only Dotachin can understand. Dotachins awareness is increased to the max allowing him to known what an opponent is about to do miliseconds before they do it.

No its simply to much advantage with no way to dodge just no.

Dotachin shoots a seemingly infinite number of Dangan from his sword. The Dangan home in onto the enemy closest to them.
Needs a number less than ten if there is ten equal to a Cero.

You have a lotta shit to work on.

#3Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Empty Re: Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Mon Nov 28, 2011 2:42 am


Way to many abilities for a Shikai... The box ones are denied outright so without them it is fine... Fires six Kami's dangans at once. All six of them have a ten foot range and explode into a massive blast. The blast or all six dangan are as powerful as a cero oscuras. Limit two per post. Cooldown 4 posts There are 6 of them no Cero or Cero in a half if there is six of them.

We are allowed to have six abilities for shikai and six for bankai. If you were to break it down there are two general abilities. Shoot bullets and create boxes. Although its only one box in shikai anyhow so. I might have to rethink this entire zanpakuto if I have to change the boxes.

Only together are the six dangan as strong as a cero oscuas. Its supposed to be like a shotgun attack. If you get hit by all six at the same time its like a cero oscuras. If you don't then its weaker. If they miss at five feet they all release on large blast equal to one cero oscuras. Plus this is the bankai ability, I'm aiming for a strong captain here.

Gathers a special green dangan inside his blade. When he's complete his blade length increases extraordinarily and is very sharp. Each slice leaves green reiryoku on whatever it cuts and explodes dealing cero level damage to whatever it cuts. Cutting proficiency the highest of all captains. Last 10 post. Cooldown five post

No Raiden still pwns your ass.

Well of course Raiden is his cousin just ask Shokkaku. But I'll change that can I say its the second strongest then?

Shini O Midori Bekuta: Creates a nearly infinite amount of 10 by 10 feet squares within a three mile radius. Information on all enemies is gathered immediately in a way that only Dotachin can understand. Dotachins awareness is increased to the max allowing him to know what an opponent is about to do miliseconds before they do it.

No its simply to much advantage with no way to dodge just no.

How about I change it so that he can only do all of this on the person he's looking at?

Dotachin shoots a seemingly infinite number of Dangan from his sword. The Dangan home in onto the enemy closest to them.

Needs a number less than ten if there is ten equal to a Cero.

Well I can give each bullet a twelfth the power of a cero. So if you get hit by twelve its equal to one cero. Of course he'll be shooting a lot but I'll have him shoot them out in bursts of 12 at a time. If he's facing more enemies he send out two bursts of 12 at two different enemies. If they are close together all 24 are aimed directly at them. If it's three enemies then its 36, four enemies its 48 and so forth.

#4Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Empty Re: Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:19 am


He is my cousing thats true yeah. But im still stronger.
Thats due to my Rank and experience.

But this is going pretty damn cool

#5Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Empty Re: Kazutano Renkinjutsushi Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:28 am


Shini O Midori Bekuta: Creates a nearly infinite amount of 10 by 10 feet squares within a three mile radius. Information on all enemies is gathered immediately in a way that only Dotachin can understand. Dotachins awareness is increased to the max allowing him to know what an opponent is about to do miliseconds before they do it.

No its simply to much advantage with no way to dodge just no.

Still no after that approved for 1-1

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