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#1I'm sorry. Empty I'm sorry. Tue Feb 25, 2014 10:59 am


I'm sorry, but this may come off as inappropriate/rude.

Staff are people who volunteer to make the site run smoothly, yes. However, I do not like how we are made out to be members' bitches, okay? We, as staff, have to lay down the law. Just because we have grading standards out for people to see doesn't mean that those are what we have to follow no matter what. We as staff have to make decisions, whether they may be harsh or not. I bring this up primarily due to the issue with Yoru/Elcubo and how he was pretty much calling me a hypocrite for doing my job and doing what is necessary as a staff member. Staff reserve the right to enforce rules, whether they are explicitly stated or not. I don't know about anyone else, but I won't allow myself to be walked on.

No, we shouldn't grade extremely harsh. However, we need to make members understand that not everyone can start at a 3-? tier. Applications do have to be graded more harshly but only so that the majority of members who make simple applications fall into the 4-? tier area. Logic must be applied as well, you know? If person 1 got 3-2 tier and did an average job, while person 2 got 4-3 tier and did more than person 1...don't you think that's unfair? Grading needs to be enforced highly and it needs to be taught thoroughly to staff who don't know entirely how things should be graded in terms of fairness while still remaining strict.

I'm sorry if this comes off as rude. I truly am. However, I believe that my opinion need be voiced. Tell me what you all think.

#2I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:14 pm


.... I think this was directed at me. xD And it's fine, Eden. We all have the ability to voice our opinions and be accepted.<3 I'm glad you did bring this up.

Well, I told Yoru up front his app was worth that of a much higher tier, but I was being sort of strict on standards namely appearance. I guess it's because in the past I have been bashed(not here, mind ya'll) for being too lenient. But then again, I suppose lenient is better than strict. =] But even though I told him that he could change that tier grade in a snap, he got upset.

I take other apps into consideration when giving out Tier Grades. I look at quality, quantity, format, and the overall creativity/individuality of a character. This way, no one can look at a 3-2 app that was not as good as their's and have a 4-2 grade.

But I think Yoru was expected a high tier, thus got upset when he didn't quite get that.

I agree that we all need to be trained to think at least similarly with our grading. I can write up a training post to sticky in the staff area, so we all know what we are doing. Then, we can all add to it until we're satisfied. =]

Did I miss anything? I'm being rushed right now. Razz I'll be out for a bit.

#3I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:49 am


Not directed at you, hun. This is just in general. We have made this site to be run by members, but that can only go so far. We as staff need to keep the site running. Just as a site needs members, it needs a staff team too. Otherwise, why would we be staff? We are here to enforce rules and grade as we are meant to.

I agree that a proper sticky for us be made here in the staff area and talked over. We need every staff member on the same page and we need to have members understand that, if we have to, we will be more strict on grading than what is stated in those standards. It's okay to have people start in 3-? tiers but they need to have really shown it in their applications. We need to use logic when we grade haha. Not just follow the base requirements in that topic. That topic is meant to be a general guide for how we staff grade applications. It won't always be exactly as it says in there.

Forums are run similar to a Republic. Members matter greatly, but it is up to the government (staff for us) to enforce rules and set things up properly. We can do votes and things all we want, but if we do votes for every little thing, nothing will ever get done and members will lose interest and leave. Forums are about efficiency and getting good results. If we ask the members about everything and plus vote on it, what the hell is going to get done? It will get done eventually but we will lose members in that time frame. Staff are meant to get shit done in a timely manner so that people can RP, without guessing what's supposed to happen.

Is this understandable? If my site was run like this, nobody would be able to tolerate it. The last owner was hardly on and he never told me or other staff anything, so nothing ever got done and members left because nothing was getting fixed or added. Members want to be on a forum that gets shit done fast and well. There will be mistakes, yes, but that's why we have members. Our members tell us what they want. We staff have to do our best to accommodate the general member base.

Pardon me for ranting, but it upsets me because this new system we're doing is making the site lose members. It isn't the staff's fault and it isn't the members' faults. There needs to be a change in the way things are done. We can't do votes for every little thing and expect to keep all of our members.

Tell me everyone what you think of this.

#4I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:07 pm


I agree.

Actually, I've been trying to figure out why members aren't roleplaying. I don't know if it is our system, or just people being lazy overall. :/ What if I made a survery for BS where we can get member AND guest opinions in separate surveys? This way, we can see what the members want and what will make 'em roleplay, and what we should do about the site in general.

I think the member voting system here is okay. We don't make them vote on every little thing, just major things that are worth trying, like my point system and rping without apps. Could you give examples on what we shouldn't do?

And seriously, don't be afraid to rant. xD I do so myself sometimes.

#5I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:40 am


I know this is apparent, I just wanted to voice my insight on the matter. Yorudan,Elcubo/Mushami has Always bitched about everything, especially his/her tier ranks. Ever since they joined, each and every one of their apps was graded and they bitched because they didn't get what they wanted exactly. I tried to ban Mush from the site a couple times but people thought I was being too harsh on that specific member. Mush badmouthed the staff n general and Udarsha, threatened to run the site and stop new members from joining.

He/she makes it their personal job to be a child and make everyone suffer when they don't get exactly what they want.

We have a standard for grading apps, leniency isn't something to consider; it breeds unfairness. On the other hand, if we are strict- people bitched and complaint: so either way somebody isn't happy. I just suggest that we follow the standard we have set and tell the members that they joined the site and are expected to comply - further bitching & complaining will seen worthy of "warnings"

#6I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Fri Feb 28, 2014 7:55 am


Sorry that I've not really said anything. I have not due to the fact that most of what you all are saying I agree with and I didn't really want to waste the space and say yes, i agree with all. Razz With that being said, what Ana said is true. For as long as I've been her Mush has been a royal pain to any and all staff members. If it's not one thing its another. And yes, I did ban him once only to unban him due to him acting as usual, a baby. I also feel that with the grading we can and should be a bit harsh yet not so much as to cause alarm. Follow what is there, but do realize that some apps also have their limitations as well. I also agree that it should be noted for the members that should they not agree with what we've posted regarding their app that they should take to PM to let us know rather than pull what I will now call as a Mush. I think people think badly of us when He/she does this and it's not right. Not only that, on that app that got deleted and then readded, it had only been up for 1 day and then deleted because it was not graded within his/her time frame, not the week he/she claims. I think he/she was mostly butthurt that I didn't grade it that night when I was on and it was first up. I didn't because I was very sleepy and was having trouble keeping my eyes open much less replying to him/her in the chat. I got off about 10 minutes later and went to bed but that is besides the point. I feel it should be known to all that us staff have life outside here and that it may take a few days sometimes to grade an app as well.

Sorry for the ranting, but i feel i've said my peace for now at least. I'll add more as i see the need.

#7I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:52 am


Exactly. Thank you. Are we going to let our members walk on us? No. We need to show that we have authority. We do that by communicating exactly what the hell is going down. If we don't communicate, then we give our members reason to complain. We need to be firm. I agree with and like the poll system. However, like I said before, we as staff need to take up the mantle sometimes and just make decisions right away. Members won't sit around for a week to wait for an important poll to get finished. We'll get more members this way AND keep them.

#8I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Tue Mar 04, 2014 9:15 am


Eden Alexandria wrote:Exactly. Thank you. Are we going to let our members walk on us? No. We need to show that we have authority. We do that by communicating exactly what the hell is going down. If we don't communicate, then we give our members reason to complain. We need to be firm. I agree with and like the poll system. However, like I said before, we as staff need to take up the mantle sometimes and just make decisions right away. Members won't sit around for a week to wait for an important poll to get finished. We'll get more members this way AND keep them.

I agree. How about a survey for the members as well? I was going to make one. Could you all think of some things you would like to know?

Some things I came up with is why members aren't making bios, and why specifically they are not making rp threads and replying. We have plenty of lurkers.

#9I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Tue Mar 18, 2014 4:15 am


Okay, so I'm not even going to reply to Mushami. Thought I would post that here. I typed up a big long thing with points, proof, and reasoning, but I think she is just posting for the sake of arguing. However, I really don't want to leave that unfinished. Could one of you other enforcers go on and help? ^.^ We shouldn't let discussions go unanswered, but her arguments don't get us anywhere. That's why I haven't answered many of her other retorts.

#10I'm sorry. Empty Re: I'm sorry. Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:19 am


I see that I wasn't the only one being bothered with Mushami's arguments. It appears Mushami has managed to argue with each and every one of us. I too have decided to keep away from Mushami's creations, due to a more recent experience. Someone has to approve or disapprove her creations though, can I not be the one to do it? Knowing myself, I have a bit of temper on me and if I let myself lose on a member that wouldn't be something suitable to a staff member.

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