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#1And the winner is..... (Open) Empty And the winner is..... (Open) Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:29 am


The sun stood, watching over Karakura town during the middle of the day. As the yelling and screaming of little kid's voices could be heard near the soccer field. The children ran around as if they had no care in the world, their minds so small and unaware of the dangers around them. sitting over to the side of the soccer field was a male, who had seemed to be relaxing in the warmness of the sun's rays. Holding a soccer ball in his hands and spinning it around. He laid there waiting for someone to show up, someone old enough that wouldn't get hurt by his skills in soccer, not like he had any in the first place.

The boy's white bangs would cover his eyes just a bit, to a point he could only see most of the sky. On his white collared shirt laid five daises, two with only half of their petals still intact while the other three where full and beautiful. The boy's mouth began to move as he said to himself, "Nothing to do, No where to go, No one to hang with. What a boring day. Maybe a hollow will pop up or something, or maybe i could get an actual soccer match with someone...... Or just die here, waiting." As he gave off a sigh and threw the soccer ball high into the sky, waiting for it to fall back down for him to catch it.

#2And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:42 am


Then out of nowhere a hand appears and catchs the ball you look up to see a boy around 17 with ice blue hair and cloths that look a little out of date.
"Hay mind if i but in i feel like a game of soccer and was thinking about get some of my friends around but then i saw that you were all alone and i thought that i might just see if you wanted to play with me? oh by the way the name kieran and you?" then i did a few tricks with the ball before placing it on the ground with my foot on it.

#3And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:24 am


Suddenly the boy heard a voice of a strange man who had seemed to of just gotten here. Taking his left hand he grabbed the flowers on his belly and then using his right hand he pushed the hair out of his face and sat up. Then covered his face as he looked up to see this strange person. Watching him closely as to whether the guy would be a worthy person to play soccer with.

"I am Jay, it is truly good to see someone at least close to my age here. I've only seen these children around." He said as he took the hand from his face and threw the flowers on to the ground. Standing up from the ground and giving him a small grin. "Sure let's play.....Soccer is good for the few. Let's Have some fun while the day is still young." As he swung his leg back and began to swing it toward the soccer ball still under the male's foot.

#4And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:36 am


I step back while flicking the ball to the top of my head and balancing it there while i look you over and say.
"Ha too slow need to be faster then that to get the ball off of me and now lets see if you can catch this."with that i drop the ball to my feet and the air around me seems to crackle with lightning a little then i kick the ball towards you with a decent amount of force.

#5And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:12 am


Jay smirked a bit as his kick totally missed the soccer ball causing him to kick up grass and dirt in the air. falling back a bit he caught himself and stood up coughing up the bits of dirt that got in his throat. Running over to one of the white goals on the field. "I call the right goal." He said as he saw the male try to show off. Scoffing from this act thinking that the man was trying to act like a soccer all star when in all reality he was probably a little bit better then Jay.

Getting into a position, Jay saw the male get ready to kick the ball sending it straight for him. Jay had many options at this point, one was to let it go past him and allow the man to actually get the first score of the small game. But he didn't as he saw the soccer ball come across the field he got his foot ready to kick the ball down to the ground and try to stop its movement. "Can't you do better then this?" he said as his smile was now whipped from his face.

#6And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Sun Dec 04, 2011 2:21 pm


(OOC:Is this open?)

#7And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:37 pm


(OOC:Yea its open)

#8And the winner is..... (Open) Empty Re: And the winner is..... (Open) Mon Dec 05, 2011 3:05 pm


I see that you stop the ball and so i go and stand in the centure of the field and call out.
"Well done in stopping a kick that was only ment to see how will a player you are. Now try and get it past me if you can." with a smile and a light jog on the spot i am ready to stop you getting past me.

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