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#1Dyos - By Erida Empty Dyos - By Erida Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:24 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika
Dyos - By Erida Zyzz12


Name of Character: Dyos, meaning directly the God in latin.
Titles: God of Light, Deity of Condition, Emperor of South, God of Aesthetics
Actual Age: roughly 2,600+, being born in the times of Ancient Greece
Physical Age: 20-28, not an old man, not an young adult, somewhere between
Gender & Sexuality: Male, sort of a hunk, and bisexual, practicing all kind of relationships
Species: Vasto Lorde (Hollow), whom has attained human like appearance
Character Alignment: Chaotic Good to Neutral
Tier: 2-1, very strong, being one of the most powerful hollow in existence


Essentially, Dyos is a person, whom has the natural ability of seducing and charming others; his body is very captivating, his voice is alluring and his expression of a person, whom you can trust under any circumstances. Using this as an advantage, Dyos has gained hundreds of followers and soldiers wishing to serve under him. By all means, he's not manipulative or calculative, he's just so sweet and gentle, that anybody would gladly take their own life to protect him. Dyos is a good person, but his hollow side makes him very chaotic sometimes.

Dyos might be one of the most happy hollows in existence, because he has nothing to fear anymore; he's so strong, that nobody wouldn't pick a fight with him. He loves every single one of his subordinates and will give them all the time he has; he's very sociable, but then, really playful sometimes. Dyos is very caring and protective for those around him, righteous and fair king for ones below him, and very respectful for those around him. Loving happiness the most, he will use all the resources to make every single hollow and arrancar of his empire happy.

Dyos is a very quite heroic and noble person, but acts with irresponsibility and mindset of teenager. He's a troubled child, whom has a good heart, after all his bad decisions. This is why he has surrounded himself with wise people, whom help him to make decisions; despite the South is an empire, Dyos controls it with nearly-absolute democracy. He loves everything living and natural, and enjoys feeling the sunlight and the moonlight on his skin. He loves pleasure, in all forms.

Dyos lives for aesthetics, the art of turning one's body into art. He is the most beautiful being walking on white sands, because he has spent thousands of years refining his appearance. Greatest architects of ancient empires have worked on his looks for their entire life, and many of them have kept doing that as a hollow. Dyos works out a lot, but also loves all kind of art, such as music. Perfection is really important for him, as he's supposed to be an example for an entire kingdom.

Dyos is a politically potential ally for the Simetria, for several reasons; he favors arrancars as servants for their powers and he likes the way their organization tries to take over whole white desert and govern hollows.

Fighting Style:

Martial Arts: Dyos' build allows him to pretty much overcome any enemy in hand to hand combat, mainly because of the raw muscle strength, that he possesses. Dyos, however, has shown to be very agile while in combat, and that he is very capable hand-to-hand combatant, whom favors simple techniques, such as locks, kicks and strikes. Also, Dyos either relies on martial arts or his abilities, because he doesn't use weapons, excluding some rare cases.

Combat Morals: Dyos' moral views are exceptional for a hollow, when it comes to combat. He will never attack without warning the target with a roar or war-cry; In his opinion, the enemy should have an opportunity to respond and realize, that they are attacked. Dyos favors shouting over releasing reiatsu, but that's not so uncommon either. Strangely, the odds of leaving the foe alive after a fight, are somewhat high too.

Strategies: Dyos relies a lot on offense, while usually paying attention to defense too, making him very versatile and balanced fighter. Relying on his instict and combat intuition, Dyos is a deadly opponent, whom has spend time to measure the probabilities of fight. His attacks are rapid, movements very swift, but both somewhat predictable, allowing experienced foes to take advantage of it. Dyos prefers always to make the first move, or if he can't, be the one to make first hit, in one against one situation.

Bloodthirst: Dyos, after all, is a hollow, whom enjoys killing and dominating enemies. He often attends wars, being himself in front-lines, to keep his hunger for souls and blood in control. He will never hold back in any sort of combat, regardless of his enemy's power level, but Dyos would enjoy the most in a challenging battle.

Combat Abilities:

Ability - God of Light: Dyos has the ability to reach most strongest form of light manipulation, by enslaving all light particles within a kilometer from him, forcefully controlling these particles to extreme degree. To do this, Dyos must summon special set of wings, of course, made of light, seen in the image, in the start of the application; these wings seem to boost his capability of light manipulation.

This allows him to blind everything but himself on specific range, or then temporary dazzle a particular target, and generate visual illusions out of nothing. He can also generate light, when no source is available, control it's properties, such as heat and luminous intensity, but also adsorb and bend it without effort. Projecting colors might not be most important feat of ability, but also possible. Dyos can taint the light to turn invisible to selected people, or then disappear from everyone's sight; however, it's only optical.

Dyos can also change light's structure, switching it between forms of energy, solid, liquid and gas, the four chemical and physical forms of matter. This means he can solidify, liquefy, vaporize and then turn light back to energy, creating burning liquids similar to acid and solid weaponry out of thin air. The possibilities are infinite, but most great feat of this are is generation of light elemental allies.

Ability - Divine Combat Mode: Dyos has the ability to temporary boost his physical condition, by fusing his body with nearby light, resulting his body to glow brightly and the wings get a bit larger. This enhances his whole condition, obtaining tremendous durability and raw strength, and an incomparable speed; yet, because Dyos is a spiritual being, there is a spiritual boost too. His five physical senses are enhanced along with empathy, perception and spiritual radar; his reiatsu becomes thinner and more powerful, temporary, making it mistaken for a release. He is able to reach the title of hyper-speed combatant, fast enough to create after images, but more importantly, he is generally like a god in this form. Dyos can even dismiss any damage, if somebody would get through his defenses.

Ability - Divine Regeneration: Via light particle adsorption, Dyos is capable of healing nearly any mortal wound and even regenerating lost limbs back, not to speak of his power to heal anybody other via transferring light to their damaged body. It only however works against ordinary damage, and will not heal poisonings, suffocation or diseases. Burns and frostbites, neural damage and removal of organs are permanent damage too, and so on, they won't be healed.

Intended Role: Emperor of South, One of the Four Great Hollow Kings

Credits: I want to thank my old friend Zyzz, whom inspired me to do this NPC :* It's based on his character Zyzz Shavershian, and this is my tribute to him. I love you, and even though you are gone, you shall always remain in my heart.

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