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#1Just a Little Faster (O) Empty Just a Little Faster (O) Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:30 pm


His legs took him. They took him far his running in a full sprint from the frustration of his problems and the manifestation of his will to want to bring back his own skills. He couldn't believe that he wasn't able to unlock it, after a few times of practice and keeping his training intact it just didn't come. The excruciating and antagonistic role of that feeling from within his gut which made him feel less like a runner and more like a chump. He would slide across the ground a she turned a corner and began running once again, almost making himself slip towards the road but catching himself.

"Woah!" He said with a loud remark as his hands wavered, he would almost slip, a sweat drop appearing on his head as he chuckled nervously. "That was close, I need to keep myself from being killed..." He would say this, but not truly learn from it. His fists clenched as his eyes began to glow with a large amount of enthusiasm. His body would clench. "Can't stop now... not now..."

"That feeling... I want it, I want that feeling!" An explosive sprint would come as he rushed forth with his body jettisoning against the snow. His eyes going towards a rail as he leaped towards it and slid with his shoes a skill that could be done due to there not being any snow. His body wouldn't allow him to stop as he went off the rail and did one somersault. His eyes capturing the lights of the city. He would nod as his hands went into a frenzy his nostrils flared as he began to shoot forward looking to the crowds. "Obstacles... oh no... practice." A small grin was placed on his face.

His body would move from a strafing motion, using quicksteps as he entered a large crowd of people. His quick stepping patterns and motions as he stopped and then used a spin motion taking his body into a curve as he dodged an arm that randomly appeared in the crowd his reflexes on high. His body sweated as his long-sleeves and pants took on the constitution of wetness and liquid. "Can't keep this up... gotta rest..." He said to himself as he finally came out of the crowd, his hand going against a building as the sweat would go down, his breaths heaving due to the naturally limited stamina of humans.

"I just want to... I just..." His fist clenched as his eyes closed. "Why can't I?" He asked himself in a semi-rhetorical question motioning forward in one-step, his eyes would stop for a moment. His chest began to pound deeply, the signature of power that made him terrified to fight for such a long time. His breaths would shift from warm to cold.

#2Just a Little Faster (O) Empty Re: Just a Little Faster (O) Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:16 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
A gorgous warm day was at foot and Captain Amaya Nanashi of the Second Division was going to try enjoying that day even if her wounds were screaming at her to sit and relax. She was orginally sent to the human world with her second in command so she would relax. That wasnt going to happen in honestly truth. Even in the human world, she wasnt about to relax and let her troops slack. It is going to take alot to keep her down to relax.
She raised a hand pushing her eye brow length bangs. They were a gentle lavender purple. the rest of her hair reached down to the curve of her back as curled bounced along with her every move. the wind pushed on against her twirling her hair as if playing with it as she walked on taking long strides, having a slight bounce to her step. Her skin was fair but slightly pale. honestly it wasnt snow white pale but it wasnt tan either, it was just that right kind of pale that really complimented her sky blue eyes and her purple hair. the way she wore her hair along with ehr eyes was just jaw dropping cause she wore her look so well.

Clothing was something more simple. A white tanktop cloaked in a loose blue chiffon shirt that covered only one shoulder. the shoulder that held the acid burn she gained at the moment of her death.She made sure this burn was hidden since she didnt need people worrying and annoying her about it along with trying to hide who she really was. A shinigami captain. the chiffon shirt was a short sleeve as the end had a waist band clung to her small waist. She had short blue shorts on revealing her perfectly toned legs she had just from all the exercise she gets daily would wear out a human. She decided to wear some simple white and blue tennis shoes with white ankle high socks.

She stopped at a window seeing her reflection as she made sure she looked okay. She took a deep breath wincing as her hand clinched her banaged side under her shirts "it still hurts alot."She whispered to herself.

She sensed a strange presence that felt human but it wasnt exactly a human presence, maybe a full bringer. She looked around seeing the presence heading towards her

#3Just a Little Faster (O) Empty Re: Just a Little Faster (O) Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:25 pm


His heart would soon arise from its suspended tracking as he placed his hand on his chest and calmed his breaths to short and stern. His body moving into a small walk once more as the rising currents of air hit against his spiky hair and began to blow them backwards. His fists were clenched blowing through the path with a sort of determined action and taking course for himself with each and every step. His eyes going back and forth tracking what was next as the obstacles laid in his path.

His body would rise with a leap as he came to the first obstacle, a railing of which he hopped over and took his time to commence with leaping off the wall in a fast and quickened pace using the agility he has in order to land with great quickness and perfect form. His body dashing off onto a stair case going towards the rail with a quick leap using his bodies weight in order to land on the rail going downward as the bottoms of his shoes felt pushed by the steel, the grinding motions as his arms wavered came naturally as if he had done this a thousand times.

Going for another leap with a somersault roll his body would again hit against the ground a clear flash of light would meet his gaze as he smiled. "I'll get faster..." His attitude changed in a minute, his eyes closed breathing inward the air of which he would love to take in. His hands against a cinderblock sitting down as he started to watch the area around him. The sweat accumulating in his shirt as he rubbed his legs taking gazes at many people.

'That power... how do I use it, how do I activate it...' That power which he could not commit himself to gaining, his power that had came and gone as quickly as most of his life. His mind full of the thought of once more accessing it, the speed of which he ran became his own little euphoria, the factor of his mind moving with everliving force of wind on this spherical world. His body would go back, as he sighed looking towards the clouds in the sky for but a moment blowing his breath in a short sigh.

His fists clenched, he took his hands towards the middle open spot towards his lap hitting against the ground as he placed himself back on track. "I need to get going, no need to sit around and angst over it... gotta keep trying until I can reach that level of speed." His leg stretched out as he began to run once more his body shooting forward once more, with the inspirations of his mind settling for factors of growing into that unbelievable zenith of speed he gained just days ago. A small smile on his face.

"I'll definitely get it back."

#4Just a Little Faster (O) Empty Re: Just a Little Faster (O) Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:53 am


(i guess so)

#5Just a Little Faster (O) Empty Re: Just a Little Faster (O) Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:17 am

Thor Blerster

Thor Blerster
Udarsha Kiel Reaper Jones, known as the former captain commander of the soul society was an isolated man. He never had friends, family, relations, only the ones from the soul society. But they were long gone now. Even so now that he was isolated from the soul society, he had nobody to talk with. But he did not care. Udarsha had a good thought what kept him going forward so far. And it was as he always says "Only the weak would seek the aid of other people/friends..."

After serving the soul society for 1500 years, Udarsha was now simply living his life in the town of Karakura. He had a small apartment, just for him. And it fit him well. His small apartment was located in the 18th street of Karakura town, though it was not far from the main street. No soul came to visit him; he was simply living a life of bachelorhood. Udarsha always says "All I need is bottle of coca cola and a good book to read at night..."

Reaper took his time walk about the town taking in the different smells and colours of the world around him, so much has changed since the 20's and 30's the changing of the world seemingly perplexed the ever crafty leader. But this day seemed to lead to some other providence lurking deep within its fabric a hue of foreboding colours invaded the spectrum that reaper looked forward too. The smell of a fight rammed its self in the nose of Reaper as stopped in the thick of the massive crowd he felt the presents of a coming being something of the human sorts, but until that source of power comes forth he would stand in the thick of it holding his hat as he looked forward, towards the streets of Karakura town. It all ends here...

Udarsha was walking now. Holding his hat forward he was walking in the streets. Thinking of nothing he walked. His mind was completely blank. He thought of nothing. Actually, nothing. There was an old saying that, when your mind is totally blank you have a chance of seeing god himself. But, not in that kind of way. When your mind could achieve a climatic instant only it would only happen. But Udarsha couldn't see any god, or any heaven, at least. He only saw people and children walking up and down in the crowded streets of Karakura town. Some were running towards their officers and some children were trying to catch up with the buses. It was a busy day in karakura town. Just the usual everyday...

Taking a turn from a small corner of the street, Udarsha entered a new street. He did not actually get the name of the street but it was not actually crowded like the last street. This street was quite isolated. But it had a high spiritual pressure appearance. Udarsha looked around, trying to find the person. But he couldn't. The person was nowhere in sight. But he felt that a human with a high spiritual pressure was coming forward towards him. Udarsha forced himself a small smile and leaned back towards the nearby wall. Let’s just wait, shall we?


#6Just a Little Faster (O) Empty Re: Just a Little Faster (O) Sat Dec 31, 2011 5:55 pm


(OOC: Ichigo will RP with You! Gin out!)

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