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#1Kido Update [WIP] Empty Kido Update [WIP] Tue Jan 19, 2016 7:10 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika

[Only admins are allowed to see this image]


This is the official guide to using Kidō (鬼道, Demon's Arts) in roleplay. It contains critical information of the mysterious magic, that shinigami are known to utilize in their campaign against their enemies, as well as a complete list of all Kidō spells, both canon and those original to our players. We have our own unique mechanics for using the spells, and there's a slight taste of originality to it, so you should definitely read this if your character's skills rely on Kidō.

The mechanics and Kidō list will be updated by the staff from time to time.




Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Shō (衝, Thrust)
Kidō Effect: Hardly harmful to the target. The practitioner extends their index finger and points towards a person or an object, as they release a small, but concentrated blast of kinetic energy at their target. The energy, which is dispelled from the spell, will thrust the target with force, that is dependent on the weight and strength of practitioner. Thus, the strength of force cannot exceed what one is physically capable of: for example, small object might get thrown across a room with great force, while a heavier object might not move at all. While a person will not suffer damage from the spell, injuries can be received, if the target hits an obstacle as they are pushed back. The distance, that a living target will be pushed back, is determined by tier difference between individuals.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: 8 to 12 meters
Opponent is One Tier Below: 6 to 10 meters
Opponent is On Equal Level: 4 to 8 meters
Opponent is One Tier Above: 2 to 6 meters
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 0 to 2 meters

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Byakurai (白雷, Pale Lightning)
Kidō Effect: Despite it's low number, this spell can prove lethal in the hands of a skilled practitioner. To begin, one must extend their both hands, or alternatively one's index finger, and aim towards the target, that they want to unleash this spell on. Then, a concentrated, cobalt-colored lightning will emerge from the hands, and travels in rapid speed towards the target, until it strikes. The energy of bolt is extremely sharp, and will cut cleanly through most matter, whenever inanimate or organic, and thus, it could be compared to a spear impaling the target's body. Generally, a stronger being is usually capable of negating this effect, and the bolt will have little to no effect on them. There is a modified version to this spell, Jūgeki Byakurai, which will have greater effect, but is only available to players as a high-numbered Kidō ([Only admins are allowed to see this link]). However, we have decided to use the same box for these two spells, due to being akin to each other. The set range of the lightning bolt, after which it will disintegrate into the air, which is up to 50 meters with regular spell, and up to 150 meters with it's modified version.

The regular version of the spell can be fired three times in a row, under a single post and in rapid pace. However, Jūgeki Byakurai can only used once per post.

Kidō Chart: [Regular Byakurai]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: Cuts cleanly through
Opponent is One Tiers Below: Cuts cleanly through
Opponent is On Equal Level: Negated completely
Opponent is One Tier Above: Negated completely
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: Negated completely

Kidō Chart: [Jūgeki Byakurai]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: Cuts cleanly through
Opponent is One Tiers Below: Cuts cleanly through
Opponent is On Equal Level: Cuts cleanly through
Opponent is One Tier Above: Cuts cleanly through
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: Negated completely

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tsuzuri Raiden (綴雷電, Bound Lightning)
Kidō Effect: Hazardous spell, that is potentially harmful to the practitioner. By either the palm of a practitioner, or one's zanpakuto, a burst of lightning can be released at one's will. This burst can be comprise of a single, concentrated arc or a wave of lightning, depending on the proficiency of a caster, but nonetheless, will cause great damage to an opponent by electrocuting them, despite having a low number. It's equally dangerous for the practitioner to utilize this spell, because it grants it's caster no greater defense against it's user than it does to a foe, due to the wild, damaging nature of lightning - thus, should the practitioner be in contact with the electricity, they will suffer same damage as an equal tier would. In addition, it's granted a +1 AR effectiveness, when there is water, surface of metal or another material, that is conductive to such an effect. It's a linear attack, so the current will move forward, rather than electrifying both individuals at the same time, so the trick is to stay out of it's way.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: 4th degree burns, paralysis of 2 posts
Opponent is One Tier Below: 3th degree burns, paralysis of 1 post
Opponent is On Equal Level: 2nd degree burns, no paralysis
Opponent is One Tier Above: 1st degree burns, no paralysis
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: Hardly any effect, clothes burnt off

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Fushibi (伏火, Ambush Flare)
Kidō Effect: A very intriguing spell.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Shakkahō (赤火砲, Red Fire Cannon)
Kidō Effect: A very common spell which is about mid-range in terms of the level of difficulty, it is taught as a general offensive spell in the Shin'ō Academy, it can by fired from one or both hands and it is initiated firstly by creating an fiery orb of crimson energy on their palm or finger, the orb can vary in size from small, medium and large with the destructive power being different for each one and it can be used in either a pillar of energy or a simple explosion inducing both concussive damage and burn damage, it is quite versatile hence why it is commonly taught to students as a general offensive spell, it can also be used for multiple purposes such as illumination and simple heat generation to keep warm when it is cold.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: 4th degree burns, thrown back 10-20 meters
Opponent is One Tier Below: 3rd degree burns, thrown back 8-19 meters
Opponent is On Equal Level: 2nd degree burns, thrown back 6-12 meters
Opponent is One Tier Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 3-6 meters
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 1-3 meters

Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Ōkasen (黄火閃, Yellow Fire Flash)
Kidō Effect: A rarer spell to witness, it is similar to Hado [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Shakkahō although instead of a single shot of fire, Ōkasen instead is used to cover more distance in the form of an arc, it starts by the user firstly holding their zanpakutō out horizontally and creating an orb of yellow energy which then widens itself along the length of the sword although a the user can easily use their hand to do this they will cover a much smaller arc. Once it is fully charged, it fires a wide, horizontal arc of yellow energy at the target which inflicts burn wounds and concussive damage.

The modified version of this spell works much the same way although once it is fully charged, a single wide beam fires from the front accompanied by four other beams streaming off in other directions. The beams swiftly redirect before closing in on their intended target to attack from multiple directions at once. The attack can be used whilst unarmed, fired from either the hands or feet, though the initial beam has a shorter arc and the number of accompanying beams are reduced to two, producing a three-pronged strike instead. In contrast to the yellow light of its normal form, the modified version is an auburn colour.

Kidō Chart: [Regular Ōkasen]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: 4th degree burns, thrown back 10-20 meters
Opponent is One Tier Below: 3rd degree burns, thrown back 8-19 meters
Opponent is On Equal Level: 2nd degree burns, thrown back 6-12 meters
Opponent is One Tier Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 3-6 meters
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 1-3 meters

Kidō Chart: [Gotokki Ōkasen]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Sōkatsui (蒼火墜, Blue Fire, Crash Down)
Kidō Effect: By facing their palm towards the target the practitioner generates a blue energy before firing it at their target which takes the appearance of a torrent of blue flames. The energy fired can move as a direct blast or a wave of energy depending on the amount of power in it, with less power making a direct blast and more power making a large wave. People with considerable skill in this spell can use it to devastating effects.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws."
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Haien (廃炎, Abolishing Flames)
Kidō Effect: A very powerful fire-type spell, the user quickly generates and fires purple flames in varying shapes and forms towards the target from their hand. The fire is so strong it can incinerate most things and can be used quite devastating to its targets.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: Instant incineration of hit area.
Opponent is One Tier Below: Instant incineration of hit area.
Opponent is On Equal Level: 3rd Degree Burns.
Opponent is One Tier Above: 2nd Degree Burns.
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 1st Degree Burns and some 2nd Degree Burns.

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Daichi Tenyō (大地転踊, Upturned Earth Dance)
Kidō Effect: By thrusting their hands outward the practitioner causes objects around them to levitate in a similar fashion to telekinesis before throwing them towards the destination the user thrust their hands, this spell can be used for a variety of purposes such as simple attacking or countering attacks.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tenran (闐嵐, Orchid Sky)
Kidō Effect: The spell is initially started by using their hand or sheathed zanpakuto as a catalyst for the spell to work. When using the a sheathed zanpakuto the user levitates the weapon in front of them and lightly taps the floating sword to make it spin like a fan, the weapon will slowly build up more and more speed before the user finally stops the spinning zanpakuto. This releases thee spell as a widening tornado blast which shoots in front of the user, upon hitting the opponent they will be hit with incredible force which is comparable to the force of a large truck going at high speeds. When used with their hand(s) the user does not need to spin or move their hands. The spell can only be used twice per post.
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Raikōhō (雷吼炮, Thunder Roar Sear)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Sōren Sōkatsui (双漣蒼火墜, Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens."
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Zangerin (斬華輪, Cutting Flower Ring)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Hiryū Gekizoku Shinten Raihō (飛竜撃賊震天雷炮, Flying Dragon-Striking Heaven-Shaking Thunder Cannon)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Kurohitsugi (黒棺, Black Coffin)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!"
Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Senjū Kōten Taihō (千手皎天汰炮, Thousand-Hand Bright Heaven Culling-Sear)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired"
Kidō Name: Gisei Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Ittō Kasō (一刀火葬, Single Blade Cremation)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A


Kidō Name: Bakudō # 1. Sai (塞, Restrain)
Kidō Effect:

Kidō Chart: [Regular Sai]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Chart: [Inochigami Sai]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Hainawa (這縄, Crawling Rope)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Seki (斥, Repulse)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Geki (撃, Strike)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Hōrin (崩輪, Disintegrating Circle)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!"
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Sekienton (赤煙遁, Red Smoke Escape)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudo [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Kyokkō (曲光, Bent Light)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudo [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Noren Mekuri (暖簾捲り, Curtain Stripping)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Shitotsu Sansen (嘴突三閃, Beak-Piercing Triple Beam)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tsuriboshi (吊星, Suspending Star)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Enkōsen (円閘扇, Round Lock Fan)
Kidō Effect:

Kidō Chart: [Enkōsen]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Chart: [Chōsoku Enkōsen]

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Keikaigi (繫界儀, World-Tying Rite)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "My right hand is the stone that bridges worlds. My left hand is the blade that binds reality. The black-haired shepherd is hung from a chair. Stratus clouds come, and I strike down the ibis."
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Kakushitsuijaku (摑趾追雀, Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain."
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Rikujōkōrō (六杖光牢, Six Rods Prison of Light)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Hyapporankan (百歩欄干, Hundred Steps Fence)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. (しびれ指, Numbing Finger)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Sajō Sabaku (鎖条鎖縛, Locking Bondage Stripes)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tanma Otoshi (タンマ落とし, Time-Out Drop)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Inemuri (威眠, Forced Slumber)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tozanshō (倒山晶, Inverse Mountain Crystal)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Hakufuku (白伏, White Crawl)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Gochūtekkan (五柱鉄貫, Five-Pillared Iron Weights)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end."
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tenteikūra (天挺空羅, Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly though the heavens."
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Kuyō Shibari (九曜縛, Nine Sunlight Traps)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Dankū (斷空, Splitting Void)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Sentan Hakuja (千反白蛇, Thousand-Coil White Snake)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link], Part 1. Kin (禁, Prohibition)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link], Part 2. Bankin (卍禁, Full Prohibition)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

"Prologue - Halting Wraps"
"Refrain - Serial Hundred Bolts"
"Finale - Fully Prohibited Great Seal"
Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link], Part 3. Shikakuchūjin (四角柱陣, Quadrangular Prism Method)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Black rods, red fire. The god of this world binds us in crimson blood and the sun forbears to show its light."


Kidō Name:
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Name:
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Kidō Name:
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:





Kidō Name: Jikanteishi (時間停止, Temporal Stasis)
Kidō Effect: This spell was forbidden immediately after its effects were witnessed, the spell explores the effects of a temporal stasis or "chronolock", it works by the user cutting out a portion of space-time and halting all time within that space, using this spell can allow the user to stop and lock events in place as well as make everything stop. The spell is considered incredibly powerful for the reasons that it could simply st
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name: Kūkanten'i (空間転位, Spatial Displacement)
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: N/A
Kidō Name:
Kidō Effect:
Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:



Name of Technique: Eishōhaki (詠唱破棄, Incantation Abandonment)
Technique Description: [What does this technique do, be sure to include charge times and cool downs.]
Name of Technique: Nijū Eishō (二重詠唱, Twofold Incantation)
Technique Description: [What does this technique do, be sure to include charge times and cool downs.]
Name of Technique: Kōjutsu Eishō (後述詠唱, Spoken-After Incantation)
Technique Description: [What does this technique do, be sure to include charge times and cool downs.]
Name of Technique: Hanki (反鬼, Reverse Demon)
Technique Description: [What does this technique do, be sure to include charge times and cool downs.]

#2Kido Update [WIP] Empty Re: Kido Update [WIP] Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:25 pm


If you're open for feedback, perhaps if we made a field for Kaido, like spells which aren't just the healing hand one. Maybe one that can create stretchers, that can temporarily stop or resist poison etc. Just to add an edge of uniqueness and originality to it.

#3Kido Update [WIP] Empty Re: Kido Update [WIP] Fri Apr 01, 2016 6:13 pm


My suggestions for some Kido spells, I will update them and finish the others soon but Shakkaho is definitely done.

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Shakkahō (赤火砲, Red Fire Cannon)
Kidō Effect: A very common spell which is about mid-range in terms of the level of difficulty, it is taught as a general offensive spell in the Shin'ō Academy, it can by fired from one or both hands and it is initiated firstly by creating an fiery orb of crimson energy on their palm or finger, the orb can vary in size from small, medium and large with the destructive power being different for each one and it can be used in either a pillar of energy or a simple explosion inducing both concussive damage and burn damage, it is quite versatile hence why it is commonly taught to students as a general offensive spell, it can also be used for multiple purposes such as illumination and simple heat generation to keep warm when it is cold.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: 4th degree burns, thrown back 10-20 meters
Opponent is One Tier Below: 3rd degree burns, thrown back 8-19 meters
Opponent is On Equal Level: 2nd degree burns, thrown back 6-12 meters
Opponent is One Tier Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 3-6 meters
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 1-3 meters

Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"

Kidō Name: Ōkasen (黄火閃, Yellow Fire Flash)
Kidō Effect: A rarer spell to witness, it is similar to Hado [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Shakkahō although instead of a single shot of fire, Ōkasen instead is used to cover more distance in the form of an arc, it starts by the user firstly holding their zanpakutō out horizontally and creating an orb of yellow energy which then widens itself along the length of the sword although a the user can easily use their hand to do this they will cover a much smaller arc. Once it is fully charged, it fires a wide, horizontal arc of yellow energy at the target which inflicts burn wounds and concussive damage.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: 4th degree burns, thrown back 10-20 meters
Opponent is One Tier Below: 3rd degree burns, thrown back 8-19 meters
Opponent is On Equal Level: 2nd degree burns, thrown back 6-12 meters
Opponent is One Tier Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 3-6 meters
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 1st degree burns, thrown back 1-3 meters

Incantation: N/A

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Sōkatsui (蒼火墜, Blue Fire, Crash Down)
Kidō Effect: By facing their palm towards the target the practitioner generates a blue energy before firing it at their target which takes the appearance of a torrent of blue flames. The energy fired can move as a direct blast or a wave of energy depending on the amount of power in it, with less power making a direct blast and more power making a large wave. People with considerable skill in this spell can use it to devastating effects.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws."

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Haien (廃炎, Abolishing Flames)
Kidō Effect: A very powerful fire-type spell, the user quickly generates and fires purple flames in varying shapes and forms towards the target from their hand. The fire is so strong it can incinerate most things and can be used quite devastating to its targets.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below: Instant incineration of hit area.
Opponent is One Tier Below: Instant incineration of hit area.
Opponent is On Equal Level: 3rd Degree Burns.
Opponent is One Tier Above: 2nd Degree Burns.
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above: 1st Degree Burns and some 2nd Degree Burns.


Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Daichi Tenyō (大地転踊, Upturned Earth Dance)
Kidō Effect: By thrusting their hands outward the practitioner causes objects around them to levitate in a similar fashion to telekinesis before throwing them towards the destination the user thrust their hands, this spell can be used for a variety of purposes such as simple attacking or countering attacks.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:


Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Tenran (闐嵐, Orchid Sky)
Kidō Effect:

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:


#4Kido Update [WIP] Empty Re: Kido Update [WIP] Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:57 pm


Kidō Name:
Kidō Effect:

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:


Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Būdoha (湯水波, Scalding Water Wave)
Kidō Effect: Raising a hand in front of themselves, the practitioner then passes their index and middle fingers from the opposite hand over them, generating a blue mass of light in the process, which grows to cover the entire hand. Once fully covered, the user strikes out with their hand in a sweeping motion which causes a large wave of water to spur forth from nothing to engulf a foe. The water is boiling and possesses such heat that it can melt through the body of a Hollow, making it more akin to acid than water. Users of this spell may substitute a Zanpakutō as the catalyst instead of their hand, allowing them to generate a wider swathe of water in the process.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:


Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Donryoku (鈍力, Blunt Force)
Kidō Effect: The practitioner focuses a large amount of spiritual energy through their Zanpakutō, utilizing any possible reflections on the blade to generate beams of light that are fired with each swing of the weapon. Each individual beam packs a powerful amount of concussive force and can be fired indefinitely as long as a certain amount of light continues to reflect from the Zanpakutō in use. In addition to being deadly, they can also hone in on targets at the user's discretion.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Brethren-in-arms marching for the distance of twelve sun and standing still; Blue shot, gold shot, black shot, red shot; Rising together on the path to victory."

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Danganjun (弾丸純, Bullet Net)
Kidō Effect: Pulling their arm back and then jutting it forth a large ring of purple light filled with a pattern akin to dreamcatchers emerges. Every hole in the circle produces a small thin bullet of spiritual energy that collectively bombard a target, it is primarily used for distraction as the blasts do very little damage, instead hitting their intended target with an intense stinging sensation.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Gifted on the valley of need! Serrated tracks, iron flesh, oil blood. Move and incite conflict, stop and herald peace. The cry of engines demand the end of war!"

Kidō Name: Hadō [Only admins are allowed to see this link], Dandōdan (弾道弾, Ballistic Missile)
Kidō Effect: The practitioner generates lightning in a compressed form and, at either the slash of the blade or aim of their palm, fires numerous spear-shaped projectiles in the general direction of their desired target. This spell focuses less on accuracy and more on damage over a large radius.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "Cry of the heavens! Beacon of the Almighty's wrath! Illuminate the blade and the stricken earth! Fly far and wide! Spread the retribution!"

Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Butakawa Kōyaku (豚皮絞扼, Pigskin Entrapment)
Kidō Effect: Reciting the incantation, the user generates an oval shaped orb of spiritual energy in their palm before launching it at a target. When it reaches the target, the orb expands rapidly to cover the target within a similarly oval shaped prison of purple energy. The barrier is very powerful and reacts as if almost elastic, bouncing most attacks straight back at the attackers.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:

Incantation: "O' Lord! The light pierces an ever present darkness, flames blaze, water rages, earth crumbles and the wind heralds a tide of change!"

Kidō Name: Chōsoku Enkōsen (超速円閘扇, Hyperspeed Round Lock Fan) (Kaizō Kidō)
Kidō Effect: A modified version of the thirty-ninth Bakudō spell, Enkōsen. The user places either both hand or their Zanpakutō in front of them in a blocking motion where upon the spell generates a large spinning disk of condensed reiatsu in order to block an opponent's attack. Unlike the unmodified version, Chōsoku Enkōsen takes on a vibrant green colouration and spins at such a rate as to act like a saw; ripping apart whatever comes into contact with it at a considerable pace. This allows the spell to not only be used for defense but offense as well.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:


Kidō Name: Bakudō [Only admins are allowed to see this link]. Goshō Heitan Miryū Kakusui (五鐘平淡水流角錐, Five-Bell Still Water-Flowing Pyramid)
Kidō Effect: An extremely powerful Kidō barrier that takes the form of several ceremonial spear heads. The user weaves their hands through several motions, radiating out an aura of Reiatsu that suffuses through the earth and causes clumps of dirt to form together and shift into the forms of several white spear heads with chimes attached to them. These spear heads rest at five different points below and around the user, and three above. Once complete, it creates an extremely powerful pyramid-like barrier around the practitioner, preventing anyone from entering. It is a spell designed for protection of the "self" but can be cast on others with enough skill and focus. The barrier is extremely resistant to outside interference as it prevented Muramasa from invading Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto's Inner World, it can also negate a great deal of damage, requiring the combined power of Muramasa and Ichigo Kurosaki's Bankai-Getsuga Tenshō as well as the power boost provided by his Hollowfication to break through it.

Kidō Chart:

Opponent is 2+ Tiers Below:
Opponent is One Tier Below:
Opponent is On Equal Level:
Opponent is One Tier Above:
Opponent is 2+ Tiers Above:


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