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#1 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Tengen Uzuma [Done] Thu Aug 20, 2015 3:28 pm

Ragar Rose III

Ragar Rose III

Who are you?

Name: Tengen Uzuma
Alias: Tenzo
Age: 350
Age of Appearance: 21
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Vizard
Character Alignment: Neutral (Mostly Good)


Tengen assumes appearance of a young man in his early twenties. He has an almost pale skin tone with a light hint of caramel to show that he is in fact still alive. He has crimson red eyes which also produces an orange tent of it's own. His hair, being the length of shoulders is a rather faded red dressed in spiky tips. He has a very muscular swimmers build, his six pack being the most noticeable feature. His shoulders and arms appear to be a more fair caramel then the rest of his body being well toned and sculpted for his "age."

His lower body consists of strong firm legs and well defined calf’s. Tengen weighs about 175 pounds of lean muscles. While he isn't the tallest at 5’11 he tends to make up for by being extremely flexible. While in battle he may seem shorter due to his zanpakuto' change of size. In addition he may appear weak and naive to fool his foes even going as far as to dress similar as a teenage waiter. In actuality he loves to dress formally in almost any situation but follows whatever clothing protocol he musts.

Tengen has a beautiful seductive smile, which is complemented by pearly white teeth and smooth pink lips. His crimson red eyes are surrounded by narrow eyelids and soft thick eyebrows. His ears are a fair size there also well sculpted to fit his facr. His hair is very rough yet manageable seeing as the longest strand reaches to the upper part of his spine. He has a very small soft nose that complements his eyes and mouth giving him his own self entitled sex appeal.


Informal: Tengen hardly wear informal clothing, he prefers dressing up as it gives him a sense of importance and style. On the occasion he does we're informal clothes it is commonly baggy blue jeans. He prefers to have the jeans which have holes over the knees or any other place that doesn't male them seem overly feminine. Along this his jeans he likes to wear loose fitting t-shirts with some of this favorite things or quotes plastered on it. He prefers to wear his shirts in only Orange, Red, and Black but that doesn't always happen but he feels more confiden. As far as shoes he likes to wear comfortable gym shoes with good soles.

Formal Clothing: This is truly we're Tengen's heart lies as far as clothing. Ninety percent of his wardrobe consist of formal clothing. His maim go to outfit would be a fitted button up beige shirt with a extremely loose fitting tie wrapped around a flipped up collar. He in addition to this upper body wear dark beige colored slacks with a two strapped white blucking belt. Lastly his classics black leather dress shoes. Besides that outfit he can be found in a fitted Tuxedo and black tie and maybe a male fedora. If he feels it's needed he may wear glasses to sell his look.


After being inject by the Hollow serum Tengen has had a very stranger yet cool scar. It comes in the shape of a crimson red red that originates at the scalp of his head down to his head. It covers a lot of the right side of his body and have moments when it disappears. While performing Beast Takeover this scar fades, as well as when wearing the Vizard Mask. Upon deactivating those things the scar returns.


Tengen’s a very relaxed person. He loved free time to himself and enjoys sleeping his days away. He usually ignores everything besides thing that help him reach his goals or whatever he’s doing. He focuses only on the positive thing and thing that makes things better for others. There’s are times were his ego gets the best of him and he reacts on impulse by wildly lunging at a person on yelling. Other then that he is a very passive person he intends to let peoples rude comments and attitudes be fuel to his goals and passions. He enjoys studying other people and learning human behavioral Patterns which makes his a curious person.

He comes off as a happy person around people also smiling and lifting up others. When he is sad or upset he tends to isolate himself from other to regroup. When alone he only has one goal to hone his abilities and skills which usually leaves him with a serious side. Towards his enemies he will present himself as a serious opponent but also he will as if he were trying to get into his opponents head. He often tries to replicate professor behavior.

He is very fascinated by fighting. He enjoys partaking in them but even more watching them. While fighting his personality changes the most . He takes serious to the next level by adding sadistic movements and hostile attacks. He at the start of the fight he will become an Analyst constantly blocking attack with his sword to adjust to his opponents current strength and fighting patterns.

Overall he is typically a kind, bashful and relaxed guy. He tends to become bored quiet quickly but stays optimistic. He is a curious guy which leads him into finding out the information he wants to know. He is sneaky and quick perfect for a spy. He is very intelligent and observant down to the smallest detail. He is afraid of science labs of any sort and will react violently to get away from one.

When he activates his vizard mask his personality slightly changes. He becomes rash and over confident. His mild nature becomes angered and demented in some cases. He becomes ruthless and unpredictable. He becomes animal like particularly wolf like. He occasionally in battles assumes wolf like stances and growls. He still has consciousness to his original self it's just he goes through a personality change.

(For Likes, Dislikes, Ambitions, etc, go for 1-3 sentences per point, more if you wish.)

Likes and Strengths:

Candy: Tengen loves eating candy. It improves his thought process and give him energy.

Spacing Out: He like to drift aimlessly. He believes where ever his feet take him he’s meant to be there.

Children: He loves children and babies. He loves playing with kids and teaching them things in his free time.

Friends: He enjoys training with friends. He think training along will only get you so far.
He like supportive and positive people. He tends to want to be around them more and lives up himself.

Strengths: Ability to focus on something study it and break it down. The way he treats and listen to people knowledge. Ability to adapt to most situations quickly. Intelligence he uses his knowledge in physiology as a weapon against his enemies to anger them and throw them off there game. Ability to listen.

Dislikes, Fears, and Weaknesses:

Rude People: Tengen dislikes rude people. He believe people who hurt or disrespect others are a waste of time and are trash.

Noises: He dislikes loud noises or sounds. They disturb his current mood or decreases it.

Hollows: He has a strong hate for hollows. He vows to destroy anyone that crosses his path.

Technology: He has mixed feelings about technology usually bad ones. He believes the brain is the best technology you can ever have.

Selfishness: He dislikes selfishness. He wants to share everything he can with people that deserves it.

Fears/Weaknesses: Fear of a hollow killing a close friend.Weakness is his anger towards hollows causes him to focus on them only and leave himself open for other attacks.His passive nature tends to lead him into dangerous situations.Deep concentration may let him forget the little things.Fear of not being able to protect others.


Dream: Tengen biggest dream is to return back home to the Soul Society to resort his honor.

Ambition: His greatest ambition is to help those who deserves help the most and to protect those who are to weak to protect themselves.

Goal: His goal is to obtain Bankai and become a Lieutenant.

Battle Specs

List of 'Known' Skills:

Fighting Attribute: Speed
Fighting Style:

Tengen prefers to fight within mid to close range. He loves using his sword but also doesn't mind the occasional hand to hand combat brawl. He uses a rare form of Kung Fu known as Wolf Style. He loves to use kido and will incorporate it whenever possible. He attacks with speed delivering powerful blows within a instant. When fighting a more powerful opponent he may be more hesitant to attack without calculated thought. In that case he would definitely rely in Kido for his short comings.

Personal Abilities:

Name: Beast Takeover
Effect: Due to over exposure of the Hollow Wolf via Vizard mask Tengen body has developed the ability to transform into a pseudo werewolf form. He develops long and tough cannine teeth, his his become pointy, the iris within his eyes become golden and diamond shaped. In addition he developes sharp long claws and patchs of fur on forearms and face. He can maintain this form for up two four posts. After that his body reverts back to normal and this goes into cool down for 8 posts. This takeover provides a great boosts in the users five senses as well as awesome claws and teeth for attacking. During this mode the user cannont active thier Vizard mask. The user may activate and deactivate as they please following cooldown rules.

General Techniques:

Technique Name:Shunpo Daburuchīmu (Flash Step Double Team)

Technique Description:This technique is basically is a advanced shunpo. But while using it the opponent may see a afterimage by moving in a circular motion around his opponent. (Cool down three post. Charge: None)

Technique Effect Chart:

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower:[/i ] Opponent will see two of the user.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Opponent will see two of the user but they may be able to see difference.
Opponent is Equal Tier: Opponent will see fuzzy details of the user but still full shape.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Opponent will see the users body outline.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Opponent will see slight shadows, practically making this a normal shunpo.

Technique Name:Spear Hand

Technique Description: By extending his finger and bringing them together in a forward points motion. The user will the surround there hand in a dense reiatsu giving their hand a piercing ability.

Technique Effect Chart:

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This move is able to pierce threw its targets body leaving a rather medium sized hole.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: This move would pierce the body leaving a small hole and no cracked bones.
Opponent is Equal Tier: This attack may be able to deeply cut it's target.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This attack would slightly cut his target.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher:This attack with no effect. Maybe a slight cut.


Shinigami's Partner

Zanpakuto Name: Shiroi Kiba
Zanpakuto Element: Light/Dark
Sealed Weapon Appearance:

Shiroi Kiba in it's base form resembles a Chinese Katsane. A thick curved blade whose hilt forms a wolf's head.

Similar to This:

Spirit Appearance:

He is completely identical to Tengen besides half of his body is light and half dark. The light side of his body is a yellowish angelic white and is the left side. While the dark side is a more purplish and shadowy. On the side of Shiroi Kiba's face where Tengen's scar would be is the opposite color of that sides theme.

Spirit Personality:

Shiroi Kiba because of his corruption by the hollow powers has become a rather two sided personality spirit depending if Tengen is wearing his mask upon releasing Shiroi. Before release he can be extremely relaxed and peaceful. This half often is very supportive of Tengen and his goals. He tends to be very informative and friendly. Upon activating his Mask Shiroi Kiba's Hollow powers began taking over which not only causes a great change in it's personality but small changes in Tengens personality as well. While the Mask is active he maybe become very hostile and grouchy towards Tengen at certain points. He may also not respond to him at all unless his life is in certain danger. He tends to leave everything up to Tengen by just offering up his own powers reluctantly...

Inner World:

Tengen inner could be seen as a never ending forest. From top to bottom the forest is covered in thick packed snow and the unforgettable smell of pine. Within the middle of the forest Is a rather shallow river that carries chilled water to a rather large lake where they water may freeze upon any outside disturbance. Throughout the forest could be heard the sounds of with wolves and various other feral animals. Upon bordering death the snow begansnto quickly melt as the temperature begins to rise drastically. The water from both the river and lake vegans to evaporate. Upon the water completely dissolving this signifies Tengens death.

Shikai Release Phrase: "Phase with the Moon."
Shikai Appearance:

From it's Base for Shiroi Kiba changes drastically...The blade it's self transforms into an stell version of an over-sized wolf fang, which was fitting for its name. The guard acquires a large patch of wolf fur which seeming covers the guard completely.

Shiroi Kiba:

Shikai Abilities:

Name: Frozen Hell, Heated Heavens
Effect: The user by using three consecutive light or darkness moves the user will have the ability to freeze or burn through physical contact depending on which type was used. Light Burns and Dark Freezes. If the user conducts four consecutive light or darkness attacks the power of that technique would be doubled.

Shikai Techniques: (Shinigami are allowed to start with no more than SIX shikai techniques)

Technique Name: Wind Scar (XD)
Technique Description: The user covers there blade in a powerful light aura and slash foward causing the light to fly at the opponent as the form of a giant wave or if needed three weaker multi directional waves.(COOLDOWN is 3 Posts)
Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Be severely burn and heavy cut damage.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Slight burn with serious lacerations.
Opponent is Equal Tier:Minor Lacerations with Warm Touch.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Light cuts and scrapes.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Insignificant Scrape.

Technique Name: Swords Of Concealing Light
Technique Description: The user manifestes four replicas of Shiroi Kiba made purely out of dark energy. Once summoned these blades will float around Tengen's head I'm a circular motion until he needs to use them for added flare in between the two sets of four would be a black and purple skull that disappears when the techniques does.For an alloted amount of time (3 posts) these blades can be used for attacking opponents within a close range. The user can also fire these blades forward but if done so it will disappear. (COOLDOWN is 5 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: These may severely slash or burn a target.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: These may cause serious lacerations.
Opponent is Equal Tier: These may cause decent cuts.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: These may cause heavy scratches or cuts.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: These may be easily countered by reading their movements.

Technique Name: Heavenly Cross Protection
Technique Description: The user by summoning an orb of light at the tip of it's blade will draw up to three crosses into the air. These crossed once released has the power to weaken any spiritual attacks meant to harm the user. Only one cross can be used per post and cannot decrease the damage of spiritual based attacks by more than 50%. (Cooldown 6 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 50%. (FAR TIER -3 Reiatsu)
Opponent is One Tier Lower:  This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 35%. (FAR TIER -2 Reiatsu)
Opponent is Equal Tier: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 25%.(FAR TIER -1 Reiatsu)
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 10%. (FAR TIER -0.5 Reiatsu)
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The crosses could be potentially destroyed by the opponents attack.

Technique Name: Darklight Blast
Technique Description: The user by placing his hand on the back center his blade charges both dark and light energy into a swirling ball. When the user fires the blast the dark and light fuses into a beam. Although there certainly is light energy in this attack it is predominantly black, exactly resembling stars in deep space. UPON making contact with it's target is will explode covering them in an explosion of space. (COOLDOWN 5 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This may severely mangle limbs possible rendering them useless.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: This may break bones and scold the target.
Opponent is Equal Tier: This may fracture bones.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This may cause extreme bruising.  
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: This attack may be deflected or cause light bruising.

Technique Name: Dark Pulse
Technique Description:  By covering the users blade in dark energy and thrusting it downward either into the ground or air the user will release a perfect dark ring pulse from the blade effecting anythimg withing a 10 foot range blinding them and throwing the target back.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This may crush bones of the target and blind them for 3 posts.
Opponent is One Tier Lower:  This may fracture bomes of the target and blind them for 2 posts.
Opponent is Equal Tier: This may cause heavy brusing and blind for 1 posts
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This may knock the air out of it's target and fog and blur their vision for 1 post not completely blinding them.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: This may push back an opponent slight with no blinding affect.

Technique Name: Swords of Revealing Light
Technique Description: This technique is essentially performed in the same fashion as Swords of Concealing Light but instead are used for opposite purposes. The user manifestes four replicas of Shiroi Kiba made purely out of light energy. Once summoned these blades will float around Tengen's head in a circular motion until he needs to use them. For added flare in between the two sets of four swords would be an angelic white cross that disappears when the techniques serves it's purpose.For an alloted amount of time (3 posts) these blades can be used for defending against opponents physical and spirtual attacks. (Close/Long Range) The user can also fire these blades forward to use it but if done so it will disappear. A set of blades (2 of 4) can withstand a Cero but at a cost of losing them.(Or Kido Up to 50/Physical Attack Equivalent To Cero or Kido 50) (COOLDOWN is 5 posts) All together these blades could possibly withstand a Gran Rey Cero (Kido up to 70/Physical Attack Like Others)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The user maybe able to completely guard against most attacks. [FAR  Physical Attack or Reiatsu Based Attack Defense +3]
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The user maybe able to guard up to 90% of damage. [FAR Physical Attack or Reiatsu Based Attack Defense +2]
Opponent is Equal Tier: The user maybe able to guard up to 75% of damage.  [FAR Physical Attack or Reiatsu Based Attack Defense +1]
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The user maybe able to guard up to 45% of Damage. [FAR Physical Attack or Reiatsu Based Attack Defense +0.5]
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The user maybe able to guard up to 10% of damage. Although this does not provide a FAR boost the user may defend with all of his blades for great damage reduction.


(You may posses up to 10 hadou and 10 bakudo. You may give up some of one for the other for example, a character with 5 hadou and 15 bakudou. Custom Kidou also go here. Spells do not have tier comparison charts as their power varies greatly depending on the caster. YOU MAY ONLY START WITH 1 CUSTOM KIDO. The exception is if you are starting as a kidou corp member. Then you may start with 3 custom spells.)

Spell Name: Byakurai
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #4
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: the caster extends his index finger and gathers spirit energy at the tip of his extended finger before firing a concentrated beam of cobalt colored lightning at the target, addition lightning is wrapped around the beam, adding to the effect of the lightning as it travels.

Spell Name: Shakkahō
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #31
Spell Incantation: "Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, the sea barrier surges, march on to the south!"
Spell Effect: fires an orb of red energy that can vary in size, depending on the practitioner, the technique creates a small explosion and causes some burn damage as well, results vary from person to person.

Spell Name: Sōkatsui
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #33
Spell Incantation: "All things in the universe that fly, that which names all, in the name of truth and temperance, dig your claws into the wall of sinless dreams!
Spell Effect: the caster extends his whole palm with his fingers extended forwards but only slightly apart before blue flame-like spirit energy flows into the center of the extended palm before firing a large wave of blue flames towards a target, without the incantation, it appears more as a blue fireball that rockets towards a target instead of a wave. causes a explosion on impact plus burn damage depending on tier of the target.

Spell Name: Raikōhō
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #63
Spell Incantation: "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!"
Spell Effect: The caster uses this spell by raising the hand facing towards what he his going to be firing at and opening his hand to his palm, gathering yellow energy, similar to #32, but forming in front of the palm and with lightning covering the orb before, at the caster's command, it fires as a stream of lightning energy, shaped to look like a lightning strike towards the target which explodes violently in a destructive cloud of lightning, causing both explosive damage and electrical damage at once, results vary from person to person.

Spell Name: Sōren Sōkatsui
Spell Type: Hadō
Spell Number: #73
Spell Incantation: "Mask of flesh and blood, universe soar, the one crowned with man's name, twin lotuses into the wall of blue flames, wait for the edge of the great fire in the heavens!"
Spell Effect: the enhanced version of Sōkatsui; the caster gathers the same blue flame-like energy but into both palms instead of one and then thrusts both his palms together at the target, causing a much larger explosion and increased damaged to the target or object hit plus extra flame damage, depending on tier. Appears as a stream of blue flames, similar to a flame thrower only if the flames were blue.

Spell Name: Hainawa
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #4
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: the caster gathers yellow spirit energy into either a single hand or both before sending out a crackling yellow energy rope that wraps around the target's body and arms, restricting their movements. this kido can be used in conjunction with Rikujōkōrō by using the rope to create the rods from the light it creates.

Spell Name: Sekienton
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #21
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: the caster places his hands on the ground or below him if he is standing in the air before generating a red circle underneath him, creating a large cloud of light red smoke that obscures the movements of the caster, allowing to either get away or attack while his opponent can't see him coming, although the smoke doesn't hide the caster's spiritual pressure unless he hides that after performing the kido.

Spell Name: Kyokkō
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #26
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: This kido is performed by casting a bright light around the caster from a extended hand, surrounding the caster before bending the light around the caster, rendering their physical presence invisible as well as hiding their spiritual pressure from the outside view. Although while active, the caster cannot attack in anyway unless the kido is broken first and someone of a higher tier can break it or still detect the kido's energy.

Spell Name: Rikujōkōrō
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #61
Spell Incantation: "Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!"
Spell Effect: The caster points his middle and index finger towards the target before a spark of light emits from the tips of his extended fingers, forming six long but thin rods of light that shoot rapidly towards a target, slamming into their midsection and keeping the arms to the sides, this also paralyzes anything not connected by the rods, parlaying the entire body in the process.

Spell Name: Hyapporankan
Spell Type: Bakudō
Spell Number: #62
Spell Incantation: N/A
Spell Effect: The caster generates a large purple tinted rod made of condense spiritual energy by pressing their palms together before spreading them out to make the rod. Alternatively, the caster can perform this one handed by generating the rod directly into their free hand. The cast then throws the rod towards its intended target before the rod instantaneously splits into a hundred rods of equal size and length, which if enough hit can pin a opponent against a surface, immobilizing them, although important to note that this kido doesn't paralyze the target, meaning the target can still move anything not pin downed by the rods.

Are you a Visored?

Inner Hollow Appearance:

Tengen's particular Hollow resembles a rather large man/beast version of a wolf. His whole body is covered in a thick bone colored white. His most noticeable feature is his mask. It also in fact resembles a wolf. It greatest features are it's red and dark grey spikes and outlines. The mask also contains rather very large canine teeth at the bottom of it's jaw going upwards.

Mask Appearance: Check Inner Hollow Appearance, for more info:

Tengen's Mask/Hollow's Face:

Mask Ability: Depending on the time of day Tengen will gain one FAR boost in defense either spiritual or physical. During the day the user gains defense against spiritual attacks and at night physical attacks. In exchange the user will also have a drop in FAR for the reverse. Example: During the day he Gains +1 Spiritual but Loses -1 Physical and so on.

Mask Duration: Tengen is able to keep his mask active for eight posts due to his extensive training in mastering the mask. (COOL DOWN 10 POSTS)
Mask Techniques:

Technique Name: Cero
Technique Description: The practitioner fires a powerful blast of concentrated spiritual energy at the target. While in most cases it is fired from the mouth, some Arrancar and Visored can fire Cero from their hands, fingers, and other parts of their bodies. This often requires the user to take on a specific pose, with Coyote Starrk being the only exception. (Cool down is 3 posts.)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Impact with heavy damage.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Knock back with hefty amount of Damage
Opponent is Equal Tier: Knock back with slight damage.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Slight knock back with possibly cuts and scraps.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Target may deflect or counter the blast.

Technique Name: Bala
Technique Description: While similar in function to a Cero, a Bala is not nearly as powerful, but, thanks to its composition, its speed is 20 times faster, allowing it to be fired in quick succession. In addition, it possesses more concussive force than a typical Cero does.(Can only fire Five Per Post, Cooldown is 2 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: Impact with Piercing Damage.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: Deep Injury with possible Knockback and Burn
Opponent is Equal Tier: Great Bruising and Possible Puncture w/ Burn
Opponent is One Tier Higher: Slight Abrasions and Cuts.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: Target may deflect or counter the blast.

Tell me your story...


Tengen started off in the soul society just like everyone else in his family. He joined the academy at an early aged and worked on nothing but his studies for hours. He became the head of his class the valedictorian of some sorts. The day of his Graduation his father stood proud and happy as his son was accepted into squad 6. His first few weeks were an easy breeze, he even caught the attention of the captain while partaking in traning sessions.The only difficult thing in this life was that his father had always been an important figure so he was expected to live up to his legacy

His mother had passed when he was five years old, now over 35 years ago at the time. Having done intense and extensive training, and raising his leadership skills to an astounding level, he was granted the rank lieutenant of the 12th sqaud in no time. Even still he would turn the offer down not wanting to be directly under his father's shadow. Being a modeled son though, Tengen followed in his father's footsteps raising in rank until he reached the 3rd seat of the 6th sqaud after 100 years. During that time he was trained by the captain of squad six who had taken a fond liking to him.

He focused mainly on speed and hakudo. The captain to him was like an older brother one he never had and could always depend on. 10 years after he finished his training his Squads captain would pass away in the line of duty. Now sad and depressed Tengen would began spending alot more time with his father. Although they were in different squads they would eventually purchase an estate together so Tengen could kept in touch with his father. 300 years would quickly pass as Tengen and his father continued to preform thier duties. Over the giant span of years Tengen would began to notice that his father spent alot of time mesmerized by his research. He would even go as far as to build his own secret lab under their plot of land.

When he tried to confront his father about the lack of interaction between the two he would discover that his father was gone from his lab. A now curious and worried Tengen would began to search through his lab and had discovered his father had been conducting illegal experiments in which he tried to covert shinigami into a  shinigami/hollow hybrid artificially through science which had been titled as Project Vizard. Tengen now shocked had looked more extensively through old note books which depicted violent and rather inhumane experiments on those who had recently gone missing. Now furious and disgusted Tengen would find his father had constructed another secrect lab to conduct these experiments and that he had finally made the perfect serum im which he was waitimg for the perfec specimen to reveal themself.

Angered and betrayed Tengen would travel to his fathers secret lab to confront him. Upon his arrival he would stumble over the dead corspes of his fathers experiments. He would then discover his father who seemed to be acting very strange not like his usual self. He had a huge needle in his hand filled with a strange green glowing vile. His father would approach him lifting the needle, "Son come here let your father give you a shot." His father rushed at him with crazed demented eyes. Tengen reached for his blade his lunging it at his father but to no avail as his father disarmed him using hisas very own weapon stabbing him directly in his chest with the needle with the strange serum in the process. Tengen yelled furiously at his father, "Dad what are you doing!"

At that moment Tengen's chest intensely burned  the pain quickly spreading all of his body causing him to fall and hit the floor in crippling pain as a hollow began to develop within the center of his chest. His father tried to console him at first but as a precaution he would throw his son in the cage in which he used to keep the other experiments. As he laid there screaming Tengen felt his whole body start to change. White bubbles appeared over his skin covering it and solidifying into hard skin. His skeletal structure would start to morph into that of a large wolf. Before the transformation completely took over he managed to utter a few painful words, "How could you do this to your own so..."

It was to late the transformation took complete over. His father would call out to his son. At first he assumed that  he was still there but he was hardly responsive. The hollow serum took over quickyl in which was something his father had expected. Although this transformation  was different from most experiments. The patient would die before the manifestation would take place. Which was a good sign. Now a rabid beast Tengen would try and break free from the cage but to no avail. Although mentally and physically Tengen was gone spiritually he not been. When he had awakened he found himself within his inner world. He could tell because whenever he came here it was this unique feeling.

Although stragely enough it had drastically changed. It was now a snow riddled forest and his zanpakuto spirit was no where to be found. He would walk through the forest searching for his spirit but to no avail. It was not until he discovered it being attacked by a strange wolf like hollow that could speak. The hollow was preparing to finish him with the finaly blow until Tengen stepped in and saved his zanpaktuo spirit. The hollow smiled at Tengen, "I was wondering what was taking you so long Ten boy." Tengen raised his sword as the wolf lunged at him which he barely managed to dogde the assault. The wolf howled and once again spoke, "If you defeat me Ill give you full control over me and I'll save your dying friend. There is a time limit though and a challenge. If he dies you lose and I get full control. I would say your friend has five mins until he takes his last despicable breath.

Tengen knew the hollow was right. Although he didnt want the power he would receive but he needed to save both there lives. Tengen rushed at the wolf swining his sword hard once again at it's chest. The wolf hollow would jump into the air while attempting to slam down on him as he fell. Tengen would quickly roll away from the attack, lunging at the wolf again. But the wolf would intercept Tengen by punching him, sending him into a boulder. The wolf would then follow up in the attack with a lariat smashing him through the boulder into the ground. Tengen would lay on the ground in immense pain almost out of time as the hollow prepared to fire a blast of energy at him to finish the job.

Tengen weak and defeated would gather all the power he had left into his sword for a single and final. The moment the blast fired, Tengen would use shunpo to get behind the  hollow forcefully slamming his katana into the wolfs back slicing him in half and insuring his victory. After the wolfs energy faded to black it stayed in the air, "I have made a promise and I intend to keep it," the wolf hollow said with an angered tone. His energy flowed to both him and his zanpakuto spirit. The wolf hollow laughed, "But not without a few alterations." Tengen looked confused, "Alterations?" He noticed that the other half of the energy had already covered his spirit changing his spirits manifestation and most likey his zanpakuto. Tengen had wondered what effect it would have on his spirit but before an answer could come the energy entered his body snapping his spirit back to its subconscious.

Back in the real world the wolf beast who took over Tengen's body managed to break down the bars to the cage. As he walked from the cage he sprinted at Tengen's dad and prepared to strike the helpless shinigami as he stopped in mid attack frozen. The events in Tengen's spiritual world allowed him to gain back control over his body and power over the hollow. The hard white skin would start to crumbled and fall off Tengen's body as his skeletal structure returned to normal.  As the hollows skin fully faded, the only thing that stood left was Tengen with a mask over his face which was an identical match of the wolf hollow's face.

Tengen's dad in a moment of disbelief called out to his son holding his zanpakuto, "Son is that you?" Tengen walked towards his father with the mask attached to his face staring at him with pitch black eyes with glowing red pupils and a strong power flowing through his veins. Tengen no longer saw his father, he saw a man so invested in his work that no longered cared for titles like family and son. Tengen was happy he had this mask on it hid his emotions his anger, pain, and disgust he had towards this man who gave him life. He simply said, "Yes father it is."

When he spoke he noticed words came out morphed like a mixture of his and that hollow. His father was thrown into a state of pure happiness hugging his son and giving him his blade. His father would then turn his back and began writing down notes, "I must let everyone know my experiment was a complete success.  The whole soul society will know my name. Tengen had had enough. He surprisingly quickly thrust his sword into his fathers heart. He would then speak to his father in a saddened tone, "I'm sorry father but you had to be stopped. You are a monster if the soul society discovered this you would be instantly be put to death. I wont allow you to put anymore people through this... I won't allow you to tarnish the legacy you have made for yourself...  So father I bid you farewell."

Tengen would twist the blade inside his father's chest removing it in the process he would then jump back to the entrance of the laboratory sheathing his blade and holding up his hand as two balls of light swirled at the center of his palm while his Vizard mask started to crumble. "With the last of this power I will make sure no one ever sees this work. Ye lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens. Hado #73 Soren Sokatsui!" The balls swelled to the size of a beach ball propelling forward destorying all of his dads work and evidence.

Tengen would then flee the the soul society stealing a gigai from his fathers at home lab to the world of the living. He would live there training his shinigami powers and new acquired  hollow powers for forty years. During this time he would constantly be on the move. Traveling the continents never lingering in one place for to long in fear of getting caught. He spent the most time in africa seeing as how spiritual pressure was greatly suppressed their. It was not until he stumbled upon a group Vizards. He wanted so dearly to be apart of a group with people like him. But truly his heart desired to return to.the Soul Society, to regain his innocence and return home.

Funny thing the first time after the events of the lab he finally understood what alterations the wolf hollow foretold. His zanpakuto in shikai form had completely changed and become a huge basic sword in which the hilt was surround by soft wolf mane with a basic hilt. His zanpakuto ability and techniques in addition changed completely. He has extreme mastery over "The Mask" as he calls it and is very close to unlocking his bankai. Currently Tengen has assumed the life of a normal human paying bills and working staying completely under the Soul Society radar.

RP Sample:

Noise filled the room where Tengen had been resting, this was not normally an issue where he stayed but he figured someone must have loved the ocean. He would hear the sound of seagulls and crashing waves hitting the shores of what could be a magical beach. The sound was extremely vivid for what he assumed was a video recording. But the oddest part of this series events was the unforgettable smell of the beach air.

It was over powering something you couldn't imitate, Tengen would be rather worried about this smell but he was stuck in a state of unconsciousness. His body wasn't quite ready to awaken from this strange form of bliss brought on what seemed to be memories... As time progressed the the sounds and smells would began to intensify as if he we're ready to awake. To make this situation even more freaky he would began to feel what felt like sun rays warm his body.

Why was this particular dream so vivid unlike any has ever had before. At this point he felt the urge to return back to reality. He would began to roll around in his bed which was unusually firm and prickly then normal. With his eyes still closed he would began to sit up with memories of his dream still flowing through his head. But wait... He could still hear, smell, and feel everything that indicated he was dreaming of that beach. It was time he opened his eyes. Forcing his eye lids open he would be met with a bright flash. Why was there sun? Where stayed there were no windows and hardly any lighting. As his eyes adjusted he began to reach a state of panic. This was the beach.

He would look around in a panicked state as he searched for anything that would help him find out where he was. All he could remember was a walking through a violent crowd of people. As he attempted to stand he would get a sharp pain in his head followed by a poor lack of control over his body. Was he drugged? He had managed to find his footing and zanpaktuo before noticing all the money he had was taken along with all the identification he had gathered in the human world. "Damn It. How could I let a human best me. I must seriously have let myself go." He would look down at his clothing as he noticed what he assumed to be his own blood. "GREAT!" Frustrated he would began walking around the beach hoping to find where he was.

Luckily he had left his remaining money behind but he couldn't quiet remember where that was either. "As soon as I find those bastards... They are...mine." He would walk off into the burning sun of the beach as in the distance he would notice a sign that would read Rio de Janeiro. How long had he been unconscious? It was then he remembered where he was before this incident his face would turn red as Japan flashed through his head...

"What the..."

This was gonna be a long journey for Tengen luckily they hadn't taken his trusty zanpaktuo. It would have been impossible to recover it from other thousands of miles. It would take what little energy he had left to find civilization and planned to exact his revenge on the natives of Japan.

Personal Plot thread list:


#2 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sat Aug 22, 2015 1:09 am

Ragar Rose III

Ragar Rose III

#3 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:08 am


thank you for bumping, however, I do apologise if I cannot grade your app straight away as it is getting late now and I'll be busy for the next few days, however, rest assured that I'll be working on grading this app when I get some free time over these next few days, I ask that you be patient with me as this is the first time I've done a offical grading before, I'll be putting a additional member in charge of grading while I am away to give you a temporary grade till I can come back to it.

Thank you for your patiences,

From Fauna ^_^

#4 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:09 am


You can remove Kido from this app as we've made it so you don't have to put it.  Sorry for not fixing the template sooner.  I would also like to see a time frame on the mask since even my Vizard has one.  You can view his app down below.  Everything looks good so far and I've yet to read the history.  Truth be told, I'm a bit lazy.  All seems to be in order, however.  The only thing I see missing is the RP sample and some mention of Allister in your description.  Make the changes I've asked and it looks like your app could be a 3-3 with a good RP sample.  Good Job.

#5 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sat Aug 22, 2015 2:57 am

Ragar Rose III

Ragar Rose III
Changes Made!

#6 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:12 am


Thanks for the changes.  We may, if needed, ask you to lower the time for the mask.  But for now, pending second approval, you'll get a 3-2.

#7 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sat Aug 22, 2015 3:30 am

Ragar Rose III

Ragar Rose III
Edited to 10 posts seeing as how 15 is a bit extreme.

#8 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sun Aug 23, 2015 10:35 am

Graven Fel

Graven Fel
Looking through your app, I couldn't help but notice a few things. Your tier charts for your techniques are a little extreme, as doing massive amounts of damage to those of lower tier but nearly no damage to those of higher tier is a bit unfair both to you and the person you are roleplaying with. It's okay, as it is good enough to grade and we have all struggled with this a bit, but please be careful in the future. Also, your paragraphs and descriptions are slightly short, which leaves some vagueness to some of your techniques and such that could be problematic. All in all, though, nice job! I'd give this a tier 3-3, as I did not find quite enough detail for a tier 3-2, but it is definitely a cut above the norm.

The Vizard plot is coming as soon as the Arrancar Civil War arc is over, and will be when people's Inner Hollows go crazy. You may mention that you have one as long as it does not grant any advantage in AR or FAR in combat, and you may apply for the Vizard arc under the subplots section (as the main plot section is broken thank to Fauna lol). Once it starts, you may make a thread to train to gain control over your mask and rescue your fellow Vizard from certain death and experimentation!

#9 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:15 pm

Ragar Rose III

Ragar Rose III
There's just a slight bit of confusion here... So am I approved for 3-3? Also I can tidy up the damage tiers I was in quiet a rush to finish this character due to excitement so I would understand fixing anything that sees extreme.

#10 Tengen Uzuma [Done] Empty Re: Tengen Uzuma [Done] Sun Aug 23, 2015 4:30 pm


Appearance: 3+
Personality: 4+
History: 10+
RP sample: 3+

Overall quality: Pretty decent, spelling and grammar is good throughout, although some slight spelling mistakes, although there is broken code throughout the app which needs rectifying and the strongest/weakest Attributes are not required and are a app error, please remove.

Ready for approval: not yet, needs a few edits to the code and there are technique issues, currently, app is at a tier 4-2/4-1 level, if your rp sample is increased, you would get a higher tier, now I'll go over the techniques in turn:

Tengen wrote:Name: Beast Takeover
Effect: Due to his traumatic experiences with the Wolf Hollow Tengen posses the ability to transform certain features of his body to mimic wolves. He may grow sharp claws, fangs, heightened senses like sight, smell, and even greater tracking abilites.

I'm not really sure that just having a traumatic experiences with your hollow would cause you to gain such a ability, maybe have it so from all the times that he battled his hollow and being exposed to its spiritual pressure caused your body to grow certain wolf-like appenages around your body, changing them. also, maybe be a bit more specific on what about you changes. besides from claws, does his face change as you mention his sense are increased so would he have a nose of a wolf, wolf-like ears, etc. Also, how long can he keep this transformation up for before returning to a human form? and how long would it take before he's able to transform again?

Tengen wrote:Technique Name:Spear Hand

Technique Description: By extending his finger and bringing them together in a forward points motion. The user will the surround there hand in a dense reiatsu giving there hand a piercing ability.

Technique Effect Chart:

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This move is able to pierce threw its targets body leaving a small hole and crushed bones...

one thing, it's supposed to be "their" instead of "there" and two, if this technique does what it's supposed to, I don't see why it really needs to crack bones as your already making a hole straight through the person's body so I don't think the bone cracking/crushing is really necessary, maybe for tiers two+ lower then you, maybe increase the size of the hole that you piece through their body as your spiritual pressure is larger then your opponents, the wound would become bigger, so maybe change it to a medium sized hole, maybe twice the size of a hole that your fingers penetrating the target would normally make alone using this technique.

Tengen wrote:Technique Name: Swords Of Revealing Light
Technique Description: The user manifestes four replicas of Shiroi Kiba made purely out of light reaitsu. Once summoned these blades will float around Tengen's head I'm a circular motion until he needs to use them. For an alloted amount of time (3 posts) these blades can be used for attacking or defending against opponents physical moves. The user can also fire these blades forward but if done so it will disappear. (COOLDOWN is 5 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: These may severely slash or burn a target.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: These may cause serious lacerations.
Opponent is Equal Tier: These may cause decent cuts.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: These may cause heavy scratches or cuts.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: These may be easily countered by reading their movements.

nice name hurr interest use of the spell card, but if I remember correct, the swords themselves do nothing, besides defending against attacks with a barrier, maybe rework this technique so for 3 posts, it defends you from both physical and spiritual attacks while active and anymore behind the swords while allowing you and anyone in your party to attack through the swords, similar to a two sided mirror. also, could you adjust your tier effect chart for how effective defensively they are against attacks from lower or higher tiers and how long it would take that tier to break through if at all before the 3 posts run out.

Tengen wrote:Technique Name: Heavenly Cross Protection
Technique Description: The user by summoning an orb of light at the tip of it's blade will draw up to three crosses into the air. These crossed once released has the power to weaken any spiritual attacks meant to harm the user. Only one cross can be used per post and cannot decrease the damage of spiritual based attacks by more than 50%. (Cooldown 6 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 50%. (FAR TIER -3 Reiatsu)
Opponent is One Tier Lower: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 35%. (FAR TIER -2 Reiatsu)
Opponent is Equal Tier: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 25%.(FAR TIER -1 Reiatsu)
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This will upon contact lower the force of a opponents spiritual attack by 10%. (FAR TIER -.5 Reiatsu)
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The crosses could be potentially destroyed by the opponents attack.

Well, the technique is good, just have a small issue with the tier effect chart and the one tier above as when I first saw it, I thought it was FAR TIER -5 reiatsu till I saw the . just now, may suggest to avoid any confusion is to put a 0 in so it becomes -0.5 reiatsu if that makes sense Smile

Tengen wrote:Technique Name: Darklight Blast
Technique Description: The user by placing his hand on the back center his blade charges both dark and light energy into a swirling ball. When the user fires the blast the dark and light fuses into a beam. Although there certainly is light energy in this attack it is predominantly black, exactly resembling stars in deep space. UPON making contact with it's target is will explode covering them in an explosion of space. (COOLDOWN 5 posts)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This may blast off limbs and burn the target.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: This may break bones and scold the target.
Opponent is Equal Tier: This may fracture bones.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This may cause extreme bruising.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: This attack may be deflected or cause light bruising.

oh boy, well, my major issue with this technique is the two tiers+ below as it comes under mortal wounds, please change this to major damage (heavy, deep and/or bloody wounds and first degree burns) however you wish to do it, but that can't be allowed unfortunately Sad

Tengen wrote:Technique Name: Dark Pulse
Technique Description: By covering the users blade in dark energy and thrusting it downward either into the ground or air the user will release a perfect dark ring pulse from the blade effecting anythimg withing a 10 foot range blinding them and throwing the target back.

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: This may crush bones of the target and blind them for 4 posts.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: This may fracture bomes of the target and blind them for 3 posts.
Opponent is Equal Tier: This may cause heavy brusing and blind for 2 posts
Opponent is One Tier Higher: This may knock the air out of it's target and blind for 1 post.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: This may push back an opponent slight with no blinding affect.

well, my only concern with this tech is the post time for the blindness, can you reduce them by one post and change the one tier higher from getting blind for one post to getting his vision fogged up or distorted for one post?

Tengen wrote:Technique Name: Dark Rocket Impact
Technique Description: The user points their blade behind them. The user then fires a dark blast with such immense force it propels them forward like a rocket. The user then would use the force of the blast to attack a opponent with a heavy slash. (This raises users FAR speed +2)(Cool down 3 posts.)

Technique Effect Chart:

*The effect chart is for damage, durability, or any other after effect of a technique. The damage/effect/etc will be based off of tiers.*

Opponent is Two+ Tiers Lower: The target may or may not lose a limb.
Opponent is One Tier Lower: The target would receive heavy slash damage.
Opponent is Equal Tier: The target would would receive decent lacerations.
Opponent is One Tier Higher: The target would receive a decent cut.
Opponent is Two+ Tiers Higher: The target could counter or receive small cut damage.

same issue as your darklight blast with your two tiers+ lower ^^;

only other thing I can think of is the mask time, not saying it's not well deserved, but ten is a long time, however, would you agree to make it eight posts instead of ten? this is double what the other vizards start with, is this ok with you? Smile

also, just to mention that, although inner hollows can be active, you may not use any hollow powers/abilities or anything that grants you significant advantage (in AR or FAR) until the vizard plot starts, just to let you know ^^ and Graven was just giving a temporary grade while I was away. if the edits are all done and the rp sample is improved, a tier 3-3 should do fine ^^

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