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#1Okashi, Yamakaji - WIP Empty Okashi, Yamakaji - WIP Wed Jun 04, 2014 12:38 am

Erida Seika

Erida Seika


Name: Araya, Emilía
Aliases: Boca de Dragón (Snapdragon)
Phys. Age: Early 20s
True Age: 1,300 years
Species: Arrancar
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Good
Affiliation: Légion de la Rosa

Appearance: Picture © rei-koumei

Emilía is an extremely calm and collected temper, which is somewhat in odds with her fierce hair color, as people tend to point out. Unlike most of arrancar, she is a caring and compassionate individual, genuinely concerned for those she holds close to her - even as a hollow, she felt bad for eating others, especially humans, and would keep herself in a state of starvation rather than allowing herself to feast on the weak to become stronger. Her self-control and unwillingness to harm innocent bystanders was something, that impressed Katherine, when they first met, and forced the voracious arrancar to re-consider her eating habits. Emilía was a moral compass, consulting the 'White Rose' with her strong sense of justice, when they traveled the pale sands together. However, the red-haired adjuchas proved more than ready to utilize her deadly flames against the less innocent kind of hollows, who were nothing more than beast wearing a guise of a sentient being.

She does, however, underneath the self-disciplined and tranquil character of hers, have a more intense side. Emilía is rather quick to grow angry and bitter towards others, but less prone to violence or gruesome tactics in combat than any of her comrades - indeed, it is often her, who is disgusted by a cruel, ruthless decision made by Katherine, but nonetheless carries out her orders out of an undying loyalty. There is speculation, that she was a lover, and according to some, still is, of the queen, before the others joined their pack and Katherine found herself in the East - some even say, that the queen uses the unrequited love of her oldest follower to serve her own purposes and manipulate her. Emilía, of course, denies such vile accusations.

Sealed Powers:
Emilía is a powerful psychic, and given her age, has had plenty of time to perfect her abilities. She can read and exchange thoughts with other people around her, but is more known for her psychic techniques of offense and stealth. First and foremost, she can control 'psychic flame', which is not actual fire as one would think at first - it exist entirely on mental level, and not in physical. This allows her to inflict an illusion of burning pain in the opponent's mind, which causes them to sweat and actually think that they are being toasted - this could even knock out someone considerably weaker. Fire is also known as a wild, passionate element, and thus, she can chose not to inflict pain on her target, but intensify their emotions - annoyance can be turned into infernal rage, and sadness can be turned to paralyzing despair. This can only be done to existing emotions, however, and none is created by her.

Another notable psychic technique is her 'psychic shield', which allows her to render herself and any chosen others invulnerable to any and all psychic attacks, mental influencing and/or external abilities. However, this shield wouldn't work against someone one or two tier higher than her/anyone who has been bestowed with the shield. It ceases to exist once she is killed.

Resurrección: Incinerate, Efrit!
The resurrected form of Emilía takes the appearance of an infernal jinn, a spirit born out of fire. Her skin turns black, as if she was covered in ash, and her heart becomes a flaming core, that glows light from within. She maintains her physical features, except for her hair, which is set into an eternal flame that doesn't seem to burn out. The sheer heat of this form makes it impossible for her to maintain clothes, which are replaced by magnificently burning flames, that cover her breast and hips - from her back, emerges two wings of fire. Her zanpakuto transforms into a black gauntlet with a stinger on the middle finger in her right hand, and into a wakizashi with dark red wrapping and flame-shaped tsuba, that is held in the left hand.

Whilst in this form, she gains a "godly reign over fire and all things associated with it", as well as a natural against any heat-/fire-based powers, including her own. She herself is so hot, that touching her will result in getting your skin burned, and the heat she radiates makes the battlefield feel like you've been stuffed into an oven - her own lungs are modified upon release to adapt into this ability, but for others, it will mean difficulties in breathing. Temperature of the air can be raised to be enough to burn anyone too close to her to feel her wrath. The flames of her resurrection burn with such an intensity, that it will even reduce solid objects into ashes. Ash and smoke can also be controlled to a certain degree, enslaving everything, that her flames might leave behind. Lava can be conjured from within the ground, and explosions can be induced with a wave of her hand. However, as her representation of an ifrit might suggest, her manipulation of fire is not limited to what flames are often capable of - destruction. Emilía could use her flames to heal allies within seconds, or 'burn away' her own injuries, as well as create servants out of fire and ash to help her to defeat an enemy. In addition, she can manipulate the laws and concept of fire, allowing her to change it's composition and override any weaknesses it would naturally have, ie. oxygen-dependency, susceptibility to water, etc.

Additional Details:
• Her reiatsu is fierce red, golden and burnt orange in color - like a flame.
• Her hollow hole is located on her left instep.
• She specializes in swordplay, and has a keen intelligence.
• Emilía was the first to join Katherine's pack, before she found her way in the heart of the East and became a queen. She is her most trusted adviser.
• She will leave Katherine only if death them parts.
• Her aspect of death is unrequited love. She died for love she couldn't have.

Intended Role: Emilía is a member of Las Rosas, a small military elite unit within Katherine's army, and thus, answers directly to the queen - she is largely recognized as the leader of the unit, being the closest one to the queen, despite the fact that no member of the squad is above another. Her designation is the 'Red Rose', and she stands on tier 2-3.

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Name: Cadíz, Amara
Aliases: Azucena (Madonna Lily)
Phys. Age: Early 20s
True Age: 1,300 years
Species: Arrancar
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Affiliation: Légion de la Rosa

Appearance: Picture © rei-koumei

Characterized by her laziness, Amara loathes any and all activity, that is not fighting or flirting with young men of the Legion, especially if it demands mental effort. She is sassy and laid-back, avoiding responsibility at all costs, and napping in important meetings - or even in the battlefield. She loves to tease other and frequently pushes them to the edge to see what happens. Amara couldn't care less for the opinions of other people, so she can come off as quite self-centered and shameless, as well as brutally honest in conversation, that would need well-chosen words. She appreciates beauty and sex appeal to the point of belittling those she views ugly and calling her opponents with creative names, should their combat style prove to be 'disgraceful' in her eyes.

Despite her obvious flaws, she can prove to be a good listener and a caring friend. While she can crush your self-esteem at times and do atrocities in the name of not caring enough or being too lazy to go for the longer, better path. She might not be perceptive or moral like Emilía, but she is reliable, loyal and trustworthy person overall, who doesn't judge anyone (except the ugly ones).

Sealed Powers:
Amara might just be the most physical combatant of her squad, and possesses both an enhanced hierro (an additional +1 FAR to her defense) as well as a supernatural physical strength (+1 FAR to offense) - this makes her way much heavier than she looks, because she is armored with a literally iron-hard skin at all times. In turn, she gains a disadvantage to her swiftness (-1 FAR to speed), but not because she has exchanged it to strength. Is something along the lines of a natural weakness - she tends to be sloppy in combat, not paying attention to her own steps, and is always last to respond into an attack.

However, she is also very much tied to her affinity of water, even while not in her resurrected form. Even though she cannot exactly control water in her sealed state, she can transmute all inanimate matter into water within a radius of three hundred feet from her, creating a battlefield suited to her abilities within an instant. When in her own element, she gains an ability to regenerate injuries at a quick pace and to move at incredible speeds via speed-swimming, losing her disadvantage of speed whenever underwater. Amara is adapted to underwater combat, and it can prove quite difficult to turn her own affinity against her, because she can breathe underwater and survive even in the highest pressure of waters - like most aquatic entities, she can read the changes of water with ease, allowing her to sense everything happening in a body of water she is in.

Resurrección: Swallow, Leviatán!
The resurrected form of Amara takes on her representation of a leviathan, a whale-like sea monster. She hates it, when she has to revert into this form, as she views it as "the epitome of ugliness and un-sexiness", as she would call it, and thus, uses it as a last resort only. Instead of a revealing dress, she is armored with what seems like a jumpsuit, that is reminiscent of the throat of a baleen whale in appearance, covering her bosom and leaving even her neck covered by a turtleneck. Her arms, as well as her legs and feet, are covered with white-and-black armoring of hierro. On her head, a breathing mask covers most of her lower face, leaving her purple eyes the only distinguishing facial features from her old form - from this white mask, two black tubes extend to her back, piercing her hierro to her lungs, which suggests her respiratory system changes drastically. Her hair is pushed to the back, by a helmet, that represents the upper part of a whale's head. She has no sword in this form.

In this form, she gains an additional +1 FAR to her hierro, as it's enhanced even further - this makes it a +3 FAR to defense in total. Her physical strength, too, is granted an additional boost, giving her +2 FAR to offense in total. However, her speed is drastically decreased (-2 FAR to speed), and it cannot be countered by submerging herself in water any more.

Now, as briefly mentioned before, she is capable of manipulating water to a great extent in her resurrected form - in addition to generating it by transmutation, she can summon it from the ground and the air, as well as control it's movement and shape. She also reigns over all forms of water - vapor (or steam), ice and is capable of manipulating the properties of all those forms, ie. conductivity, surface tension, viscosity, etc., as well as phenomena associated with it, such as erosion. However, the most fearsome effect of her water is the reiatsu, that it is infused with. Directly tied into her aspect of death, sloth, any and all water, that comes in contact with Amara's reiatsu, gains an unusual effect. When her enemies are touched by the affected water, their stamina, reiatsu and willpower are slowly being drained into her own reserves. In other words, it induced sloth, fatigue and numbness over time, much like a depressant or a hypnotic drug would - which means, that the longer the fight lasts, the more likely her opponent is to fall to the ground, because breathing itself feels exhausting. See Katherine's reiatsu for tier effect chart - the abilities function on the same principles, different effect.

Additional Details:
• Her reiatsu is aquatic blue in color, and composed of bubbles.
• Her hollow hole is located above her breasts.
• She specializes in hand-to-hand, and has a tendency for sloppiness.
• Amara was the second to join Katherine's pack, before they traveled to the East and she became a queen - she is Emilía's best friend and loves to tease her.
• She has zero ambition, and follows the queen out of habit.
• Her aspect of death is slothfulness, which is mirrored by her behavior.

Intended Role: Amara is a member of Las Rosas, a small military elite unit within Katherine's army, and thus, answers directly to the queen. Despite her obvious flaws, she is trusted as capable enough to carry out even the most complex orders of the queen, especially those related to combat. Her designation is the 'Blue Rose', and she stands on tier 2-3.

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Name: Taníth, Cassandra
Aliases: Orquídea de Serpiente (Snake Orchid)
Phys. Age: Early 20s
True Age: 1,300 years
Species: Arrancar
Gender: Female
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Affiliation: Légion de la Rosa

Appearance: Front & Back © rei-koumei

A manipulative, back-stabbing bitch, would be the right description for Cassandra. She is out for herself, pure and simple, but is very much capable of feigning loyalty and concern for others, if it suits her interests. Her envy for others is the driving force of her character, having a natural craving for the things others possess, much like an ordinary hollow craves for souls.

Sealed Powers:
Perhaps the most swiftest combatant of her squadron, Cassandra has a natural specialization in speed, which grants her +1 FAR to speed even when she is in her sealed form. However, she has two other, more famed abilities to serve her in combat, when she chooses not to release her resurrected form. First, she has an extremely potent high-speed regeneration, that allows her to "shed" injuries away and heal even her internal organs, given that the damage is not mortal. Second, she can send a target into a state of extreme suggestibility by staring deep into their eyes, much like a snake-charmer would do to a king cobra. The pupils of her targets appear dilated. She can implant thoughts, memories and emotions in their unconscious, only to activate them later on by a command, as well as forcefully make her victims do something against their will.

Resurrección: Bite, Serpiente Emplumada!
The resurrected hollow powers of Cassandra take the form of a legendary feathered snake, a serpent deity associated with the wind. In this form, she reminds a Mesoamerican goddess. Most of her clothes are gone, with only green scales concealing her private parts, along with black ribbons tied to her arms, torso and feet - a scaled tail of a reptilian is grown from her tailbone and bat-like wings are revealed from her upper back. A white snake is worn like a decoration on her neck and shoulders, and her zanpakuto is carried in her right hand.

In this form, Cassandra is granted governance over the element of wind and the natural affinity for poison, that a snake possesses. She can create and shape gale winds to her hearts desire, creating hurricanes so sharp, that they will cut her opponents, and using a tempest to shield her against projectiles - in addition, the green-haired arrancar could manipulate the composition, density and pressure of air. if she wanted to. Cassandra can also generate a wide collection of poisons (neurotoxins, for the most part, but also some acids and other types of toxin and venom) from different parts of her body (scales, bite, tail, blood, breath, saliva, etc.) - she often tailors these poisons to cause as much suffering as possible, before the opponent is killed. Her naturally heightened regeneration is more advanced in this form, and she can 'shed' nearly any non-mortal injury in no time. The specialization of +1 FAR to speed applies in her resurrected stage, allowing her to gain +3 FAR to speed and +2 FAR to offense in total.

Additional Details:
• Cassandra's reiatsu is magnificent green in colorization.
• Her hollow hole is located just below her breasts.
• A masterful hand-to-hand combatant and a swordsman, she combines the fanged snake style with buddhist zui quan (drunken fist), and uses her knowledge of anatomy to make the most efficient offense.
• The third member to Katherine's original pack, Cassandra is a venomous snake, even after taking on a human form. A manipulative force working in the shadows, it is she, and not Dante, who poisoned the king.
• She serves Katherine to become stronger and eventually usurp her throne.
• Cassandra's aspect of death is jealousy, mirrored in her relationships.

Intended Role: Cassandra is a member of Las Rosas, a small military elite unit within Katherine's army, and thus, answers directly to the queen. She's designed with the code-name, 'Green Rose', and stands on tier 2-3.

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#2Okashi, Yamakaji - WIP Empty Re: Okashi, Yamakaji - WIP Sun Apr 17, 2016 5:41 pm

Erida Seika

Erida Seika


Name: Gonzalez, Adelita
Aliases: Caléndula Marigold)
Phys. Age: Early 20s
True Age: 1,300 years
Species: Arrancar
Gender: Female
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Affiliation: Légion de la Rosa

Face Claim: Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail

Loud and a little bit of deranged, would a fitting description to Adelita's character. She thinks herself as a gallant knight among the monsters, and originally, when she first became a hollow, her only purpose was to exterminate as many as she could - now, she gets along with others, but they still think she's a little off. She has no social skills or empathy, making it difficult for her to understand how other people feel or if her actions are inappropriate. This can make her come off as tactless and intrusive towards others. She has short temper and loves to fight - especially if she gets to show off and brag about her own abilities. Adelita fanatically follows Katherine, and is obsessed with what she perceives as justice (ie. slaughtering 'heretics' and freeing them of their burden of disbelief). One could say, that she fails to understand the disputable moral driving her actions or if something she does is wrong - indeed, Adelita always thinks, that her opinions are right, and ignores any statements, that contribute against her own beliefs. If she was to say, that sun is blue and not yellow, there's no way of swaying her from that belief.

Sealed Powers:
Most defensive of the Roses, Adelita has enhanced hierro, which grants her a +1 FAR to defense at all times. She has little to no sealed powers, and relies on her brute strength and melee weapons in sealed combat.

Resurrección: Take Down, Gárgola!
The resurrected form of Adelita takes the appearance of a medieval knight, tracing itself back to her human life. Her body is covered by shining steel armoring, except for her head, where no helmet is worn - the armor is nearly impenetrable, but somewhat heavy, rendering her slower in this form. Her two pigtails are changed into a single, long ponytail. Instead of a katana, she holds a medieval long-sword in her left hand, and a shield with the image of a golden rose painted into it appears on her right hand. Around her, pieces of earth and metal are floating, which she can send flying at her opponents in high speed.

Whilst in this form, Adelita is granted control over the affinities of earth and metal - she is capable of conjuring up sand, rocks and metals out of the ground, and utilize them against her opponents. All earth- or metal-related matter within the range of her reiatsu (200 feet), is enslaved by this ability and can be manipulated. By controlling the density of her opponent's blade, she can make a metallic weapon very brittle and prone to breaking apart, if she wishes to do so. She could raise up dust to conceal her next action at any time, or attack from behind and the front of the opponent simultaneously by using her affinity for earth. However, her greatest accomplishment would be the ability to create constructs and even servants out of the earth and metals - and when she wills it, two wings made of stone and metal emerge behind her, allowing her to fly. In this form, she gains a total of +3 FAR to defense, which includes her sealed specialization in hierro, but loses -1 FAR in speed - in addition, she can use the signature technique of Gárgola to turn herself into stone, granting her one more +1 FAR to Defense, but rendering her completely paralyzed and motionless for a single post.

Additional Details:
• Her reiatsu is yellow in color.
• Her hollow hole is located on her right shoulder.
• She specializes in swordplay, and in defensive combat.
• Adelita, the fourth to join Katherine's pack, is the most loyal out of her servants. She will jump in front of her to take a fatal blow, if necessary to protect her queen.
• Her mask fragment is a shin armor located on her left leg.
• Her aspect of death is fanaticism.

Intended Role: Adelita is a member of Las Rosas, a small military elite unit within Katherine's army, and thus, answers directly to the queen. Her designation is the 'Golden Rose', and she stands on tier 2-3.

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