Cirujano Nadroj
Item name: (What is the item called?)Artificial Grey Matter Device
Description: A machine comprised of both hardware and artificial brain tissue.
Effect: A storage device for the brain's thoughts. This means a person's memories and knowledge. A person's brain is scanned and mapped to create a duplicate mind. The duplicate mind is kept in a state of suspended animation until the device is again activated. At this point the mind can either be communicated with through through the actual machinery or uploaded to a new host which had no brain activity prior to.
Number of it you have/possible/allowed: Several
[b]History: Created as a safety precaution in case of a team member's death. A backup is made every so often so that if they are killed they still exist.
Description: A machine comprised of both hardware and artificial brain tissue.
Effect: A storage device for the brain's thoughts. This means a person's memories and knowledge. A person's brain is scanned and mapped to create a duplicate mind. The duplicate mind is kept in a state of suspended animation until the device is again activated. At this point the mind can either be communicated with through through the actual machinery or uploaded to a new host which had no brain activity prior to.
Number of it you have/possible/allowed: Several
[b]History: Created as a safety precaution in case of a team member's death. A backup is made every so often so that if they are killed they still exist.