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#1Tegan Tomoshibi  Empty Tegan Tomoshibi Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:46 am

Jun T

Jun T


Name: Tegan Tristan Tomoshibi
Age: 15
True Age: 15
Sex: Male
Personality: He's generally a nice kid, if a bit shy. Although if you earn his affection, he's really flamboyant and touchy feely. He doesn't talk much, and has an affinity for housework. And experimenting on small woodland creatures. Or small creatures in general. As evidenced by his black kitten named Kuro.

Lightly sadistic, he'll experiment on almost anything/anyone. Or torture them. He won't do so to his family members, especially Jun. He has an odd fascination with Bounto, hence his experiments. Which largely failed for the exception of him and Kuro. He's an A average student, so he isn't exactly an idiot. In combat, it almost always seems like he's desperate to end it, sticking primarily to range.

He always bickers with Kuro, who is sentient. The kitten is lazy and snarky and often sleeps in Tegan's pocket on his shirts or on his head. Though when the going gets tough, they get along perfectly and fight pretty well together. Tegan is a guy that you'll never know is working for a bad guy or anything like that, but he's generally in that grey area anyways. He usually goes by his middle name, though Kuro only calls him by his first, much to Tegan's annoyance.


Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Physical Traits: He is ambidextrous, and his eye color shifts in brightness in accordance to his mood, with shiny, bright brown eyes being really happy, and practically black being super pissed off.

Tegan Tomoshibi  Shirota.Mahiru.full.2001354


General Fighting Style: While adaptable, he's mostly a surprise fighter, relying more on ambushes or reckless abandon with ranged attacks. He can tank like a boss or dodge like a boss, but any physical attacks can be dealt with easily, and he doesn't have the stamina to keep the physical game going. He relies on Kuro for that, who has virtually no stamina consumption and ignores any pain and injury that gets him, in addition, Kuro is also physically strong, unlike Tegan. But is otherwise a ranged fighter for the most part, even when using his spear.

Strengths: Sensing/Reiatsu analysis, durability, speed (can make three semi-transparent afterimages at once), above average energy amount
Weaknesses: physical strength, below average stamina, no natural fighting skill (basically, he can block and swing/stab, but any "skillfull" use of his weapons/hand to hand is not there.)


Ability Name: Weapon Tattoo
Description: He has a tattoo around his right wrist, which forms into a black broom of spiritual power. It can also turn into a spear. Both are pictured below. Either one will give him the ability to fly, but otherwise have separate abilities. They will be labeled (B) for broom and (S) for Spear.

Tegan Tomoshibi  B9ea22ae78defe9155b481fd0d031ed61fac471f_hq

Tegan Tomoshibi  Mahiru11

Ability Name: Black Rain (B)
Description: From the "brussels" of the broom, dozens of small, black needles rain from it. Individually, not that powerful, but as a whole, can be worrisome. Even as a barrage, it still doesn't have a cd.

Ability Name: Ground Spike (B)
Description: Shoving the broom part into the ground, within 20 yards of him, spikes shoot up, piercing anyone that's in it. 1 post cd

Ability Name: Tendril Strike (B)
Description: The broom part can separate up to 3 chunks to lash out against his opponent via stretchiness. They're fairly fast, and hit like a cero. Can only do the three at once once per post, a single he can do whenever/however many times he wishes, two at once can be 4 times per post.

Ability Name: Piercing Strike (S)
Description: A close range attack with the tip of the spear. It can penetrate hierro, armor, and most barriers/shields (if they block cero, it'll go through it. If it blocks a stage higher, crack, but blocked. Blocks a gran rey? No prob, no cracking no penetration) 1 post cd.

Ability Name: Laser Grid (S)
Description: Tegan draws a circle with his spear. Within it, a laser grid appears and is fired at the opponent. 1 post cd.

Ability Name: Kitty Bomb (S)
Description: 3 black, puppet like cats are fired out, each the strength of a cero. They can move to avoid attacks, and explode on impact. Semi-homing, up to 130 yards, 2 post cd.

Ability Name: Black Mirror on the Wall... (S)
Description: This is his only "shield" ability, it reflects whatever is fired at him right back at the user, but twice its speed. Cd is the same as the ability it reflects, plus two more. (last resorts are excluded)

Ability Name: Sleepy Ash
Description: His black cat, Kuro, turns human, with a height of five feet, nine inches tall and a weight of 150 pounds. From the back of his neck, Kuro gets a chain that binds him to Tegan's right forearm. The chain is cuttable, but will regenerate quickly, no matter the distance. Kuro is both fast and strong, but not as fast as Tegan. He doesn't really have a durability as he's mostly a sentient puppet (punch him all you like, unless you can punch hard enough to crush skulls and punch through someone's chest, it ain't gonna stop him. Same with stabbing anywhere but the head, heart, or cutting off the head, and letting him run out of blood. He's still kickin until two of those three things happen.), and when cut up into little pieces, just reverts to being a cat for 10 posts before being able to turn again into that humanoid shape (or you could cut off his head AND destroy his heart to make him harmless again, or cut off the head). In cat form, he can't be killed or anything (unless Tegan dies), but is a tier 4 non-combatant...even if he can be a little snarky. In cat form, he is sentient and can talk to peeps. Below are pictures. He also has some abilities as well, which are also listed below. When active, he SHARES the tier that Tegan has. And Tegan can control how much power he has access too. For example, he can give Kuro all of his power, essentially making Tegan harmless, but make Kuro have Tegan's normal tier and thus much more effective fighter. Though the loss of power doesn't affect their actual durability, whichever one is low on power just can't fight back worth a darn. The power transfer is extremely fast, like unless Tegan is right there when they transfer, you're not outrunning it, not without being excessively high tiered compared to him.


Ability Name: Claws and tendrils
Description: Kuro's elongated claws are as strong as zan steel, and are double edged. The four trailing rags on his coat can also turn into tendrils (10 yards reach), double edged, and attack, and are extremely strong, making it difficult to destroy them.

Ability Name: Spike Shot
Description: He combines the tendrils (two on each side of him) to form what appears to be wings. From those, 26 spikes are thrown at the opponent. 2 post cd. This is Kuro's only ranged ability.

Ability Name: Overloaded Swipe
Description: Kuro puts more power into a swipe than normal, tripling its power. 2 post cd.

Boosts: Strength x2, durability x3, stamina x2, energy amount x3, speed x3


Background: Born in Miami, Florida, Tegan is used to warm weather. His parents are often missionaries, going around the world, helping the less fortunate. Though why they named him Tegan is beyond him. He became spiritually aware slightly sooner than most of his family, at age 7. And developed his powers at age 11. Slowly, he was getting stronger. All the while experimenting on small creatures, eventually succeeding at 14 with Kuro.

His parents weren't well liked, however. As helpful as they were, they were also a bit more involved with their own powers than others of their family. Now in Bogota, and his parents holding off whatever forces that were trying to kill them, who apparently also had powers of their own, an injured Tegan runs through the forest, exhausted, and looking for help.
Side Notes:   :dodge
RP Sample:  smh

#2Tegan Tomoshibi  Empty Re: Tegan Tomoshibi Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:43 pm

Jun T

Jun T
shameless bump, because I am now done... with a shitty history. XD

#3Tegan Tomoshibi  Empty Re: Tegan Tomoshibi Fri Mar 10, 2017 10:16 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved, 1-5. Nice work Jun Sama Senpai Sama whatever the f*ck else.

#4Tegan Tomoshibi  Empty Re: Tegan Tomoshibi Sun Aug 27, 2017 6:32 am

Jun T

Jun T
Added a few details to Sleepy Ashe, ready to be looked at again. Oh, and Shameless Bump.

#5Tegan Tomoshibi  Empty Re: Tegan Tomoshibi Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:16 pm

Noziel Aran

Noziel Aran
Re-approved, have fun kittehman

#6Tegan Tomoshibi  Empty Re: Tegan Tomoshibi Wed Aug 30, 2017 8:47 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Seconding and moving this app.

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