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#1Jissai Kaishi Empty Jissai Kaishi Wed Apr 17, 2019 9:55 am



Name: Jissai Kaishi
Alias: Jess
Real Age: 46
Phys. Age: 17
Gender: female
Personality: Jissai is usually quite reserved and has a tendency to keep to herself and because of this has a tendency to go off on her but doesn't do so if its in conflict with a direct order. she has been known to socialize with members of her own squad usually with a sarcastic and relaxed attitude to anyone whos willing to put with up with her and can flip flop between relaxed and sarcastic to serious in a snap and she is easy to anger, get mad, or annoyed and only makes it known when it gets to her as well as push her luck more often then not. Jissai has also been known to lie quite a bit but she only does so to cover her own ass when she shirks her responsibilities to relax or train and someone has to remind her. While she considers everyone in squad 11 to her her family she would never blatantly state such a thing out of of embarrassment and never considers opening up to anyone there and instead sometimes talks to her Zanpakuto about how she feels so much so Jissai even sometimes abruptly leaves conversations to either train or talk to her Zanpakuto when her overthinking gets to her. However because she feels this way towards her squad her resolve to get stronger has never wavered.

Jissai has trained her body to its breaking point many times over so much so that she has often been sent to squad 4 to receive proper healing for her injuries and has even made some friends there over the years. While she has admiration for her captain Jissai also has the desire to one day beat her captain in battle to prove to herself how strong she has become and doesn't care much for the captains rank but she is often conflicted in this goal for she only wants to beat him and not kill him. Her combat philosophy is that she believes that if you pick up a weapon battle is inevitable and doesn't shy from any fight presented to her and isn't afraid to start a fight herself if it suits her needs. She also believes that any fight no matter how it is fought is a fair fight no matter the abilities used or the circumstances presented and that your guard should always be up till you strike the killing blow or your opponent is without a doubt incapacitated. Jissai herself however can be quick to anger which can cause her to attack recklessly with abandon but she has been seen to recover from this and regain composer but if that doesn't happen it could prove to be a deadly mistake. She also becomes annoyed when facing off against opponents that underestimate her and overconfidently talk too much and in some situations Jissai attempts to get the first hit to shut them up.


Height: 5’7
Weight: 160 pounds
Physical Traits: Jissai Kaishi is a female soul reaper with long dark purple hair parted into two braids so her long hair doesn’t get in the way. She usually walks around with the braids going over her shoulders as a personal preference but she mostly doesn’t mind either way. Along with having dark blue eyes she also a long scar on her check as a result of her training sessions. She wears the usually soul reaper Shihakusho with a bracelet on her wrist but wears a custom made red shirt and pants that she made herself underneath it. After a few training sessions she decided to make the red outfit herself so that she doesn’t constantly ruin her regular uniform while training and damage done to the red outfit she repairs herself. Jissai’s zanpakuto is fashioned on her right hip as she likes start fights with the blade pointed towards the ground.


General Fighting Style: Jissai likes to start fights with her zanpakuto pointed towards ground instead in the usual fashion and likes to start by taking a defensive position. That however is just a personal preference as well and doesn’t mean she won’t attack first although when up against an opponent she has never faced before will always take a defensive position. Jissai does have a small tell when a battle starts, if she starts with her zanpakuto pointed towards the ground she takes a defensive position to start and if the blade is held normally she attacks first. While she more often then not takes up a defensive position she is ambidextrous and is currently learning how to effectively switch the hand the sword is during combat but does not yet have the hang of it. When facing off against an opponent she always makes sure to fight to kill but will always make sure to incapacitate her friends or subordinates and while she judges an opponent during the length of a battle she always fights to kill.




Sealed Appearance: the zanpakuto has a circular guard with an x going through the center of the guard with a small chain coming out of the bottom of the sword while the hilt is colored a dark crimson red with a black sheath.
Zanpakutou Name: Shizukana
Call Out Command: scream


Appearance: the blade itself is as long as a regular zanpakuto in it's sealed state and ends off with the sword curving upwards with an extending spike coming off the back of the blade at the top of the curve. The hilt while it mostly stays the same the chain on the bottom of hilt grows extensively and is connect to a metal brace on Jissais wrist so that the sword can be swung around, thrown, and be pulled back to her hand.
-The zanpakuto has a wind element and naturally can cut the wind resistance when it strikes so it can strike things faster then usual
-Wind Blade- Launches a 15 foot long blade of wind at Cero speeds, does Cero damage, 1 post CD
-Gust- you can summon a small tornado to blow away projectiles or chase your opponent down, dealing Hadou 40 damage if it hits. Goes away after one post and has a one post CD.
-Pressure blast- a concussive blast of wind launches out where i point my sword, 20 feet wide, cero damage, 1 post CD.

#2Jissai Kaishi Empty Re: Jissai Kaishi Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:27 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-5

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