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Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Controlling paper....How pathetic. What a useless quirk. Said a voice in the black mind of Sakiko. Voices and phrases just downing Sakiko just hitting the poor girl again and again.

Sakiko shot up from where she once laid. Her face was fully wrapped having a slit where her eyes were. She winced after a few seconds laying back down. She knew Recovery girl did what she could for the day. Sakiko looked up at the ceiling before closing her eyes. That fire bitch got her good...Why did she allow herself to get so cocky. Sakiko sighed now having a worry of what Seven would think of her of this? She didn't even know what her face was looking like now? Was she hideous? Would Seven still care about her? Was her face okay?

Sakiko lifted her hands up holding them on her face fighting back tears.


He had seen the match, he had seen her opponent, and he had seen her injured beyond anything he could imagine. Just who was that damn fire quirk girl anyway? Who did she think she was getting away with doing those terrible things to Sakiko? She didn't get any penalties, she didn't get into any sort of legal trouble, and she certainly didn't seem to care that she could have potentially just ruined his girlfriend's life. He wanted to kill her. He wanted her gone. He wanted to hurt her like she hurt Sakiko. Alaa, he couldn't do anything.

He wasn't allowed in the room during surgery and he wasn't allowed in the room while she was recovering. It pissed him off. He hadn't even been able to touch his game since she was taken out of that arena. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about her and what she was going through. He had spoken to Recovery Girl, who couldn't exactly say much on the matter. All she could say was that Sakiko would be fine and healed soon. He would pace outside the door for hours it seemed like. Yellow eyes would focus on nothing but the floor as he awaited entry into the room. However, it would never come, so when nobody was looking, he would make his move. He would swiftly slip in only to see his beloved girlfriend sitting straight up and in agony.

His eyes would settle on her as he could feel his throat squeezing away the pain of seeing her in such a state. He would walk over to her bed without hesitation and he would attempt to wrap his arms around her as he sat on the bedding next to her. He wouldn't say anything in this moment allowing for whatever she wanted to say to come out of her mouth.

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Sakiko heard the door open a bit figuring it was just the wind of someone walking past it but she soon had a confirmation of someone else being in the room when she heard some soft footsteps move over to her bed. She felt some added weight to the side of her before some familiar arms wrapped around her. She sat there in complete silence with her hands over her bandaged face as seven hugged her as behind her hands her eyes were wide and kind of in shock. Seven was still there...He was literally there. She didn't know what to think doubts still flooded her mind telling her things like him not ever loving her again, who could love someone after a display like that?

Slowly Sakiko removed her hands from her bandaged face letting her shakes and shock show as they slowly wrapped around Seven as she tried her best to fight back to stream of tears the flowed past her closed eyes just feeling them run down her mostly reformed face. She still had about another session or two with recovery girl before she could even allow her bandages to be removed. "I....I..." Sakiko was getting choked up on her words fighting back all that she was feeling cause honestly the poor girl felt pissed, she felt depress, Happy, fearful. She felt every emotion possible at that moment while feeling nothing at the same time.

Sakiko was never one to allow her emotions to get the better of her. Hell, she hated showing any emotions at all, they served her no purpose what so ever. So why was she showing them now. Why suddenly was she feeling all this at once. She was lost inside and loss of the entire world as there was one thing she knew for sure and that thing was the very person she needed, and he was there. "I... Don’t know...I lost myself...." She managed to get between fought back sobs. "I'm sorry Seven." She managed to get out as she allowed herself to rest her face against his shoulder. Yes, her face hurt like hell from the tears and the pressure, but she didn't care about any pain she was feeling because she had the one thing she needed and that was her boyfriend Seven.


She was stiff and seemed to be contemplating accepting him considering the state of her appearance in this moment. Slowly, she would embrace him and he would find himself relieved and joy filled. He didn't want this to change anything between them and he certainly didn't want her to feel as if she couldn't rely on him. However, something more saddening than he was prepared for would catch his attention as he would feel his beloved girlfriend's body shaking. He could feel small dots of warmth upon the front of his shirt causing his grip to tighten around her. He wouldn't squeeze so hard as to hurt her, but he wanted her to know she was safe in his arms. He wanted her to know she was welcome surrounded by his warmth. He wanted her to feel the deep, unconditional love that radiated from his heart, even if it was breaking into millions of pieces in this moment.

She tried to speak, yet her words came out as simple noises. He could hear the pain, frustration, saddness, disappointment, all of it in her voice. Yellow eyes would close as he would place his cheek against the side of her head as he would begin to run his hand across her back repeatedly to calm her. His eyes would begin to water as her words finally found their way out of her lips. She apologized, but he wasn't sure why. She had no reason to. She didn't need to. Then, she would rest her face against his shoulder as he would take a few deep breaths. He wouldn't cry in front of her. He needed to be strong for her because she couldn't be. He needed her to know how he felt.

Carefully, Seven would move Sakiko's face to be right in front of his as he would hold her face between his hands. He would hold her gently trying not to hurt her any more than she possibly was. Yellow eyes would look into her own beautiful, shining, green orbs as he would smile gently. It was odd that he ever showed his emotions, but in this moment, he didn't matter how silly he may look. He didn't matter what anyone else would possibly say. He would look her straught in the eyes with the absolute most loving feeling and begin to speak to her. "What are you apologizing for, silly girl? You havent done anything wrong. You tried your hardest. It wasn't fair what she did to you, but even now, you're still fighting so hard. Even if you don't believe me, I still think you're the most beautiful, kindest, sweetest girl that I've ever met. No matter what happens.. I'm not going anywhere. Me and you.. until the end, right?" His eyes would water up again at this point as he would lightly try to place his forehead against hers, if only for a moment.

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