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#1[Open] Arrival Day Empty [Open] Arrival Day Fri Aug 24, 2018 1:53 am

Jun T

Jun T
Riku and Jun were next door neighbors. That wasn't surprising, considering they were twins. And both got into UA without trouble. Given their elemental quirks, that wasn't too surprising. After doing up their rooms, they sat on a couch. Well, Riku did, Jun laid down started drifting to sleep. Chuckling softly, Riku turned on the TV, to the news. And waited to see if any others were going to join them. Seemed like there were several minor instances going on. Diamond Snake apparently handled a few them. But their nurse and Tempest were currently handling a burning building. Riku wondered what the school year would bring, to prepare them things like this.

Both boys were blondes, but Riku's hair was shorter than Jun's. And Riku wore a T-shirt instead of a long sleeved shirt that his twin wore. Other than that, with Jun sleeping, they looked pretty much alike.

#2[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Fri Aug 24, 2018 3:28 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya was tapping her foot standing outside the room of her sister Anna. "Come on Anna.."She said to herself watching the watch on her wrist wearing a simple white v neck t-shirt under a light blue hoodie zipped half way up  with a jean skirt and heels. She had her snow white hair in a ponytail reaching down to her waist. She watched the door open to her sandy blonde haired sister coming out yawning rubbing her eyes.

"What do you need?"asked Anna
"Were you sleeping?"asked Amaya "You promised that you would join me to explore the school with Aurora."Said Amaya
"Aurora went into town to get a few items."Said Anna "So I slept. My bad I didn't think it mattered."
"You let her go by herself....Do you not remember what our aunt and uncle made us promise?"asked Amaya clearly ticked off balling her fists.
"She will be fine, no one knows her and no villain is going to attack her cause no one knows her or her family...Even I barely know her and i'm a cousin."Said Anna
"Ugh we need to go find her either way."Said Amaya grabbing her sister's wrist pulling her along after herself. Anna sighed no refusing as she knew it was pointless to fight when the worry wort that is her older sister gets this way. She closed her eyes trying to get some more sleep letting Amaya lead her along as after a few minutes she came crashing into Amaya causing the girls to fall.
"Ouch....Anna"Groaned Amaya struggling to get out from under her sister.
"Why did you stop."She asked rolling to the side.
"Because there is a Incident on TV in there."Said Amaya getting back to her feet before peering into the room at the TV "Excuse me, mind if we watch with you? Seems like something our parents would come to help at? I'm Amaya and this is my sister Anna."said the White haired girl to the twins? brothers? Friends? In Amaya's mind they were probably twins and would call them twins till told otherwise. While waiting for a reply she moved in a bit more to get a better view of the television,

#3[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Sun Aug 26, 2018 6:40 am

Jun T

Jun T
Riku looked at the girls curiously. "It's mainly covering a burning building...Recovery Girl and Tempest are there. Only other thing of note was an out of control car that Daimond Snake handled. Come on in. I'm Riku Tomoshibi, and sleeping beauty is my little brother, Jun." Riku welcomed the girls and introduced each other. Though Jun did stir and spoke just loud enough for everyone to hear. "By ten minutes. And I'm still taller." Riku gave his twin an annoyed look. "By one inch." He looked back at the girls. "Anyways, pleasure to meet you. Are your parents pro heroes then? You mentioned them helping out..."

Jun got an irritated tick. And just simply got up, sitting cross-legged and glaring at his brother. Unlike Riku, Jun's eyes were green. They are fraternal twins after all.

#4[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:04 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya smiled pulling Anna into the room with her before she took a seat on the couch before Anna followed sitting on the arm next to her sister. The two listened to the Banter between the twins as Anna let out a small giggle as honestly, the two reminds her of Amaya and herself. Good to know they weren't the only siblings"Yea our parents are Ice quirk users,"Said Amaya "I forget their names that they both are ice quirk users like myself..."Said Amaya "Aurora uses barriers as she is my adopted little sister."She commented motioning to Anna.

"Yes they adopted me when they found my real mom's dead body protecting me when i was a tiny baby..."Said Anna "Nothing too abnormal."She added with a shrug. She looked towards the TV "Diamond Snake has always been my favorite of the heros."Said Anna
"Mom and dad aren't your favorite?" Asked Amaya a bit suprised.
"They are my parents...They don't count, plus I don't have a ice quirk so it's hard really getting excited with ice parents and sister. Diamond Snake is more relate to me."She replied adding a shrug to her sentence while Amaya folded her arms.

#5[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Sun Aug 26, 2018 11:57 pm

Jun T

Jun T
Jun looked at Riku with a knowing smirk. Making the twin frown, but coughed to hide it. "Diamond Snake is one of the more grounded heroes. His quirk isn't flashy, usually, and he has some pretty good martial arts moves. Puts the both of us to shame. He's pretty popular as he actually takes time on his days off to actually interact with the public, even when he is on duty. Both of us prefer Tempest though. Speaking of ice based quirks though..." He gave Riku a nudge with his elbow.

Sighing, the brother clasped his hands, and made a near perfect replica of Diamond Snake in a fighting stance out of ice. "Both of us are elemental based quirks, so Tempest speaks better for us, even if he does utilize wind, unlike us..." He set the sculpture on the coffee table. It practically showed off his control of his ice half. Unlike his brother, Riku was more prone to showing off. Where Jun was more gun-shy about it.

"Supposedly, Diamond Snake does stop by here to teach. Hopefully we'll be able to cash in on that lesson..." Being in class 1-A, that was more likely than not. Still, they'd have to wait for the opportunity.

#6[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Mon Aug 27, 2018 3:09 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
Amaya and Anna listened to them explain about how awesome diamond snake was. She watched Riku close his hands before opening them forming a sculpture of the Hero diamond Snake. "Elemental Heroes are so Amazing."Replied Amaya  closing her hands as well before opening her hands making a replica of Riku's statue . She tossed it into the air lightly before it landed on a glass looking panel floating above Anna's outreached hand. Anna reached over with her free hand placing the replica down before the glass panel disappeared when she closed her hand.

Amaya smiled wiggling a bit "I hope he comes to my class or I catch him teaching. It must be so cool to be a hero, the praise and Glory. I want to be just like my parents and save everyone I can."Said Amaya happily raising her hands above her head.
"First you have to deal with the sports festival. For what our parent's said that is the best way to have a shot at the pros. Some heros will probably come to you and ask if you want to be a sidekick."Said Anna
"I don't mind being a sidekick but I have to become a hero just like our parents."Said Amaya
"Dad is mom's sidekick."Mentioned Anna as amaya sighed but Anna smiled seeing her sister irritated at the comment.
"They are equal ice quirk users."Said Amaya
"Maybe but I still say mom beats him."Said Anna scratching her left cheek thinking about it.

#7[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:33 am

Jun T

Jun T
"We're with you there on catching in any classes. But surely there's another goal. Yeah, there's fame, praise, and glory, but heroes aren't just about that. They're selfless too. If that's all there is to you in becoming a hero, the perks, then maybe you shouldn't become one." Riku gave a hard stare to Amaya. Jun piped in. "Basically Riku-nii has no respect for those that's in it for the money, the glory, or just proving that they're the strongest. Your first goal should be saving those in need. That's why the top most heroes are often the top. There are a few fakes in there, but Tempest, Diamond Snake, and even Recovery Girl are there for a reason. If that's not the case for you and you truly are in it to save as many people as possible, then you probably should have structured your sentence better. Anyways, I'm gonna go see if Dai-chan has settled in yet...he tends to draw the worst crowd..." With that, Jun got up and walked off.

Riku only nodded at him and watched him go. "Jun wants to be my sidekick. Even though he has just as much brains as I do and the same capability of being a top hero. I think he's just being lazy, but it's his own choice. My apologies for that outburst...I don't know you well enough to make that judgement..." Riku rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed.

#8[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Mon Aug 27, 2018 7:10 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"'Oh boy here we go."Said Anna softly as Amaya stood up before moving in front of Riku "Never question my motives...I am going to be a hero just like my parents and rescue everyone...I could careless about fame and fortune and Honestly everyone can shove their money were the sun don't shine."She said as her soft ice blue eyes become hard and cold.
"Amaya that is enough...You are stealing Joshua's role."Said Anna snapping Amaya back to reality "Huh? oh I am so sorry for that outburst."She said shortly realizing her snap moment "Geez I haven't done that in forever."She said actually embarrassed of the outburst as she moved back to sitting next to her sister while Anna let out a laugh listening to Jun explain before talking about a daichi person. She looked toward Riku "I can see him being a sidekick as I know if i was recruited I would be a side kick."She replied

#9[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Wed Aug 29, 2018 9:19 pm

Jun T

Jun T
Seemed both Riku and Amaya were as embarrassed as the other. Riku looked at Anna funny. "You'll see what I mean throughout the school year. Any movies you guys want to watch or do you just want to explore?" The blond had the remote ready. They could easily watch just about any movie they wanted, and he didn't want to get in anyone's way of moving in. Exploring didn't seem like a bad idea either...but they'll get plenty used to it throughout the year.

#10[Open] Arrival Day Empty Re: [Open] Arrival Day Thu Aug 30, 2018 2:44 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi
"Do not mind her...She hates people thinking lowly of her."Said Anna while Amaya stared at the television screen reflecting on her outburst. "We are fine with whatever you wish to do, We are done with moving into our rooms. Probably should check on Aurora but we are letting her have space."Said Anna with a smile on her face before she messed with Amaya's snow white hair that was pulled in a ponytail. She enjoyed messing with the hair, it was relaxing and Amaya never seemed to mind whenever she did. "I don't mind exploring or watching a movie but it is purely up to you since this is your room."She replied with a smile.

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