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#1Han Dae-Wi Empty Han Dae-Wi Sat Aug 25, 2018 9:46 am




Name: Han Dae-Wi
Race: Human
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: Dae-Wi is usually a bit of a loner. However, he is also very hardworking, willing to work multiple jobs to help his family make ends meet while studying to become a hero. Dae-Wi is usually very calm and laidback. However, insulting his friends will set off his temper. He is deeply protective of his friends, willing to go to extreme lengths for them, even if it means putting his own life on the line, of course as a hero that is kind of the point.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Blood Type: O+
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Current Place of Residence: Tokyo, Japan
Appearance: Han Dae-Wi is a tall, lazy looking young man, with a muscular build, brown hair, and light-brown eyes. When angered or serious, his face becomes noticeably sharper.
Height and Weight: 6'2", 200lbs


Quirk Name: Gravity Manipulation
Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Han has the power to manipulate gravity, pulling things to him or pushing them away, he can also levitate himself and others, as well create 10ft rings of variable gravity. Against player characters the gravity field can only increase their weight by up to 4x their normal weight.
Gravity field
B-rank: x2
A-rank: x3
S-rank: x4

Over use of this ability causes dizziness, and headaches, and can even cause bleeding from his eyes and ears.

Other Skills: Aside from his ability to manipulate gravity Han is also quite skilled in Kyokushin Karate, and uses his quirk to pull enemies into blows, and immediately push them away. Some skills of Kyokushin Karate that he really enjoys using are:
The Dance of Four Gods

  • 1st Stance: Fist of the Black Tortoise: is the first stance of the Dance of Four Gods set of techniques. It is a technique that uses a powerful punch to interrupt the opponent's attack
  • 2nd Stance: Phoenix Kick is the second stance of Dance of Four Gods sets of techniques. It offsets the balance of an opponent by kicking the ground to send a powerful shockwave through it.
  • 3rd Stance: White Tiger's Dance is the third stance of Dance of Four Gods set of techniques. It is a combo of punches and kicks that penetrates an opponent's defenses.
  • 4th Stance: Blue Dragon's Storm is the fourth and final stance of Dance of Four Gods set of techniques. First three stances in Dance of Four Gods are used to set up the flow of air for Blue Dragon's Storm. The user takes control of the flow and directs it towards their opponent in a powerful blast of air.

Full List of Kyokushin Karate


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles: Idolizes: Might Guy, Rival: Shade
History: Han was born in Tokyo, and had already started karate before his quirk developed, the first time it triggered he accidentally sent someone flying with a punch as his quirk triggered. At first people thought his quirk was just sending people flying, until the first time he pulled someone into a punch. By the time he made it to Shiketsu High School, he had learned that his powers allowed him to manipulate gravity. He first encountered Shade during the cross-school licensing exam where they created a budding rivalry where they pushed each other to improve.
RP Sample:

#2Han Dae-Wi Empty Re: Han Dae-Wi Sun Aug 26, 2018 10:13 pm

Jun T

Jun T
Well, first of all, no drawback. I need one. Ochako's was that overuse caused nausea and made her vomit. Just an idea.

I hesitate on the x5 in S. Simply because a typical human can't handle that much, we can barely handle x4. We're more fragile here than in BS, to boot. I would go with some other type of enhancement at that level, to be honest.

#3Han Dae-Wi Empty Re: Han Dae-Wi Mon Aug 27, 2018 4:32 am


Scaled the field down, and added a backlash to the quirk itself.

#4Han Dae-Wi Empty Re: Han Dae-Wi Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:09 am

Jun T

Jun T

B with A+ potential?

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