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#1Funsai Bakufū (Gun Show) Empty Funsai Bakufū (Gun Show) Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:38 pm



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Name: Funsai Bakufū
Alias: Gun Show
Race: Human
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Personality: Funsai likes to get right to the point  and hates formalities. He also has a shoot first ask questions later mentality. Couple that with a victory by any cost mindset and you have a very reckless man. He also likes to solve  most of his problems through violence and conflict  but is very laid back  when not training or fighting which are 2 of his favorite hobbies. Contradicting his violent personality he actually cares a lot about his common man as long as they are not someone that is hurting another  and has no problems with killing someone if it means saving others as long as that person is guilty.      
Alignment:Chaotic Good
Blood Type: AB positive
Birthplace: Kabukicho, Tokyo
Current Place of Residence: Hiroshima 6-16 Matsukawachō
Appearance: Due to the nature of his quirk his skin is a ashy gray color he also has thick black hair resembling that of a lion's mane  blood red eyes and two devil shaped horns he is also very muscular due to his years of very intense training. He is also  clean shaven and has because of his quirk has two additional arms “six arms in total” he likes to wear a long  open black leather trench coat with red devil wings sticked into the back and short spikes on the shoulders this coat also has 6 arm holes to accommodate his 2 extra pairs of arms.for his hands he wears  fingerless black leather gloves with short spikes on the knuckles as well as spiked bracers that hold 15 pounds waits in them on each of his hands. He wears a thin black  sleeveless shirt shirt underneath his trench coat to cover his muscles but you can still see the muscle from the shirt. For pants he has a  long black leather pant with a chain belt and short spikes on the pockets for his shoes he has black steel toed boots with short spikes at the end of the boats. When he is taking a situation serious he can also slip into a police some police issue heavy  power armor that he rigged up with to hold more ammo and hold more explosives if he really needed to . this armor is also explosive and ballistics resistant with a weakness to things like  knives and sharp objects.
Height and Weight: Height 6 Foot 5 Inches Weight 220 pounds  


Quirk Name: Oni
Quirk Type: Mutation
Quirk Description: This quirk gives the user 2 extra pairs of arms “6 arms in total” as well as gray ashen skin and two horns on their forehead  because of this they can overwhelm their enemies with a flurry of hits or do things congenital 4 limed martial arts could not. Add to this special equipment like heavy armor and potentially 6 weapons of their choosing and you have a devastating combatant.  


Rivals, Enemies, and Obstacles:  Multiple crime syndicates have targeted Funsai  none have succeeded yet

History: Funsai has been feared ever since he can remember. Because of his  physical appearance and being in born into one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the country he has had to fight for every reason from  being attacked out of fear to  having to steal and fight those who give chase just to survive his life had not been easy . For a bit he could rely on his parents until one day when they were walking down an alley  they were confronted by gang members who where there to retaliate against his parents  for something he didn't even know about. Apparently they had put a great deal of time and effort into undermining this gang as well as any other gang they could in secret  so they didn't have to put  themselves there fellow man or there son in danger. But all the effort to keep this secret was in vain because they found out and merciless murdered  his parents in front of his eyes and he was powerless to stop them  but on that day he vowed to get revenge. So he trained and his body and mind to fight. This coupled with the fact he had to survive a harsh life of being an orphan who had to steel and sneak into places for sleep made  him strong over the years and before he knew it he was strong enough to  take  whatever he wanted  so when he was fourteen  he realized how strong he had become and decided now was the time to take his revenge.  So to prepare for this he  got 6 shoot guns for his connections with to the black market and the underground went up to the front door of the gangs headquarters  blew the doors of their hinges and immediately broke the legs of four of the  first people to stand up . He did this specifically to not kill them because he wanted to torture them slowly each on of them though the span of days or weeks however long he could squeeze out of them he wanted them to feel every ounce of pain  they gave to both him and his parents. Seeing there comrades in pain two more of the gangsters rush at Funsai with swords but fruitlessly using two of the shotguns in his hands as  blunt object he blocks the swords and proceeds to break both  there wrists with another pair while also hitting them in the stomach as hard as he could with the blunt end of another pair of shotguns. As they both hit the floor in pain  he then smashes both of their kneecaps so they could not get away. Seeing that his entire guard of  his highest ranked men  went down in a matter of seconds the boss of the entire operation the man personally responsible for everything Funsai has gone through tries to make a break for it knowing he is next . unfortunately for him because of what he did to Funsai his pursuer is vastly more athletic and catches him instantly picking him up by the throat as he tries to gargle out the words of mercy. His cries go on deaf ears as he found out when Funsai brook his pulled out his fingernails and broke his fingers one by one. Fortunately for the gangster the fighting alerted the police who had at this point surrounded the building a voice over a  megaphone echoed” This is the police come out with your hands up or we will be forced to exercise lethal force”.  Funsai had not planned for the police involvement at least not  yet  he also could hear police surrounding the building “this is bad” he said to himself “yea not shit ass hole at least your going to hell with me” the gangster sayed with a smirk on his face. Hearing this angered Funsai who then broke the bosses wrist to shut him up he let out a scream and then whimpered in pain. Knowing he was out of options Funsai decided if he could somehow get  the police to send  in someone to talk someone he could tell his story to and convince that he was in the right there where still more gangsters like these that had caused others pain he remembered his parents always trying to help others trying to  make sure things  like what he is doing didn't happen. But it did happen and what he needs to do has to happen . so he did the only thing he could think of to get someone in he exclaimed in the loudest most booming voice he could “ i've rigged this place to explode  try and take one step in here and i turn me and everyone here into meat paste send someone in hear my demands” . with know way of knowing if this is true or not the police start talking amongst themselves “if we distract him and get someone who is fast to get any deadman switches while our sniper shoots him we should be able to dissolve the situation” one of the senior police officers sayed. Almost unanimously the other police officers agreed.  That is all but one and it was the most important one because it was the sergeant in charge of the operation  something felt off this was in a part of town know for subtle crime so why would someone be so blatant about it without reason or at least something up there  and why here specifically on our books  this is a tech support office  something felt of . “no I going in to talk to him” the sergeant exclaimed. Baffled by this tried to convince the sergeant “with all due respect ser this man is clearly deranged walking in there would be suicide please reconsider” the senior officer stated. The sergeant displeased by his subordinates lack of faith in him rebuked him “enough i have maybe myself clear  i am your commanding officer and you will show me the respect of that title or i swear you won't even be able to work in private security by the time i'm done with you  that goes for all of you  follow my orders to the letter or get out of my sight.Now follow my orders i need you to be in position and at the ready when i give the order do i make myself clear? ”  He said with a stirn and serious look on his face.   As he finished saying this immediately the whole tent saluted and responded “yes ser” hearing this a small smile came onto his face as he left the tent and  proceed to enter the building. As the sergeant  entries   the building his senses are immediately bombarded with the smell of blood and  the sight of the people in the building  crying in pain as all of there legs are broken and the sight of  someone being tortured. But he also notices the weapons on the ground and is intrigued  the sergeant  why would a tech support office have armed people  he wondered? So he asked the man currently torturing they guy at the top of office “why go through all this trouble why risk life in jail or prison just for these guys”? This response was not what Funsai  was expecting it was  sayed out of worry and not out of pure curiosity  which shocked him he had been in a world full of selfish greedy people up until that point and had not met someone else with a shred of good in them but this needed to be done so he explained the to the sergeant his story  how he had once had a family how. He  then lost it all to because they were “bad for business” . How he had to steal and decisive just to stay alive. And how as all of this was happening he was training and making himself strong with the burning fire of revenge in his thoughts always  all leading up to this single moment. And to Funsai’s surprise the sergeant sat and listened to his not even trying anything underhanded   just listening to him tell his story and when he was finished out of all the things he was expecting him to say he was asked “so you storm in and get your revenge what then”? And this through of Funsai  because he never really thought of  life after his parents were avenged “ I don't know maybe try to be like my parents and take help people maybe by taking out gangs”? The sergeant gave a smirk and responded with “what if i told you I could help you do that you seem like a good hearted kid with a very rough life all I would ask is you put down the man spare these people and come with me”. Funsai  hearing this thought to himself this must be a trap “how do I know  you're not tricking me  into giving myself and  up and letting these scumbags walk free”? The sergeant hearing this smirked and laughed a bit then responded  “ of no i assure you we will make sure these guys get what's coming to them  they will get a life in a prison where they wish they were dead  and as for you son i can see your pretty damn strong why don't you  come work in my squad  where you can do more good for the world by putting these scum in a jail where they belong”? Funsai  thought  over the situation he was getting a chance  to start a new life one where he could finally help the world and be just like what he remembered his to be the only trade of  would be him letting go of their killers and sending them to prison. He gave a long sigh and put the gang boss on the ground fine  I will take you up on that offer but i'm keeping my guns deal? The officer gave a smile and agreed . After that day Funsai  was with the police squad for about 6 more years working his way up  to sergeant then the sergeant  that convinced him to join became an reached the rank of inspector and convinced Funsai to enroll in the  hero program at UA and help people by becoming a hero and training himself all while helping people outside his highschool life  by doing helping his squad which he took command of  at the same time. He eventually past the hero program and stayed with his squad a little bit longer until fully transitioning to be a full time hero  and he has been doing hero work ever since.
RP Sample:  It was a cold clear night and Funsai was at the entrance of a building.  He looked up at the sign that read Yopparatta bar he got a type from his former police buddies that a gang would  be here. So he opened the doors and walked inside. As soon as he came in it was like a record  stopping all movement ceased and all eyes were on the man who just walked in  . Seeing this Funsai smiled  and stroll casually  to the bar and was met with a smug man on a barstool shouting at him “hey there pal i think your a bit lost i can help you find your way out but it's going to cost you give me all everything you have on you also give me that sweet looking jacket”  Funsai  laughed a bit and responded “well i suppose that would be a steal of a deal but i'll do you one better” and as said that he pulled the bar stool out from under him , used it to sit where he was and told the bartender  “two shots of your strongest stuff oh and it's on him” pointing to the man on the floor who was now furious  who then stood up pulled out a knife and told Funsai wrong move buddy you will regret  that “ as he lunged at him with the knife but found it would not reach its target  because his hand was grabbed  mid thrust  by another one of his right arms which he had not noticed before. The man was no pulled up into the air  and the man looked at him  for the first time showing what his face looked like and said “ so anyway my proposal  is that you and all your other little gang buddies are going to come quietly with me to the police station as well as handover that money you stole from that bank heist to the good people there and i don't break your bones sound like a plan” he said  still holding the struggling man in the air with one of his right arms and then taking two glasses with the other right arms and drinking the strong drink straight one after the other . hearing this and seeing the strangers face for the first time the gang leader in a terrified voice yelled “get him boys” and immediately  the bar exploded with a flurry of people drawing all sorts of weapons from ranged weapons like pistols and shotguns to close range weapons like swords and bats. There were eight men in all two on his left side three in front of him and three on the right he was now facing away from the bar. A man on the left  came at him with a bat while  two men in the center prepared to shot one with a shotgun one with a pistol and two other of the men  from his left aimed with pistols. But unfortunately for them Funsai  was quicker to the draw he took out three shotguns each with a mag of  twelve shots  with his three left arms  and tried to shot at the men with guns . he successfully got two men in the legs the one with the shotgun and one of the men with pistols on his right which then dropped to the floor screaming in pain  at the same time to deal with the man with the bat he  used the gang leader in one of his  left hands as a blunt object throwing him at him and using the confusion both the men had to   duck down and punch the two in the face knocking them both out  he then rushed in a ducked manner to avoid gun fire to the one remaining man on the left with a sword . the man clearly not being any good  with the sword swung at him wildly each attack being dodged until his wrist was grabbed and forced to drop the weapon by a twisting motion  and the breakin of some bones he then felt shards  of glass his his legs as on of the shot glasses was forced into his calf and he past out from the pain three down five to go.  The   by this time the  the two men that were shot propped themselves back up and continued firing. Much to all there surprise however a round table came from the makeshift cover that Funsai  was in and being thrown  like a disk at the two men with pistols on the right. Using this distraction Funsai  was able to get to the black where the men in the center where and went behind the two gunmen picked them up buy their heads and smashed them together  instantly knocking out the two  . the last of the men was wearing brass knuckles and was trying his hardest to hit Funsai  anywhere. But try as he might it was futile as soon as he extended on of his arms to punch Funsai  took it by the wrist picked him up with one of his right arms and slammed him down knocking the wind out of him  the last thing that man saw was  a fist punching him square in the face knocking him out  the last man of the central group three more to go. The two gunmen still dazed by being hit by a table where met with the sight of Funsai  charging towards them at full speed on top of the tables  and before they had time to react found that the unwounded gunman and the  a man  wielding a katana both had  gunshot wounds in the  arms they were using to carry their weapons with no way to defend themselves all three of them were taken by the head and all three of his right arms as he three the shot glass he had up in the air and fermly bashed into the concrete wall behind them knocking all three of them out  as he then caught the shot glass the threw in the air and went to the bartender and asked for a refile on the leader. After that he rounded them all up tied them together removed their weapons and called in a police vehicle to come pick them up “another fine days work i just wish i had another drink “ he said looking down at his empty glass he then went home to plan out his next “night out”.  

#2Funsai Bakufū (Gun Show) Empty Re: Funsai Bakufū (Gun Show) Thu Aug 30, 2018 12:34 am

Jun T

Jun T
you have to submit the extra equipment in a different thread/section. But everything else is fine. I'm gonna assume that he has superhuman strength as well.

B+ with A- potential?

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