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#1[Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Empty [Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Fri Aug 24, 2018 12:30 am

Jun T

Jun T
A purple haired teenager walked between the shelf and counter, checking stocks. It wasn't so much because it was a business, but Jonah liked to be well stocked in alcohol. He was quite a bit early, dressed in a short-sleeved button up shirt with a grey vest and bow-tie, his slacks were cut at the knees. He was their intelligence gatherer. And quite possibly Ika's right hand man. Two little balls of light, one blue and one red, each with a single eye ball on them, hovered over his shoulder. He was only four feet, ten inches tall. Making him quite short, and normally one wouldn't take him to a bar. But the reality was he was nearing a century, 93 years old. In his years, he'd amassed a vast intelligence network. One that countries were attempting to get a hold of. But at least one hero was also making a move to dismantle it. The guy was persistent, but nothing that couldn't be handled.

He let his thoughts roam as he made sure glasses were clean and ready for that evening, when the door opened. Only one other person besides him had a key. He looked to see his tall boss. "You're early. That doesn't happen too often. I assume you have something for me then?" It was about the only reason he could think of for Ika to come in early. Perhaps it was time for them to make their big debut? Either way, he got out the man's favorite drink and just handed him the bottle. And waited.

#2[Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Empty Re: [Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:10 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika walked into the bar, a bit annoyed with the fact that this was where he had to meet people but it was going to be what it was going to be. Ika and Jonah were the only two people with keys to the bar as far as Ika was aware, the man seemed to perk up a bit and looked significantly more spry upon Ika's entry into the bar. He probably knew what this meant and the thought regurgitation that followed seemed to prove Ika correct on the matter. Ika looked at the man expectantly as he slid him his favorite drink, it was Crystal Head Vodka that Ika would probably be requiring in order to properly make it through the evening. Ika nodded his approval towards the man before throwing a couple of shots back. Fuck he needed to loosen up these days, he wasn't sure how many days he was gonna have left.

Ika put the cap back on the drink and slid it back across the desk. "I was early because I felt like being early and I didn't want to keep you waiting, would've been that way if I had shit planned or not but to answer your question yes. I plan on staging an attack on the city rather soon. I was going to see if you could maybe dig me up some files on some of the students, it's imperative that I know who to target and who I should stay away from.. Also any high powered Heroes that could be a threat to me long-term.. So, do you have any questions as to what I am asking you do Jonah?.." Ika would await a response but he knew pretty well that the man was going to nod obediently and do as asked.. but.. well..

Might as well wait and be sure.

#3[Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Empty Re: [Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Fri Aug 31, 2018 8:22 am

Jun T

Jun T
Jonah smiled thinly while raising an eyebrow on the side of his face that wasn't hidden by his hair. "That's bold of you. What's the goal? I assume to do a threat assessment and capture some baby birds we could use and mold. But I just want to be sure." He brought out a laptop, and would show Ika pictures and small video clips. "Honestly, there's not that many heroes that are a true threat to yourself. Tempest and Aaron Satetsu comes to mind. Only other ones to be at least wary of is Diamond Snake and his agency, and Resolve. But Diamond Snake is easy for you, and you can make a killing by taking any pieces of diamond scales that you take from him. His agency's people are annoying at best. Resolve is easy if you rush her. There is someone by the hero name Gaia, the goddess of nature. Sounds like some hippy to me, but she's another to watch out for from what I've heard...she's the one I have the least information on.

Student wise...I'll admit, there is a girl named Aurora that would be a goldmine if we can nab her. She's naïve and should be easy to manipulate, having been sheltered. Her quirk isn't combative, but more along the lines of information gathering. Including interrogation. The drawbacks are a little harsh, but considering she can leap out of her body to take a look around and go through someone's memories, I'd say it's worth it. The Tomoshibi twins are ones to avoid. Their quirks are strong, but have too much of a sense of justice, and too smart for their own good. I'd say they're the stars of 1-A. Aurora's sisters, Amaya and Anna, are others to avoid as well, particularly Amaya. She's about as close to the twins as you can get. Miku Hadawa is another one that I think whose quirk won't just benefit us, but I think will assist us as well without much convincing if any. Just try not to kill her...she's arrogant to a fault. Haru Glory would be nice if he wasn't a discount you and utterly heroic, despite being in the support class...Daichi Shiota is a no one...oh, get this, your daughter is there too. Jun Tomoshibi is stronger in my opinion...but that would be an interesting match...Emi is one to avoid. Her quirk would be nice to have...possibly for a Nomu. Your son is in there too to do with as you please. He's an interesting little demon. Shana Hirai is someone to be interested in...there seems to be...something different about her fire quirk, but I can't place it. A possible sacrifice for a Nomu only though. Hagane Jaken'na Kokoro is a must. But be careful...his quirk makes him practically impervious to outside forces. He'd be a perfect counter to the Tomoshibi Twins. Accelerator is someone I'm iffy on. I'm not the only one who has eyes on him. If you can get him, go for it. If not, so be it. His quirk is vector manipulation. About the only weakness I can think of is pulling back a punch or kick at the opportune moment. And that would have to be tested. Bardo Rebellion is one to have as well. Most of the others are repeats, not useful enough, or something similar. Others there's just no way you can convince them..."

He'd rambled a little bit. But that should be a good enough list. If him and Ika go on the field, the pros will have a very hard time. If out in force with some possible recruits...well, who knows just what kind of mischief they could cause...

#4[Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Empty Re: [Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:35 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika's expression remained cold as the man asked what he wanted the information he had requested for, as if he hadn't known what Ika's plans were to begin with. Such feigned stupidity was bothersome for Ika but for now it could be accepted and tolerated, after-all, the man seemed to be genuinely helpful and had been more than useful to him throughout the entirety of this relationship they currently had. Ika smirked as the man went over his current list of threats, all heroes he had outdone in the past, and none of them could stand up to his power and pure destructive output when it came right down to it. Nonetheless that was hardly the topic of discussion at this point, and as Ika watched clips on the heroes being named he was surprised to see how far some of them had advanced in his short time away from the scene. Tempest was once a jobber, and had now turned into a functional hero from the looks of things. As impressive as it was Ika wasn't going to show that to anyone, but he felt some internal sense of pride about it nonetheless. The only name that really made him squirm a bit was Aaron. He had beaten him before, sure, but he kept getting more powerful and with his new sidekick...

He was a threat for sure, but that was nothing Ika couldn't handle given the right support. Nonetheless Ika listened intently, his real intention was to pluck this field of recruits for what he could only assume was a treasure trove of talent, or at least that was what he had been hearing. He was keeping tabs on who he wanted to target, and who he wanted to stay away from on the whole and as he listened he began to make mental note of this. Aurora was to be had at all costs, if hero agencies didn't see the appeal to a support type like her he would be sure that they came to regret it. Ika smirked as he listened to the man ramble on about the Tomoshibi twins.. "Bet they'd make great Nomu's now wouldn't they?.. I mean if we could get our hands on them that is, but boy from what I'm seeing here they have some ridiculous potential.. They'll need to be snuffed out as soon as possible." Ika continued to listen as Jonah mentioned the sisters of his primary target Aurora, they weren't quite as interesting as she was but the Amaya girl's ice powers had a certain allure to them in their own right.

Continuing on Ika watched the mystical abilities of the girl known as Miku, and he was very much impressed by the functional usages of her quirk along with the physical intangibles she seemed to possess. All and all, she seemed like an excellent addition to the group if by some chance they could afford to bring her in to the fold and if they couldn't?.. She would be another one he would have to snuff out immediately if not sooner. The Haru guy didn't appeal to Ika, it was a knockoff version of himself and that was being more than too polite to the mans gimmick. It just wasn't something Ika needed to worry about, and he wasn't going to spend much time thinking about it. Daichi was another jobber Ika had very little interest in but one that caught Ika's attention was Kat, his young daughter... "She's partaking this year eh?.. That means her brother is too.. Go ahead and get me tickets to the event, I'd hate to make a scene but.. you know. I can be private." Ika smirked as he began to talk about his son, and he haphazardly looked over the sound girl though he made note of her in his mind for future reference. He looked over Shana Hirai carefully, examining the power at it's maximum potential and all it caused him to do was shake his head in light disappointment.

"Shana is just my daughter but significantly weaker than she is, I see no point in recruiting her at all to be frank" Ika continued to listen, and made note of the one he would begin to call Juggeh. He was an intriguing prospect, one Ika fully intended to add to his arsenal at any cost and Accelerator.. well.. he was a blue chip prospect if Ika had ever seen one. Bardo seemed to be an intriguing prospect in his own right, but he was not one of the standouts from this class. Ika was taken aback to be honest, it had been a great many years since there had been a class this loaded with talent and well.. He was excited. Ika continued to look the crop over before glancing back at Jonah with a smirk. "Give me a day and I'll give you a list of recruits I want and contract info, and throughout the upcoming sports festival expect a lot of calls with adjustments. Are we clear?" Ika would await a response and pour another drink back..

He was excited for the future, to say the very least.

#5[Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Empty Re: [Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Thu Sep 06, 2018 9:06 pm

Jun T

Jun T
"Perhaps. Snuffed out for sure, but use for a Nomu? I'm not sure. Our experiments have worked on those with weaker minds. Children they may be, but still stronger than our test subjects. We can see how it turns out. As far as Shana is my gut feeling a bit more. I am in my gut has saved me more than a few times in the past. But it's your choice. I'll make the necessary arrangements for you to be there without making a fuss. I'll be waiting to hear from you, like always." His intuition was more often right than wrong. But it wasn't his call to make. He followed Ika because he respected the man. And he'll continue to do so.

Still, he shared Ika's excitement for the future.

~End Thread?~

#6[Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Empty Re: [Private] When Evil Meets (Ika) Fri Sep 07, 2018 7:24 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Ika smirked as he listened to the man speak to his thoughts on things. "Don't get too excited Jonah, the Nomu's were ideas given a presented opportunity, nothing more nothing less. I wouldn't go against your thoughts on things without evidence that it would work out for me. But the idea of Nomu's with those powers is quite simply enticing for me, you understand." Ika would smirk and extend his hand to the man, before making his way out with a shot in hand. He would need a drink to plan this out, and he was going to have a plan by morning.. But, well..

That was for the morning.

-exit thread-

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