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#1New Arrancar wip Empty New Arrancar wip Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:37 am



Name: marvin menjivar
Apparent Age: 24, i think
True Age: 673
Sex: Male
New Arrancar wip My_custom_bleach_character_by_azerielshade-d5rertk
Personality: Marvin is a jokester.He likes to pull small jokes and set traps on people when he id bored, sometimes the trap can harm you or just be a funny joke, it all depends on the relationship between him and the other person. He loves to sleep. He will sleep when there is nothing going up but once he feels a powerful spiritual pressure he will quickly wake up. That means he will either look for the power or he knows who the power is coming from and just doesn't care. He is a chill person and doesn't exactly fight unless the time calls for it. If he feels a strong spiritual power he will look for it and maybe just stalk them but he won't just bluntly attack them. If there is someone weak he will notice it and just not fight or even watch that person. Marvin does not talk much, he doesn't even like talking during a fight. He keeps most things to himself and does not like talking about things that ho doesn't want to.

Height: Marvin is 5,10
Weight: Marvin weighs 154
Physical Traits: Marvin is 5,10 and weighs 154 pounds. He looks buff and big.Marvin's skin tone would be #F1C27D. Marvin wears a shinigami like robe and sandals as he likes comfortable clothes. Marvin has no tattoos or scars on his body.If marvin were to go to a party he would be the weird quiet person in the corner with his drink.He has a beanie like accessory on his head with goggles on it. Marvin is quiet around strangers though can get talkative around people he knows.When marvin fights he enjoys every second of it. He likes to fight a lot but he does not start fights unless he feels like it.
General Fighting Style: Marvin likes to watch the opponent before they fight to find out his strengths and weaknesses. If he gets caught in a fight with a strong person he will play it on the defensive till he understands more about the opponent. once he finds out how to fight the opponent he will act accordingly to it
Strengths:  Marvin is really good with Sonido and Pesquisa. He is really good at planning out and thinking out opponents moves and or the next more he will make against the enemy. He is really good with a cero and he even knows the cero "Cero Oscuras" and "Gran Rey Cero". Marvin can concentrate his power to sense people from very long distances and he can sense the spiritual energy of the opponent so he can even react accordingly when he can't see the enemies physical body.
Weaknesses: Marvin isn't as good at Hierro. He can overthink leaving himself open for attack as his mind wanders off. Marvin can underestimate his opponent as he only judges by spiritual pressure so the enemy could be holding back.Since Marvin sleeps a lot he could just have woken up and gotten into a fight so he may not be able to think clear enough to fight the way he normally does. If he doesn't get enough sleep he will start to act cranky and it changes his whole fighting style from smart and slow to just rushing the opponent with a lot of power which could mess him up as he is not thinking of anything just striking and his will power is lowered which could allow the opponent to get good counter attacks and/or start to get into Marvins head and annoy him more.
Boosts: In sealed form Marvin has a 2X boost on speed and strength.
Ability Name: cero bullet:Marvin points his 2 fingers like a "hand" gun and shoots short charge fast speed lower damage than a regular cero shots at the enemy. He can do this multiple times as a pistol could. That means that there is a "reload" time to fire more shots.
Ability Description: Wind slash: in resurreccion form he slashes his sword at the enemy from long distance and the air around the blade shoots at the enemy cutting them like a blade strike would.
Air compression: in resurrection segunda he slams his claws on the ground causing the air all around him to suddenly compress and push down. does equal damage to a cero
Sealed Appearance:  
New Arrancar wip Sealed_zanpakuto
Zanpakuto Name: kojin
Zanpakuto Call Out: "Lend me your strength. Lend me your power. kojin!!"
Cero: Cero, Bala, Gran Rey,Cero Oscuras, Cero Sincrético, and Cero Doble.

New Arrancar wip 2Q==
Abilities: Wind slash: in resurreccion form he slashes his sword at the enemy from long distance and the air around the blade shoots at the enemy cutting them like a blade strike would.Does equal damage to a cero.
Boosts: Gets a 3X boost on speed and strength.

New Arrancar wip 9k=
Abilities: Air compression: in resurrection segunda he slams his claws on the ground causing the air all around him to suddenly compress and push down.Does equal damage to a cero.
Boosts: gets a 4X boost on speed,strength, and durability.
History: N/A
Side Notes: N/A
Roleplay Sample: N/A

#2New Arrancar wip Empty Re: New Arrancar wip Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:42 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 2-3

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