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#1Nakita - Nakita Noctrume (Sinner) Empty Nakita Noctrume (Sinner) Mon Feb 18, 2019 7:56 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name: Nakita Noctrume
Apparent Age: 26
True Age:1,235
Sex: Female

Nakita over all can be considered a seductive spider. She always finds it fun to get into other’s heads, whether they are allies, enemies or food. She enjoys turning friends against each other for a promise from her which normally ends up with them dying to her. She enjoys trapping people in her webs of false promises to see how desperate one is to receive her gift towards the end. Nakita’s personality tends to change from victim to victim. She can be sadistic to one victim meeting his wants and needs, to another she is the loving girlfriend obeying their every will. She can play the role that her victims wish of her to get in their head.

When she is happy- She tends to have a happy demeanor about herself having a bounce on her step along with more movement with every step. a sweet smile painted on her face and usually with stay till her mood is ruined. Usually in her happy mood she can be found humming some sort of song. This is the mood that tells you she had a lot of fun messing with someone that got her in the happy mood or she found something new to play with that she is very interested in.

When she is mad- She is not someone you want to be around. You can tell her anger mood because she tends to play with her hair or something to try keeping herself from rampaging when she doesn’t need to bring attention to herself. If you do get on her bad side, she isn’t afraid to just destroy your existence on the spot so if you see her red eyes staring through you as she is walking towards you, it is best to run and hide in hopes she either isn’t going for you or that she doesn’t find you.


Height: 5,4
Weight: 105 lbs
Physical Traits:
Nakita - Nakita Noctrume (Sinner) Tumblr12


General Fighting Style: Nakita is very  let her opponent fall into her traps before moving in for the kill
Strengths: Agility, relax, stamina
Weaknesses: Strength, Durability, hand to hand.

[size=47]SINNER POWERS[/size]

Unlike other races, Sinners are always at full power. You have access to all these powers always.]

Technique Name:Widow's Gift
Technique Description: Nakita is the embodiment of everything Spider. The webs, Making childern to do her bidding, wall crawling etc.

As a passive she can manifest and demanifest herself into dozens of spiders or from dozens at her will or make 10 Baby spiders a post that will last till she wishes or is killed.

Technique Name: Widow's Bite
Technique Description By getting bitten or cut by Either Nakita's weapon, her legs, her childern or webs her opponent will receive light burns if the cut is a paper cut or a 2nd Degree burn if the cut is deep.
2 post cd

Technique Name: Widow's hair
Technique description: by reinforcing her Webs with Reistu they are able to Withstand a Single Gran Rey Cero on top of being able to cut and move to Nakita's Will. Has a 3 post active
4 post cd

Technique Name: Widow's Time out
Technique Description: When any of her webs are cut or her childern destoried strands will be floating around the field connection disconnecting etc. Through focusing Reistu she can connect them into a prison around her target whether it will be living or not. She can then manipulate such actions like tossing them around 1 post cd

Technique Name:The Big, the Bad and the ugly.
Technique description By spinning 3 medium size cocoons seemingly tossing them aside. By waiting three posts these cocoons begin to grow and release three 3 story height 3 lane width. These spiders have a reinforced armored body. The webs that these spiders procude can work with widow's hair. However these webs have a numbing effect on the targeted limb for one post every 3 posts till the web is removed.

When these spiders are on the webs of nakita they gain 2x Speed.  

When Widow's hair is active. They gain 2x attack strength.

Technique name:Widow's Nest
Technique Description: By Spinning a massive of thread infront or around her or an target. The web will be able to absorb and withstand a gran rey with a 2 post cd.

Technique name:Widow's gum
Technique Description: By firing some of her webs at her targets or around the gum will attach itself to hold on to its surface. If a living person or animal it will present 1st degree burns and numbness in that one spot or limb for a post.

When it is attached nakita can expand and react the web elasticity and more play a game of paddle ball if she wanted. By reacting she gains a 2x attack speed.


History: Nakita has always been a seductress ever since she was young. It was her life and the only way she knew how to live. She grew up with just a single mom that had to do more then she ever wanted to see to make ends meet. One night she found a side of her mother she never thought of ever existing. She saw her mother literally kill one of her clients in cold blood. This caused Nakita to be curious but interested in her mother and that life. For years she did research and watched her mom and her ‘specialty.’ And tried her first victim at the tender age of 16. At first, she got cold feet but by watching her mom she gained the courage and nerve to take a life and man did it bring forth a true monster of the night. Through out her life she has seduced man of various ages, race, social status, all managing to make them fall head over hills madly in love with her. She would occasionally spread a lie or rumor to one or two of them pitting the two against each other for her amusement as normally by the end of the battle she would kill the victor and get away with it for quiet a few years till the police caught wind and began connecting the dots leading to her. She was captured and found guilty before she was sentenced to death. Upon her death bed the only thing she did was hold a smile on her face even after her last breath
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [This helps us determine your character's tier. Role play in this character, please.]

#2Nakita - Nakita Noctrume (Sinner) Empty Re: Nakita Noctrume (Sinner) Mon Feb 18, 2019 9:07 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 0-4

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