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#1Kobayashi Masanori Empty Kobayashi Masanori Fri Mar 29, 2019 3:09 am



Name: Kobayashi Masanori
Alias: [Does your character have nicknames?]
Real Age: 116
Phys. Age:15
Gender: Male (Goes by female pronouns)
Personality: Kobayashi has goals just like anyone else. One of his goals is  Achieving greater heights, as he wants to get stronger through endless fights. He doesn't care who he's up against, so long as he got something out of it if he were to win or lose. He wants to become the best swordsman throughout soul society, and be recognize as the best swordsman throughout generations, much like his mother when she was alive, and also many others who he'd look up to that are considered highly skilled swordsman. One of his fears as a person was the idea of dying. However his mind was clouded, and focused on killing the thief before he got killed by a hollow.

He never wanted to die and couldn't fathom the idea of dying. Even as a shinigami he believes that death can't be avoidable, and can happen at any time. Being powerless is his fear. He wants to do much more than what he is capable of doing now. He feels greatly restricted, because of his powers being sealed. He thinks that it's a curse, and an endless nightmare. Spiders is what he fears the most, he doesn't want to get near them. This is generally something girls would fear, rather than guys. Water is mostly his fear, because he had almost died from drowning in an ocean during a summer vacation with his family.

Height: 5’6
Physical Traits:
Kobayashi Masanori Tumblr_nj9445t3WG1tf2ecgo1_500

General Fighting Style: Kobayashi relies mostly on his general surroundings to his best advantage. Using his techniques for long range communication, for better strategies. He isn't much of a close quarter combatant, as he plays more of a general support type, but don't let it keep you from catching you. If he does take a more aggressive approach.  

Strengths: Reiatsu, Speed, Hakuda
Durability, Kidou, Endurance
Shadow Clone:
Ability Description:
Kobayashi can use up to two or three clones at a time to aid him in battle. These clones are able to take attacks for him, or attack with him in perfect unison. These clones can also trick targets in thinking kobayashi's clone is the real him. However, his clones each have their own tier. As the clones, depending on the amount he brings are all 1 tier lower than the original per clone.

Water Manipulation:

Kobayashi can allow himself to use a water source as the means to communicate at a long distance. In return for his eyesight, as his body becomes phantom like, and blends in with the reflection of the water. He can small body of water, such as ponds, water fountains, or a puddle. Making it a reliable source for getting in touch with his comrades for long range support, and for extra eyes. His body becomes liquid like as well, when hovering over water.

Sealed Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Yoshitsune
Call Out Command: Freeze them, Yoshitsune

Appearance: [What does your shikai look like]

Cryokinesis - Kobayashi has the ability to freeze internal or external sources of water, and manipulate it to his liking. Much like any other ice manipulation users, he can to a certain degree lower his body temperature. While he doesn't like cold weather, it proves useful when dealing with targets who uses fire. Enabling him to balance out his body temperature if it were to overheat, because of someone's ability to manipulate fire. He can also shape his ice into weapons, such as a sword or a spear.
Ice Techniques:

New Name:
Yukihime Yoshitsune
Appearance: [What does your bankai look like? Character appearance changes, weapon changes, etc.]

Kinetic Force - Kobayashi is able to absorb endless amounts of damage to the point where it builds up energy. This energy build up can be used to enhance the capabilities of his already existing abilities. Dishing out attacks ten times more powerful than he could outside of bankai, when he reflects the amount of damage towards him. Kobayashi can absorb attacks used in a form of magic or reiatsu in this case, such as elements used by his targets. Absorbing the damages he took via elemental based attacks, and amplifying his own attacks. Kobayashi can't attack while absorbing damage, when using this ability. This unique ability can be cancelled by an ability of the exact opposite of his own, or something similar in nature. Kobayashi goes in a defense phase for 3 posts, as he is absorbing damage. If he's taken damage from a target 2 or one tier above him, he can match the attack output of that tier, and sending it back to them for one post.

New Name: [What's your zanpakuto's new name?]
Appearance: [What does your bankai look like? Character appearance changes, weapon changes, etc.]
Abilities: [What abilities does your character gain]

Kobayashi was a talented child growing up, as he was a natural born fighter, and was good with technology. Thanks to his father who happens to own a dojo, where he would often train, he would also help his father keep his dojo clean. Kobayashi was homeschooled most of his life, and hadn't been exposed to society, and didn't make much friends. Kobayashi began to toy with technology at the age of 5, as he was exposed to it. He got into wanting to fight around he age of 8, and by that time he would have made his first gadget. Thanks to the help of his friend, and his friends dad who was good with making stuff. When he was 8 he started to see spirits walking around, and tried to tell his friends about it, but they didn't believe him. He had wished they'd made something to track down ghosts, but it was something they made for a special occasion.He told his father about it, and with a surprise reaction from his father. He would then go on about not telling his mother, as it was a secret between the two of them.

Kobayashi got used to his new found abilities to see ghosts after a few weeks, but also meant that he didn't have a normal life anymore. His father also seemed to not want to tell Kobayashi the whole truth about him, and why Kobayashi could see ghosts. He had to wait for the right moment for him to tell Kobayashi the whole truth. When he found out that Kobayashi was able to see ghosts. He couldn't believe it himself, as he mostly saw a glimpse of a boy around his age, walking around the park. He was also shocked by the fact that he could speak to them. Kobayashi would begin to do research on ghosts, and came across Exercising them. Kobayashi wanted to learn how to Exorcise ghosts, but he wasn't sure how, and who knew how to do it. He would eventually go out, and find someone around town about it at the age of 11. Kobayashi was lucky enough to find someone capable of exercising spirits, but it would cost him. Because of his feminine appearance, they had decided to give him the job as a shrine maiden. He was then task to do some training in that field. Once Kobayashi trained for months on how to exorcise ghosts. He would soon test his new powers on the boy that he met.

By the time he had gotten to the park he would come face to face with a monster that, was as big as his house. He couldn't get a word out of his mouth, and was frozen in fear. His father came running to his aid after he felt a hollows presence. After finding out that the hollow was targeting his son, he would instantly get in a form that Kobayashi had ever seen before. Kobayashi eventually recalled about the time his father would tell him the truth, but he wasn't sure if he will be alive to tell it. Getting overwhelmed by the hollow, his father demanded Kobayashi to promise to finish what his father couldn't start. Kobayashi was scared, and confused. His father held out his zanpakuto to Kobayashi, and instructed him to grab it before it's too late, and would tell him what will happen after words. Before Kobayashi a flash of light bestowed upon him, as he had taken in a new form that would look like his dying fathers.

Kobayashi would begin to avenge his fathers death by killing the hollow. However it wasn't an easy task, as he was overwhelmed by the power that the hollow had contained, but he had gotten the job done. After the hollow was executed he began to transform out of his shinigami form, and fell on his knees in shock. He would then get back up, and exorcise the boy. That was his task, and that was what he came to the park to do. In order for his soul to cross safely. Months past since the incident, and Kobayashi had experienced a lot with his new found powers.
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

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