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#1Neile Scyile Empty Neile Scyile Mon Apr 01, 2019 10:33 am

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name: Neile Scyile
Apparent Age: 22
True Age: 1,352 Years
Sex: Male
Personality: Neile is purely a man no maybe creature...Well he is something of pure science and discovery. The ecstasy of smelling the smell of blood from the first slice into a fresh recent capture or the blood lust of the thrill of the hunt

Neile is purely a man no maybe creature...Well he is something of pure science and discovery. The ecstasy of smelling the smell of blood from the first slice into a fresh recent capture or the blood lust of the thrill of the hunt. The smell of sweat, deseperation, fear and blood is enough to drive him insane.

So he had a jeykle side that enjoys all a primeral animal finds thrilling but he did have a civil side. He is one that holds manners in high reguard cause after all, just because they are monsters of the darkest tell you tell your childern doesnt mean he will allow himself to be it after all they ripped off their mask for a become something more intelligent might as well try acting like it.

To first timers he may seem boring and a isolation type but in truth he doesn't mind company as long as they werent stupid animals and had a decenty to leave their I'll manners at the door or they are to expect to be tossed out till they learn like the animal they act like.


Height: 5'11
Weight: 234 lbs.
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style: He is a very up close and personal guy. He loves to get in there and plsy tango with blades.
Strengths: Hierro, Sonido, speed
Weaknesses:Pesquisa, strength, zanjutsu

Ability Name: Weaponized body
Ability Description:User has undergone experimentation to manifest weapons from the body as offense or defense. They may become an inorganic being to utilize this power, their body may contain a different variety of weapons including: retractable blades, tentacles, bullet-firing mechanisms, laser cutting torch/weapons, projecting heat, cold, or electricity, etc. Their body has evolved to adapt to any situation as a living weapon along with being able to reattach himself when needed.


Sealed Appearance: A black dagger that when he pulld it out retracts into a scythe
Zanpakuto Name: La Muerte
Zanpakuto Call Out: bring forth youself and show you evolution! La Muerte.
Cero: Bala, Cero, Gran Rey Cero, Cero Oscara



Name: Bio-augmentation
Ability Description:) By injecting his body with a serum X scientist arrancar is able to increase his strength, by triple, by also increasing his physical mass. he "hulks out" and grows four feet taller as well as putting on several hundred pounds of muscle. This "transformation" lasts two posts, has a four post cooldown, and does NOT lower his speed.

Name: Enviromental Destruction
Ability Description:By covering his arm in a blackened energy and hitting it against the ground. That energy will spteadacross the ground with green outlines, immediately causing bala damage to a person's feet or legs if they are caught by it however the true power lies in him letting it sit for two posts while steadily giving it energy, after this period it explodes upwards and does Cero Oscara damage. To those within a 100 meter radius around and above him with a seven post cool-down.

Name: Curosive manipulator
Ability Description: Passive: Neile's blood is black and gooey. When he is cut or a limb is severed his blood doesn't drip but accumilates forming black balls in the air following his commands and will.

Active: He can change the elasticity thickness curosiveness on the blood making it a viable weapon in trapping his enemies in the stickiness or turning his blood to be acid like granting 1st degree burns. Neile can also manipulate his blood into weapons or anything he needs. 1 post cd between changing uses of the blood.



Ability Name: Decomposition
Ability Description:
Neile can detach every single cell of his body and manipulate any detached parts of him at will. (Ex: if his arm is detached it can still be morphed and moved independently becoming a floating extension of himself

Ability Name:Explousive Expert
Ability Description:
By using his blood he can form up to 100 floating mines around himself that he can either remote detonate or move them towards his target at cero speed with bala damage for each detonation has a 3 post duration with a post cool down

Ability Name: Aerial Barrage
Ability Description:
Neilen will form a black ball of energy. Before tossing it into the air where it gathers and draws from his energy pool. Once this is done for two posts it explodes outwards in a massive shower of ceros that can inflict Cero oscara of effect damage to all those within its 50 meter range. It has a 4 post cooldown.


Side Notes: 1. Could have had something to do with the hollow incident indirectly.

2. He has small ties with Kokoro
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

#2Neile Scyile Empty Re: Neile Scyile Wed Apr 17, 2019 10:43 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 0-4

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