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#1Ori Konoe (WIP) Empty Ori Konoe (WIP) Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:37 am



“Since love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared than loved”
- Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince

Name: Ori Konoe (近衛 檻, Konoe Ori)
Real Age: 287
Phys. Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: This is what happens when prodigal intelligence meets megalomania. Ori Konoe’s personality couldn’t be further from his grandmother’s whatsoever. Where she is genuine and wholesome, Ori is heartless and cruel. He values knowledge and power above all else, equating them to the ideal standard. To him, nothing else matters except that virtue, and no amount of means matter when, to him, his ends are justified.

He is the embodiment of Machiavelli’s prince. Manipulative from start to finish, he is not above lying and blackmail. Ori’s poor grandmother is woefully oblivious to his true nature, along with many others. He is perfectly capable of appearing and acting as a normal young man when it suits him. However, experimentation is one of his greatest pleasures, and his unnerving happiness emerges when he is given the opportunity test the frailty of the soul.

For this, Division 12 is his calling. He idolizes Kokoro Nashi in the sense that he views him as a benchmark that must be surpassed. Such a pinnacle of both knowledge and power clearly cements him as the standard to meet in Ori’s worldview. One day, Ori swears, he will surpass Kokoro, and break his spirit in the process. But until he gains the power to do so, he’s happy to serve as his underling.

Height: 5’4”
Weight: 105lbs
Physical Traits:

General Fighting Style:  [How does your character prefer to fight? Are they a more ability-oriented combatant, or do they rely on their knowledge of martial arts in combat? Do they know some special combat styles, or do they have an uncommon weapon - basically anything but a sword? Do they rely on stealth and speed, or are they defensive fighters, who keep their distance? What range do they prefer, and how they act when faced with an opponent of higher, equal and lower tier - what if they are sparring with a friend?]
Strengths: Reiatsu, Reiatsu Control
Weaknesses: Agility
Ability Name: [Characters are allowed 1-2 personal abilities.]
Ability Description: [These can be combat oriented or roleplay oriented.]

Sealed Appearance: In its sealed state, Ginbora resembles a large zanbatou. The entire length of the sword is just shorter than Ori himself. The guard is silver and shaped like a flat rectangle. Due to its size, Ori wears the weapon on his back.
Zanpakutou Name: Ginbora (銀薔薇, Silver Rose)
Call Out Command: Take root, Ginbora! (根付け, 銀薔薇!; Nazuke, Ginbora!)

Appearance: The sword doesn’t appear to change, but its composition changes entirely to mercury.
Quicksilver: This liquid can be controlled freely, but its volume can't exceed the total volume of the sword in its sealed state. It can be molded into any shape, and its hardness can be dynamically controlled, so it can mold itself into any other weapon, any number of weapons, or some other shape that is useful. In addition, there is no constraint that requires the mercury to be contiguous. Wherever individual droplets of Ginbora end up,
Mercurial Magnet: Ginbora can dynamically alter the magnetic field around itself. Additionally, the mercury created can be selectively made magnetic.
Accelerated Toxicity: As a heavy metal, mercury is toxic. Ori is immune to the toxicity of his sword as it can be controlled. Because he controls it, he can also accelerate the effects of the toxicity. Poisoning causes the effects such as acute impairment of vision, loss of coordination, shaking, and memory impairment.

History: [Optional]
Side Notes: [Anything you didn't say up above that's relevant to your character goes here.]
Roleplay Sample: [Optional]

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