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#1Saki- - Saki Masamune Empty Saki Masamune Sun Mar 31, 2019 6:34 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi

Name: Saki Masamune
Alias: Sakura,Pinkie
Real Age: 25
Phys. Age: 19
Gender: female
Personality:Saki is a well preserved quiet young lady. She is one for tradition but also open to the idea of change when necessary. She prefers to tag along and follow someone else's lead. It isn't because she doesn't want to lead more of the reason of letting others have a say at something. Let them learn when an idea is stupid the hard way.

Saki doesn't enjoy battle in any sort of form. She understands why they hate hollows and why the quincy were nearly wiped out. She just doesnt get the reason for grudges and hatred. Their life is too short for tiny spats. Live and love is what should happen. However if she must she will pull the string to end another life if it is to save countless others....

When one gets to know Saki they will find her loyalty a great asset. She is a great person that tends to bring a calm mind to a chaotic table.

Height: 5,2"
Weight: 105 lbs
Physical Traits: Saki stands at 5,1 with 105 lbs hidden among her figure skater type figure. She is lean and tone giving way to her aspect of speed. Her hair is as white as a freshly laid wavy layer of untouched snow glistening in the moonlight flowing down to her hips with the tips covered in a light pink. Her gold eyes glowed like a feral cat hiding in the shadows ready to pounce on it's prey

General Fighting Style:  Saki is very much a stealth and range fighter. She realies on her abilities to take on her opponent and take them out.
Strengths: Reiryoku Absorption and Manipulation, Speed
Weaknesses:hand to hand, Strength
Boosts: reishi control and Speed x2

Ability Name: Archer prodigy
Ability Description: from the moment she could hold something up she was thrown into continual and strict discipline of archery and quincy life nearly every second outside of school life was perfecting her mastery of her quincy heritage to present day nearly having Vollstanding as normal to access as breathing. Grants her 2x Speed 3x Strength 2x Reiryoku absorbtion, 3x Reiryoku Manipulation passively in all stages

Ability Name: Sakura's Song
Ability Description: through years of training and meditation she can hear Reishi and see it like a song to her ears and eyes granting her. Increase calmness and aim.Can't blame a professional singer and pianist in her. Often she is found humming while in battle or ear buds in her. This is a passive granting 2x in detecting and 2x in concentration.

Quincy Bow: Her bow is of pure light with a pink tint with the occasional cherry blossom floating from it before disappearing.
Quincy Powers: Hirenyaku, Ransotengai, Licht Regen, Blut Arterie

Silver tube techs:

Quincy Items:Improved Senrai glove, 3x Seele Schneider, 4x Silver tubes

Ability Name: Sakura Artillery Strike
Ability Description: Saki's bow will glow and form Sakura blossoms floating down to disappear. When she pulls the string back a single arrow will form before she will send it and 4 others in rapid succession as the first one will just scatter into seemingly harmless sakura blossoms as the second and thrid will explode presenting bala damage each as the last one will explode inward drawing the sakura blossoms in giving them a sharp edge before exploding granting cero damage. 2 post cooldown.

Stage Gained Abilities:
New Quincy Powers:
Power Name: Sakura Grove.
Power Description:When she enters Letzt Stil, a large radius of dancing sakura blossoms forming from out of no where falling from above.

Passive - While in this state Saki gets an immedate 2x detection of every one inside her field while her enemies take a -2x detection enemies will be able to sense her just up to 5 multiple places at once

Active - Once every 5 posts Saki can scatter herself into a burst of Cherry blossoms and reappear anywhere in your zone unable to attack for that turn if used.

Unquie Ability Name: Sakura's Embrace
Unique Ability Description:by firing two arrows in quick session the first will just burst in cherry blossoms distracting from the second that will hit the ground at the enemies feet before a few roots will grow up trapping presenting a hold equal to a bakudou #37 2 post cooldown.

Ability Name:Saki's play time
Ability Description: A fragrance will come from her cherry blossoms messing with her opponent's scenes and sense of direction allowing Saki to fire arrows towards them as each arrow will disappear once fired but show a clear trail from the trail of blossom they blow away as each arrow will grant cero damage with a bala explosion from the blossoms pulling in.

Ability Name:Saki's playmates
Ability Description: by manipulating the scent of the blossoms her opponent will start to hallucinate two more of her. These copies will be made from the movement of the blossoms from arrows silently fired a selected direction. 2 post cool down

To her opponent they will see and sense the saki's moving along with seeing any selected attacks or taunts. Purely illusions to distract. 2 post duration 2 post cool down.
3x Reiryoku absorbtion, Reiryoku Manipulation, Speed, Detection

#2Saki- - Saki Masamune Empty Re: Saki Masamune Sun Mar 31, 2019 7:02 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi

Vollstanding not avaliable till 0-3


Saki's own appearance won't change much other then gaining pink wingd her eyes will turn a glowing pure white. Her bow will shatter before the Sakura blossoms fly up abd around her before forming a sakura made 9 tail kitsune 4 times the size of Saki. This Kitsune is her weapon thst can change parts into any weapon of her choosing along with blocking attacks if needed.

Stage gained abilities:
New Quincy powers:
Ability Name:Sakura's domain
Ability Description: in this form her dome will grow 3 times the radius it was previously. Upon this form being made it holds the same detection passive of Sakura's Grove but with an added twist

Added active: once every four posts you can create a cherry tree that will grow around an enemy attempting to capture them holding to equal of a bakudou #80 for a post and tree will remain active till form ends.

Ability Name:Saki's Arsenal
Ability Description:from the Kitsune's 1 to 9 tails will form several things.

The first tail will form 10 floating daggers that follows her left hand movement granting a bala of damage from each blade strike equaling 10. 1 post cooldown.

The Second will form 15 floating orbs that on contact will grant bala damage and 2nd degree burns from each explousion 2 post cooldown.

The third creates two massive cannons firing 3 Cero damage attack in sucession each. 2 post cooldown.

The 4th will form a massive spear that she can fire at her opponent granting a cero of damage. 1 post cd

Her 5th and 6th will form a literal clone of herself that will change and try attaching to the opponent granting -2 speed debuff for a post. 3 post cd

Her 7th will fire into the air before showing a volley of thousands of needle like arrows granting up to Cero damage for every hundred hit. 2 post cd

Her 8th will pull all the blossoms in the area forming a huge ice berge like attack in the air before coming down granting gran rey damage. 3 post cd.

Her 9th will pull all the blossoms back to her tails granting bala damage for every hundred pedals that hit the opponent on the way back.1 cd

Ability Name: Death Blossom
Ability Description:Saki's Kitsune will take in all the Cherry blossoms into itself growing massive in size before coming down on the opponent grant Cero Oscara damage at Cero speed before it will spiral around the opponent again landing a damage equal to a Hadou #90 (has a 7 post cd if it doesnt kill her opponent)
Boosts: 4x Reiryoku absorbtion, Reiryoku Manipulation, Speed, Detection


1. She is a Echt. Royal or noble blood that can be traced to the first quincy ruler.
2. Only kid and lived her life for the the tradition of Quincy culture to learn to rule over the final Quincies.
Side Notes:Her mother assisted in killing willow's family
Roleplay Sample:Meh.

#3Saki- - Saki Masamune Empty Re: Saki Masamune Mon Apr 01, 2019 6:01 am

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approving at 1-5 after fixes are made.

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