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#1Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Empty Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Fri May 24, 2019 12:53 pm

Bianca Scuro

Bianca Scuro


Name: Bianca Scuro
Aliases: “I heard The Banshee got ‘im,” – spoken in hushed tones by the thugs of the Rukongai. “Look! The Night Fairy’s been!” - exclaimed by the destitute and disenfranchised poor of the Rukongai, waking up to find the wealth of the elites redistributed to them. “That Damned Thief struck again last night!” - shouted amidst a litany of curses by Detective Koichi Nomura of the second division, slamming a meaty fist into his desk.
Real Age: 36
Phys. Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: By day, Bianca is a passive and submissive worker on her family’s farm in the 55th district of North Rukongai. Whether its tending the fields, fixing fences or scrubbing floors, she works hard and without complaint. Inwardly, she holds great anger in her heart for the poverty and injustice that the people of her hometown face, but when the enforcers of the shinigami or the racketeers from the outer gangs make their rounds around the farm, terror freezes her anger in its place. Despite her fury, she knows that any defiance she shows will only hurt her family in the long run.

So she made a mask.

By night, Bianca is the confident, daredevil catburglar nicknamed the Night Fairy by the people of the Rukongai. Robbing from the rich and giving to the poor, tales of her brazen larceny spread like wildfire. Her favourite targets are wealthy shinigami who profit off the exploitation of her peoples’ labour, but there is no shortage of gotei tax offices or storehouses for her to target when her preferred marks are out for her blood. As the Night Fairy she strives to avoid conflict – mostly because as much as she hates the shinigami, she would not wish violence upon most of them. If only the feeling was mutual! The other reason for her aversion to combat is that in a direct fight with 90% of her victims, she would surely lose. She is far more likely to run from conflict than stand and fight, seizing any distraction as an opportunity to melt into the shadows or disappear into a crowd.

But against the gangs of the outer Rukongai, she harbours no such restraint.

Using the abilities of her zanpakuto to mete out vigilante justice against the gangs of thugs and racketeers that call the Rukongai home, the Banshee is a ruthless hunter who strikes fear into the hearts of her quarry with her signature scream. Though her career as the Banshee is only young, she is already a sort of bogeyman to the criminal element. An ethereal monster, a spectre of death that cannot be bribed or threatened.

Though Bianca does not feel guilty about her nighttime extracurriculars, she longs for a world in which they are no longer necessary. A world in which the gotei is not corrupt, a world in which they enforced the laws on the gangs as strictly as they enforced the laws on taxation. A world in which her family were able to eat the food they grew themselves more than once a week, instead of having it siphoned off to feed shinigami who seemed more interested in sparring with each other and politicking than protecting the people from thugs and gangs- who by her own estimation, were populated largely by people spiritually powerful enough to require food for sustenance, but too weak to be admitted to the academy.

Bianca’s dream is to create a community in the Rukongai free from the tyranny of the Soul Society, free from the threat of banditry from the gangs. A community where everyone, regardless of station or technical necessity, can afford to eat.


Height: 170cm
Weight: 67kg
Physical Traits: Bianca is slender and lithe, with wiry muscle contouring her frame. She keeps her silky black hair tied up while she’s working around the farm, but lets it settle loose around her shoulderblades in the evening. Her strong spirit made itself known at the age of ten and rather than sell her to the shinigami for a modest sum, her father fed her in secret with whatever they could spare. As a result of this and decades of hard labour, she generally looks a little scrawny and underfed. Her green eyes burn with a captivating intelligence despite her silent disposition.

As the Night Fairy, her costume consists of a hand-made domino mask that covers her eyes and nose, with a black catsuit made from cobbled-together shihakusho stolen from shinigami- flexible, breathable and allowing for a full range of motion.

As the Banshee, transformed by the power of her zanpakuto, Bianca grows to 190cm tall and her features become sharper and more defined. Her black hair grows out to her waist and turns white and her eyes become a clouded blue. While in the persona of the Banshee she usually wears a standard shinigami shihakusho, which turns white and grows in size to fit her as part of the transformation.


General Fighting Style: When pressed into fighting, Bianca prioritises speed and precision, striking deftly at her opponent’s weak points and darting out of reach. She is largely self-taught, capitalising on her natural speed to compensate for her small frame, taking down opponents bigger and stronger than her. Her weapon of choice is the stilleto knife of her sealed zanpakuto. Ever since stealing an asauchi and learning shikai, she has been incorporating more special abilities into her repertoire.

As the Banshee she is a frighteningly quick and methodical fighter, unconcerned by such petty matters as being surrounded or outmatched. She sways like a reed in the wind, twisting and bending gracefully out of the way of her lumbering prey and retaliating with lethal finesse.

When outmatched, regardless of her current persona, Bianca is quick to cut and run. In her life as a vigilante thief she is always the aggressor, so she stands to lose nothing by abandoning a losing battle. If the circumstances were different, if it was her own home under attack, she believes she would fight to her last breath.

Strengths: Speed, Agility, Reiryoku Control
Weaknesses: Strength, Durability,
Ability Name: Alter Ego
Ability Description: Bianca is able to swiftly and naturally adopt a new persona to suit a given situation. Whether its playing the part of an innocent bystander or a master thief, Bianca is skilled at schooling her features and maintaining her facade. Bianca is a masterful actor and convincing liar- it would be difficult for any unsuspecting party to detect her lies or see through her disguise without contradictory evidence.
Ability Name: I’m Spartacus!
Ability Description: When not suppressing her personality as part of her civilian identity, Bianca Scuro is intensely charismatic and infectiously inspiring. Even by engaging parasocially with her alter egos, people cannot help but be woven into her narrative. These people have very little, but if the persona they revered was in trouble, they would come to their aid.

Sealed Appearance: The sealed state of Bianca’s zanpakutou is a simple stiletto dagger stolen from a Gotei warehouse.
Base Appearance:
Zanpakutou Name: Faerieland
Call Out Command: Wine made of sunshine,
Chains made of moonlight.
Sup ‘til dusk, revel ‘til dawn,
The seasons turn, the Courts adjourn.
Free for an instant, caged for eternity.
For a taste of paradise, a debt is owed.
A debt is owed, to Faerieland.


Appearance: Upon activation, the stiletto blade of Fairieland becomes silvery and mirror-like, taking on an ethereal quality. The surface of the blade ripples, and a wisp emerges from the blade as though it was water. The wisp is an orange-sized nimbus of flickering light, usually appearing a soft blue, but capable of taking on any hue.  
Ability Name: Will O’ Wisp - Tier 4 Fae
Ability Description: The most basic expression of Faerieland’s ability, Will O’ Wisp possesses very few abilities of its own – the most potent of its repertoire of spells is a compulsion effect, enticing the weak-willed to chase after it. This effect is exponentially magnified in the nighttime and preys upon doubt – making it dangerous to those already lost, but only distracting if the target is familiar with their surroundings and almost worthless during the day.
Strong: Reiryoku, Reiryoku Control. Weak: Reiatsu.
Beacon of the Lost: Compulsion effect capable of ensnaring Tier 3-4 characters or lower, enticing them to follow the pretty light.
Faerie Fire: Harmless flame that burns without heat. Useful for writing/communicating/tracking targets.
Elfshot: A light jolt of electricity that painfully stimulates the nerves from Bala range. Mostly harmless.

Ability Name: Elfolution
Ability Description: The true ability of Will O’ Wisp is to feed off Bianca’s spiritual pressure and temporarily evolve into greater fae, to a limit of 3 tiers lower than the user. Learning a new form is a matter of trial and error, and the first time Will O’ Wisp assumes a new form requires significant expenditure of spiritual energy. This ability has a cooldown of two posts and will end when Bianca runs out of energy or the fae is slain – at which point, the fae will revert to Will O’ Wisp.

All fae possess the following abilities:
Cannot Tell a Lie: Any fae capable of speech is unable to speak a knowing lie or break a promise.
Gnomenclature: A Fae counts as one tier higher than their actual tier when fighting an opponent who “gives” their name to the Fae. This is not the same as simply knowing their name – they must offer their name voluntarily, or honestly answer a question phrased similarly to “May I have your name?” However, if an opponent is aware of the Fae’s true name, the Fae counts as one tier lower than their actual tier.
The Fair Folk: All fae gain a +2 boost to strength, speed and kidou
Ferrophobia: Iron is anathema to all Faerieland, and Fae in contact with iron suffer a -1 penalty to all stats. Additionally, any Faerie magic can be dispelled with iron.

Known Fae:

Ability Name: Faerie Ring
Ability Description: By drawing a circle on the ground with the tip of the silvery dagger, Bianca can store any non-living material inside that circle within Faerieland, and retrieve it by the same process. The maximum storage capacity of the Faerie Ring is about the size of a small room.

Ability Name: Changeling
Ability Description: Fusing with the Will O’ Wisp, Bianca becomes part of Faerieland herself. Bianca gains the Fae subtype and all the strengths and weaknesses that entails. Depending on the Fae chosen, she may gain a variety of abilities. This ability works similarly to the Will O’ Wisp’s transformation ability, in that learning a new transformation requires significant time and reiatsu expenditure, while adopting a familiar transformation is much easier.
Banshee: Bianca grows taller and her hair grows longer, wilder and turns white. Her skin takes on a pallid, sickly taint and her eyes become blue and milky. Her clothing twists and changes to suit her new appearance. The ability of the Banshee, Wail, deals sonic damage equivalent to Bala to any non-fae in an AoE around the user.

Not really sure I have a handle on this stat system but w/e that's an easy fix

#2Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Empty Re: Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Sun May 26, 2019 4:32 am

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Ok, so a few things to start.

1) Your app is dope, just putting that out there right now.

2) You're going to have to break down Will o' Wisp into two separate abilities. You can keep both, but they have to be separately marked as two distinct things.

3) Nomenclature's tier drop, is it like [3-1 -> 3-2] or [2-1 -> 3-1]? If the former, it's fine. If the latter, please make it the former.

#3Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Empty Re: Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Sun May 26, 2019 3:04 pm

Bianca Scuro

Bianca Scuro
1) Thanks dude!

2) Done!

3) Yeah it's only a one pip drop like you said. I also changed the name because puns are great

#4Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Empty Re: Shinigami - Bianca Scuro Mon May 27, 2019 4:52 pm

Akira Bessho

Akira Bessho
Alright, looks pretty good. Approved at 2-5, go get 'em tiger!

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