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Clouds were starting to gather overhead. Not that Gwynevere would come to mind, the clouds blocking the sun were already helping her personal training ground to cool down. She had just finished the day's target practice with moving wooden dummies and was taking a small break. After all, she was also expecting a visitor today, one of the Cardinals that she asked to meet with so that she could get to know everyone in a leadership position better. She read what reports there was on this man, and it did little to give her an idea on this man's personality. It was just as important to her as his abilities as the kind of person he was would affect future battles in the Diocese's name.

She takes a small sip from a glass of water, leaning on a small table and relaxing a bit while she waited. Sure, she had set the time for their meeting to be fifteen minutes from now, but it wouldn't be the first time someone arrived early and the guards would escort him personally when ready, as per her instruction. "Today, too, is a lovely day." She says softly to herself, lips curling up slightly into a gentle smile.


As was his custom, Viktor seemed to be promptly on time as he was escorted by the guards. As it was official business, he was quite well dressed, with his hair tied back as he approached, standing before Gwynevere to offer a curt nod. "You wanted to see me?" Straight to business it seemed, he was a busy man after all. Overseeing what was essentially a modern day inquisition was not a job to be taken lightly after all and it left little time for pleasantries. Though his face seemed to show little more than a stone wall of emotion, he would keep his eyes firmly locked upon the other quincy, as if he was trying to figure out exactly what she was thinking before she could speak. It was almost unsettling to behold, but he would maintain eye contact regardless.


Gwynevere has experienced this type of person before. Her face was calm and relaxed, she was practically an open book before him currently. "Please relax, Cardinal Viktor. May I offer you some water? It is quite muggy out today, and I find my mouth drying as fast as I can wet it." She of course was exaggerating a small bit, but it was quite humid outside. She sips a bit more of her water, a small gesture bring a guard by. Even if Viktor said no, she was sure to need some more herself and tasked the guard to grab a fresh pitcher. "In any case, I requested your presence today so that I might learn more about you as a person. We've spoken little to none at all since you've risen among our ranks, and I try to learn about all you young ones." She stands back up and begins heading towards the targets again, her hand gesturing for the man to follow. "How have you been settling in to your station, Cardinal?" She forms her bow, and begins firing arrows as some of the personnel begin using the mechanisms to make the targets move at random. "Have you been keeping up with your physical training along side your desk work?"


The man didn't seem to relax, or at least not visibly. Any of his subordinates would be able to tell them that this was his default, regardless of the situation. "No, thank you" He would decline the water politely as the woman would begin to explain why she had called him in to meet today. Seemed at least a little arbitrary to him, but there was no point in arguing that now he was here. Idly following her along to the nearby practice targets.

"I believe I am well suited to my role, no issues to report for now" He watched as the woman drew her bow, beginning to fire away at the targets effortlessly. Unfortunately, his own abilities were abnormal for a quincy, however he would decide to show her just a little of what he was capable of. It took mere moments to gather reishi to form a number of throwing knives which he would launch across to the targets. Each one embedding itself in a separate dummy's head with a casual ease to show his host he was perfectly able. "Of course, combat prowess is essential" He was leading one of the more combat focused cardinalities, and his precision seemed to be a good indicator of this.


While at first displeased at the refusal of a drink, she understands that not everyone dealt with the heat as poorly as she did. He was polite, and that alone was more important to her. And he was doing well in his station, always pleasant to hear. Her reports said as such, but that was only taking into account the quality of work. Not how he was personally handling it. "Good to hear, Cardinal." At this point she had fired her shot, making her comment about his physical training and the like. Then, he makes a display of his own, nailing the moving wooden dummies in the head with manifested knives with ease. She wasn't exactly expecting a physical display, just a simple 'Yes, ma'am.', 'Of course, Imperator.', or 'I have.'

Something simple, but he got a pleased nod. Her smile never left her face. "I am glad to see your skills have not dulled with the increased desk work. You'll be a good role-model for those under you and those looking to join." She continues firing, pelting some new wooden dummies and them piercing right through previously fired arrows down the center. She had trained like this for countless years, such repeated accuracy was muscle memory. "Now, if that was all I wanted to know I could have done so through some form. I'm sure by now you've heard about what happened over in New York? Truly, a shame for the Committee to have been destroyed." She stops firing at this point, and has those operating it take a break. She keeps the bow manifested though, planting the bottom tip a little into the ground. "What are your thoughts on the matter? How do you think we should handle this? What would you recommend to the Primarch and myself?" Of course the Primarch and Gwynevere were working plans out, this was all just to see how Viktor responded, shed a bit of his thought processes. Reveal just what kind of person he was to her.


"I find I do my best work in the field" He wasn't sure if this woman understood the purpose of his cardinality, but acting as the black ops for the group tended to leave little paperwork to do. He tended to keep any paper trail to a minimum if at all possible. Though she would quickly move the conversation towards recent events in New York. "I have agents on site as we speak, I plan on dispatching whatever leadership exists in the group as soon as possible" It seemed he had acted fast. No time for idle planning when a city had been essentially wiped from the map.

"Early reports suggest there is a number of humans acting in the region too, we are unsure of their origin at this stage" He begun, recalling the information that had been passed back to him so far. "It may be an assassin cell, they use modified firearms and tend to choose their battles rather than open warfare. Once the situation is resolved we will need to learn more about this group" With that out of the way, he followed on with his suggestion for how to deal with the situation. "As far as I can tell, the sinners will be dealing with an attack on two fronts. Which means we can leave a smaller force actively combating the threat with the majority left in reserves in case of a large scale attack"


His words were... surprising to her. He had people dispatched already? While she was glad the man had reacted quick, his actions were still none the less surprising. "I see... and when were you planning to inform the Primarch and myself of this?" While the circumstances called for the action, he should have run this through both herself and the Primarch first. "I trust that you have communications available with those out in the field. Please, ensure they don't do anything too soon. A plan will be going underway soon and we do not need unwanted attention, especially from the Hollows." The grip upon her bow slightly tightened before she spoke. "Speaking of, you will be receiving a summons to appear before the Primarch for a mission soon. Hopefully, it will help us in purging the Hollows in New York." She straightens up and as she does so, the bow in her hands breaks away into Spirit Particles. "In any case, I thank you for your time Cardinal. You are free to ask me anything if you want since I asked much of you today. If not, I will not keep you, I am sure you have a busy day ahead."


"The situation demanded quick response, and my cardinality does not benefit from red tape." He watched idly, judging her response. It seemed the man played by his own rules, though clearly he was not doing so out disrespect for his superiors, but a more pragmatic sort of way. His work was far too important to wait for the higher ups to agree with his assessment. "I trust you understand the meaning of black-ops, that will not be a problem" He brushed himself off seeing as they were apparently done for the day. "Very well, I'll wait for further instruction" when he was offered a question of his own, the man would simply shake his head before offering another bow and turning to leave. "I think I've learned everything I need to know, thank you for your time today Imperator" And wordlessly, he would exit her compound and be on his way.

- Exit -

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