Thor Blerster
Hello Guest,
You are now able to buy the bot space to advertise your forum/site/adoptable page/almost anything,
Currently available banner ad spots - 2
Here are the costs as following for the 400 x 250px banner ads:
1 week package - $4
2 weeks package - $9
3 weeks package - $12
4 weeks (1 month) package - $15
3 month package - $45
6 month package - $75
Those interested, email me at to discuss buying an ad spot, including payment details and whatnot.
You are now able to buy the bot space to advertise your forum/site/adoptable page/almost anything,
Currently available banner ad spots - 2
Here are the costs as following for the 400 x 250px banner ads:
1 week package - $4
2 weeks package - $9
3 weeks package - $12
4 weeks (1 month) package - $15
3 month package - $45
6 month package - $75
Those interested, email me at to discuss buying an ad spot, including payment details and whatnot.