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#1Amaya Nanashi  Empty Amaya Nanashi Mon Apr 13, 2020 12:25 pm

Anna Nanashi

Anna Nanashi


Name:Amaya Nanashi
Alias:Ice Princess, Amy
Real Age: 450
Phys. Age: 13
Gender: female
Personality: Amaya is very much like the child that she looks. She can act like an entitled spoiled brat that well she is being the youngest of her Noble Family. She is sort of their titled “ice Princess” and Next heir for Head of the family. She can be sweet when she wants to be but for the most part, everyone is gravel under her feet.

However when it comes to battle and being serious, She is much of a different person. When it comes to battle, she seems to lose or lock away all the childish feelings and self entitlement. She becomes a cold blooded killer that very much hates fighting but knows it is her duty to protect the honor of her family and the gotei.


Weight: 90 lbs
Physical Traits:


General Fighting Style: Amaya is a very ability dependent fighter due to her zanpakuto and the default abilities and skills her family tend to have
Strengths: reistu control, strength
Weaknesses:  Hand to hand zanjutsu,


Appearance: Amaya will lift her blade up before letting it drop. The moment it drops before her hand the zanpakuto will liquify into a mass wave of free flowing water around herself. Her outfit becomes a form fitting robe with loose fitting from the waist down and elbows down. Her hair gets pulled into a half braided bun as it turns a snow white losing its light bluish tint.

Passive Abilities:Water Manipulation
Passive Ability Description: At will, Amaya can move the wster freely as well a increase and decrease the water she uses. She is able to manipulate the water in whatever way she wanted whether it was making a shield, swords, creatures, anything her heart desires and multiple items at one time.

Ability Name: Gigant Water Vortex
Ability Description: Amaya will extend a hand before moving it into a large circle her water will expand and form the circle 5 meters. As it builds up its spimming strength she will push her hand towards the left sending the huge vortex to stream down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilization is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. It grants one Gran Rey Cero of damage 3 post cooldown.

Ability Name:Water Cyclone
Ability Description: by spining her hand her water will glow and form into a cyclone that will pull at her oppone t bringing thwm into its depths before it will spit them against the ground granting bala damage.

Ability Name:Water cobra
Ability Description:Part of Amaya's water will sink into the ground for either the duration of the battle or till Amaya wishes for it to reveal itself. In this form large snake or tenticle like ropes will come out and attempt to bind with the equivalent of a Bakudo 20.

Ability Name:Crashing dragons
Ability Description: amaya's water will spread out around her and her opponent seeming tired. As her opponent gets close or an attack is sent at her. One of two things happen.

A stream of water will pop up sending a volley of water bullets going at bala speeds will be sent at the opponent granting bala damage per bullet.

The second is if an opponent attacks another stream will move up infront. If this attack is energy or projectile the stream will direct it right back at bala speeds. but if physical a stream will pop up from the pool redirecting the opponent's aim while protecting Amaya. Has a 3 post duration with a post cooldown.


New Name: Mizu to kōri
Appearance: Amaya will become wrapped in her water before it disperse showing a pair of lace gloves with sharpen fingers. Armor plating will show going up her arm to her shoulders. Her long robes will shorten to a sleeveless kimono top with shirts and armor plating from her knees down to her boots. Her now pastle blue hair is in a braide reaching down to mid back with shards of ice.

Passive Ability Name: Icical command
Passive Ability Description: amaya is able to manipulate water as well as ice at will to create and do whatever she wants whether to make a shield or any weapon she desires or multiple items as well as with every swing or movement of her fingers she sends 5 small icicles in whatever direction she moves them towards.

Passive Ability name: Tundra
Passive Ability Description:  Upon releasing into her bankai a field of ice up to 50 meter will form and deform upon movement keeping around her. On this ice she gains a 1x speed boost.

Ability name: Pelting Ice
Ability Description: by drawing a circle of any size anywhere (up to three circles at once) shards of ice will form before sent at bala speed (up to twenty shards). If it hits a target or surface the ice will explode giving bala damage. 1 post cooldown.

Ability name: Hail storm
Ability Description: The ground around Amaya will shatter becoming a storm of shards all over. At will, the shards will split into 5 groups before spinning around her enemy before attacking at various times and angles. When hit an explousion will happen presenting Bala Damage. Presents bala to Cero Oscara depending on how many of the 5 ways hit her opponent.Cooldown depends on how many of the 5 waves hit.


New Name: Mizu to kōri no futago no otome
Passive Ability Name: Ice Feathers
Passive Ability Description: With every attack and or ability used Amaya will leave behind a feather. These feathers are quiet useful for attacks and future attacks. She herself uses a dagger that appears like a feather that also sends or leaves a feather behind with each swing

Ability Name: Feather parade.
Ability Description: Amaya will spread her cape like cloak out sending a shower of. Ice feathers at her oppoent in which will cause bala damage and any feathers that hits the opponent or surface will spread out into ice and numb that area or limb making it useless for the duration of a post. Has a post cooldown.

Ability Name: Feather replacement
Ability Description: Once every two posts Amaya can create a feather clone of herself that will take her place allowing her to become cloaked like a bakudo 26 for the remained of the post. If the clone is physically attack it will harden around what attacked it before explouding to a volley of feathers in every direction presenting cero damage on explousion sending the feathers at bala speeds.if the attack is from a projectile it will still exploude but send the attack back at the caster with additional feathers sent with it.

Ability Name: Feather Storm
Ability Description: Amaya will send a feather into the air before a shower of feathers will come down at bala speeds striking at her enemy. Any cuts or strikes the manage to hit will cause a patch of ice to form for a post before explouding presenting bala damage per patch. 1 post cd.

Ability Name: Ice Augmentation
Ability Description: Any kidou or casted spells she casts or her replacement sends back will have an ice like aura around them presenting the possibility of numbing the strike area if it hits.

Ability Name: Total Recall malfunction
Ability Description: The feathers that are left out and around the field can be called back to her. These feathers will rush to her and arnt afraid to go through her enemies or barriers. Each presents cuts and patches of ice if stuck having the same effects as Feather Storm. Upon her feathers gathering infront of her they will form into a ball in front of her before being fired like a ice feather beam sent at cero speed presenting gran rey Damage. 3 post cd.

1. Youngest daughter of Seishin Nanashi
2. Lost her elder sister in a mass fire from a suspected recent hollowfied Shinigami
3. Plans to be better then her sister and become the new head of the Nanashi for her sister.
Side Notes: Meh.
Roleplay Sample: Nope.

#2Amaya Nanashi  Empty Re: Amaya Nanashi Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:06 pm

Ika Mazi

Ika Mazi
Approved 1-3

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